path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020531.log
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1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 29 23:40:11 2002
3--> adiamas ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Does your box rock?
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Bagder at Mon May 13 04:46:28
6--- You are now known as adi|home
8<irony|zzz> mornin
9--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
10<PsycoXul> ok so why is bmp.h being included somewhere for a player build?
11<PsycoXul> and whats up with snprintf conflicting types?
12--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
13<Bagder> mooo
14<irony|zzz> heya there bäddur
15<irony|zzz> nice to see you
16<irony|zzz> Do you have power heh
17<Bagder> *I* have
18<irony|zzz> or is it black in kista
19<irony|zzz> :-P
20<irony|zzz> contactor takes a day off?
21<Bagder> Kista is pretty black, yes
22<Bagder> I'm at a customer south of stockholm
23<irony|zzz> i see
24<irony|zzz> talked to a friend working at nordnet (teletrade)
25<irony|zzz> they suffered some probs
26<irony|zzz> but they managed to get their fiber online
27<irony|zzz> jus tnow
28<Bagder> they in kista?
29<irony|zzz> good for them, stock exchange is opening in 2 minutes, isn't it
30<irony|zzz> yup
31<irony|zzz> they just got the servers online like 1 minute ago
32<irony|zzz> they supposedly moved there not long ago
33<irony|zzz> if i remeber it right
34<irony|zzz> nice company, lot of heavy machines =)
35<Bagder> hm, well I bet no one is at our office at this time anyway
36<irony|zzz> =)
37<irony|zzz> I hope I'll move to sthlm in august
38<irony|zzz> and hopefully find some job there
39<irony|zzz> I don't think it can be too hard.
40<irony|zzz> Well w/o any work experience it's not allt hat easy, but I do hope my degree will be work something
41<Bagder> I'll cross my fingers for you
42<irony|zzz> thx :)
43<irony|zzz> well time fo rme to sleep now, I've had a REALLY rough night
44<irony|zzz> had like 30-35 ppl in the shopa t the same time
45<irony|zzz> all drunk, all wanting hot dogs
46<Bagder> haha
47<Bagder> what shop is this?
48<irony|zzz> 2 hours of extreme stress between 1:30-3:30
49<irony|zzz> gas station actually, shell.
50<Bagder> aha
51<irony|zzz> we're open 24/7,a nd i do the night shift this week, covering for another emoployee
52<irony|zzz> its a shitty job but i need osmething to make some money for summer vacation
53<irony|zzz> and also, this makes you appreciate you decided to get a masters degree
54<irony|zzz> heh
55<Bagder> I figure that
56<irony|zzz> but it's nice in some strange way...
57<irony|zzz> you get into the work of ordinary people...factory workers, newspaper drivers, taxidrivers
58<irony|zzz> into their world
59<irony|zzz> I find that fascinating...for some reason
60<irony|zzz> People that don't think too much about things that aren't concrete...they just live on.
61<irony|zzz> Bah, Iäm ghetting to philosophic, even though I do have a point with this.
62<irony|zzz> time to sleep
63* irony|zzz is gone, zzz [l/on p/on]
64<irony|zzz> later
65<Bagder> see ya
66<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0rc3/20020523]")
67--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
68<-- irony|zzz has quit (" <k!15b8>")
69<-- elinenbe has quit (Client Quit)
70--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
71--- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Bagder
72--- Bagder has changed the topic to: web site down due to power blackout
73<PsycoXul> so yeah how about the current cvs
74<PsycoXul> first i get errors about not finding bmp.h (and i'm trying to build for a player!) and then snprintf conflicting types
75<Bagder> hm
76<PsycoXul> the bmp.h thing is in main_menu.c
77<Bagder> I see it too now
78<Bagder> it breaks all over
79<PsycoXul> heh
80<adi|home> yeah.. i had the snprintf complaint today..
81<Bagder> I fix
82<Bagder> try now
83<PsycoXul> its good now
84<Bagder> good only recorder builds break now ;-)
85<Bagder> .. and now that builds too
86<PsycoXul> hmm
87--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
88<Bagder> woo
89<Zagor> hi there
90<Bagder> a different Zagor ;-)
91<PsycoXul> ok well it looks like that changes in CGRAM get reflected in already-printed characters on the screen
92<Zagor> yeah, this blackout forces creative solutions :)
93<PsycoXul> i mean the custom chars change as soon as you change them :/
94<Bagder> Zagor: let me know if you wanna use my home machine for anything creative ;-)
95<Zagor> bagder: can you set me up a ssl tunnel?
96<Zagor> brb
97<-- Zagor has quit (Client Quit)
98--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
99<Zagor> has anyone found any bugs the last 12 hours?
100<Bagder> yes
101<Zagor> what?
102<Bagder> edx broke the build
103* Zagor smacks edx
104<Bagder> hehe
105<Zagor> what did he do?
106<Bagder> #include "bmp.h"
107<Zagor> buh
108<Zagor> oh well
109<Bagder> and I fixed the snpritnf() proto
110<Bagder> as that caused confusion too
111<PsycoXul> ok i've got 3 different dirs that the first 10 chars of are the same
112<PsycoXul> 2 of which the first 11 chars are the same
113<Zagor> psycoxul: tough :)
114<PsycoXul> and i can't tell them appart in the browser, but worse is i can't tell them appart by their contents which should be different
115<PsycoXul> 1 of them i can tell appart from the other 2
116<PsycoXul> but then the other 2 i can't
117* adi|home has no idea what PsycoXul is talking about
118<PsycoXul> those 2 also appear right next to each other in the browser
119<Bagder> adi|home: it's rockbox on a player target talk ;-)
120* adi|home perks up
121<adi|home> sweet...
122<adi|home> but im sorry. i refuse to shell out another 200$ just to get a player so i can keep up with you folks ;)
123<Bagder> boooo ;-)
124<adi|home> you could always send me one of those donated units ;)
125<Bagder> I'd go for a donut unit too :-P
126* Bagder needs coffee
127<adi|home> that would go with your 'donut unit ' ;)
128--> bjst_ ( has joined #rockbox
129<adi|home> hmmm.. minor bug here...
130<bjst_> hey there
131<adi|home> need to look into that.
132<-- Zagor has quit ("Leaving")
133--- bjst_ is now known as Zagor
134<Bagder> hm, now I have to move my mp3 stream to another port...
135<Bagder> :-)
136<adi|home> maybe that someting we need ;)
137<adi|home> a common mp3 repository for all of us ;)
138<Zagor> Bagder: hehe
139* adi|home pokes Bagder
140<adi|home> you need to get me and ip and port so i can downsuck at work ;)
141<Bagder> Zagor: I'll run it tunneled through ssh ;-)
142<Bagder> downsuck ?
143<adi|home> downsuck: (v) to download at a high rate for the purposes of later consumption.
144<Bagder> ah
145<adi|home> [ie: 'Bob downsucked 30gigs of music that he had never heard of just in case he would want it later.']
146<adi|home> :)
147<Bagder> I don't want my poor machine and connection get choked by maniacs downloading mp3s ;-)
148<adi|home> hehehe
149<adi|home> what conneciton you on?
150<Bagder> adsl, 2.5mbit down, 700kbit up
151<adi|home> bahh.. your just fine ;)
152* adi|home pokes Bagder
153<adi|home> come'on.. share
154<adi|home> ya know you want to
155* adi|home inserts gross amounts of peer pressure
156<Zagor> adi|home: you don't want bagder's music anyway :)
157<adi|home> why not?
158<adi|home> :)
159<Bagder> haha
160<adi|home> i have yet to find music i won't listen to :)
161<adi|home> rap
162<adi|home> country
163<adi|home> blue grass
164<adi|home> techno
165<adi|home> rock
166<adi|home> punk
167<adi|home> blues
168<adi|home> showtunes
169<adi|home> p0rn
170<adi|home> classical
171<adi|home> its all good :)
172<Zagor> it's none of the above. i'll say no more...
173<adi|home> hehehe
174<Bagder> I do have *some* of the above too
175<PsycoXul> why's lcd_write() and related macro's only defined in lcd.c and not usable directly from an app?
176<adi|home> Armagedon Dildos?
177<adi|home> wtf
178<Zagor> PsycoXul: 'cause they're not part of the API. define a high-level function to do the job.
179<Bagder> PsycoXul: I think that's because we've aimed at a somewhat higher level api for the applications
180--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
181<Zagor_> tadaaa
182<-- Zagor has quit ("Client Exiting")
183--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
184<Zagor> ssl tunnels rock
185<Bagder> well, it isn't really ssl ;-)
186<Zagor> nah, but it's the ssl port :)
187<Bagder> right
188<Zagor> so, where were we? edx broke the build? who broke edx? ;-D
189* adi|home kicked edx in the nuts.. that count?
190<Bagder> I fixed the build
191<Zagor> ok, good
192<adi|home> how expensive a call is lcd_update?
193<Bagder> adi|home: Gary once mentioned he could get 20 fps using that
194<adi|home> ummmm.. is that good or bad?
195<Bagder> but I guess he did more than just updating too then ;-)
196<adi|home> im just noticing we do alot of:
197<adi|home> function()
198<adi|home> function()
199<adi|home> lcd_update()
200<adi|home> return
201<adi|home> other_function()
202<adi|home> lcd_update()
203<Bagder> right, that is not good
204<adi|home> where the second call only makes a minor change over the first
205<adi|home> i thought so
206<Bagder> we could possibly remake things to only do lcd_update() just before we await a keypress
207<PsycoXul> hmm
208<adi|home> dunno if i like that or not...
209<PsycoXul> what shifts the words over 1 char for the cursor on the player
210<PsycoXul> i thought just the printing of the '-' was doing it but its not heh
211<adi|home> i don't think we have a function for that...
212<PsycoXul> in tree.c i mean
213<adi|home> i don't get what you mean then
214<PsycoXul> do you have a player?
215<adi|home> you mean the alignment of the 1char in the col?
216<adi|home> nope.. recorder
217<PsycoXul> well
218<PsycoXul> heh
219<PsycoXul> but basically i mean
220<adi|home> but the display in that sense should be the same
221<PsycoXul> its '-Stuff'
222<PsycoXul> and if i get rid of the - printing entirely its still ' Stuff'
223<adi|home> okay.. and what do you want?
224<adi|home> 'Stuff'?
225<PsycoXul> yes
226<adi|home> because the '-' is your cursor
227<adi|home> so you want:
228<adi|home> -Stuff
229<adi|home> other stuff
230<adi|home> to be
231<adi|home> Stuff
232<adi|home> other stuff
233<adi|home> ?
234<PsycoXul> yes
235<adi|home> how do you kno which one your selecting then?
236<PsycoXul> because we don't need - as a cursor on the player, it has a cursor of its own that reverses the text
237<PsycoXul> and it doesn't need to take up a space
238<adi|home> ahhh.. okay..
239<adi|home> got ya
240<adi|home> one sec, let me look
241<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
242<PsycoXul> ok
243<PsycoXul> i see it
244<PsycoXul> #define LINE_X 1 /* X position the entry-list starts at */
245<PsycoXul> heh
246* adi|home nods
247<adi|home> but make sure you #define around it
248<adi|home> the recorder does need a cursor
249<PsycoXul> yeah
250<PsycoXul> well i'm just testing stuff atm
251<adi|home> okay.. i got it..
252<PsycoXul> i still need to see if i can make that cursor show up and not blink
253<adi|home> just set the LINE_X to 0
254<PsycoXul> yeah
255<adi|home> and: line 116
256<adi|home> or there in abouts
257<adi|home> lcd_putsxy
258<adi|home> put that inside the #ifdef below it
259<adi|home> before the lcd_update
260<PsycoXul> hmm
261<PsycoXul> what?
