path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020609.log
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authorRobert Hak <>2002-06-14 09:07:19 +0000
committerRobert Hak <>2002-06-14 09:07:19 +0000
commit216e50b3b66b8c8f15f4e06a6c9e535cb4b216c6 (patch)
tree4d5abc5e313302f22f22ed3b529a335726d6e881 /www/irc/rockbox-20020609.log
parent17f8390c44623955bc5b2e969b7ac1dcb788c453 (diff)
updating irc logs
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
Diffstat (limited to 'www/irc/rockbox-20020609.log')
1 files changed, 1772 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020609.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020609.log
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index 0000000000..19dcd3a452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/irc/rockbox-20020609.log
@@ -0,0 +1,1772 @@
1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jun 6 03:13:16 2002
3--> adiamas (~adiamas@ has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Version 1.0 released!
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by adi|home at Tue Jun 4 04:41:56
6<Bagder> howdy adiamas
7<adiamas> howdy...
8<adiamas> just had a major power outage here...
9<adiamas> lasted near 2 hrs
10<adiamas> all year we're find...
11<adiamas> world cup comes on a POOF
12<adiamas> damnit
13<Bagder> hehe
14<Bagder> must be a conspiracy somehow ;-)
15<adiamas> damn right
16<adiamas> i blame the canadians
17<Bagder> I miss a tetris for recorder link on the web site
18<Bagder> that lazy web master B-]
19<dwihno> Linus: Will you take on the mission to write the decoder code for the recorder build?
20* Bagder mutters when reading source code written on 160 col lines...
21<adiamas> hehehe
22<adiamas> who did that?
23<Bagder> at work
24<Bagder> silly windows users
25<adiamas> hehehe
26<adiamas> sorry ;)
27<adiamas> i made a deal with a buddy at work...
28<adiamas> he went to 80 cols
29<adiamas> i went to 8 space tabs
30<Bagder> oh, what a sacrifice
31<adiamas> heheh
32<Bagder> I just yell at them ;-)
33<Bagder> and go my way
34<adiamas> we still bitch at each other ;)-
35<Bagder> hehe
36<dwihno> 8 space tabs?!
37* Bagder wonders why he has no friends left ;-)
38<dwihno> Now that's insane
39<dwihno> looks like somebody dropped a bomb in the source code!
40<Bagder> source code should not have tabs, only space
41<dwihno> They should have tabs
42* Bagder casts a spell on dwihno, you windows... eh, windows... person
43<dwihno> what's wrong with tabs?
44<Bagder> people set different tab sizes
45<dwihno> of course
46<Bagder> they are 8 when you print
47<dwihno> :set ts=8
48<Bagder> it make outputs look crap
49<dwihno> depends on what printing stuff you use
50<Bagder> yes, if you're two people you can set requirements on that
51<Bagder> in a development team with many people, you can't
52<dwihno> :)
53<Bagder> believe me, I seen it, done it, used it ;-)
54* Bagder now has 11 years in the "business"
55<dwihno> set ts=4
56<dwihno> whoa
57<dwihno> how old are you?
58<dwihno> 40?
59<Bagder> 31
60<dwihno> scary
61<Bagder> indeed
62<dwihno> I will NEVER get old! :)
63<dwihno> What kind of education do you possess?
64<Bagder> the hard way, the school of life, spare time assembler and work ;-)
65<Bagder> like Zagor and Linus, I have no formal education in this area
66<Bagder> we're all home brewed
67<dwihno> Are you pleased with your salary?
68--- Linus is now known as Linus|very
69<Bagder> is anyone ever? ;-)
70<dwihno> I was
71--- Linus|very is now known as Linus|busy
72<Bagder> I am
73<dwihno> Although a bitch coder with ZERO skills had more than me, and that bugged me.
74<Bagder> that's not the case for me
75<dwihno> coderess
76<Bagder> although currently the market isn't exactly splendid
77<dwihno> not really
78<Bagder> it means less money when the customers renegotiates the rates
79<dwihno> MONEY FOR ALL(TM)
80<-- Linus|busy has quit ("disconnecting from stoned server.")
81<-- datazone has quit (
82<-- webmind has quit (
83<-- adi|work has quit (
84<-- Hadaka has quit (
85<-- elinenbe has quit (
86<-- PsycoXul has quit (
87<-- trillback has quit (
88<-- Tumm has quit (
89<-- dwihno has quit (
90<-- Bagder has quit (
91<-- miah has quit (
92--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
93--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
94--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
95--> trillback ( has joined #rockbox
96--> datazone ([sm5Ow6WK8@ has joined #rockbox
97--> webmind ( has joined #rockbox
98--> adi|work ( has joined #rockbox
99--> Hadaka ( has joined #rockbox
100--> PsycoXul ( has joined #rockbox
101--> miah ( has joined #rockbox
102--> Tumm ( has joined #rockbox
103--> dwihno (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) has joined #rockbox
104--> ironi ( has joined #rockbox
105<Bagder> hey ironi
106<dwihno> damn
107<ironi> hi there
108<ironi> *yawn*
109* dwihno just realized that writing sql queries sometimes is a pain in the /dev/arse
110<ironi> dwihno: why is that
111<dwihno> I want to return multiple counts
112<dwihno> in 1 query
113<dwihno> +----+--------+----+-----------+
114<dwihno> | id | name | id | projectid |
115<dwihno> +----+--------+----+-----------+
116<dwihno> | 2 | Apan | 1 | 39 |
117<dwihno> | 2 | Apan | 2 | 40 |
118<dwihno> | 2 | Apan | 3 | 41 |
119<dwihno> | 3 | Assar | 1 | 39 |
120<dwihno> +----+--------+----+-----------+
121<dwihno> I want to return the projectid count for every id [left one]
122<adiamas> 1. i don't know if postgres lets you
123<adiamas> 2. if you could, you prob do it in a sub query
124<adiamas> ie: select count(id) from table where id in (select unique id from table)
125<adiamas> or some such
126<adiamas> but i dont' think you can do it..
127<adiamas> i know in oracle we have to do a seperate count for each
128<ironi> you cnat do sub querys in postgres
129<ironi> ?
130<dwihno> me is using mysql
131<ironi> ok
132<ironi> anyway
133<ironi> i dont unbderstand what you want
134<ironi> i dont gett the table
135<dwihno> I have a table linking two tables together
136<dwihno> to make multiple selection of objects available
137<ironi> ok sure
138<dwihno> the link table has the userid and projectid
139<ironi> you have a like a projcet table , a member table, and a project_member table?
140<dwihno> and for every user, I want to count the number of projects matching the user id, in a single query
141<ironi> saying which member is involved in which project
142<dwihno> yup
143<ironi> but is the table you pasted the result you want, right?
144<dwihno> nope
145<dwihno> just some example stuff :)
146<ironi> eh,....
147<ironi> caue your project_user tablejust has project id and member id, right
148<dwihno> yup
149<ironi> ok
150<ironi> well that is impossible with out a subquery
151<ironi> and in mysql you cant do them
152<dwihno> darn!
153<ironi> well maybe you could do a join
154<dwihno> I wanted to draw a cute progress bar :)
155<ironi> it was a while since i used sql
156<dwihno> 1 query per user would be a pain in the arse
157<ironi> yeah
158<dwihno> but who gives a shit ;)
159<ironi> but...
160<ironi> cant you just do a loop?
161<dwihno> 1 query to get the ID's and then 1 query per userid
162<ironi> well eya
163<ironi> yea
164<ironi> loop trough the id's , getting the result for each
165<ironi> or can't you do your progress bar then?
166<dwihno> Hehe
167<dwihno> The progress bar makes the stuff so CUTE! :D
168<-- ironi has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
169--> ironi ( has joined #rockbox
170<dwihno> Why did I ever start doing SQL stuff?!
171* dwihno dumps the idea of progress bar ;)
172<ironi> dwihno: are you doing php with it ?
173<dwihno> ironi: jees
174<dwihno> Pee Höö Pee
175<ironi> but dwihno
176<ironi> cant you do select, count(projectid) from user,user_project WHERE user.userid=poject.userid
177<ironi> or am i thinking wrong
178<ironi> ooops
179<ironi> select, count(user_project.projectid) from user,user_project WHERE user.userid=user_project.userid
180<ironi> dwihno: how about that?
181<ironi> dwihno! wake up!
182* Bagder offers ironi the microphone and turns up the volume of the loadspeakers
183<ironi> thank you
184<ironi> *harkel*
185<dwihno> ironi: hellö hellö
186<ironi> dwihno: so?
187<dwihno> What who how?
188<ironi> read the last query i wrote
189<dwihno> *read*
190<ironi> cant you do it like that?
191<dwihno> hey, that might work
192<ironi> im kinda embarrased i didnt come up with it immediately
193<dwihno> Don't be! :)
194<dwihno> You gave me the DELL tip! :D
195<ironi> ehm
196<ironi> i think you will have to group by
197<ironi> select, count(user_project.projectid) from user,user_project WHERE user.userid=user_project.userid GROUP BY user.username
198<ironi> otherwise you weill get count for all rows on all rows
199<ironi> =)
200<ironi> ok i should be group by if i used inthe slect clause
201<ironi> but u know what i mean
202<dwihno> Yeah
203<dwihno> YOU GAVE ME THE DELL TIP! :D
204<ironi> so did this work?
205<dwihno> I'm fiddling
206<dwihno> Battery charged
207<dwihno> I love my archos
208<dwihno> I never realized I couldn't live without it before I actually got it!
209<ironi> my just shows charging...
210<Bagder> dwihno: you tried tetris on it yet?
211<ironi> i dont use mine as much as i should
212<dwihno> Bagder: No tetris for the recorder yet ;/
213<Bagder> there is
214<Bagder> wait
215<dwihno> There is?
216* Bagder scans for the URL
218--> jb1081 ( has joined #rockbox
219<Bagder> it doesn't spin down the HD though
220<dwihno> hey, it worked
221<dwihno> Bagder: how come?
