
termsonic - a TUI Subsonic client (latest release)

This project implements a terminal-based client for any Subsonic-compatible server.

It currently supports the following:

  • Browsing of Subsonic library organised by Artists and Albums
  • Playback of OGG, FLAC and MP3 files
  • Playlist support
  • Play queue management



Termsonic is currently packaged and readily available for the following operating systems:


# pkg_add termsonic

The OpenBSD package is maintained by Russ Sharek.


$ nix-shell -p termsonic


Termsonic is available in the Archlinux User Repository (AUR), under the termsonic-git package name. You can install it manually, or using one of the many AUR helpers.

$ yay -S termsonic-git

Other Linux, Windows

If Termsonic isn't packaged for your distribution, you can download the latest release and run it directly.


This application requires Go version 1.19 at minimum.

$ git clone https://git.sixfoisneuf.fr/termsonic && cd termsonic
$ go build ./cmd/termsonic/

Linux notes

Please note that Linux builds additionally need a working C compiler in their PATH. This is due to faiface/beep, used for audio playback.

You will also need the ALSA development libraries for your system. On Debian, this is libasound2-dev.


The application reads its configuration from $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/termsonic.toml, or ~/.config/termsonic.toml if XDG_CONFIG_DIR doesn't exist.

On Windows, it reads its configuration from %APPDATA%\\Termsonic\\termsonic.toml.

You can edit the configuration from inside the app, or by hand using a text editor. See the example configuration file, and the TOML reference. It is possible to specify another configuration file with the -config command-line argument.

Reporting bugs

Please report any bug you find to bugs+termsonic@sixfoisneuf.fr. I'll gladly accept patches, as long as they follow the git-send-email format.