262<adi|home> okay.. go to tree.c
263<PsycoXul> lcd_putsxy's just for the recorder
264<PsycoXul> i'm not touching anything with that
265<adi|home> doh.. wrong line.. hold on
266<adi|home> check line 173
267<adi|home> see the lcd_puts after it?
268<PsycoXul> i've already gone through all those
269<adi|home> put _that_ inside the #ifdeff below it
270<adi|home> nods
271<PsycoXul> there's way too many places that say to put the "-" on there, but i already changed them all :p
272<adi|home> heheh k
273<PsycoXul> hmm
274<PsycoXul> i can't get the cursor to show without it blinking
275<PsycoXul> and its off half the time when its blinking heh
276--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
277* PsycoXul will mess with it more later... tea and movie now
278--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
279<Linus> Yo!
280<Bagder> hej linus
281* Zagor is dogfooding today
282<Linus> I'm glad I don't live in the northwest part of Stockholm
283<adi|home> the menu on the recorder.. is it supposed to wrap hen you hit top or bottom?
284<adi|home> or do we just stop?
285<Zagor> just stop
286<Zagor> i removed the wrap yesterday
287<adi|home> okay..
288<adi|home> then i just fixed the recorder menu..
289<Zagor> it was bugging, and became rather confusing on the 2-line player
290* adi|home nods
291--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
292<alkorr> Hello
293<Zagor> hi alan!
294<Linus> yo!
295<Linus> major power blackout. our site is down
296<Zagor> very ironic, since I really feel 1.0 is release ready
297<adi|home> hehe i noticed
298<alkorr> arf
299<adi|home> do we have any idea of this release works on the recorder or not?
300<Zagor> maybe it's a conspiracy instigated by archos? ;)
301<Zagor> it doesn't. the ata code isn't right
302<adi|home> k...
303<adi|home> btw.. have we given any thought to rolo yet?
304<adi|home> on the menu, when you hit Version, whats supposed to happen?
305<Zagor> tought, yes. code, no
306<adi|home> heheh k
307<adi|home> what are your thoughts on it?
308<Zagor> version show the firmware version number and waits for a keypress
309<Zagor> rolo should work much like lilo on linux
310<adi|home> um, well version on the recorder just shows 'CVS'
311<adi|home> im trying to figure out why the splash doesn't display right now
312<Zagor> yeah, that's the version right now :)
313<adi|home> heheh k
314<Zagor> i've removed the delay from the splash. i forgot it was used in the menu too.
315<adi|home> ahhh...
316<adi|home> k..
317<Bagder> adi|home: that version string is generated by the release tarball script
318* adi|home nods
319<adi|home> that makes sense
320<adi|home> no fair, your using logic
321<Zagor> hehe
322<Bagder> so if you'd build from a daily build tarball, you'd see a different version in there
323<alkorr> Zagor: the ata code isn't right ?
324<adi|home> Zagor: where was the delay you removed initially?
325<Zagor> alkorr: it fails for the recorder, for some reason
326<Zagor> adi|home: it was in show_splash()
327<Zagor> i removed it since I made splash appear during init instead of before
328<adi|home> hmmm.. k
329<alkorr> have a look on it Zagor
330<adi|home> well.. it doesn't really display at all now because of the sim ;) but i assume on a recorder or player it would
331<Zagor> adi|home: yes it does
332<adi|home> yes it does?
333<adi|home> meaning it will on the player?
334<Zagor> it shows on target
335<adi|home> k.. thats what i thought :L)(
336<adi|home> :)
337<Zagor> init takes about a second on the player, and about 3ms in the simulator :)
338<adi|home> hehe
339<alkorr> it doesn't read at all ?
340<Zagor> ata_init() fails with -4
341<Bagder> alkorr: it stops at "ata: -4"
342<alkorr> freeze lock ?
343<Zagor> yup
344<alkorr> no apparent locking ? i mean when accessing via a PC ?
345<Zagor> no we haven't seen a lock in a long time now
346<Bagder> using with usb works fine
347--- Tumm^Awej is now known as Tumm
348<alkorr> and if you comment the freeze_lock ?
349<adi|home> okay, you can now see the splash screen from the menu
350<Zagor> alkorr: haven't tried that
351<adi|home> Zagor, i fixed main.c
352<adi|home> it now references show_logo
353<adi|home> not show_splash
354<Zagor> ok, you fixed main_menu.c+h too?
355<adi|home> show_splash has a delay in it, show_logo doesnt
356<adi|home> only main_menu.h
357<adi|home> .c rather
358<alkorr> you should put -1 before command and -2 after command completion
359<Zagor> we need it in the header file or we'll get ab ugly compiler warning
360<Zagor> alkorr: how do you mean?
361<adi|home> need what?
362<Bagder> adi|home: we could make the "version" display show the logo above the version string, would look cool ;-)
363<Zagor> alkorr: ah in freeze_lock() you mean?
364<adi|home> that i can do :)
365<Zagor> adi|home: declaration of show_logo()
366<adi|home> Zagor: it was already that
367<adi|home> show_splash called show_logo
368<adi|home> originally
369<Bagder> zagor and linus, we should work away the compiler warnings
370<alkorr> more generay
371<adi|home> show_splash is called in the menu function pointer
372<Zagor> no, just show_splash. if main.c now calls show_logo instead, the .h needs to be changed
373* adi|home is now totally confused
374<adi|home> menu.h makes not reference to show_splash or show_logo
375<adi|home> main_menu.h only needs to know about show_splash
376<adi|home> so all should be well
377<alkorr> oh i have an idea ! the original recorder firmware maybe execute freeze_lock() so you cannot do twice !
378<alkorr> i don't another explanation for the moment
379<Zagor> ahh, yes that's quite possible
380<alkorr> i'm pretty sure about this
381<adi|home> Bagder: ill get the version to display the splash screen tomorrow.. im off to bed...
382<adi|home> night all
383<Bagder> night adi
384<Zagor> night!
385<alkorr> which version of newlib you use for rockbox ?
386<Bagder> 1.10
387<alkorr> gluuup 3 MB... :(
388<Bagder> yeah :-/
389<alkorr> hope it will compile fine after downloading it
390<Bagder> 3MB package for some very few functions
391<Bagder> (that we use I mean)
392<alkorr> i thought you wanted to get rid of it...
393<Bagder> it wouldn't be very hard to get rid of it now
394<alkorr> quite now i want to compile rockbox :/
395<alkorr> in fact it is only some file in app which are eager of newlib
396<Bagder> no
397<Bagder> strncmp, strncpy, strlen, memcpy etc
398<Bagder> they're used all over
399<alkorr> oh yeah it fails for app before the other directories
400<Bagder> ah yes
401<alkorr> recorder works now with ATA ?
402<alkorr> by the way which version of gcc do you use ?
403<Bagder> I use 3.0.3 for the cross compile
404<Zagor> alkorr: i'll test the recorder now
405<alkorr> k
406<alkorr> a question arises : if some arch*s firmware freezes the lock, we need to check after command failure if it is because the lock is always froozen to be correct
407<Bagder> is the mpeg thread suitably disabled on the recorder?
408<alkorr> well i read the ATA document
409<alkorr> it is said that "Frozen mode is disabled by power off or
410<alkorr> hardware reset. If SECURITY FREEZE LOCK is issued when the device is in Frozen mode, the command
411<alkorr> executes and the device remains in Frozen mode.
412<alkorr> not a good news
413<alkorr> oh it seems you don't issue a hardware reset even if the function is here
414<alkorr> "The device shall return command aborted if the command is not supported, or the device is in Locked
415<alkorr> mode.
416<alkorr> it doesn't mention there is an error if already frozen :/
417<Bagder> mp3 streaming through a ssh tunnel really doesn't work well
418<Bagder> for some odd reason
419<alkorr> ok, SECURITY_FREEZE_LOCK is a non-data protocol
420<alkorr> which means it issues an interrupt at completion
421<alkorr> so be sure to disable interrupt before (i suppose it is so)
422<alkorr> what is the main file ?
423<Zagor> apps/main.c
424<Linus> system_init disables all IRQ, and then we enable only those we actually use
425<Linus> and we don't use the ATA IRQ
426<alkorr> i see that
427<alkorr> but when you will use it, beware
428<alkorr> what i mean you did nIEN after two non-data command
429<alkorr> whereas it should be before
430<alkorr> it doesn't change anything quite now but still a mistake :)
431<alkorr> well, success ?
432<Zagor> well it doesn't say ata: -4, but it doesn't say anything else either :)
433<Linus> dead
434<Bagder> ouch
435<alkorr> try another command instead of freeze... just to say if ata controler is failing
436<Zagor> i'll try removing the splash
437<alkorr> uh you try to see if it exist a slave ?
438<Linus> yes
439<alkorr> so when you enter freeze, you are selecting slave ?
440<alkorr> unless freeze works for both...
441<Linus> both?
442<Zagor> we are selecting master or slave first, then perform commands
443<Linus> since the drive may be strapped as slave, we must determine that first
444<alkorr> yes because you leave DEV at the slave when you call freeze
445<alkorr> ah ok
446<alkorr> it is MASTER xor SLAVE
447<alkorr> if a master is found, we don't look for a slave
448<alkorr> sorry :)
449<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
450<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
451<-- alkorr has quit ()
452<Bagder> popping off like flies ;-)
453--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
454--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
455<Zagor> whoa. kernel panic!
456<Bagder> really?
457<Linus> Lame USB driver
458<Zagor> yup. usb isn't quite bug free :)
459<Bagder> hehe
460<Bagder> nasty
461<Bagder> and its not even usb2?
462<Linus> plain usb1.1
463<Bagder> did you see edx screendump of the win32 simulator?
464<Bagder> edx's
465<Zagor> no
467<Bagder> kinda neat-looking
468<Bagder> compared to the x11 one ;-)
469<Linus> Zagor has real problems with the USB driver...
470--> RKK60 ( has joined #rockbox
471--- RKK60 is now known as edx
472<Linus> HELO
473<Bagder> hey edx
474<edx> hi
475<Bagder> edx: you should take bigger care not to break the builds
476<Zagor> lunch time
477--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
478--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
479<Bagder> all three broke
480<edx> oh.. what did i do?
481<edx> ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
482<Bagder> you added an include of "bmp.h"
483<Linus|lunch> WRONG, that's what you did! :-)
484<Bagder> that doesn't exist
485<edx> ohoh.. sorry
486<Bagder> and should only ne included for recorder
487<edx> but i need that one.. (and you should too) because teh bmp_read function is not defined otherwise
488<Bagder> for the recorder, yes
489<Bagder> you made it unconditional
490<edx> ok.
491<edx> i am very sorry. i have not thought that far...
492<edx> did you fix anything yet - or shall I do now?
493<Bagder> I'm only telling you so that you can be slightly more careful next time
494<Bagder> I've fixed those things
495<edx> i will.
496<Bagder> it builds fine for all targets now
497<Bagder> gah
498<Bagder> it did
499<Bagder> not anymore
500<edx> what's the problem now..
501<Bagder> adiamas latest patch
502<edx> it builds for windows though
503<edx> what did he do?
504<edx> (btw.. i brought dir size to 144kb.. that should be ok, shouldn't it?)
505<Bagder> forgot to commit a change I suspect
506<Bagder> certainly, that's fine
507<edx> is that file used by the simulator (i dont get any errors)
508<Bagder> no it's in target-only code
509<edx> the target code.. does it work? like how much can you do already?
510<Bagder> it works for the player
511<Bagder> there's still some ata issues on the recorder
512<edx> ah..