222<Bagder> the ATA code should do that
223<Bagder> ... and it doesn't work on the recorder yet :-)
224<dwihno> hehe
225<dwihno> Then why are you IRC:ing?! :)
226<Bagder> hm
227<Bagder> I don't know ;-)
228<ironi> dwihno: you're welcome
229<ironi> after 10 credits of sql i should have given you the answer immediately
230<ironi> =
231<ironi> )
232* ironi is gone, out in da sun [l/on p/on]
233<dwihno> ironi: THE SUN WILL GET YOU KILLED! Get back here! :)
234<ironi> i have my ray-bans
235* Bagder gets valgrind and ddives in
236<dwihno> valgrind?
237<Bagder> "Valgrind, an open-source memory debugger for x86-GNU/Linux"
238<Hadaka> valgrind is nice
239<dwihno> I will invent something too!
240<dwihno> I know, a new X11 toolkit! ;D
241<Bagder> valgrind is really nice
242<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
243--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
244<Hadaka> hey, have you guys looked into 'newlib'?
245<Linus> you mean the removal of it?
246<Hadaka> hm, I'm quite out of things - removal?
247<dwihno> What's newlib btw?
248<Hadaka> nm, I'd better read the mailinglist archives before I ask stupid questions
249<Hadaka> Newlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems.
250<Linus> I thought you meant if we had gotten rid of our newlib dependencies yet
251<Linus> we use newlib today
252<Hadaka> why do you want to get rid of it?
253<Linus> but only for a few functions
254<dwihno> Hadaka: Ah, okay
255<Linus> because it is of no use to us other that for the header files
256<dwihno> header files are evil! :)
257<Linus> :-)
258<Hadaka> hm ok, I don't know enough to comment
259<dwihno> #include <linus_secret_stuff.h>
260<dwihno> That's all you need when doing embedded stuff! :)
261<Linus> We used newlib in the beginning when we didn't have much implemented
262<Linus> but now we have all that newlib has to offer internally
263<Linus> that gives us a smaller footprint
264* dwihno counted project time today
265<Linus> and you don't need to compile newlib when you build the cross compiler
266<dwihno> <-- is gonna afford a kickass DELL box! :D
267<Linus> dwihno: a laptop?
268<Hadaka> same interface as newlib or your own?
269<dwihno> yup :)
270<Linus> Hadaka: same. it's ISO standard
271<dwihno> with geforce go card
272<Hadaka> ok
273<dwihno> So I can play cstrike
274<Linus> dwihno: have an URL?
276<Linus> dwihno: phew! that's a BEAST!
277<Linus> a bit heavy, though
278<dwihno> The tip of the day: The bread "gräddad längtan" is yum with salad and stuff :)
279<Linus> and i would like better resolution that 1024X768
280<dwihno> Linus: As long as it works ;D
281<dwihno> I like 1024
282<dwihno> So I'm gonna dual-boot with linux
283<dwihno> Linus: You should get some lunch!
284<Hadaka> I've been very happy since I uninstalled windows my laptops
285<dwihno> Hadaka: I need Windows for Photoshop, Flash, Illustrator etc. :/
286<Hadaka> I usually get several months uptime for my laptop
287<dwihno> yum!
288<dwihno> Now that's what I call a good lunch!
289<-- Bagder has quit ("disconnecting from stoned server.")
290--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
291* Bagder made his first customized valgrind supresses
292* dwihno is back from the quake session
293--> havardk ( has joined #rockbox
294<dwihno> havard kvålen?
295<havardk> emm, yes?
296<dwihno> Cool :)
297<webmind> try icelandic
298<havardk> dwihno : who are you, and why do you know my name? :)
299* Bagder awaits the answer ;-)
300<Bagder> havardk: tried rockbox?
301<havardk> no, I haven't
302<havardk> I don't have an Archos, although I've been thinking about getting one
303<Bagder> hehe, ok
304<Bagder> well I haven't *really* tried it either as I have a recorder and we don't do well on that yet
305<Bagder> I've only seen it on Björn's player
306* webmind waits untill is as equal or more features and les bugs then original firmware
307<webmind> it has
308<Bagder> that might take a while .-)
309* dwihno waits until it show other than ata: -5 on the recorder ;)
310<webmind> badi have patience
311<webmind> er
312<webmind> Bagder,
313<webmind> damn this keyboard
314<Bagder> I'm a bit dissapointed no one tried my playlist code on target yet
315<Linus> I am about to.
316<Bagder> oh
317<Bagder> I better hide then ;-)
318<Linus> but i have *shrug* work to do...
319* dwihno starts the drumroll
320<Bagder> WORK?! aaaah
321<dwihno> My hands are getting tired... Test the godforsaken playlist code :)
322<Bagder> endurance you need
323<Linus> a world record you will beat, my young apprentice
324<dwihno> Linus: Get back to work ;)
325<Linus> yes. master
326<dwihno> Damn, it's hot outside!
327<dwihno> Obey me, you will
328<Linus> :-)
329<Bagder> rockbox is gaining rank quickly on sourceforge activity
330<-- trillback has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
331--> edx ( has joined #rockbox
332<Bagder> hi edx
333<edx> yo
334--- edx is now known as edx|class
335<edx|class> :)
336<edx|class> irony.. you got the css file of the internet site?
337<edx|class> i think there's the defualt font set for linux... take like arial / sans ms for that..
338<edx|class> hmm bagder.. any progress regarding ata?
339<edx|class> gotta go
340<Bagder> no progress yet
341<Linus> I'm beginning my Recorder serial mod now...keep your fingers crossed
342* Bagder crosses everything he has
343<Linus> Strange...the Line In is already patched on my Recorder
344<Bagder> uh!
345<Linus> two long wires across the entire CPU board
346<Linus> and connected to two capacitors
347<Linus> I'll just remove them and connect them to the serial port...
348<Linus> ...scalpel, nurse...
349* dwihno hands Linus the crowbar
350<Hadaka> ehh
351<dwihno> Linus: patched?
352<dwihno> Linus: In what way?
353--> jedix ( has joined #rockbox
354<jedix> hey
355<dwihno> hey ho
356<jedix> whats up?
357<Bagder> we're busy crossing fingers for Linus
358<Bagder> he has his fingers in his Archos as we speak ;-)
359<jedix> cool
360<jedix> I dunno how to handle this scrolling thing without this being OO or threads
361* dwihno crosses his toes too
362<dwihno> See? :)
363<dwihno> ooo
364<dwihno> O
365<dwihno> hmm
366<dwihno> :)
367<Bagder> we have threads
368<jedix> see the problem is right now, it just does scrolling.. all the time, and nothing else
369<jedix> its in a while(true) loop... :/
370<Bagder> yes, but it could be in its own thread
371<Bagder> perhaps
372<jedix> yes, that would do it
373<Bagder> there's a minor drawback with that: we don't have threads in the simulator (yet) ;-/
374<jedix> an other small problem is that it scrolls well past the screen(takes a while for it to come back)
375<Bagder> how do you mean?
376<jedix> it scrolls to the left until you can;t see it.. but then it keeps going
377<Bagder> so make it not do that ;-)
378<jedix> yeah, working on that :)
379<jedix> also, the text warps around the line on me..
380<jedix> where does that happen?
381<Bagder> that's a flaw in the simulator
382<jedix> oh, ok
383<Bagder> I'll have a look at it right now
384<Bagder> that's lcd_puts() in a player, right?
385<jedix> yeah
386<jedix> brb, going to get breakfast
387<Bagder> ok, I'll commit a fix
388<Bagder> hm, bad fix
389<Bagder> better
390<jedix> hehe
391<jedix> so, if I update my cvs.. will my changes be removed?
392<Bagder> no
393<Bagder> they'll be merged
394<jedix> k
395<jedix> i get a few errors
396<Bagder> when updating?
397<jedix> building
398<Bagder> show me
399<jedix> /home/liam/archos/build/tree.o: In function `peek_next_track':
400<jedix> /home/liam/archos/uisimulator/x11/../../apps/tree.c:213: undefined reference to `playlist_next'
401<jedix> /home/liam/archos/build/tree.o: In function `dirbrowse':
402<jedix> /home/liam/archos/uisimulator/x11/../../apps/tree.c:307: undefined reference to `play_list'
403<jedix> /home/liam/archos/build/play.o: In function `playtune':
404<jedix> /home/liam/archos/uisimulator/x11/../../apps/play.c:88: undefined reference to `mpeg_play'
405<-- edx|class has quit ("be home soon :)")
406<Bagder> did you update the uisimulator tree too?
407<jedix> I updated everything
408<Bagder> hm, do 'make clean' and 'make' again to be sure
409<jedix> same thing
410<jedix> you don't get this?
411<Bagder> nope, and neither do
412<jedix> cvs update -dP in the root dir..
413<Bagder> where you checked out "." ?
414<jedix> yeah
415<jedix> yeah
416<jedix> sorry, wrong window
417<jedix> cvs update: move away uisimulator/x11/xmu.h; it is in the way
418<jedix> C uisimulator/x11/xmu.h
419<jedix> is that ok?
420<Bagder> no
421<Bagder> I mean, sure you can remove it, and it'll come back when you update
422<Bagder> but it shouldn't say that in the first place
423<Bagder> hm, are you running make in the uisimulator/x11 dir?
424<jedix> I did once.. but I just deleted that dir
425<Bagder> the uisimulator/x11 ?
426<jedix> I got it now
427<jedix> i deleted the uisimulator dir
428<jedix> and it works
429<Bagder> it works without that dir?
430<jedix> no I updated and got it again
431<Bagder> ah
432<Bagder> ok
433<Bagder> fine
434<jedix> the text still wraps to the next line though
435<jedix> but I fixed my scroll problem :)
436<Bagder> wraps one letter or completely?
437<jedix> completely
438<dwihno> cool stuff :D
439--- dwihno is now known as dw|weekend
440<dw|weekend> SWEDEN SHALL WIN! :D
441<jedix> I'm sure its thursday
442<dw|weekend> Me too
443<dw|weekend> I'm taking the day off
444<dw|weekend> 1) watch the game
445<dw|weekend> 2) go for a weekend trip
446<jedix> nice
447<Bagder> jedix: regarding the wrapping, you either check out why in the lcd_puts() or I fix that when I code that shows this happen
448<jedix> k
449--> dfg (~prv@ has joined #rockbox
450<Bagder> I think I know why it happens
451<Bagder> it's a define issue
452<jedix> after I print a line of text I try to clear the rectangle.. but it doesn;t work
453<Hadaka> running mkfs.vfat on my archos right now
454<Hadaka> would I need to specify the logical sector size by hand?
455<Bagder> I don't know
456<Hadaka> well I didn't, anyway
457<Hadaka> though I did put -F 32 just in case
458<Bagder> yes, you need that
459<Bagder> if I recall correctly
460<Hadaka> I wonder how long this will take
461<Hadaka> ooh, finished
462<Hadaka> hmm! where does this thing save the play mode?
463<Hadaka> after mkfs.vfat, it still is in random play
464<Bagder> it saved in an unused sector
465<Bagder> +is
466<Hadaka> unused sector outside the filesystem?
467<Bagder> yes
468<Bagder> one of the first ones
469<jedix> what is LCD_WIDTH measured in? is it the amount of chars that can be displayed on the screen?
470<Hadaka> ok so if I stumbled around with fdisk, I could get it erased or something?
471<Bagder> jedix: that is pixels, and is only available for bitmap LCDs
472<jedix> Bagder: how do I get the lenght on the other screen?
473<Bagder> Hadaka: I'm not really sure, I'm mostly repeating things I've learned from the others right now
474<Bagder> I dunno
475<Bagder> maybe there's a define, maybe not ;-)
476<Hadaka> yikes, cache writes are scary
477<Bagder> Linus: what's the status?
478<Hadaka> weird - I get 10Mb/sec transfer rates and then total lockups when it actually writes the stuff to the disk
479<Bagder> uh :-(
480<Hadaka> ooh I love preemptiple kernel patch
481<Hadaka> load at 4 :)
482--> edx ( has joined #rockbox
483<edx> hi
484<Bagder> rehi
485<jedix> Hadaka = Linus?
486<jedix> hey edx
487<jedix> oh... nm
488<edx> heh.. your function is working now?
489<Hadaka> nno, I'm not linus :)
490<Linus> I am Linus
491<-- ironi has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
492<Linus> i have connected the serial port on the recorder
493<Linus> but the Tx isn't quite working
494<Linus> i might have to dust off the oscilloscope
495<edx> that's for debugging?
496<Linus> yes
497<edx> might that help with the ata problem?
498<Linus> of course
499<jedix> edx: sorta working
500<edx> ah ok
501<edx> *teatime* :)
502--- Linus is now known as Linus|verybusy
503<edx> linux: to me it seems the memory area for the command is wrong (but i dont know much about that h/w business)
504--- edx is now known as edx|tea
505<Linus|verybusy> edx|tea: not according to the schematics
506<Linus|verybusy> Guys! Do we know if the clock frequency on the recorder is 12MHz as well?
507<Bagder> I don't
508<Linus|verybusy> The schematics say 11.05
509<Bagder> oh
510<Linus|verybusy> that means i have to recalculate the baud generator...
511<Bagder> yeah
512<Bagder> no wonder it doesn't work ;-)
513<Hadaka> is the cpu in these running at full speed at all times - or is there some halt mechanism?
514<Bagder> I believe there is some kind of sleep mode, but then we probably can't be playing mp3
515<Hadaka> but while playing, the thing is running at full cpu?
516<Bagder> yes
517--- edx|tea is now known as edx
518<edx> hmm the frequenzy doesnt have anything to do with ata, does it?
519* edx wants ata to work :)
520<Bagder> but the frequency needs to be known for the serial port to work
521<Bagder> without serial port, no gdb
522<edx> yea.. serial port..
523<Bagder> without gdb, no ata debugging
524<edx> but ata .. hehe
525<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0/20020530]")
526<Hadaka> 6293838 100% 56.69kB/s 0:01:47
527<Hadaka> 968704 100% 12.75MB/s 0:00:00
528<Hadaka> I wonder if all this fluctuation is caused by the preemptible kernel patch or the uhci stuff or the fact that I have debug output still on in usb-storage
529<jedix> that good or bad?
530<Hadaka> well I dunno - I can tell when the transfer is finished that what was the total speed
531<Hadaka> it's a tad bit annoying atleast not to see the real transfer speed since you only see files going into the cache - and then going out of the cache afterwards
532<-- Linus|verybusy ( has left #rockbox
533--> Coug (~bandaarp@ has joined #rockbox
534<Coug> hey all
535<Coug> hello?
536<edx> hi
537<webmind> hi
538<Coug> ah finally
539<Coug> are any of you developers in the rockbox project?
540<webmind> some
541<Coug> is there any ambition to add aac support to the firmware?
542<webmind> aac?
543<webmind> what's that?
544<Coug> advanced audio something
545<webmind> doubt it
546<Coug> low bitrate - high quality
547<webmind> cos mp3 decoding is done trhough hardware
548<webmind> through
549<Coug> ah
550<webmind> decoding chip
551<Coug> dang
552<Coug> do you know, are there any dos drivers for the archos?
553<webmind> so i think mp3/mpeg will be it
554<webmind> doubt it
555--> satino ( has joined #rockbox
556<Coug> is there a way to create recorder drivers for dos?
557<webmind> if u can get usb to work in dos
558<Coug> how can you do that?
559<webmind> get drivers
560<webmind> doubt they exist though
561<Coug> lol
562<Coug> you mean just straight usb drivers?
563<webmind> well
564<Coug> or archos recorder drivers?
565<webmind> u need usb support no ?
566<Coug> of course
567<webmind> afaik archos uses usb.. so
568<webmind> u need usb support in dos
569<Coug> true
570<webmind> and support for the usb harddrive controller
571<webmind> isd200
572<Coug> ok
573<Coug> but you can use usb keyboards in dos
574<Coug> so there has to be at least some level of usb support
575<webmind> dunno bout that
576<satino> can my archos jukebox work under linux?
577<Coug> if you get linux drivers
578<satino> is it easy to set up?
579<Coug> webmind - my whole goal here is to turn the archos into a bootable harddrive
580<webmind> satino, sure.. linux support is the current kernel
581<webmind> Coug, ah.. i think u need bios support then
582<webmind> Coug, dunno if there are any bios's that support booting from usb hd
583<Coug> i was thinking about a boot disk (floppy) that allows you to then boot to the archos
584<webmind> Coug, ah.. then try a linux boot disk :)
585<webmind> that has drivers :)
586<Coug> for the archos though?
587<miah> to get the archos workign in linux, you need a kernel that supports SCSI, and USB ISD2000, you wont see the ISD2000 config option unless scsi is enabled though
588<satino> webmind, well, do I need to compile a new kernel?
589<webmind> satino, if u dont have support build in.. probably yes
590<webmind> Coug, if u have your bootdisk with a kernel with acrhos support u just access it as a scsi harddrive.. and thus boot from it
591<Coug> webmind - how will that work, because i want to boot windows xp
592<Coug> could i close linux and then still boot?
593<Coug> webmind - could you lead me through the general process (starting with the floppy) for a bootable archos?
594<webmind> Coug, u wont be able to run xp from it
595<webmind> not booting
596<Coug> that is why i was thinking DOS
597<webmind> wont work
598<webmind> xp doesnt run from dos either
599<webmind> u need to load the support for the archos at boot from a different medium
600<Coug> could i then make a bootable cd?
601<webmind> with linux u can put the kernel with the added support on a floppy disk
602<webmind> can't do that with xp
603<webmind> not with winxp
604<Coug> techinically, why not?
605<webmind> cos winxp needs write access
606<Coug> why couldnt it then use the c:\ drive or the archos?
607<webmind> and it's not reilly possible to determin the files that need to be writeable and put those on a ram disk
608<webmind> Coug, it could.. but not for booting
609<webmind> and it needs the system files for booting
610<Coug> if the cd just enabled the usb and the driver support for the archos, could you allow the comp to see the archos for booting?
611<Coug> like use the cd as a driver for the archos?
612<Coug> kind of like Microsoft did with Windows 95 and the CD
613<Coug> build in a "mini OS" that allows a program to run off of the CD
614<webmind> Coug, yes.. but u cant do that with winxp
615<Coug> or archos in this case?
616<Coug> can you follow my line of reasoning for a sec?
617<Coug> put in a floppy, or cd, and boot to dos
618<Coug> load the archos drivers for dos that allow read/write access
619<Coug> then start the boot process from the archos
620<Coug> where would the files need to be written to during boot?
621<webmind> Coug, xp doesnt support booting from dos...
622<Coug> ah, how does it work?
623<webmind> xp boots on its own
624<webmind> starting from the NT system windows stopts using dos as underlying platform
625<Coug> ok
626<webmind> xp is followup from windows 200 which is windows nt
627<Coug> so i could do that with 98, but not xp?
628<webmind> windowsm 2000
629<webmind> Coug, u might be able to do it with win98 yes
630<webmind> if u can get dos drivers
631<webmind> which u would probably have to make yourself
632<Coug> that i may be able to do
633<Coug> is there a way to trick xp into thinking that dos is not running?
634<webmind> hehe
635<webmind> not that simple
636<Coug> or a way to initiate the boot process from dos?
637<webmind> dunno.. but doubt it
638<Coug> i figured it wouldnt be, but it was worth a shot
639<webmind> u could run xp within linux though.. but then u would lose a lot of andvantages
640<webmind> like support for 3d cards and stuff
641<Coug> ya
642<Coug> vmware?
643<webmind> uhuh
644<webmind> thereby.. remeber.. archos only can get 1mb/s
645<Coug> i dont have a liscense for it
646<webmind> which is quite slow
647<Coug> ya
648<Coug> no kidding
649<Coug> so.... the trick is tricking the bios into thinking that the archos is a harddrive.....
650<Coug> that doesnt sound easy
651<webmind> u need usb harddrive support in the bios then
652<webmind> ..
653<webmind> and i haven't seen that before
654<webmind> scsi, zip, ls120.. but no usb hd's
655<Coug> then.... is there a way to start the xp boot process from a disk and load the archos driver very early, then refer it to the archos?
656<edx> coug.. they are loaded very early..
657<edx> i once had scandisc run over my archos at boot time
658<Coug> hmmm...... so i could put some of the xp files on a cd then refer the other files to the x:\ or whatever drive?
659<Coug> maybe?
660<webmind> u could put some of the files on the archos yes
661<webmind> proably the stuff like programs
662<webmind> but XP still needs to find them
663<Coug> but windows xp wont all fit on a CD will it?
664<webmind> dont think so
665<webmind> thereby i doubt it will boot from cd
666<webmind> btw, why do u want to boot xp from archos ?