513<edx> it plays mp3s already?
514<Bagder> yes
515<edx> cool :)
516<edx> we should implement a search possibility btw..
517<edx> to search a directory (or the whole hd)
518<Bagder> we should implement a lot ;-)
519<edx> true. :)
520<-- elinenbe has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
521<Bagder> the good part is that we can already write most of the code and try it in the simulators
522<Lion> Hey everybody. Anyone fix the loop-de-loop character bug?
523<Bagder> Zagor said he believed he did
524<Lion> Cool
525<Bagder> then the big bad power blackout fell upon us
526<Lion> Oh
527<Bagder> so there's no daily builds and stuff available
528<Lion> That's why the thing is down.
529<Bagder> yeah
530<Bagder> there's been a fire in some cables, the whole area went black
531<Bagder> I could offer you a binary if you feel like giving it a go ;-)
532<Lion> Sure, in a min... :)
534--- Bagder is now known as Bagder|food
535--- edx is now known as edx|homework
536--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
537--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
538<Lion> Anyone know how PsyKul's test went?
539<Zagor> yes
540<Lion> And?
541<Zagor> the characters changed on-screen
542<Lion> FUCK
543<Zagor> so the trick doesn't work
544<Lion> Damn.
545<Lion> Well, I'll need to come up with a more complex alg.
546<Zagor> heh, yeah
547<Zagor> reboot again :(
548<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
549<Lion> He must run Windows
550<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
551--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
552<Lion> I think I have time this weekend to write some additinal layers for complex char management.
553--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
554<Linus> the splash screen bugs in the recorder
555<Linus> empty screen
556<Linus> seemingly dead
557<Linus> after removing the splash, it says: "ATA -5"
558--- Bagder|food is now known as Bagder
559--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
560<alkorr> i download gcc-core-3.0.3 is it enough ?
561<alkorr> -ed
562<Bagder> try!
563<Bagder> Linus: show_logo() you mean?
564<Linus> alkorr: i'm not sure
565<Bagder> it uses malloc()... so it should be moved to at least after the malloc init stuff
566<Zagor> Bagder: no, it was before adi changed
567<alkorr> hey i don't want to wait for 1 hour to tell me there is something missing !!!
568<Bagder> ok
569<alkorr> so i prefer to be sure that gcc-core is enough before compiling it
570<Linus> alkorr: i have never used only the core version
571<Bagder> me neither
572<alkorr> good
573<alkorr> well... i pray so
574<alkorr> still down your website ?
575<Bagder> yeps
576<alkorr> i was looking for the HOW-TO-INSTALL-GCC-AND-NEWLIB-FOR-SH-TARGET page
577<Bagder> it should be available on the sf mirror too, right Zagor?
578<Linus> dead today. Look at our sourceforge mirror
579<alkorr> okay i try the redhat page
580<alkorr> sourceforge mirror ?
583<alkorr> ok, i didn't know that
584<alkorr> ok see you later
585<-- alkorr has quit ()
586<Bagder> Zagor: perhaps the splash was made before the malloc init before too?
587<Zagor> yes
588<Bagder> but otoh, I doubt you had a bmp stored there
589<Zagor> actually i had
590<Bagder> so what does -5 mean?
591<Bagder> oh you did, well that explains something! ;-)
592<Zagor> uhhh... must... remove... new emacs eye candy...
593<Bagder> emacs 21?
594<Zagor> yes, on storebror
595<Bagder> check my .emacs
596<Zagor> i did. i still get a blinking cursor.
597<Bagder> in the bottom
598<Bagder> oh
599<Bagder> blink-cursor
600<Bagder> "Non-nil means blinking cursor mode is active"
601<Zagor> ahhhhh
602<Zagor> splash-before-malloc_init was probably the crash reason
603<Zagor> with this flaky usb driver, i'm not sure I feel like experimenting too much though :(
604<Linus> still, the ATA problem persists...
605<Zagor> yes
606<edx|homework> ... is there a good mp3-download client for linux?
607<Linus> It's time to debug-enable a Recorder...
608<Zagor> edx|homework: audiogalaxy
609<edx|homework> preferably console...
610<Zagor> Linus: yep
611--- edx|homework is now known as edx
612<Bagder> edx: audiogalaxy is the best any-platform
613<edx> and: audiogalaxy preserves users from downloading some copyrighted files :/
614<Bagder> leech now before RIAA closes it down ;-)
615<edx> but i need a console :)
616<Bagder> yeah, like 2 of them million ones
617<edx> consoel program.
618<Zagor> edx: naah, just misspell the name some and it works again
619<Zagor> AG is console
620<Zagor> +browser
621<edx> cool
622<edx> cuz i'd like to run it via ssh
623<Zagor> you use their web site to select songs and then run a simple download client on your machine
624<Zagor> noninteractive
625<edx> i use ag for windows and normally i find stuff but there are some files that are really hard to find
626<Linus> of course
627<Linus> they can't have it all
628<Linus> and the most popular ones are filtered
629<edx> hard to find because they are copyrighted. thats what i meant
630<edx> yea
631<Bagder> I'll still have to see a better system appear
632<Linus> that's why you'll find artists like "Madona" and "Britny Spers"
633<Bagder> AG is a killer system just because it is not strict p2p ;-)
634<Zagor> edx: try "spiffy's AG tools", it automates searches for full albums. even tries misspellings and things in case of blocked download :)
636<Bagder> I found "fags" the other day, a free AG sattelite clone
637<edx> zagor: great :)
638<Zagor> Bagder: good name :)
639<Linus> "fags" :-)
640<edx> "Nap is a console napster client written by Kevin Sullivan" That uses WinMX which is cool to :)
641<Bagder> yeah, kinda fun
642* Zagor is off to do mind-numbingly boring work
643<Linus> He's not joking
644<Linus> it's really boring
645<Bagder> but he's out from there starting next week, right?
646<Bagder> so he should have as boring as possible now!
647* Bagder grins
648<Linus> he might stay a little longer after all...they are discussing it.
649<Bagder> aaah
650<Linus> a few weeks longer
651<Linus> but again, maybe not...
652<Bagder> ata_spindown() could be modified to return different return codes, then we could easier see which of its operations that fail on the recorder
653<edx> hmm you linux guys have to help me
654<edx> i cant get a program to install..
655<edx> it has an "install" with it and when i type like install /srcdir/ /destdir/ it does about nothing
656<Bagder> linux programs usually don't get installed with 'install'
657<Bagder> did you download a binary package?
658<Linus> what program is it?
659<edx> that's "nap"
660<edx> napster client for linux
661<edx> it is a binary package, yes
662<Bagder> and there's no INSTALL or README document ?
663<edx> AUTHORS ChangeLog README nap napster.txt
664<edx> COPYING INSTALL nap-session server
665<edx> COPYRIGHT NEWS napping userguide.html
666<edx> there is.. yea
667<Bagder> so read it ;-)
668<edx> thought INSTALL was a program :/
669<Bagder> you can probably run 'nap' just as it is
670<edx> i cant
671<Linus> error message?
672<edx> AUTHORS ChangeLog README nap napster.txt
673<edx> COPYING INSTALL nap-session server
674<edx> COPYRIGHT NEWS napping userguide.html
675<edx> sorry
676<edx> bash: nap: command not found
677<Bagder> ./nap
678<Linus> ./nap
679<edx> that's what i get.. ahhhh
680<edx> ok thanks.
681<edx> ./nap: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
682<edx> hm
683<Linus> . is seldom in the PATH
684<Bagder> in unix you don't usually have current directory in your path
685<Bagder> edx: do 'file nap'
686<edx> ok
687<Bagder> it displays what kind of file it is
688<edx> nap: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped
689<Bagder> now, read the INSTALL fil ;-)
690<Linus> ok ther read the README
691<edx> the readme file is helping me ... i guess i can do it ;)
692<Bagder> file
693<Linus> otherwise it would have been named IGNOREME :-)
694<edx> the readme just tells me how to compile it :/
695<edx> but those are already binaries
696<Linus> maybe it wants a config file
697<edx> what is the "su" command supposed to do?
698<Bagder> you need a linux course
699<Bagder> su makes you super user
700<edx> aha
701<edx> well i do it with ssh and the command wont work
702<edx> no matter i am a super user ;0
703<Bagder> "wont work"?
704<Bagder> what does that mean?
705<edx> the ocmmand doesnt exist
706<Bagder> su?
707<edx> yea
708<Bagder> you just don't have a proper path
709<edx> what path is it supposed to be in?
710<Bagder> there's not a linux system in the universe without su
711<Bagder> /bin/su on my box
712<edx> well maybe.. i dont need it anyways :)
713<edx> seems not to be in there :/
714<edx> well the nap thing says the same as before (unexpected ))
715<Bagder> so get the source instead
716<Bagder> it'll save you from this trouble
717<edx> ok.
718* Bagder is a prefer-the-source man
719<edx> hehe
720<edx> so now i have a tar.bz2 file... i dont even know how to unpack that ;P
721<Bagder> bzip -dc [file] |tar -xf -
722<Bagder> bzip2
723<edx> ok
724<edx> *slow 120 mhz machin working*
725<Bagder> :-)
726<edx> oh its a tar.gz (downloaded wrong file lol)
727<edx> how do i do that
728<Bagder> so use gzip instead of bzip2
729<edx> gunzip somethin |tar -xf -
730<edx> same params?
731<Bagder> yes
732<edx> ./confugre i gues..
733<Bagder> yes
734<edx> cool.. seems to work :)
735<edx> (its rare that something on linux works for me haha)
736<edx> btw.. do you know "Knoppix"
737<Bagder> nope
738<edx> that's a linux distribution
739<edx> it has been written by the brother of my gymnastics trainer..
740<Bagder> making a linux distribution is not very hard
741<Bagder> you could make one too
742<edx> i have never seen it (but i got a bootable cd of it yesterday.. will try)
743<edx> *making*
744<edx> bah.. warnings :/
745<Bagder> warnings are just warnings
746<edx> i know ;) hate them even so
747<Bagder> so fix them and mail back a patch!
748<Bagder> :-)
749<edx> nap.h:112: warning: `struct sockaddr' declared inside parameter list - they could do that themselves if tehy wanted to :)
750<Bagder> indeed
751<edx> heh takes quite long the compiling :)
752<Bagder> just wait until you built that sh cross compiler ;-)
753<edx> how long did it take you?
754<Bagder> I don't know
755<Bagder> it takes a while
756<edx> hah!
757<Linus> especially building all those newlib libraries
758<edx> finished
759<edx> *make install*
760<Bagder> usually you can't do that as a mere user
761<edx> that looks good - not the same mistake (just some weird characters)
762<Zagor> XFree86, now *that's* a compile for men
763<Bagder> hehe
764<Bagder> staroffice! ;-)
765<Linus> Mozilla
766<edx> Created config directory à
767<edx> aà
768<edx> ax/.nap
769<edx> Reading user config file /home/edx/.nap/napconf...
770<edx> /home/edx/.nap/napconf: file not found.
771<edx> User:
772<Bagder> that office beast is way bigger
773<Zagor> oooh, cheating ;)
774<edx> ahh that's what its supposed to mean
775<edx> on the ssh thing its some crappy stuff :(
776<edx> Password for user edx (optional):
777<Bagder> so you need to read the docs to see what to populate that file with
778<edx> hm why is the font fucked up?
779<Bagder> the font?
780<edx> well it displays like chineese characters in the ssh console
781<edx> if i paste it in mirc the text gets normal :)
782<Bagder> so, that's the ssh client's problem
783<Bagder> reset the terminal
784<Linus> Do we have any brave Recorder lab rats online?