667<webmind> i mean.. it will run terribly slow
668<Coug> i am attending a college that wont allow me to use my archos because of security restrictions
669<Coug> but they allow the download of programs
670<webmind> lovely
671<Coug> so i wanted to download things and put them on the archos
672<webmind> so why boot xp from it ?
673<Coug> and i LOVE xp
674<webmind> well it's not helping u here
675<Coug> and i HATE 98
676<Coug> i know
677--> nicknackpattywac ( has joined #rockbox
678<webmind> i can tell u linux would most likely work
679<Coug> and my friend is a Mac fan *shudder* and he brags that he can put his firewire drive in and boot to it
680<webmind> and if u want to keep full compatibility of the filesystem u could even put your filesystem in a file
681<webmind> u'd just put the kernel on a floppy
682<Coug> how would you boot that?
683<webmind> u'd have look into some docs
684<Coug> i dont know much at all about the boot process of OSes
685<Coug> ok
686<webmind> i'm no expert on the field
687<webmind> but i know what can be done
688<Coug> i dont know what *can* be done, but i am a programmer, so, if it can be thought of, it *can* be done
689<webmind> easiest way would probably be making a different partition on the arcohs
690<Coug> in one way or another
691<webmind> archos
692<Coug> hey.... thats a good idea, but can you do that and still have windows support?
693<webmind> Coug, well for windows solution it sometimes CAN be done.. but not withouth braking laws
694<Coug> do they not allow you to tweak certain things?
695<webmind> edx, do u know if the archos has problems if there are unsupported partitions on the drive ?
696<webmind> Coug, some things.. not most of the things..
697<webmind> Coug, i think u need detailed info on xp if u want to tweak the boot process
698<Coug> do you know where i could get that?
699<Coug> please dont say Microsoft KB
700<webmind> i dont think there is a legal way
701<webmind> unless MS is willing to provide the ingo
702<webmind> info
703<webmind> which i doubt
704<Coug> i dont see why they wouldnt disclose how to boot xp from a cd......
705<Coug> but it is Microsoft
706<webmind> indeed..
707<webmind> they disclose i lot they dont need to
708<webmind> i=a
709<webmind> but i'd say linux should do the trick
710<Coug> ya
711<Coug> but i dont know how to do crap with linux
712<webmind> windows support of the archos wont be the problem i think
713<webmind> but i dont know if the device itself as problems with unsupoorted partitions
714<webmind> Coug, figure it out then :)
715<Coug> lol
716<Coug> i try
717<Coug> but dont know any c or c++ so it gets difficult
718<webmind> if u want to spent time in it.. it's not hard to learn
719<Coug> and alot of my stuff is unsupported by my flavor of linux
720<webmind> u'r a delphi coder?
721<Coug> VB
722<Coug> i have done a little delphi
723<webmind> sorry.. i'd hardly call that a programmer
724<Coug> and i have a good friend that is a delphi coder
725<Coug> i do some java too
726<webmind> delphi is something
727<Coug> no... not jscript
728<webmind> java is indeed coding
729<webmind> but sorry.. visual basic is not
730<Coug> i have worked with basic too
731<Coug> why isnt vb coding?
732<webmind> still
733<Coug> too easy?
734<webmind> cos it's not
735<webmind> it;s just a toolkit
736<webmind> doesn't have any real power
737<Coug> i like to think that i do alot of my own stuff in vb and dont always use pre programmed stuff
738<webmind> vb is preprogrammed
739<Coug> infact, i wrote a program that calculates factorial numbers
740<webmind> u can do that scripting...
741<Coug> and i had to write the multiplication procedure from the ground up
742<Coug> using integers instead of other types
743<Coug> the numbers got too big
744<Coug> the largest number i have calculated is 15000!....
745<Coug> it was 56,140 digits long
746<webmind> ..
747<Coug> so..... i did have to do some programming there
748<Coug> but otherwise, you a right
749<Coug> vb is just a toolkit
750<Coug> a = are
751* webmind prfers perl or c
752<webmind> prefers
753<Coug> ya
754<Coug> i would love to learn c or c++
755<webmind> learn it then
756<webmind> not that hard
757<webmind> lot's of books about it
758<Coug> i am taking a class next year in school over c++
759<Coug> i'll probably wait until then
760<webmind> and dont use vc++ or c# or anything
761<Coug> lol
762<Coug> why not vc++?
763<webmind> cos it's to dependant
764<Coug> oh
765<Coug> ok
766<webmind> i'd advice to first build general C/C++ knowledge
767<webmind> instead of just learning to code some win apps
768<Coug> will do
769<Coug> of course
770<webmind> that way u can choose for what platform u want to code.. or even code for all platforms
771<Coug> ya
772<webmind> which will make you far more flexible.. and as a bonus more interesting for the job market :)
773<Coug> true
774<Coug> so..... do you think that booting xp from cd/archos is a waste of time? or even feasable?
775<miah> its a waste of time
776<webmind> Coug, i dont think it's actually possible.. and if it is.. a waste of time
777<Coug> ah
778<Coug> ok
779<webmind> especially since if it will run.. it will run as slow as hell
780<Coug> how could i boot linux then?
781<Coug> and have archos support?
782<miah> install linux
783<webmind> get a linux boot disk with archos support
784<miah> build kernel with archos support
785<miah> and you're set
786<webmind> use your archos as root device
787<webmind> done
788<Coug> miah - i cant install anything to the harddrive of the computer
789<miah> why?
790<Coug> its not my computer
791<webmind> miah, school machine
792<miah> ah
793<miah> buy a computer?
794<webmind> Coug, fix it on your won machine
795<miah> they're what $200 now?
796<webmind> own
797<miah> if you can afford a archos, you can certainly afford a computer
798<Coug> nah nah, its not that, i dont have high speed internet at home
799<webmind> Coug, install linux then on your archos
800<Coug> and i cant hook my archos at school
801<Coug> (security)
802<Coug> webmind - ok
803<webmind> Coug, it's doable.. but it is some work...
804<webmind> but way more doable then with xp
805<Coug> will mandrake 8.1 work with the archos easily?
806<Coug> ok
807<webmind> Coug, i'd advice debian
808<webmind> Coug, takes less
809<Coug> ok
810<Coug> where can i get that and how big is the dl?
811<Coug> and is there built-in archos support?
812<webmind> u can have a minimal graphical installation for under 300mb
813<Coug> one thing though is that i want X and i would like KDE but KDE isnt nessecary
814<webmind> Coug, dunno if the archos support is on the installdisk.. but otherwise u need a custom installdisk
815<webmind> Coug, i think u want something light... since it's a damn slow device.. so i wouldn't go further then a light gnome installation
816<Coug> how about network config?
817<Coug> easy?
818<webmind> Coug, but windowmaker, blackbox or icewm would be more doable i think
819<webmind> Coug, u can use dhcp
820<webmind> asuming the network has that
821<Coug> if it matters, it is a novell network
822<Hadaka> err um, how does one boot from an usb connected archos device?
823<webmind> Hadaka, bootdisk
824<webmind> floppy
825<Coug> but doesnt require authentication, proved using the mac boot drive
826<Coug> boot = bootable
827<Hadaka> bootdisk with the kernel and stuff?
828<Coug> ya
829<webmind> Hadaka, uhuh
830<Hadaka> hrm, nasty
831<webmind> Hadaka, just the kernel and maybe lilo
832<webmind> easy as pie
833<Coug> why need lilo?
834<Coug> cant i just set it to boot to the archos no matter what?
835<webmind> Coug, could help with defining rootdevice.. not sure though
836<Coug> the only time i would use the disk is when the archos is being used
837<Coug> ok
838<Hadaka> grub and a kernel would be good enough I guess
839<Coug> that makes sense
840<webmind> Coug, don't know detail;s about making bootdisks.. but i think u should be able to tell the kernel that archos is rootdevice
841<Coug> ok
842<Coug> but what about the drivers?
843<Hadaka> you need scsi support, usb support (correct uhci/ohci support) and usb-storage support compiled into the kernel
844<webmind> Coug, only real problem would be that i dont know how the archos reacts on unsupported partitions
845<Coug> will the kernel automatically recognize the archos?
846<Coug> ah, that is the thing
847<Coug> yes.....
848<Hadaka> then your root device would just be /dev/sda1 - or /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 with devfs :)
849<Coug> lets say that i partitioned my archos with linux included, if it didnt work, would there be any way to get it back?
850<Hadaka> but if you are using grub (or even lilo) as the boot loader - you can tell the name of the root device while booting if that isn't correct (a machine has other scsi drives=
851<Hadaka> yes
852<Hadaka> the usb connection always works
853<Coug> how?
854<Hadaka> regardless
855<Hadaka> loads from the flash-rom firmware, gives direct access to the disk - then you can reformat it normally again if it doesn't work
856<Coug> would windows recognize the archos as a regular archos drive then, and i would just repartition and format?
857<Hadaka> well I don't know what windows does with drives like that - but a windows fdisk or similar should be able to repartition it back the way it was
858<Hadaka> but as long as there is a FAT partition first in the drive, I'm guessing that it will work just fine
859<Coug> ok
860<Coug> webmind - i found a 36 meg debian install
861<Coug> how does that work?
862<Hadaka> that's the netinstall image
863<Coug> meaning.....?
864<edx> itll download files later...
865<Hadaka> it's able to install the kernel and the base system - and everything else is downloaded from the net
866<edx> after you chose packages.
867<Hadaka> ...actually the images on that disk are able to install the kernel and the base system from the net as well
868<Coug> would i need to download anything from the net to get it to work?
869<edx> depends on what you wanna do :)
870<Hadaka> well yes - you just get the base system with that - it doesn't have a lot of anything
871<Coug> does it have a web browser?
872--- edx is now known as edx|eatz
873<Hadaka> don't think so
874<Hadaka> nor X
875<Coug> dang
876<edx|eatz> no.. not even graphic user interface
877<Hadaka> it's just a base image
878<Hadaka> the bare bones that will let the system boot
879<Hadaka> and install more packages
880<Coug> dang
881<Hadaka> what's so dang about it?
882<Hadaka> it's the best way to install - everything else requires you to download more
883<Coug> but i dont have fast internet at home
884<Coug> 26,400 kbps
885<edx|eatz> :/
886<Coug> ya
887<Coug> well....