785* Bagder looks at edx and grins
786* edx thanks bagder for his tip :)
787<edx> now it seems to work again
788<Linus> our USB driver is too nasty today
789<edx> i have a recorder.
790<Linus> i might want you to test a mod
791<edx> ok
792<edx> if it wont fuck up anything on my recorder :)
793<edx> send it to me
794<Linus> crap! ok, I'll ask someone else... :_)
795<edx> :o)
796<edx> what does the mod do?
797<Linus> an ATA test
798<edx> whats the worst thing that could happen?
799<Bagder> you mean that *COULD* happen or that is likely to happen? B-]
800<Linus> total disaster
801<Linus> like "ATA-6"
802<Bagder> oh no! not -6!! aaaaaah
803<edx> lol whats that
804<Bagder> just an error code
805<edx> hm the napster client works but i cant search anything - bah (server always says "bad search request")
806<edx> what would total disaster be?
807<edx> as long as the hd is still usable afterwards that's no problem hehe
808<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
809<edx> heh - there he goes
810<Bagder> it isn't likely to destroy any data or anything, after all this works on the player
811<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
812--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
813--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
814<edx> "/usr/bin/install: invalid user `root'"
815<edx> lol
816<Bagder> your system is screwed up
817<edx> it is not
818<edx> i jsut dont have a root user :P
819<Bagder> sane systems have a root user
820<edx> mkuser .. whats the command to create a new user?
821<Zagor> what distro is this?
822<edx> cygwin
823<edx> and whats the default password for root in cygwin lol
824<Bagder> you said linux before
825<Bagder> I mean, why were you surprised the linux executable didn't work?
826<edx> it worked.
827<edx> after i compiledi t.
828<Bagder> yes
829<edx> i thoguht cygwin was about eaqual to linux lol
830<Bagder> hah
831<Bagder> quite far from
832<edx> bah
833<edx> Zagor: the AG client wont work on cygwin ... I chose the static version - if I get the one without glibc .. may that work?
834<Bagder> hardly
835<Bagder> those are linux binaries
836<Bagder> right?
837<edx> yea
838<Bagder> cygwin is windows, not linux
839<edx> that is hmm.. not so good.. all that...
840<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
841<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
842<Xunil96> hmm... i take it no daily builds are available given that the web server(s) is(are) down
843<Bagder> right
844<Bagder> I have very recent ones available though
846<Xunil96> cool... i finally found my usb cable for my jukebox and i wanted to try rockbox
847<Bagder> that's a player or studio?
848<Xunil96> player
849<Xunil96> er
850<Xunil96> wait, no it's a studio 10
851* Xunil96 chuckles
852<Xunil96> aparrently i'm not with it today
853<Bagder> well, that's the same binary
854<Xunil96> player-archos.mod?
855<Bagder> yes
856<Bagder> call it 'archos.mod' when you put it on your disk
857* Xunil96 nods
858<Xunil96> interesting
859--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
860<Xunil96> the interface is still coming along, i take it
861<Bagder> oh yes
862<Bagder> it's very basic still
863<Xunil96> still, darned impressive :)
864<Bagder> any noticable bugs?
865<Xunil96> hrm...
866<Xunil96> not bugs, no
867<Xunil96> well
868<Xunil96> you can't seem to stop the music :)
869* Bagder still has to see rockbox running
870<Bagder> hehe
871<Xunil96> but i don't consider that a bad thing
872<Zagor> stop isn't implemented, i forgot to check that in :)
873* Xunil96 chuckles
874<Xunil96> so what's this written in? SH1 asm?
875<Bagder> C
876<Zagor> C mostly
877<Xunil96> really!
878<Zagor> yup
879<Xunil96> hrm... need another developer? :)
880<Zagor> always
881<Bagder> sure!
882<Zagor> dive in!
883<Xunil96> cool!
884<Xunil96> i'll have to get the dev environment set up at home
885<edx> Xunil96: What OS do you have?
886<Zagor> man, emacs21 is slooow :(
887<Xunil96> edx, several; at home i have netbsd and windows; this server i'm ircing from is debian linux... i have an ultra enterprise 2 i switch back and forth between solaris 8 and netbsd
888<edx> hehe
889* Bagder notices that Xunil96 seems experienced enough in the area of OSes ;-)
890<Xunil96> heheh
891<Bagder> Xunil96: you'll enjoy this page:
892<Xunil96> i'm a professional sysadmin :)
893<Zagor> actually, STOP was checked in in v1.10 but I managed to remove it again in 1.12 :)
894<edx> lol
895<Bagder> nice going Zagor ;-)
896<Bagder> that's iterative programming
897<Bagder> do the same thing many times ;-)
898<edx> *** The edb-config script installed by edb could not be found
899<edx> what is edb?
900<Zagor> yeah, it's so fun I want to do it over and over again!
901<Xunil96> hmm
902<Xunil96> how do i shut off my archos, now? :)
903--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
904<Bagder> pull out your power cable, press off
905<Zagor> stop
906<Bagder> oops
907<Xunil96> ah, there we go
908<edx> Bagder, for Player simulation, how did you define lcd_puts ... you had some trick there, rihgt?
909<Bagder> edx: I made them use the recorder-simulator's lcd_puts() using the smallest font
910<Zagor> x11 sim build doesn't work
911<Bagder> works for me
912<Bagder> you completely up-to-date ?
913<Zagor> yup
914<Bagder> oh, you mean it doesn't work when running?
915<Zagor> it doesn't compile
916<Bagder> what breaks?
917<Zagor> debug.h:31: warning: invalid character in macro parameter name
918<Bagder> that a player sim?
919<Zagor> nopp, recorder
920<Bagder> ah
921<Bagder> you
922<Bagder> 're using a rather old gcc
923<Zagor> eh, i'm using your...
924<Bagder> it doesn't like that #define line
925<Bagder> try /usr/local/gcc3/bin
926<Bagder> ;-)
927<Zagor> ok
928<Bagder> I only use that old one for Linux kernel builds ,-)
929<Zagor> ahh, better
930<edx> hmm i dont understand why lcd_puts is undefined...
931<Bagder> /usr/local/sh/bin is for the sh-stuff btw
932<Zagor> yeah, i found those
933<edx> Bagder, compiling with ARCHOS_PLAYER and SIMULATOR set, lcd_puts should be defined in lcd.c, right?
934<Bagder> bzzzt, wrong
935<edx> why not?
936<edx> #if defined(HAVE_LCD_BITMAP) || defined(SIMULATOR) /* not CHARCELLS */
937<Bagder> don't define ARCHOS_PLAYER
938<edx> hm what then?
940<edx> aha... well.. .. ok
941<Bagder> ARCHOS_PLAYER is intended for target
942<edx> ok
943<edx> still, lcd_puts is undefined :(
944<Bagder> so, write it
945<Bagder> check out the x11 code
946<edx> hm looking at lcd.c i cannot see why it would not be defined!
947<Bagder> lcd-x11.c
948<edx> but please explain why it is not defined in lcd.c
949<Bagder> the x11 sim defines lcd_puts() to something else
950<Bagder> as that is the wrong function
951<edx> hmmm
952<edx> but where is the condition...
953<edx> there is no condition that skips that part of code
954<Bagder> chardef.h and charundef.h contain the #defines
955<edx> ahhh
956<edx> ok
957<edx> hmm the recorder uses functions in lcd.c - couldnt the player do that too?
958<Bagder> it does
959<edx> but not lcd_puts.
960<Bagder> yes it does
961<edx> arghl!
962<edx> no it doesnt
963<Bagder> line 336
964<edx> (why would you define it in x11-lcd.c if it was defined in lcd.c)??
965<Bagder> you mean the player-simulator?
966<edx> yup.
967<edx> my recorder simulator uses the code from lcd.c
968<Bagder> well, you can do it however you like, but the target function lcd_puts() on the player writes to hardware using lcd_write()
969<Bagder> do you wanna simulate that? B-]
970<edx> the player could use it too... no problem.
971<Bagder> wrong
972<Bagder> read the code
973<Bagder> line 336
974<Bagder> can you use that?
975<edx> read further
976<edx> line 4xx
977<edx> theres another function
978<edx> i use that.
979<Bagder> that's for the recorder
980<edx> when i do not use chardef / charundef it works :P
981<edx> yea but the simulator does not care whether its for the recorder or the player
982<edx> the functions are defined, thats it.
983<Bagder> yes you can use that for the player simulator
984<Bagder> I wrote my stuff before those functions looked the same
985<edx> ill just put empty chardef / undef files into win32 dir then (?)
986<edx> or do i rather change lcd.c not to include them when useing win32 simulator.
987<Bagder> yes, do that, and I'll work on removing them in the x11 side
988<edx> do what now?
989<edx> editing lcd.c?
990<Bagder> use empty files
991<edx> ok
992<Bagder> I'll fix the x11 stuff to not use that and then we can remove them
993<edx> player code compiles on the simulator as well now.
994<Bagder> but it'll look funny with your picture ;-)
995<Bagder> hey
996<Bagder> it won't work
997<edx> what wont work?
998<edx> (and what are the dimensions in pixels of the player?)
999<Bagder> 11 characters, 2 lines
1000<edx> 55*16?
1001<edx> or 66*16?
1002<edx> whats the dimension of one charcell?
1003<Bagder> 7 or 8 pixels high
1004<edx> 8 i think
1005<edx> whidth?
1006<edx> 6?
1007<Bagder> but there's room for some fixed icons too
1008<edx> hm.. yea i have to see what i do with them - are they supported by your simulator yet?
1009<Bagder> well since you use the lcd_puts() you could assume 8x6 :-)
1010<Bagder> why it won't work:
1011<Bagder> the player needs no lcd_update() to work
1012<Bagder> the recorder needs lcd_update() to update the screen
1013<edx> aha
1014<edx> hm
1015<Zagor> dir sorting committed
1016<Bagder> c00l
1017<edx> where is LCD_HEIGHT defined btw.
1018<Zagor> lcd.h
1019<Bagder> lcd.h
1020<edx> hm.
1021<Bagder> edx: but I'll make a fix for it
1022<Bagder> when I remove the char(un)def.h
1023<Linus> and now there is a slight possibility that the STOP key actually stops the music. :-)
1024<edx> Bagder: Ok :)
1025<Zagor> oh no, qsort broke the build :-(
1026<edx> well the player code works so far anyways
1027<Bagder> edx: I think that's because there are lots of lcd_update() in the code already, that are defined to not do anything on the player
1028<Bagder> Zagor: why did qsort break the build?
1029<Zagor> it uses __udivsi3 which we can't find. very strange.
1030<Bagder> hm
1031<Bagder> that's libgcc
1032<Zagor> yeah, except it's not there
1033<Bagder> edx: I removed the char(un)def.h usage now
1034<Bagder> Zagor: try copying the qsort.c file from newlib and build it yourself
1035<Bagder> not that it would make a difference...
1036<edx> hmhm Zagor, this AGSattelite addon tool wont find any album - no matter what i enter
1037<edx> it find songs thogh ;)
1038<Zagor> Bagder: i'll try that
1039<Zagor> works just fine
1040<Zagor> veeery strange
1041<Bagder> amen
1042<Bagder> we could consider copying the files we need from newlib and cut it off as a dependency
1043<Zagor> yes
1044<Zagor> they aren't many
1045<Bagder> just because what Alan said: 3MB tarball
1046<Zagor> 10 functions
1047<Bagder> yeah
1048<Bagder> 10 small functions too
1049<Zagor> 9 if we declare 'errno' ourselves :)
1050<Bagder> hehehe
1051<edx> haha Zagor - that tool is soo great! that wsa just what i was looking for (agqt)
1052<Zagor> i'll try it
1053<Zagor> edx: nice
1055<Bagder> tiny toys
1056<Zagor> oooh, that's small!
1057<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1058<edx> Bagder, Have you commited lcd.c yet (without chardef.h inclusion)?
1059<Bagder> I did
1060<Bagder> lcd.h it was ;-)
1061<Bagder> but I fixed lcd.c too
1062<edx> hmhm
1063<edx> line 362 lcd.c
1064<edx> #include <chardef.h>
1065<Bagder> oops
1066<Zagor> i don't have time to fix the qsort problem right now, gotta run. see you guys!
1067<Bagder> bye Zagor
1068<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
1069<Bagder> now then!
1070<Bagder> ;-)
1071<Bagder> later, I'll setup automatic builds
1072<Bagder> so that we can instantly if any particular build breaks due to a commit
1073--- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Bagder
1074<-- edx has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1075--- Bagder has changed the topic to: web site might remain dead until saturday! :-(
1076<Xunil96> what happened with the website?
1077<Bagder> power blackout
1078<Bagder> in the whole area
1079<Bagder> huuuuge
1080--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1081<Xunil96> yow!
1082<Bagder> yeah :-/
1083<Xunil96> well when you can get at the site again, i'd be happy to offer my colo as a mirror site in case something like this happens again
1084<Bagder> well, we have a mirror on sourceforge already
1085<Zagor_> we have a mirror at
1086* Xunil96 nods
1087<Zagor_> thanks anyway :)
1088<Bagder> just that some services, like the daily builds, run on that particular server only
1089* Xunil96 nods
1090<Bagder> I regret that I didn't commit the tools so I could set it up quickly elsewhere ;-/
1091<Bagder> I'm off
1092<Bagder> see ya tomorrow
1093<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
1094<-- Zagor_ has quit ("bye")
1095--> edx ( has joined #rockbox
1096<adi|coding> edx you still around?
1097--- adi|coding is now known as adi|work
1098<edx> adi.. still there?
1099<adi|work> yeah mate..
1100<adi|work> just wanted to let you know i commited the file that i forogot too last night. not sure if you need to update your windows side.
1101<adi|work> i can let ya know what i changed
1102--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1103<adi|work> hey zagor..
1104<adi|work> i check in the file i forgot to check in last night...
1105<Zagor_> hi
1106<Zagor_> ah, good
1107<adi|work> yeah... now the x11 sim works correctly
1108<adi|work> though i think the win side prob needs to be updated
1109<adi|work> btw... is there something wrong with the commit mailings?
1110<adi|work> i haven't gotten any
1111<Zagor_> yeah, the mailing list is on the same server as the web server. blacked out
1112<adi|work> ahhh.. okay
1113<Zagor_> *really* annoying
1114<adi|work> hehe i can imagine
1115<Zagor_> you shouldn't use absolute numbers to sleep(). use fractions or multiples of HZ instead. that way we can change the timer tick freq if we want to
1116<adi|work> ahh.. okay...
1117<adi|work> want me to fix or you want to get it?
1118<Zagor_> i'll get it
1119<adi|work> already got it
1120<Zagor_> ah :)
1121<edx> zagor.. how do i get to a menu ... on the simulator? lol
1122<edx> hi adi
1123<edx> it compiles without probs.
1124<Zagor_> edx: press a menu key. ENTER on player simulator or /,*,- on recorder
1125<Zagor_> on numeric keypad
1126<edx> k
1127<edx> heh tetris still isnt fixed
1128<edx> i had a fix... but i threw it over.. somehow ;)
1129<edx> i got the game twice the size and the lines disappeared correctly ;)
1130<Zagor_> nice :)
1131<edx> ill have a look at it again soon...
1132<adi|work> yeah.. when you get that edx..
1133<adi|work> let me know...
1134<adi|work> :)
1135<edx> i have got that.. you wanna know what it was? (i still remember)
1136<adi|work> you have it in code? or is it only a few lines fix?
1137<adi|work> cause i was thinking more of a 'zoom' feature
1138<edx> i was talking about the line disappearing stuff..
1139<edx> virtual[i*max_x] = virtual[((i-1)*max_x)];
1140<edx> think it was that line... well i'll see to that later
1141<adi|work> ahh.. okay..
1142<adi|work> cant really work on it right now... should be coding for the office ;)
1143<Zagor_> wee, I just removed all global variables
1144<Zagor_> hmm, where's a good place to put errno ?
1145<adi|work> id say main.c
1146<adi|work> assuming your having it global
1147<-- Xunil96 has quit ("installing NetBSD")
1148<Zagor_> only i need to put it somewhere in firmware, since it's used by code there
1149<adi|work> ahhh...
1150<adi|work> id say system.c would work
1151<adi|work> either that or panic.c
1152<adi|work> since anythng that triggers an errno is likely to cause problems
1153<Zagor_> only system.c is mostly about setting up the cpu. and panic is very narrow too. :-) (what, me picky?)
1154<adi|work> okay debug.c?
1155<Zagor_> hmm
1156* adi|work winds up his frozen trout and prepares to whap Zagor_
1157<Zagor_> i just want it Right :)
1158<adi|work> heheh
1159<adi|work> opinion is like a man dating.. it is never right ;)
1160<Zagor_> lol
1161--- adi|work is now known as lou_soyur
1162--- lou_soyur is now known as adi
1163--- adi is now known as adi|work
1164<-- Zagor_ has quit ("bye")
1165--> huz|taff ( has joined #rockbox
1166<huz|taff> hi the server is out of order ?
1167<huz|taff> : 2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
1168<huz|taff> :(
1169<adi|work> yeah sorta...
1170<adi|work> they had an electical probl...
1171<adi|work> their in a blackout mostly
1172<huz|taff> oki, I hadn't watched at topic (sorry for my english :)
1173<huz|taff> s/watched/look
1174<huz|taff> good luck for the rest of your project, i look forward testing beta of your work
1175<huz|taff> ++
1176<huz|taff> s/rest/continue ?
1177<huz|taff> .. bon tant pis, bonne chance à vous, joli travail, j'attends avec impatience le fruit de votre boulot pour tester tout ça.
1178<-- huz|taff ( has left #rockbox
1179<-- edx has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1180--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
1181<adam> howdy
1182<adam> yeah, I noticed was down
1183--- dw|gone is now known as dwihno
1184<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1185--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
1186--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1187<dwihno> Good morning Dr. Zagor
1188<Zagor_> hi
1189<adi|home> morning dwihno
1190<adi|home> hey zag
1191<dwihno> Good morning adi
1192<Zagor_> Hey, look. Howard's being eaten.
1193<adi|home> huh?
1194<Zagor_> it's a Monty Python reference
1196* dwihno brought some tea bags to work today
1197<dwihno> Some evil dudes has consumed all the bags! :(
1198<adi|home> hehehe
1199<dwihno> That's serious shit man! :)
1200<dwihno> I just realized some serious stuff!
1201<dwihno> I'm gonna have a metting when the france-zenegal soccer game takes place!
1202<Zagor_> the what?
1203* adi|home nods
1204* adi|home slaps Zagor_
1205<adi|home> world cup man..
1206<adi|home> where have YOU been!!!!
1207<Zagor_> world cup? cup'o what? ;)
1208* adi|home does the world cup shuffle
1209<adi|home> and you call yourself a non-american
1210<Zagor_> haha. well i'm not much of a soccer fan
1211<dwihno> :)
1212<adi|home> i thought everyone in the world (with the exception of americans) loved soccer :)
1213<adi|home> ahhh SINNER!!!
1214<dwihno> Yeah
1215<dwihno> Shame on you Zagor!
1216* adi|home beats Zagor_ mercilessly with a Canadian
1217<Zagor_> oh no! not a Canadian!
1218<adi|home> Yes!!! a Canadian
1219* Zagor_ sobs
1220<adi|home> and careful you.. or i shall bring out........
1221<adi|home> THE COMFY CHAIR!!!!
1222<Zagor_> ahhhhhhh!
1223* adi|home cackls "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
1224<dwihno> Hahahaha
1225* dwihno rofl's :)
1226<dwihno> hahahahaha
1227<Zagor_> "I like chinese, they only come up to your knees..."
1228<adi|home> "Never be rude to an Arab..."
1229<adi|home> "A spik or a wop or a jew...."
1230<Zagor_> Come in, my little loves. I've got no option but to sell you all for scientific experiments.
1231* adi|home puts on a cheesy french accent
1232<dwihno> Hey, I finally decided what computer to buy ;D
1233<adi|home> Zagor_ would you like a mint? Oh.. but it is a wafer thin mint....
1234<Zagor_> bugger off, i'm full!
1235<adi|home> ahh.. it is hardly anything.. so thin...
1236<adi|home> surely you have room for a mint
1237<Zagor_> bring me a bucket...
1238* dwihno smiles widely
1239* dwihno tries to remember who gave him the dell tip
1240<adi|home> "Ah.. I'd like to have an arguement..."
1241<dwihno> A rather funny thing... They had this "buy computer online and save $"-deal, which expired yesterday... Today it's reassigned with a new stopdate :)
1242<dwihno> Lucky me
1243* dwihno sings some solid base hits
1244<adi|home> lol
1245<adi|home> "you toffy nosed maloderous pervert!"
1246<Zagor_> swedish channel 3 is running all 46 episodes of "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
1247<Zagor_> at 03.50 in the morning!
1248<adi|home> i hate you severly...
1249<dwihno> Only sick bastards are up that early! :)
1250<dwihno> (or, that late) ;)
1251* adi|home glances at the clock and realizes he still ahve 2 hours till he is a sick bastard
1252<Zagor_> hehe
1253<dwihno> hehe
1254<dwihno> I need to make myself a nice, hot, cup of tea (and hide my teabags from the vultures)
1255--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
1256<dwihno> Is the any difference between the mp3 decoding circuits btw?
1257<adi|home> shhh Bagder is back
1258* dwihno shuts up and låtsas like it's regnar
1259<Bagder> dwihno: yes there are differences
1260<Zagor_> dwihno: lots. see the data sheets
1261* Bagder spots Zagor at this hour, *gosh*
1262<Zagor_> i'm having breakfast :)
1263<Bagder> hehe
1264<dwihno> I installed linux on my development-box a couple of nights ago, and the kernel gave me some warnings about data integrity...
1265<dwihno> I checked the source and the message was in some probing function, am I using an old kernel or such? :)
1266<Zagor_> usb-storage says that every time
1267<dwihno> (with the archos, that is)
1268<Zagor_> i don't know why
1269<Zagor_> ignore it
1270<dwihno> I thought I did something wrong and got scared I'd get that "HD lock" thingy :)
1271<Zagor_> hehe. no worries.
1272<dwihno> It was the first time I did something USB-ish on linux
1273<Zagor_> O Lord,...
1274<dwihno> (connecting a mouse, and the archos, that is)
1275<Zagor_> ...ooh, You are so big,...
1276<Zagor_> absolutely huge.
1277<Zagor_> Gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell You.
1278<dwihno> That's it! No more all-nighters for you! :)
1279<Zagor_> Bagder: newlib is no more
1280<Bagder> kewl
1281<Zagor_> nor any global variables
1282* Bagder fires up ssh-agent and gets ready to do some cvs upping
1283<Bagder> did ya tell Alan? B-]
1284<dwihno> No global variables?!
1285* dwihno is gonna miss them
1286<adi|home> so how are we doing things w/o globals btw?