888<Hadaka> well then you would probably want the full iso images
889<Coug> i gotta get going now, thanks for all the help
890<edx|eatz> cu
891<Coug> i should be back on later todat
892<Coug> today*
893<-- Coug has quit ()
894<jedix> ..
895<jedix> anyone around?
896--- edx|eatz is now known as edx
897<edx> i am
898<jedix> cool
899<jedix> do you know about threads with this device?
900<edx> ouhm... not much
901<jedix> oh, ok. my code works ok, but it really needs to be in a thread
902<edx> hm... create_thread is the function
903<jedix> that way it can be told to sleep..
904<edx> int create_thread(void* fp, void* sp, int stk_size);
905<jedix> how are they handled?
906<edx> hmm dont know to tell the truth :)
907<jedix> ah well
908<jedix> what else besides scrolling text needs to be done then?
909<edx> hmm dont know either lol
910<jedix> do you want to see the scrolling text?
911<edx> ata for recorder needs to be working
912<edx> why no :)
913<edx> *why not
914<edx> lol
915<edx> ie. i want to see it
916<jedix> about something i can work on..?
917<jedix> k
918<edx> is it in cvs?
919<jedix> I don't think I can dcc it..
920<edx> mail it.
921<jedix> i don't think I can check things in
923<edx> mail the source.. ill compile for the simulator then
924<jedix> k, its off
925<edx> ok
926<jedix> tree.c is only edited so that my function is used
927<edx> where do you come from btw...
928<jedix> ?
929<jedix> what do you mean
930<edx> what country
931<edx> i am German
932<jedix> canada
933<edx> ah.. cool
934<jedix> i'm at "work" right now..
935<edx> (just got your mail)
936<jedix> government for ya..
937<jedix> what do you thing
938<edx> hmm get compiler errors... /fixing at the moment
939<jedix> what are they?
940<edx> like playlist_next undefined.. :/
941<edx> uisw32 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _usleep referenced in function _lcd_textscroll
942<edx> where is usleep ;)
943<edx> got it
944<jedix> that should be ok
945<edx> oh well.. not really.. :(
946<jedix> ?
947<edx> is that some linux function?
948<jedix> maybe
949<jedix> you could try sleep(1)
950<edx> usleep(80000);
951<edx> ugh..
952<edx> how many msecs are that?
953<jedix> .8 sec
954<edx> when should it be scrolling?
955<jedix> ...
956<jedix> did you replace the other file too?
957<jedix> in apps/ tree.c?
958<jedix> thats the only file that calls it right now
959<edx> yea.. when is it called?
960<jedix> and it will run forever.. so don't overwrite
961<jedix> its only called if you have a recorder I think
962<edx> a player.. you mean?
963<jedix> do you get BROWSE ~~~
964<edx> it is not defined for the recorder lol
965<jedix> instead of Browse
966<jedix> get it to be called and it will scroll
967<jedix> edx: what are you working on?
968<edx> win32 simulator
969<edx> hmm somehow the cvs is fucked up..
970<edx> like stuff wont compile anymore
971<edx> ok.. compile for recorder, right?
972<jedix> yeah
973<edx> lcd_textscroll(0,0,0, "[BROWSE ~~~~browse browse window size]");
974<edx> uhm
975<edx> c:\Programming\CVS Checkout\RockBox\apps\tree.c(135): warning C4013: 'lcd_textscroll' undefined; assuming extern returning int
976<edx> ah.. its outside the simulator define
977<jedix> .. it is defined
978<webmind> question: does the archos mind if i have multiple partitions on it ?
979<edx> hmmm
980<edx> good question
981<edx> try!
982<edx> jedix.. got it to work finally
983<edx> it is some kind of strange:
984<edx> the lcd_putsxy function causes it to break the line if text gets longer than it would fit to the display
985<edx> do you experience the same?
986<jedix> yes
987<edx> ok
988<jedix> but it still scrolls
989<edx> yup.
990<edx> nice.
991<jedix> well, sorta
992<jedix> it doesn't work because it needs to be in a thread
993<jedix> what did you change to get it to work?
994<edx> yea.. anyways scrolling works
995<edx> hmmm
996<edx> you need your own puts function actually..
997<edx> that is without automatic linebreaks..
998<edx> or you cut off the string after a few chars so it needs no line break
999<jedix> could Iwrite it based on putsxy?
1000<edx> .. yea certainly..
1001<jedix> /* We make the simulator truncate the string if it reaches the right edge,
1002<jedix> as otherwise it'll wrap. The real target doesn't wrap. *
1003<edx> where is that from?
1004<jedix> lcd.c
1005<edx> .. found it
1006<edx> strange..
1007<edx> that's crap
1008<edx> simulator doesnt wrap either
1009<jedix> i don't know what that means
1010<edx> hmm like the simulator cuts off the string (but it doesnt)
1011<edx> i think thats for the player..
1012<edx> ahh
1013<edx> yea thats the player code
1014<edx> theres another function for the recurder somewhere
1015<edx> hmm i gotta go...
1016<edx> later.
1017<-- edx has quit ()
1018--> ironi ( has joined #rockbox
1019<ironi> hello
1021<ironi> have you seent hat?
1022<ironi> that
1023<jedix> what is it?
1024<jedix> oh yeah
1025<jedix> that was /.ed
1026<ironi> /.ed?
1027<jedix> slashdotted
1028<ironi> oh ok
1029<-- jedix has quit (Remote closed the connection)
1030<-- ironi has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1031--> prv_ (~prv@ has joined #rockbox
1032<-- dfg has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1033--> PiotR ( has joined #rockbox
1034--> trillback ( has joined #rockbox
1035<-- prv_ has quit ("Client Exiting")
1036<-- PiotR has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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1038<-- nicknackpattywac has quit ()
1039<-- satino has quit ("Client Exiting")
1040* Bagder appears
1041* adiamas faints
1042--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1043<Bagder> morning Linus
1044<Linus> morn
1045<Linus> 0x09000ade in ?? ()
1046<Linus> (gdb)
1047<Linus> NINJA!
1048<Bagder> *rockers*
1049<Bagder> so it was 11 something MHz?
1050<Linus> yep
1051<Linus> and i had to wire it correctly...strange :-)
1052* Linus gets some coffee
1053--- Bagder is now known as Bagder|busy
1054<Linus> My first finding when debugging the Recorder target code:
1055<Linus> it is not very wise to try to load a BMP file from disk *before* the kernel and ATA is initialized
1056<webmind> lol
1057<Linus> The Recorder ATA is now WORKING!!!
1058--- Bagder|busy is now known as Bagder
1059<Bagder> you rock hard Linus
1060<Linus> i am a hard rocker, you know... :-)
1061<Bagder> lots of long hair ;-)
1062<Linus> :-)
1063<Linus> what do we do about the logo?
1064<Bagder> uh?
1065<Bagder> what about it?
1066<Linus> My first finding when debugging the Recorder target code:
1067<Linus> it is not very wise to try to load a BMP file from disk *before* the kernel and ATA is initialized
1068<Bagder> ah
1069<Bagder> well, either move that code or just comment it out
1070<Linus> it will show pretty late if we show it after the ATA init
1071<Bagder> we have the logo internally anyway
1072<Bagder> the real one
1073<Linus> so why does it load from disk
1074<Bagder> in case you want a different one
1075<Linus> IC
1076<Linus> my lCD doesn't work
1077<Bagder> not at all?
1078<Linus> or rather, the rockbox code doesn't work
1079<Linus> blank
1080<Bagder> you didn't even get the ATA: -5 text before?
1081<Linus> nope
1082<Bagder> weird
1083<Linus> sort of
1084<Bagder> since the tetris has been proved working for some people
1085<Linus> BTW the Recorder schematics is wrong regarding ATA address encoding
1086<Bagder> it indicates differences
1087<Linus> oh no.....
1088<adiamas> if either of you has a binary of the recorder mod ill toss it on mine and see hat i get...
1089<adiamas> i haven't built my cross compiler yet
1090<Bagder> I don't think Linus has comitted code yet for me to build a working version
1091<Linus> oh yes
1092<Linus> just comment out the logo stuff
1093--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
1094<Zagor> hey all
1095<Bagder> we should fix the "logo stuff" properly
1096<Bagder> hey Z
1097<Bagder> Linus did it again
1098<Zagor> did what?
1099<Linus> Zagor: are you alive?
1100<Linus> i fixed the ATA bug
1101<Zagor> oooh, nice!
1102<Zagor> what was it?
1103<Linus> i have debug-enabled my recorder
1104<Linus> the schematics were wrong
1105<Linus> the address decoder wasn't changed as the schematics showed
1106<Zagor> aha
1107<Linus> so the status register address was wrong
1108<Zagor> coolio, so now we can browse dirs on the recorder?
1109<Linus> that took 20 seconds to find out...
1110<Linus> well no.
1111<Linus> my LCD shows nothing
1112<Zagor> ??
1113<Zagor> empty? no display at all?
1114<Linus> no
1115<Zagor> hmm, just like what I get with the tetris mod
1116<Zagor> have you tried uncommenting the logo display?
1117* Linus is debugging in 200MPH
1118<Bagder> Zagor: he had to
1119<Linus> Zagor: that one is a good one
1120<Linus> it tries to load a BMP from disk before the ATA init
1121<Linus> even before the kernel init
1122<Zagor> duh!
1123<Linus> :-)
1124<Linus> FREEEEEEZE
1125<Bagder> we need to move that
1126<Zagor> yeah, obviously :)
1127<Zagor> interestingly, elinenbe said he got Tetris running
1128<Bagder> can we all say "LCD differences" together? ;-/
1129<adiamas> Linus.. is your display jus shot.. or is it the code that won't work?
1130<Bagder> the code
1131<Linus> adiamas: the LCD works
1132<Zagor> Bagder: yeah, but how come he survived the ATA cock-up?
1133<adiamas> okay :)
1134<Linus> maybe he tried it before the logo code added file-based logos?
1135<Bagder> Zagor: didn't you comment out that stuff for the tetris mod?
1136<Zagor> no
1137<Linus> did he see a logo?