1287<Zagor_> oh just fine :)
1288<adi|home> smart ass ;)
1289<adi|home> what are we doing instead of them :)
1290<Zagor_> the only one that really required an API change was the parameter table from disk_init()
1291<Zagor_> disk_init() now returns a pointer to its' local table instead
1292<adi|home> nods
1293<dwihno> Cute
1294<Zagor_> the others were mostly just lazy coding
1295<dwihno> Now my tea is done. Thank you, dr. microwave.
1296<Bagder> ok, tarball size now at 216K
1297<Bagder> including win32 sim
1298<Zagor_> ah, good
1299<Bagder> edx shrunk his pic with ~60% and we got rid of that 290K .aps file
1301<dwihno> NOOOOOOOO!
1302* Bagder refuses
1303<Bagder> I'll hide from *all* darned soccer
1304<Zagor_> i'll have my world cup black, please. no milk or sugar.
1305* adi|home points out that he didn't like using globals.. that you made me :)
1306<Bagder> hehe
1307* Bagder slaps the 'saint' sticker on adi|home
1308* adi|home polishes off his 'saint' sticker...
1309<Bagder> no one ran linus recorder tests yet?
1310* adi|home notices Bagder's spelling of 'saint' seems to look like 'satan'
1311<adi|home> if you can promise me i won't toast my recorder, and can get me a binary.. ill test
1312* dwihno looks like a TV producer when he walks around the office wearing his philips HP910 headphones
1313<Bagder> I don't think Linus committed his test code
1314<Zagor_> did he have an ata test?
1315* adi|home screams 'Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help! Im being represed!'
1316<Bagder> hehe
1317<Bagder> Zagor_: yes
1318<Zagor_> Some nights it was so cold, we could hardly move, but Blackie'd be out there
1319<Zagor_> slicing the lemons, mixing the sugar and the almonds.
1320<Zagor_> I mean, you try trying to get butter to melt at fifteen degrees below zero!
1321<Zagor_> There's love in that cake.
1322* Zagor_ is having his Python appreciation hour
1323<Bagder> "I'm not dead yet"
1324<dwihno> Why does it smell like someone has thrown up in the office?
1325<dwihno> This beat of my heart goes na na na *sings*
1326* adi|home hands dwihno a pail, cause its obvious he can't carry a song w/o one ;)
1327<dwihno> :~( you mean ass! :)
1328<adi|home> if your not picked on.. yoru not loved
1329<adi|home> thats why we leave Bagder alone
1330<adi|home> :)
1331<Zagor_> well, i'm off to work. see you shortly.
1332<-- Zagor_ has quit ("bye")
1333* Bagder watches the crowd in silence
1334<adi|home> "and pray there's intelligent life up there in space, cause there's bugger all down here on earth.
1335<adi|home> adios
1336<dwihno> There's no way to create a playlist without attaching the player to the PC and making them there?
1337<adi|home> not right now, now
1338<Bagder> dwihno: you mean the regular firmware?
1339<dwihno> yup
1340<Bagder> hold down play in a dir
1341<dwihno> I guess I have to stick with the regular for awhile :)
1342<Bagder> it'll make a playlist of that dir and all beneath it
1343<dwihno> hm
1344<dwihno> coolers
1345<adi|home> does the player have LCD_WIDTH defined?
1346<Bagder> no
1347<adi|home> k
1348<Bagder> since it isn't graphical, a pixel width makes no sense
1349<dwihno> What is the counter which is counting slowly while saving the file?
1350<Bagder> dwihno: the track number I guess
1351<dwihno> erhm
1352<dwihno> Slow :(
1353<Bagder> yeah
1354<dwihno> 2 songs per sec approx
1355<adi|home> what font does lcd_puts write with?
1356<adi|home> size wise?
1357<Bagder> it uses the font you pick
1358<Bagder> with lcd_setfont
1359<adi|home> where is that value set?
1360<adi|home> how often does it need to be set?
1361<adi|home> or is global until it gets changed?
1362<Bagder> it defaults to 0
1363<adi|home> hmmm k...
1364<Bagder> currently I don't think any code ever sets it ;-)
1365<Bagder> btw, Zagor was wrong about the global variables ;-)
1366<adi|home> hehehe k.
1367<Bagder> unsigned char display[LCD_WIDTH][LCD_HEIGHT/8];
1368<Bagder> the recorder's display buffer
1369<adi|home> heheh
1370<dwihno> Phew!
1371<dwihno> I almost fainted for a second
1372<dwihno> what is a piece of software without a set of global vars? :)
1373<Bagder> haha
1374--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
1375<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1376<Bagder> Zagor: I decided to make the sim Makefile get built with tools/configure too
1377<Zagor> ok, cool
1378<adi|home> ummm k :)
1379<adi|home> so now i need to run configure each time i want a sim makefile?
1380<Bagder> it'll make it easier to build both kinds of simulators
1381<Bagder> adi|home: yes
1382<adi|home> k
1383<Bagder> at least once
1384<adi|home> heheh i have a small gift in about 5 mins :)
1385<adi|home> ACK...
1386<adi|home> ummm okay... just segfaulted the sim :)
1387<Zagor> ooo, gift! ;)
1388<adi|home> heheh did it in tree.c on the strcmp
1389<adi|home> hmm.. someone wanna check and tell me if it happens to them..
1390<adi|home> i can walk you thought what i did..
1391<Zagor> just a minute
1392<adi|home> k
1393<Zagor> ok, what do I do?
1394<adi|home> compile the sim for the recorder
1395<adi|home> leave dir browse and go to menu
1396<adi|home> go to any submenu...
1397<adi|home> then key back to the main menu (return back)
1398<adi|home> then return to the dir browse
1399<adi|home> its the return to the dir browse that cores on me now.
1400<Zagor> ok
1401<adi|home> i didnt notice if it did before
1402<Zagor> i get it too. checking...
1403<adi|home> actually.. you don't even have to go to a submenu.. just the main menu and return to dir browse...
1404<adi|home> okay.. so i didn't introduce it.. i can commit what i worked on
1405<Zagor> yes
1406<adi|home> okay, submitted..
1407<adi|home> not a major thing.. but something Bagder asked for
1408<Bagder> suuuure blame me ;-)
1409<Zagor> yeah, looks good
1410<adi|home> no.. bagder.. you play with the sim at all?
1411<Bagder> only slightly recently
1412<Zagor> but you could use putsxy if you want pixel position, to avoid calculating char position
1413<adi|home> okay.. cause now the version info is displayed below the splash bitmap
1414* adi|home dohs
1415<Bagder> cool
1416<adi|home> ill fix it
1417<adi|home> oka... fixed .. again
1418<adi|home> do you think that maybe that new splash screen should be displayed before the credits?
1419<adi|home> figure that removes one more item from the menu...
1420<Zagor> yeah, combine the two and call it "Version"
1421<adi|home> k
1422<Zagor> crash fixed
1423<Bagder> ok, 'configure' now supports simulator builds too
1424<Bagder> seems to work ;-)
1425<Bagder> makes it easier to builds both kinds of simulators
1426<Zagor> nice
1427<Bagder> give it a go and see if it works for you guys
1428<Zagor> diving in
1429<Zagor> works grrrreat!
1430<Bagder> goodie
1431<Bagder> I'm gonna setup non-stop automated builds of all targets soonish
1432<Bagder> to bettee allow all developers to see if they break things
1433<Bagder> build-wise
1434<Bagder> if only the power would get back
1435<Bagder> it should get back no later than tonight they said on the news today
1436<Zagor> really? nice
1437<Bagder> yeah, apparently the progress has been a bit faster than they first thought
1438<Bagder> I still find it amazingly slow...
1439--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1440<Bagder> morning Linus
1441<Linus> morning
1442<Zagor> yeah, i especially like how the subway fixed their own power in about three hours...
1443<dwihno> You work in Kista?
1444<dwihno> LIK-KISTA! :D
1445<Bagder> Zagor: yeah
1446<dwihno> *hoho*
1447<Linus> Lot of barbeque parties in that neiighbourhood nowadays. :-)
1448<Zagor> no but the office (and thus server) is there
1449<Bagder> dwihno: no, but our office is there
1450<dwihno> lik-kista! :) :) ):
1451--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
1452<Linus> hi adam
1453<Zagor> Bagder: did you ever try to build a player simulator? it doesn't work
1454<Bagder> the build?
1455<Zagor> yes
1456<Bagder> works for me! :-O
1457<Zagor> 3S works but not 1S
1458<Zagor> make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bjst/public_html/rockbox/uisimulator/x11'
1459<Zagor> make[1]: *** No rule to make target `debug.c', needed by `/home/bjst/public_html/rockbox/psim/.deps/debug.d'. Stop.
1460<Bagder> old gcc again?
1461<Zagor> no
1462<Zagor> this is just make
1463<Bagder> ah, right
1464<Zagor> try in my dir and see
1465<Bagder> you have to allow me to cd there then ;-)
1466<Zagor> now
1467<Bagder> oh, I can
1468<Bagder> the Makefile too
1469<Zagor> now
1470<Bagder> weird
1471<Bagder> I removed .deps and tried again
1472<Bagder> then it worked
1473<Zagor> strange
1474<Zagor> oh well
1475--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
1476<Bagder> morning Alan
1477<alkorr> hi
1478<Bagder> Björn cut out newlib
1479<Bagder> no need for that anymore
1480<Zagor> i'm not 100% done yet, though
1481<alkorr> good news because i'm very upset : after a lot of hours to compile all the stuff, newlib fails
1482<Zagor> we still haven't replaced all the header files
1483<Bagder> uh
1484<Bagder> Zagor: ok
1485<Zagor> i'm thinking if we should just copy stdlib.h etc or do it some other way
1486<Bagder> I'm fine with whatever
1487<alkorr> that *!#§ try to compile for several machines (m2,m3e,m4-single and m4, plus the ml counterparts) whereas i would linke only for sh
1488<alkorr> sh1
1489<alkorr> any idea to switch off compilation with m2, m3e, etc. ?
1490<Linus> but where dios it fail?
1491<Linus> does
1492<alkorr> it try to link a lib.a or something like
1493<alkorr> it is when it compiles newlib (configure gcc with --with-newlib)
1494<alkorr> i have no longer the message (i compiled yesterday)
1495<alkorr> or to make a lib.a archive
1496<Linus> what version of gcc/binutils/newlib?
1497<alkorr> the same as yours
1498<Linus> strange
1499<alkorr> 1.10.0
1500<Linus> linux or cygwin?
1501<adi|home> okay... Zagor.. credits and splash/version merged
1502<adi|home> wanna take a look?
1503<alkorr> cygwin
1504<alkorr> just a precision
1505<Bagder> wavey managed to get it all working on cygwin
1506<Zagor> nah, just check it in
1507<Linus> ok. i have never tried it myself
1508<adi|home> it already is :)
1509<Zagor> ah, you already did :)
1510<adi|home> i ment for style ;)
1511<Zagor> checking
1512<Bagder> we should do some smooth scrolling on that screen
1513<Bagder> would be fun ;-)
1514<adi|home> heheh
1515<adi|home> im working on it :)
1516<adi|home> that stuff is sorta my 'i feel like playing' test bed
1517<adi|home> im here to contribute completely useless things
1518<adi|home> :)
1519<Bagder> we like that!
1521* adi|home coughs *screensaver*
1523<Linus> alkorr: that sucks
1524<Linus> alkorr: your capslock must be stuck :-)
1525<Zagor> adi|home: looking good
1526<adi|home> Bagder... wanna do me a favor?
1527<adi|home> on the configure
1528<Bagder> yeah?
1529<adi|home> let it catch the --help and -? options
1530<adi|home> even if it don't do nothing.
1531<adi|home> so that we can set it later
1532<dwihno> What do you guys think about the upcoming game between Sweden and England on sunday?
1533<Bagder> right
1534<Bagder> dwihno: *booooooring*
1535<Linus> dwihno: bloodbath!
1536* adi|home is just rocking for a game
1537<dwihno> Linus: Do you think we stand a chance?
1538<Linus> I guess Bagder and I don't share an interest of football :-)
1539<alkorr> when it tries to 'configure' newlib, it was so endless and seems for a moment locked so I ctl-ed break
1540<Bagder> hehe
1541<Linus> dwihno: oh yes
1542<Linus> alkorr: that takes forever!
1543<dwihno> :D
1546<Linus> or maybe we'll just win the game.
1547<adi|home> umm.. using the makefile created by the configure
1548<adi|home> when you run make.. should we consider relocating the binaries?
1549<alkorr> so when I retry a 'make' it doesn't turn in 'configure' back, but go ahead to compile 'newlib'
1550<adi|home> or should we assume the user will know where to look?
1551<Linus> Bagder: does the recorder build still name the target "archos.mod"?
1552<Bagder> adi|home: it should put them all in the directory you're in
1553<Bagder> Linus: yes
1554<alkorr> and i could be surprised that it tries to link lib.a (i mean it should be libXXX.a)
1555<Linus> It should call it ajbrec.ajz, afaik
1556<alkorr> so my question : it is normal it creates a lib.a ????
1557<Linus> alkorr: you must run the configure again
1558<Bagder> Linus: yes, but it's the same makefile so that's why it has the same target name
1559<Linus> ah maybe an ifdef?
1560<Bagder> yeah
1561<alkorr> geeeee !!!! it is not me who runs the 'configure' but 'make' the first time :(((((
1562<Linus> alkorr: no, it hasn't built a lib.a in my build
1563<Linus> ./configure
1564<alkorr> all this time lost :(((((
1565<Bagder> adi|home: done!
1566<adi|home> thanks :)
1567<Linus> alkorr: in a hurry? :-)
1568<adi|home> oh.. and the binary is not moved to the file your in.
1569<adi|home> and the configure file is growing on me :)
1570<alkorr> i cannot trust that 'make' :(((((
1571<Linus> blah
1572<Bagder> adi|home: it isn't moved, it's built right there
1573<Linus> alkorr: I did exactly that mistake the first time I built a cross gcc compiler (for powerpc)
1574<Linus> I had to start all over again...
1575<alkorr> Linus : i respect all the procedures you're describing in sourceforge for creating cross-compilers, where is the error ?
1576<alkorr> respected
1577<adi|home> not its not Bagder.. the Makefile is built and in the correct location..
1578<adi|home> but when you do a make... the binary is not in the pwd
1579<Bagder> did you really update the uisimulator/x11/Makefile ?
1580<Linus> I guess that the gcc makefile runs configure in the newlib directory if it sees that it isn't configured
1581<Linus> Bagder: how do I undo a ./configure?
1582<Linus> not in rockbox, i mean autoconf/automake stuff
1583<Bagder> Linus: you don't, you run it again and pick right ;-)
1584<Linus> not in rockbox, i mean autoconf/automake stuff
1585<alkorr> it is not the first time i made a cross compiler, but for a reason i don't know, more recent version are more and more difficult to compile (i suppose gcc 3.x.x are quite recent so unstable for certain platforms)
1586<Linus> remove config.cache?
1587<Bagder> Linus: yes, if such a one is made
1588<Bagder> it isn't usually these days
1589<adi|home> ahh.. okay.. fixed :)
1590<adi|home> hmmm... kinda nasty aint it..
1591<Linus> alkorr: tru removing the config.cache file in the newlib dir
1592<Linus> try
1593<Bagder> adi|home: nasty in what way?
1594<adi|home> 1. be cleaner if all the obj files were located somewhere else.. but can't help that..
1595<adi|home> 2. i run the rockboxui and it runs for a few ms and stops
1596<adi|home> no menu or anything
1597<adi|home> ideas?
1598<Bagder> why would the obj files be stored somewhere else?
1599<alkorr> but i don't see a config.cache
1600<adi|home> cause it just looks nasty :)
1601* adi|home is being picky... so deal :)
1602<Bagder> adi|home: the obj files were always stored this way, this is not a new way
1603<adi|home> i know..
1604<adi|home> don't mean i havta like it
1605<Bagder> right
1606<adi|home> but whats the story with the rockboxui?
1607<Linus> adi|home: try creating a directory called archos in the simulator dir
1608<Zagor> Bagder: the makefile created by configure should have a dependency on firmware for the target builds
1609<adi|home> ahh.. thats it.. i have one in the sim dir.. but not one in tools
1610<Bagder> Zagor: yes, it needs to run make in both firmware and apps
1611<Bagder> I realized that too
1612<Bagder> adi|home: you should not actually run the configure script in the tools dir
1613<Bagder> its not very nice
1614<Zagor> yeah, this 'archos' dir thing should be handled more gracefully
1615<adi|home> here should it be run from?
1616<Zagor> a new dir
1617<adi|home> l
1618<adi|home> k
1619<Bagder> yes, we need to treat a missing 'archos' dir just as an empty dir or something
1620<Zagor> or at least print a message
1621<Bagder> yes
1622<adi|home> well, why don't we just have the config create one if it don't exist?
1623<adi|home> i mean.. no archos dir, then they obv. don't have the .bmp
1624<Bagder> adi|home: hehe, good question ;-)
1625<Bagder> I'll make it
1626* adi|home has served his purpose
1627<adi|home> you may also want to check for the existance of the .bmp file i they choose the recorder... and report about it if it is not found.
1628<adi|home> s/i they/if they/
1629<Zagor> i think we should compile-in the rockbox logo, actually. it's very small and I expect many people will forget downloading the bmp
1630<adi|home> nods
1631<adi|home> how do you compile it in?
1632<Bagder> yeah
1633<Bagder> the file could be for replacement only
1634<Zagor> we should still look for a logo file, but have the official logo as default
1635<Bagder> I mean the logo on disk
1636<Zagor> exactly
1637<dwihno> How about application skinning? :)
1638<Bagder> we can use the bmp file reader as a converter
1639<adi|home> i agree.. i like that...
1640<adi|home> so we need current logo converted to binary yes?
1641<Bagder> converted to a C array
1642<adi|home> yeah..
1643<Bagder> just make the simulator write it to stdout
1644<Zagor> code size is now up to 0x658e
1645<Zagor> debug code, that is
1646<Bagder> Zagor: if you do 'configure update' now, the makefile will be corrected
1647<Zagor> good
1648<adi|home> the lcd_bitmap function.. how exactly does that write to the display?
1649<Bagder> it fills in the display buffer correctly
1650<Bagder> then lcd_update() copy the buffer to the LCD
1651<adi|home> so the buffer passed in, when returned, should be all 1's and 0's yes?
1652<Bagder> yes
1653<dwihno> Btw, is a price of SEK 1500 good for a old PII 266, 256mb RAM, 3GB disk, EEPRO100 NIC, ATI rage 128 card?
1654<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1655<Bagder> I dunno
1656<Zagor> sounds good to me, if you have use for it
1657<dwihno> I'm considering to sell my last computer ;)
1658<dwihno> Then I'm all computer-less.
1659<dwihno> Until my laptop arrives.
1660<Zagor> who's got a studio?
1661<Bagder> I think Lion and PsycoXul do
1662<Zagor> <-- player mod with new cursor chars. i want it tested to verify i've picked the right char
1663<Zagor> a new player is good too, of course
1664<Zagor> linus left mine at home *growl*
1665<Linus> sorry...
1666<Zagor> it isn't that pretty in the simulator :)
1667<Bagder> hehe
1668<Bagder> then we need some sim work-around
1669<Bagder> the recorder now gets an archos.ajz output file
1670<Zagor> nice
1671<PsycoXul> Zagor: it looks nice but still takes up 1 too many chars :p
1672<Zagor> yeah, we must fix something with the hardware cursor
1673<Zagor> next version
1674<PsycoXul> well i played with it
1675<PsycoXul> i just cant get the damn thing to show up without blinking
1676<Zagor> but you get the arrow?
1677<Bagder> Zagor: you should put sentences like that in a little document before we release, or people will jam us with questions like that
1678<Zagor> yes i will
1679<PsycoXul> yeah i get the arrow
1680<Zagor> good
1681<PsycoXul> the cursor's default state seems to be invisible
1682<PsycoXul> and when it blinks it gets reversed
1683<PsycoXul> but it starts out invisible and the blink period's too long
1684<PsycoXul> so you can scroll past several names before it blinks into visibility
1685<Zagor> PsycoXul: can you download and try again? this is a test with double-height logo
1686<Zagor> uhh, this will probably look strange
1687<PsycoXul> heh
1688<PsycoXul> it hasn't shown up on either of these
1689<Zagor> i'm turning it off too quickly
1690<PsycoXul> it just says the rom version untill the dir list comes up
1691<PsycoXul> and it still looks normal from the version menu
1692<Zagor> ok, hang on...
1693<PsycoXul> btw, it'd be nice if the sound options would go back to the sound menu when you press the menu button, like the rest of the menu does heh
1694<Zagor> right, fixing
1695<Zagor> ok, try again
1696<PsycoXul> btw i have to say
1697<PsycoXul> the process of copying one single little file is much faster in windows than linux
1698<Zagor> yes, that's because the linux FAT driver reads 512 bytes per request. it really slows everything down. :(
1699<PsycoXul> ok
1700<Zagor> i've been looking into it, but it's not exactly straight-forward
1701<PsycoXul> the logo still doesn't show up on startup, but it is double-height in the version menu
1702<PsycoXul> ...and then so is everything else afterwards
1703<PsycoXul> oh
1704<Bagder> hahaha
1705<PsycoXul> untill you leave the menu
1706<Zagor> yeah, i forgot to clear it :)
1707<Zagor> but why doesn't it show up at boot? hmm...
1708<PsycoXul> i dunno
1709<PsycoXul> just keeps showing the rom's screen
1710<Zagor> ok, once more
1711<Zagor> gaah, stop!
1712<Zagor> found the reason
1713<Zagor> download again
1714<Zagor> you don't have a webcam, do you? ;)
1715<Bagder> hehe
1716<PsycoXul> heh why
1717<Zagor> would be cool to see, now that I can't test myself
1718<PsycoXul> it works
1719<Zagor> it does? cool!
1720<PsycoXul> yep
1721<PsycoXul> its all cool
1722<alkorr> btw, ata still not working on recorder ?
1723<Zagor> only now you don't actually get to see the version number :)
1724<Zagor> alkorr: no
1725<Bagder> now darnit, does this mean you guys won't bring a player tonight to show me?
1726<Zagor> Bagder: only an old version
1727<Bagder> ah, ok, without double height?
1728<Zagor> unless we pop by linus on the way :)
1729<Bagder> uh
1730<Zagor> exactly
1731<PsycoXul> these ones haven't been showing a version number anyways
1732<Bagder> he's living way too far out ;-)
1733<alkorr> maybe another bit of port A or B to set/clear :/
1734<Zagor> yeah, he's out in the sticks
1735<Zagor> alkorr: yeah, probably something like that. we haven't looked much at it yet. it's very painful without gdb.
1736<PsycoXul> now just add a line-in on/off toggle, and auto-continue-to-next-track and i'll start using :p
1737<PsycoXul> using it
1738<PsycoXul> heh
1739<Zagor> patience, my friend :)
1740<Linus> the lazy playlist coders aren't ready. the mpeg thread is
1741<PsycoXul> honestly just playing a whole dir instead of a single file is all i miss in it and imo a road-block to realistic usability
1742<Zagor> i agree
1743<PsycoXul> even if it can't load or save playlists, just to keep going :p
1744<Zagor> i'll see if I can hack up a quick-fix for it
1745<PsycoXul> any idea on battery usage of this vs archos' at this point?