1138<Zagor> i don't know
1139<Zagor> we have to ask him
1140<Bagder> well, we know people have see "ata: -4" and "ata: -5"
1141<Bagder> seen
1142<Zagor> yes
1143<Linus> the LCD code works
1144<Linus> it's just that the contrast is wrong
1145<Zagor> bwaha!
1146<Linus> so the display is very hard to see
1147<Zagor> gdb rocks
1148<Linus> very much
1149<Zagor> so when are you fixing mine? :)
1150* Bagder cheers, the bug of the week is soon history
1151<Linus> the ATA bug *is* history
1152<Bagder> yah, but I was referring to my own bug of the week ;-)
1153<Linus> ah, that one...
1154<Bagder> been hunting it for many days
1155<Hadaka> Ooo mama, soon it's rockbox time for my archos as well
1156<Bagder> Linus: this calls for a grand posting to the list, you know that don't you? ;-)
1157<Zagor> Linus: will you commit an lcd change, too? so I can rerelease tetris :)
1158<Bagder> we must move the BMP loading
1159<Zagor> yes
1160<Zagor> the question is, should we first display the rockbox logo and then replace it, or don't display anything until we have mounted the disk? the latter option means it'll take a while longer until anything appears
1161<Bagder> use the internal
1162<Bagder> imho
1163<Zagor> yes, i'm leaning towards that too
1164<Bagder> btw, I modified the auto-page to use UTC times and it is ready to get included on the site
1165<Zagor> ah, will fix
1166<Linus> I'm curious about the LCD contrast setting in the init
1167<Linus> it gets totally dark on my LCD
1168<Linus> but obviously hasn't on other LCD's
1169<Linus> and if we follow the Solomon data sheets, the contrast setting is an iterative process
1170<Zagor> totally dark? i get totally blank
1171<Linus> we have to repeat the command until the status register says that the command is done
1172<Linus> and we don't even have a status read function
1173<Bagder> hehe
1174<Bagder> so this works by pure coincidence for some ppl then
1175<Linus> I changed the setting from 0x30 to 0x20 (which is the power on default)
1176<Linus> then ir looked ok
1177<Linus> the dir browser pops up, but the buttons don't work
1178<Linus> did anyone actually play tetris on it?
1179--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
1180<Linus> alan!
1181<alkorr> hi
1182<Linus> the ATA works on the recorder now
1183<Bagder> Linus: yes, elenbee said he played
1184<Zagor> Linus: elinenbe said he did
1185<alkorr> it's weird
1186<Linus> weird?
1187<Zagor> he even complained about the lack of key repeat
1188<alkorr> i see you you change 620020306 in 6200206
1189<Linus> yes
1190<Linus> the schematics seem to be wrong
1191<Zagor> brb
1192<-- Zagor has quit ("Client Exiting")
1193<alkorr> now it seems ATA works, anything working on Recorder ?
1194--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
1195<Bagder> I wanna know that too ;-)
1196<Zagor> buh. that's what I get for using windows machines :(
1197<Bagder> Linus: can you browse dirs and stuff on the recorder now?
1198<Linus> no. the buttons don't work
1199<Bagder> !
1200<Zagor> i wonder what recorder model elinenbe is using
1201<Bagder> yeah
1202--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
1203<alkorr> see you
1204<Bagder> see ya lan
1205<Bagder> alan
1206<-- alkorr has quit ()
1207<Linus> has anyone changed the debounce algorithm lately?
1208* Bagder hasn't
1209<Bagder> check with cvs ;-)
1210<Linus> it polls every 10th tick, that is every 100ms
1211<Linus> then it requires that the button is pressed at least 200 polls
1212<Linus> that is 20 seconds!!!
1213<Linus> haw lame!
1214<Zagor|lunch> uh, no linus. it requires 3 polls.
1215--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
1216<Zagor> oh, ah the recorder has special. sorry.
1217<Zagor> that's left-over debounce that should just be removed
1218--> zeffert ( has joined #rockbox
1219<zeffert> you are all disgusting child molesters
1220<Bagder> we are?
1221<zeffert> ya
1222<Zagor> oh no! *worried look*
1223--- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Bagder
1224<zeffert> i wish you were dead!
1225<Zagor> bye
1226<zeffert> burn!!!!!!
1227<Bagder> we are
1228<zeffert> burn!!!!!!!!!!
1229--- Bagder sets ban on *!*@*
1230<-- Bagder has kicked zeffert from #rockbox (Bagder)
1231<Zagor> that was fun!
1232<Bagder> ban number 2
1233<Zagor> really? i missed the first
1234<Bagder> getting busy ;-)
1235<Bagder> you did?
1236<Bagder> fun fellow you didn't stop talking spanish in all caps ;-)
1237<Zagor> haha
1238<Bagder> s/you/who
1239--- Bagder gives channel operator status to Zagor
1240--- Bagder gives channel operator status to Linus
1241--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
1242<alkorr> re !
1243<alkorr> woauh three masters now ! :)
1244--- Bagder gives channel operator status to alkorr
1245<Bagder> :-)
1246<alkorr> arf I'm the first displayed :)===)
1247* Bagder goes to fetch coffee
1248<Bagder> damnit, no one breaks the builds anymore ;-)
1249<Zagor> i'm working on it, just give me a minute or two
1250<Zagor> :)
1251<Bagder> good! :-P
1252<Zagor> build status is now included in the daily build page
1253<Zagor> maybe we should make it narrower somehow. shorter column titles, perhaps
1254<Bagder> any suggestions how?
1255<Bagder> uh, the showlog.cgi doesn't exist ;-)
1256<Zagor> oh, missed that one
1257<Zagor> now
1258<Bagder> goodie
1259<Bagder> spell out that the date/time is UTC/GMT time
1260<Zagor> well, which is it? ;)
1261<Bagder> UTC is the name formerly known as GMT
1262<Zagor> really? I thought they differed in DST handling
1263<Bagder> but I guess most people know GMT better
1264<Bagder> I don't think so
1265<Bagder> btw, how come the order of the daily builds is so strange?
1266<Zagor> oh, I need to sort them
1267<Bagder> ah, hehe
1268<Bagder> is that "my" index.html that shows up?
1269<Zagor> yup
1270<Bagder> goodie, so I can work on fixing the titles like that
1271<Zagor> i'm doing a symbolic link, since SSI can't handle absolute paths or hostnames
1272<Bagder> ok
1273<Linus> Finally, lunchtime!
1274<Bagder> late lunch today
1275<Linus> indeed. long meetings
1276<Zagor> hehe, linus is trapped in Meeting Hell
1277<Bagder> poor guy
1278<Linus> Zagor: if you only knew what we were discussing... :-)
1279<Zagor> I have a nice poster here: "Don't Like Working? Prefer Talking About It Instead of Doing It? Schedule A Meeting!"
1280<Zagor> "The Easy Alternative To Work"
1281<Linus> Well, time for lunch!
1282--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
1283<Bagder> narrower look
1284<Bagder> more cryptic titles
1285<Zagor> yeah, i'll have to add some description
1286<Zagor> how about Play, P-old, Rec along with Norm, Debg, Sim
1287<Linus|lunch> The button debouncing code requires that the button is pressed for 20 seconds!!! :-)
1288<Zagor> Linus|lunch: i just fixed it
1289<Linus|lunch> good
1290<Zagor> i.e. removed it
1291<Bagder> I'll try that
1292<Bagder> wider but makes more sensre
1293<alkorr> MAS for recorder is still missing ?
1294<Bagder> yes
1295<Zagor> yes, linus is on the case I believe
1296<Linus|lunch> i'm on it
1297<Bagder> Linus is the MAS king
1298* Bagder bows
1299<Linus|lunch> yes, yes, yes. I *am* going to lunch
1300<Linus|lunch> i'm waiting for the printer (MAS data sheet)
1301<Zagor> go, already!
1302<Bagder> now go so we can speak about you ;-)
1303<alkorr> hehe
1304<Zagor> Bagder: hmm, why are the columns so wide? i can't see why they are any wider than the text they contain.
1305<Zagor> "play norm" for instance, is much wider than the title
1306<Bagder> I don't know
1307<Zagor> try adding "cellpadding=0" to the table tag
1308<Bagder> yes
1309<Bagder> that's it
1310<Bagder> no
1311<Zagor> ah, try adding <br> to the titles, to force line breaks. i think that's the thing
1312<Hadaka> ew, how about using css and xhtml strict instead of all that?
1313<Bagder> wow
1314<Bagder> tiny boxes now
1315<Bagder> Hadaka: in what way would that help us here and now?
1316<Zagor> Hadaka: yeah but some things (like this) are implementation defined
1317<Hadaka> well all those cellpadding=0 and br stuff usually can be handled a lot better by clean page design and the stylesheets
1318<Zagor> Bagder: keep th for headers, IMO
1319<Bagder> yes
1320<Bagder> how many lines should I have maximum in the table? 20 fine?
1321<Zagor> Hadaka: look at the page. it *is* clean. the fact that browsers maximise cell width even when they wrapped the contents is not defined in CSS nor XHTML
1322<alkorr> which page, Zagor ?
1323<Zagor> alkorr: the daily builds page
1324<Bagder> at the bottom
1325<alkorr> oh well all seems to be okay :)
1326<Zagor> Bagder: you should be able to kill the cellpadding now, it shouldn't matter much
1327<Bagder> in a second
1328<Zagor> Hadaka: sorry to sound harsh. I do agree with you in general. :)
1329<Hadaka> err, why not just have a stylesheet for the table - and say that the widht of the cell is say about 3em and height is about 1em - then they are all the same width and it's correct for the font
1330<alkorr> maybe you could enlarge twice your table, Zagor ?
1331<Zagor> Hadaka: because the content will not always be "OK", so then it will break. we want the dynamics too.
1332<Zagor> Hadaka: or am I misunderstanding something?
1333<Hadaka> why do you want the sizes of the cells changing? I'd guess it would be easier to read if all the widths were the same?
1334<Zagor> Bagder: fix us an error, so we can see how that looks
1335<Bagder> uh
1336<Bagder> that's not that easy to fake in
1337<Zagor> ok
1338<Bagder> commit a bad file now
1339<Bagder> it'll go break in... 7 minutes
1340<alkorr> well if you enlarge the width of the table, you can use larger titles, you can or there is reason no to do so ?
1341<Zagor> what are you printing, in that case? "Failure" or something else
1342<Bagder> Zagor: yes
1343<alkorr> FAILED
1344<Hadaka> FAIL is what I usually see
1345<alkorr> or KO :)
1346<Bagder> "Failed" is the word I use
1347<alkorr> in red flash
1348<Bagder> atm
1349<Zagor> alkorr: oooo, no thanks :)
1350<Zagor> well i think it's ok now
1351<Hadaka> Well I still don't see why the widths have to be dynamic - is it just me that would like to see an aligned and constant width table, instead of varying width for columns
1352<Zagor> Is fixed width worth the cost of breaking the table when/if we add a new column or rename a title?
1353<Hadaka> um, I don't get that - if the width of each column is like 5em, what's there to break?
1354<Bagder> what is 'em' ?
1355<Hadaka> in this case the standard width for a character in the current font and font size
1356<Zagor> it breaks when we change columns to include "win32sim" and "x11sim", doesn't it?
1357<Hadaka> well if the titles are too wide, then ofcourse the width of that column will expand
1358<Zagor> so then we are back to dynamic sizing, gaining exactly... what? :)
1359<Hadaka> no, we are back to dynamic sizing only if we get too wide titles - which is a problem in itself already - so then we either increase the width of columns to 6em (which should have been in the first case then) - or we just let it wrap the title some more
1360<Zagor> ok, so it will work. I guess I just don't see the big advantage.
1361<Hadaka> yeah well it doesn't really matter - and especially not worth it if you don't do all the pages that way
1362<Zagor> well all the pages use CSS already
1363<alkorr> color changes when "failed" ?
1364<Zagor> yes, to red
1365<Hadaka> well why do you have bgcolors in there if you use CSS?
1366<Zagor> for those who don't support CSS
1367<Bagder> should I set a class or something there?
1368<Zagor> Bagder: you could, then we would be free to play with the look. <table class=buildstatus> for instance
1369<Hadaka> yeah
1370<Bagder> yes, and "buildok" and "buildfail" for the "boxes" ?
1371<Hadaka> then you can do .buildstatus td { width: 4em; } for example
1372<Zagor> Bagder: yup
1373<Bagder> ok, coming up
1374<alkorr> see you later
1375<-- alkorr has quit ()
1376<Bagder> should I remove the bgcolor then?
1377<Zagor> yes
1378<Zagor> Hadaka: sorry, I thought you meant bgcolor for the page...
1379<Bagder> there
1380<Bagder> you need to make buildok green to make it look similar again
1381<Zagor> fixing...
1382<Bagder> I set a limit of 20 lines now
1383<Zagor> there
1384<Zagor> ok, i surrender. width is now 3em :)
1385<Hadaka> :)
1386<Hadaka> looks nice
1387<Bagder> haha
1388<Bagder> in fact it looks better
1389<Zagor> traitor! ;)
1390* Bagder gives Hadaka a pat on the shoulder
1391<Hadaka> it should really be the decision of the user... but I would remove the underlining from the links in that build box
1392<Zagor> nah, i don't like "invisible" links
1393<Hadaka> nods
1394<Zagor> Hadaka: can I set a background color that is something like "X percent lighter than the current background"?
1395<Hadaka> not easily no
1396<Zagor> without using absolute values, that is
1397<Zagor> ok
1398<Hadaka> you can put a semi-transparent png there though ;)
1399<Zagor> ouch :)
1400<Bagder> can that be done with the css?
1401<Hadaka> yeah :)
1402<Hadaka> nods
1403<Bagder> woo
1404<Hadaka> everything can have a background picture - and a transparent one at that
1405<Hadaka> even pieces of text
1406<Bagder> ok
1407* Bagder is a css cluebie
1408--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
1409<Linus> the button polling is awfully non-responsive
1410<Zagor> Linus: as in "does not work"?
1411<Hadaka> well if you have mozilla, check out
1412<Linus> as in misses keypresses pretty often
1413<Zagor> Linus: in normal use, or when you try to make it miss? ;)
1414<Bagder> hehe, fun page
1415<Linus> when i repeatedly predd DOWN to move the cursor in the dir browser
1416<Linus> press
1417<Linus> I'll shorten the poll interval to see if it helps
1418<Zagor> remember to adjust the repeat values too
1419<Linus> ok
1420<Zagor> they should probably be calculated from the poll value
1421<Linus> roger that
1422<Hadaka> then select Edit -> Use style -> default page style or something
1423<Hadaka> and see the difference
1424<Bagder> that rocks
1425* Zagor switches to Mozilla when somebody tells him how to map the keys like Opera has'em
1426* Hadaka switches to Opera when opera renders stylesheets as well as Mozilla :)
1427<Zagor> hehe
1428<Bagder> Zagor: could we have the target mod-builds in a table with three column?
1429<Bagder> might shorten the page a bit
1430<Zagor> Bagder: sure
1431<Linus> I would like a warning count for every build
1432<Bagder> you mean visible in the table?
1433<Hadaka> Bagder: did you notice from that CSS page btw, that when you scroll down, the semi-transparent box stays put?
1434<Bagder> yeah
1435<Linus> meybe color-coded in the table, and highlighted in the log
1436<Linus> a red OK means "ok with warnings", or something
1437<Bagder> the log hilight I've thought about adding, adding it to the table takes a little tweak
1438<Linus> The LCD flickers a lot when scrolling the dir browser
1439<Bagder> we could have the "OK" text replaced with a number of warnings, would that make sense?
1440<Linus> and OK when 0 0warnings
1441<Bagder> ah, good
1442<Hadaka> well in any case it would need a legend telling what things mean
1443<Bagder> true
1444<Hadaka> but that's already way nice :)
1445<Linus> faster button polling helped a lot for the responsiveness
1446<Linus> but we need to optimize display updates
1447<Bagder> its still pretty cool that it works this good without ever have been run on target before
1448<Linus> yeah!
1449<Bagder> one point to the simulator ;-)
1450<Linus> yup
1451<Hadaka> I can usually get button presses that are two or three sixtieths of a second - and down to one sixtieth if I try hard enough
1452<Linus> it is fairly good at 20Hz today
1453<Linus> but not perfect
1454<Zagor> well 30Hz shouldn't be that much load anyway, right?
1455<Linus> no
1456<Hadaka> is performance a problem on that thing? what things take a lot of time?
1457<Linus> it is polling
1458<Linus> in an interrupt
1459<Zagor> flipping the bits on the MP3 data is the most cpu intesive thing we are today today, I'd say
1460<Zagor> but we won't have to do that on the recorder, I hope
1461<Linus> probably not
1462<Bagder> now watch the table
1463<Linus> the button_tick IRQ didn't count the ticks properly
1464<Zagor> Bagder: warning count?
1465<Linus> a POLL_FREQUENCY of 2 made it poll ever 3 ticks
1466<Bagder> yah
1467<Bagder> 0 => OK
1468<Bagder> Zagor: is the cgi a symlink to my one too?
1469<Zagor> yep
1470<Hadaka> nice :)
1471<Bagder> ok, highlight of warnings coming up
1472<Bagder> many warnings ;-)
1473<Bagder> hm, do we wanna use css and stuff for the showlog.cgi too?
1474<Zagor> nah, that's just unformatted text
1475<Bagder> it won't be
1476<Zagor> :)
1477<Bagder> I'll do it html now
1478<Zagor> if you make it html, then we should use css
1479<Bagder> so tell me what kind of <head> to include to make it work nicely
1480<Zagor> look at any other page
1481<Zagor> they all have it
1482<Bagder> ok
1483<Bagder> check it out now
1484<Bagder> press a link
1485<Bagder> the warnings have "clasee=gccwarn"
1486<Zagor> ooh, background :)
1487<Bagder> class
1488<Zagor> ok, making them red
1489<Bagder> shall I have a class for the regular lines too?
1490<Zagor> not unless you thing we should do something special with them
1491<Bagder> nah, it would just make it possible for you to make compiler output to look different than regular text
1492<Bagder> removed the long prefix from all paths in the output
1493<Hadaka> you could put all the output inside a div in any case, so padding doesn't have to be put for the body element in general
1494<Bagder> you mean just <div> all-output </div> ?
1495<Hadaka> yup
1496<Hadaka> and then closing the body and html :)
1497<Bagder> oh
1498<Hadaka> oh and maybe put a class for the div
1499<Hadaka> so then we can say .compileroutput { padding: 10px; } or something
1500<Zagor> <br class=fubar> doesn't seem to work. at least nothing much happens
1501<Bagder> suggestion?
1502<Zagor> i don
1503<Bagder> <div> on those lines?
1504<Zagor> 't know. Hadaka, shouldn't this work?
1505<Linus> Zagor: the ' key is awfully close to ENTER, don't you think?
1506<Bagder> hehe
1507<Bagder> thick fingers
1508<Bagder> :-)
1509<Zagor> hehe, yes. plus this damn keyboard has a lot of silly extra keys on it. some windows blahblah
1510<Linus> oh, here he goes again...
1511<Linus> those keys are far from the ' key
1512<Zagor> gotta go, guys. too sunny for me to hack more today :)
1513<Zagor> yeah yeah, call me a wuss :)
1514<Linus> that's ridiculous
1515<Bagder> Zagor: <div> is in place
1516<Linus> "laddar batterierna"
1517<Zagor> hehe, not quite there yet
1518<Zagor> working on it ;)
1519<-- Zagor has quit ("Client Exiting")
1520<Bagder> now why do I get an extra newline?
1521<Hadaka> I can check that soon
1522<Bagder> we should be working a bit on removing the warnings
1523<Linus> yeah
1524<Hadaka> hm, should gcc-output be in <pre>?
1525<Bagder> there's a point in not doing that
1526<Bagder> and that is that it wraps nicer
1527<Hadaka> in any case - br should be between lines - not at the start, nor at the end
1528--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
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1530--> jedix ( has joined #rockbox
1531<jedix> hey guys
1532<Linus> yo
1533<jedix> how stuff?
1534<Linus> well, we have the recorder ATA working
1535<jedix> ^--is
1536<jedix> thats sweet
1537<Linus> i'm browsing files as we speak
1538<jedix> nice
1539<Linus> i am debugging my recorder with GDB
1540<jedix> GDB?
1541<Linus> over the serial port
1542<Linus> Gnu Debugger
1543<Hadaka> Woohoo
1544<Hadaka> you guys are amazing
1545<jedix> do you know how the device handles threads?
1546<Linus> i assube that you mean the original archos firmware
1547<Linus> assume
1548<Linus> no, i don't think they have threads at all
1549<jedix> ..yours doesn't?
1550<Linus> we have threads
1551<Linus> light-weight ones
1552<Linus> the scheduler is somewhat primitive, with non-preemptive switching
1553<jedix> well, I was trying to get the scrool working.. but right now its in a while(true) loop and I was thinking the best way to handle it would be to make a thread so you can tell it to sleep and such.
1554<Hadaka> could we do preemptive with that hardware?
1555<Linus> Hadaka: yes. it's a software issue
1556<Hadaka> erm, but it's not a software issue if you can't get any interrupts in where to switch the stuff?
1557<Hadaka> but I'll just take yes as an answer, since I don't know enuff myself :) thanks
1558<Linus> if we didn't have interrupts, we wouldn't need to make it preemptive, true
1559<Linus> we have a number of interrupt sources, the serial port, the DMA, the timers...
1560<Hadaka> the timers interest me - what do you get from those?
1561<Linus> there are a few hardware 16-bit timers that can give compare interrupts
1562<Linus> and a very extensive capture functionality
1563<Hadaka> mmh, nice
1564<Hadaka> on the showlog stuff, you could put some regular padding for the whole body - and then a bit more padding on the div that has the gcc-output - I'd suppose it'd look nice then
1565<jedix> damnit
1566<-- trillback has quit (
1567<Linus> who made chartables.c?
1568<jedix> Linus: does the simulator do threads?
1569<Linus> no, i don't think so
1570<jedix> so, I guess my work is useless
1571<Tumm> För jag har tagit studenteeen, fy fan vad jag är bäst!
1572<Tumm> oh sorry
1573<Tumm> "Cause i've graduated, I'm so goddamn best"
1574<Bagder> Linus: Gary made the chartables
1575<Bagder> Hadaka: on the showlog stuff, how do you mean the div should be modified?
1576<Hadaka> Bagder: well the div has nothing wrong in it - the first line should not have a br before it though - but the stylesheet should be modified to include padding
1577<Hadaka> and the body should have margins - specified both in the stylesheet and on the actual element on the page
1578<Linus> Bagder: do you know where they come from. Those array declarations are from hell!
1579<Bagder> Linus: I know, Gary brought them, no one changed them
1580<Linus> why declare a 1 byte array???
1581<jedix> do you guys want the code I put into lcd.c? its not operational, but it could be made so with little effort by someone that knows how the threads run or have a better overview of the project
1582<Linus> i know, i know... the font code needs all fonts to be alike...
1583<Linus> now we're down to 16 warnings :-)
1584<Bagder> I just changed it to build every 20 minute ;-)
1585<Linus> jedix: where is it now?
1586<Bagder> nice, the extra newline disappeared from the output
1587<jedix> Linus: on my hd
1588<jedix> do you want it?
1589<Linus> yeah. can you mail it?
1590<jedix> sure
1591<jedix> its off
1592<Bagder> one by one they go those warnings
1593<Linus> kill'em all!!!!!!!
1594<Bagder> those ones in chartable are annoying
1595<Linus> indeed. i don't want to change them without changing the generator script
1596<Linus> i want the source fonts!
1597<Bagder> yeah, me too
1598<Bagder> it would also make it easier to make the rest of the iso8859-1 chars
1599<Bagder> did you find out what the .ejz file is?
1600<Linus> no
1601<Linus> and it didn't happen again...
1602<Bagder> wow
1603<Linus> bah
1604<jedix> Linus: did you get it?
1605<Linus> yup
1606<Linus> i'll look into it ASAP
1607<jedix> cool, just making sure you got it
1608<jedix> anything else I can do?
1609<Bagder> I changed the warnings counter to be more accurate
1610<Bagder> lowered the amounts
1611<Linus> ?
1612<Bagder> I only count number of lines with warnings now
1613<Bagder> so multiple warnings on the same line is only one
1614<Linus> that's cheating
1615<Bagder> no
1616<Bagder> the description is often multiple line
1617<Bagder> check the threads.c:41 warning
1618<Bagder> jedix: it is pretty much up to you I guess
1619<Linus> But check the mpeg.c:278 warning
1620<Linus> that's two different ones
1621<Bagder> yes, but the second is just an effect of the first
1622<Linus> but can you be sure
1623<Bagder> so I think this is closer to reality
1624<Bagder> I know
1625<jedix> Bagder: I don;t really have a well enough overview of the project to decide what needs to be done, and can be..
1626<Linus> Bagder: grep -v "(near"
1627<Bagder> well, maybe that's what you can help with! get a grip and present it to the people
1628<Bagder> Linus: good point
1629--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
1630<Linus> jedix: and while you're trying to get a grip, point out what's badly documented
1631<Linus> hi elinenbe
1632<jedix> k
1633<elinenbe> hey there
1634<elinenbe> anyone want to write my database crash recovery routine?
1635<Bagder> me me me!
1636<Bagder> :-)
1637* Bagder can't even spell databsae
1638<elinenbe> well, it needs to be able to recover from a crash, and recover if it crashes while it is recovering :)
1639<Bagder> sounds very fun.... not .-)
1640<Bagder> Linus: now then, recalculated again ;-)
1641<Linus> I just just killed the open() warning
1642<Bagder> the big question is, will we reach "OK" ?
1643<Linus> Bagder: how to auto-eval in emacs?
1644--> jas_williams ( has joined #rockbox
1645<Linus> hi jas_williams
1646<-- jas_williams has quit (Client Quit)
1647<Bagder> auto-eval ?
1648<Linus> bye jas_williams
1649<Linus> you know, those emacs comments in the bottom of some files
1650<Bagder> ah, right
1651<Bagder> (setq enable-local-eval t)
1652<Bagder> hey, those 2 final ones should be possible to kill too
1653<Linus> what os that 'type' parameter supposed to do?
1654<Linus> is
1655<Bagder> I don't know, I thought it should be an index
1656<Linus> is the settings code used yet?
1657<Bagder> I don't think so
1658<Linus> oh. i looked in it. i guess it's not used. :-)
1659<Bagder> hehe
1660<Bagder> you should mail the list about you getting the ATA and gdb on recorder working
1661<Linus> ok
1662<Bagder> it is just so cool
1663<Bagder> hey
1664<Bagder> I should make a link to the CVS from the file name in the compiler output
1665<Bagder> at least for the warnings
1666<Bagder> hm, or can really?
1667<Bagder> can I
1668* Bagder decides it is a bit too tricky
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1670<Linus> Has anyone tried the playlists yet?
1671<Bagder> not to my knowledge
1672<Linus> How does it work? Load a M3U file?
1673<Bagder> I'll work on them some more soonish
1674<Bagder> yes
1675<Bagder> make a .m3u file
1676<Bagder> browse there, play it
1677<Linus> how does such a file look like?
1678<Bagder> plain file names
1679<Bagder> use full path names
1680<Linus> ok. i'll try it...
1681<Bagder> LF or CRLF separated
1682<Bagder> currently it does no shuffle or anything but plays from track 0 and onwards
1683<Linus> ok
1684<Bagder> at least that's the intension ;-)
1685<Bagder> gotta go
1686<Bagder> see ya
1687<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
1688<-- jedix has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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1690<Linus> gotta go now. cu guys!
1691<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
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1699--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
1700<elinenbe> hey there!
1701<elinenbe> I still think rockbox should be called...
1702<elinenbe> "Supa' Pang!"
1703<-- elinenbe has quit (Client Quit)
1704<datazone> why not "Frink Cheep Cheep"
1705<-- havardk has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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1707--- edx is now known as edx|away
1708--> huz ( has joined #rockbox
1709<huz> hello
1710<huz> since i've put rockbox i can't connect my archo to my pc
1711<huz> someone have had this problem ?
1712<huz> ok,i haven't time yet, but i'll come back, because how we say in france :
1713<huz> je suis dans la merde !
1714<-- huz has quit ("leaving")
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1716<huz> re
1717<huz> i'm under windows now, and the problem is the same
1718<huz> please i _really_ need help
1719<huz> youuuhouuu i think i've a big problem ! can you give me a way to resolv it please youhou
1720<huz> \0/ _0_ \0/ _0_ \0/ _0_ \0/ _0_
1721<huz> ok i've found ! we must start archos connected to pc now ... maybe a note in the documentation will be great, don't you think ?
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1725--- Tumm is now known as Tum|stdnt
1726--- Tum|stdnt is now known as Tumm
1727<-- PiotR has quit ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.")
1728<-- edx|away has quit ("good night guys")
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1733--> ironi ( has joined #rockbox
1734<ironi> aloha
1735--> g003y2 ( has joined #rockbox
1736<g003y2> anyone compiling the 1.0 firmware with cygwin/win2k?
1737<ironi> i was about to, but i guess i needed a good tutorial
1738<ironi> (saying that the one on the page is confusing"
1739<g003y2> well I think I'm close now
1740<ironi> qand needs to be updated
1741<ironi> well
1742* ironi is gone, zzz [l/on p/on]
1743<g003y2> I got everything compiled fine, but it seems like I'm missing something on my include path
1744<ironi> k
1745<ironi> and you got it from the tutorial?
1746<g003y2> yeah
1747<g003y2> I followed it exactly except I don't have a "linus" home dir :D
1748<g003y2> I got the tools for sh1 compiles in place.
1749<g003y2> it is now just a matter of getting the whole process to recognize /usr/include for the standard c libs
1750<ironi> i see
1751<ironi> wel i think a new package could be nice
1752<g003y2> I know i'm just being dense about it :D
1753<ironi> weher eyou can just unpack the latest source and unpack it to a certain folder and tun a batch file to complie the wqhole thing
1754<g003y2> yeah a batch file for the GNU-SH tool kit would've been nice.
1755<ironi> well of i go
1756<g003y2> alright cya
1757<ironi> 'nite
1758--> PiotR ( has joined #rockbox
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1762--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
1763<adam> hey
1764<adam> == cool
1765<adam> oh well
1766<adam> beer > my conciousness
1767<-- adam has quit ("[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c19 for the Apple Newton today!")
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1770--- Disconnected (22).
1771**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jun 9 07:13:58 2002