1746<Linus> probably worse that archos
1747<Zagor> probably. we aren't doing anything to conserve battery
1748<Zagor> except shutting off the disk
1749<PsycoXul> well thats the biggest battery sucker isn't it?
1750<Linus> yup
1751<Zagor> during activity, yes. when idle, it only draws like 40mA
1752<PsycoXul> i mean i can see it'll use more just cause you have to select each track
1753<PsycoXul> but besides that...
1754<Zagor> i'll be experimenting with shutting down the LCD and stuff soon. also there's a deeper sleep mode you can put the disk in.
1755<dwihno> Cool
1756<PsycoXul> i'm leaving for a week long trip on saturday
1757<Zagor> could you test again PsycoXul? this version shows double-height on boot but single-height on Version menu, I hope
1758<dwihno> Does the LCD consume lots of power?
1759<Zagor> dwihno: I don't know, that's what I intend to find out
1760<Linus> and the mpeg thread can be restructured to minimize the disk up-time
1761<dwihno> Coolness
1762<PsycoXul> it'd be great if its reasonably usable vs archos' before i left, cause i can hack in some text-file support and have books to read while i'm gone :p
1763<dwihno> Would be really neato to gain an hour or so :)
1764<Zagor> i wouldn't count on it
1765<dwihno> nah
1766<dwihno> but in our dreams, everything is possible! :)
1767<dwihno> The playlist loader could be smarter btw.
1768<Bagder> smarter than what?
1769<PsycoXul> heh
1770<Bagder> ah right, you've missed the playlist talk on the list
1771<PsycoXul> Zagor: yep works
1772<Zagor> cool
1773<PsycoXul> and shows version as CVS this time
1774<Zagor> i'll check it in like this, then
1775<dwihno> Bagder: I've been on the list for just a short while
1776<Bagder> dwihno: we plan a system where we can keep a large playlist by using little memory
1777<Bagder> and we can do full forward/backward even when doing random
1778<dwihno> :)~
1779<dwihno> but how?
1780<PsycoXul> the best way!
1781<PsycoXul> :p
1782<dwihno> gheh
1783<dwihno> I just wonder how to keep all data in memory
1784<Bagder> dwino: we store only file name byte-index in memory
1785<Bagder> byte-index into the file to fine the actual file namae
1786<Bagder> (and a few cached ones too)
1787<dwihno> mkay
1788<dwihno> The font should be tighter horizontally
1789<Bagder> feel free to make such a font
1790<dwihno> The browser should have some sort of quick navigation in a tree
1791<Zagor> we are accepting new font submissions :)
1792<Bagder> it could be made to work proportional too
1793<Zagor> that's a cool idea, actually
1794<alkorr> even ET font :)
1795<dwihno> The scroll should be horizontally too
1796<dwihno> scroll faster
1797<dwihno> <-- is mongo today
1798* Bagder has considered a system with a wider display buffer and allow the display to scroll horizontally
1799<Zagor> ahh, that's an idea
1800<dwihno> I want a jpeg-viewer too! :)
1801<Zagor> 1-bit jpegs are rare :)
1802<dwihno> heh
1803<dwihno> all you need is some cool algorithm to transform the image :)
1804<Bagder> true
1805<Bagder> that's what the bmp reader does
1806<Bagder> not cool though, rather uncool ;-)
1807<Zagor> time for Greasy Friday
1808--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
1809--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
1810<dwihno> greasy?
1811<dwihno> You mean JUNKFOOD! :D
1812<dwihno> Oh, the envy!
1813<PsycoXul> i thought you were commiting this? :p
1814<alkorr> Just a suggestion, why not use long long instead of char for internal bitmap ?
1815<Bagder> why?
1816<alkorr> if you need to draw a rectangle you can draw vertical line easily
1817<alkorr> just creating a mask to OR for start and end vertical lines
1818<alkorr> another mask for upper and lower horizonta lines
1819<Bagder> I don't see the point in optimizing for rectangles anyway
1820<alkorr> it is an example, Bagder
1821<Bagder> yes
1822<Bagder> but we do char output mostly
1823<Bagder> we should optimize for that
1824--- Bagder is now known as Bagder|lunch
1825<alkorr> i mean that access should not be always char but also short or int or long long according what you want
1826<alkorr> if you want to use double heigth font, use short instead of char
1827<alkorr> ah he's left
1828<-- alkorr has quit ()
1829<Lion> Hey, who works on the MPEG thread?
1830<Lion> Anyone alive?
1831<PsycoXul> not really
1832<Lion> Oh hey, hows it goin'.
1833<PsycoXul> pretty good
1834<Lion> I heard the test did not go as well as we could have hoped.
1835<PsycoXul> heh yeah
1836<PsycoXul> every time i loaded the new chars, they showed up on the screen in place of the old ones :/
1837<Lion> Damn.
1838<PsycoXul> i'm still not using rockbox's code to do it, but i don't think that matters
1839<Lion> Yeah, if you're talking directly to the controller, then all is losty.
1840<Lion> So, my plan is to write an interface layer to manage custom chars.
1841<PsycoXul> manage them in what way?
1842<Lion> And allow other threads to request and store custom chars, then a layer over the lcd_prints to call the custom chars. It'll check for the number of customs in use and swap 'em in and out as necessary
1843<Lion> stupid java
1844<PsycoXul> heh
1845<Lion> lcd_puts
1846--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
1847<Lion> Then no one has to worry about what custom clot is in use, or if/how many are on screen.
1848<Lion> s/clot/slot
1849<PsycoXul> sounds like fun
1850--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
1851<Lion> It's pretty easy, really.
1852<Linus> Lion: I work on the mpeg thread
1853<Lion> Cool, I have a global struct API interface for the thread.
1854<Lion> No locks needed either, vars are either external write only or internal write only.
1855<Linus> you mean the info about what songs to play and when they actually play?
1856<Lion> Well, that and a LOT more.
1857<Lion> Lemme quick crank it out so you can see.
1858<PsycoXul> hmm
1859<Lion> It's on paper right now.
1860<PsycoXul> what happens if you lcd_puts 22 chars on the player?
1861<Linus> ok. mail it to the list
1862<PsycoXul> will it wrap or truncate?
1863<Linus> wrap
1864<Zagor> truncate
1865<PsycoXul> heh
1866<Linus> :-)
1867<Zagor> truncate
1868<Linus> sorry, zagor fixed that.
1869<Zagor> truncate
1870<Zagor> truncate
1871<Zagor> :)
1872<PsycoXul> ok
1873<Linus> it truncates each row, right? after 11 chars.
1874<Zagor> yup
1875<Zagor> after pos 11
1876<Linus> I think I have found the LCD display controller that Archos uses
1877<Zagor> really?
1878<Zagor> so it's not the salomon we thought?
1879<Linus> the charset matches pretty well
1880<Linus> nope, but we knew that, didn't we?
1881<Zagor> yeah well i was kind of confused...
1882<Zagor> it matches so well, but still doesn't :)
1883<Zagor> so what have you found?
1884<Linus> samsung
1885<Linus> S6A0093 has a charset that matches
1886<Linus> still, it doesn't quite add up...
1887<Linus> the commands sent to it are not specified in the data sheet
1888<Linus> Ah
1889<Linus> that's because the charset matches that of the new player
1890<Linus> and i haven't analyzed the commands to the new LCD
1891<Linus> got it
1892<Zagor> where's the pdf?
1893<Linus> S6A0090
1894<Linus> that's the "old" LCD
1895--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
1896<Linus> at least when it comes to the commands
1897<Linus> but the charset is the same as S6A0093...
1898<Linus> strange
1899<Zagor> i never understood why they have different charsets for differnt versions
1900<Zagor> the old charset is a lot better than the new one
1902<Linus> and why change LCD at all?
1903<PsycoXul> cause they got a bargain on the earlier ones and then ran out?
1904<Zagor> yeah maybe
1905<Linus> hehe no wonder the double height mode doesn't work on the Old(tm) players
1906<Linus> its a Test command
1907<Zagor> people were unexpectedly actually buying the jukebox :)
1908<PsycoXul> hehe
1909<Zagor> Linus: ooh, nice :)
1910<Linus> "Don't use this instruction", sayeth the Data Sheet :-)
1911<PsycoXul> so how about the new lcd... is there maybe actualy a command to turn the hw cursor on and visible without blink? heh
1912<Zagor> Display Control:
1913<Zagor> C = Cursor on/off
1914<PsycoXul> or either one for that matter... heh
1915<Zagor> B = Blink on/off
1916<Zagor> D = Display on/off
1917<Zagor> neato
1918<PsycoXul> yeah
1919<PsycoXul> thats what it says in the sheet for it on your website too
1920<Linus> Samsung's web server log experiences a strange interest in LCD data sheets...
1921<Zagor> ah, right. same command...
1922<Linus> there seems to be a "standard" for LCD commands
1923<Linus> almost all LCD controllers have the same commands
1924<Zagor> oh well maybe there's some text explaining it, or whatever
1925<Linus> except for that &/#% old Player
1926<Zagor> so how do we know this is not just another almost-it?
1927<Linus> i think the only question mark is the charset on the Old Player
1928--- Bagder|lunch is now known as Bagder
1929<Zagor> can these be mask-programmed in some way, like the sh1 is?
1930<Linus> maybe
1931<Linus> you mean they have a custom charset on the old one?
1932<Bagder> I'll take off home, I'll pop in when I get there
1933<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
1934<Zagor> Linus: yeah, maybe. just a guess.
1935<Zagor> it seems natural Samsung would produce an asian display like the new one
1936<Linus> that makes it even more stupid to change LCD...
1937<Zagor> indeed... are both still in production?
1938<Linus> they say "mass production" on the site
1939<Zagor> ok. the mystery thickens... :)
1940<Linus> whatever. these ones seem more likely than the solomon ones anyway
1941<Zagor> yeah, at least there's *more* matches in these :)
1942<Linus> apropos standard,
1943<Linus> (from the web site)
1944<Linus> "The double height character mode and line
1945<Linus> vertical scroll functions are supported"
1946<Zagor> vertical scroll?
1947<Linus> That sort of implies a standard, otherwise they wouldn't have said "THE ... modes"
1948<Zagor> hmm, maybe. or it's just a case of asian english :)
1949<Linus> Line Shift Mode
1950<Linus> you can tell which part of DDRAM begins on the first line
1951<Linus> you can have 4 lines in memory and program an offset to tell which of the 4 is actually the first line on screen
1952<Zagor> ah. real fancy "scroll" :-)
1953<Linus> wow
1954<Linus> it has a horizontal scroll too
1955<Lion> asian english == engrish (the 'technical' term)
1956<Linus> or rather rotation
1957<PsycoXul> yeah
1958<Linus> Lion: :-)
1959<PsycoXul> its horizontal scroll sucks cause its buffer is too short though
1960<Linus> we need to perform some tests to see if the sheets are correct
1961<PsycoXul> its what archos' firmware uses
1962<Linus> is it?
1963<Zagor> i don't think it is. it bugs too much :)
1964<PsycoXul> i'm pretty sure it dictates the scroll speed and is why even scrolling chars get cut off at a certain point
1965<Zagor> but you get magically appearing/disappearing characters sometimes, which indicates it's not just a memory offset
1966<PsycoXul> but then you never know, those crazy archos people pulled that 999 limit out of their asses, they could've pulled a 22 char or such limit for sideways scrolling out of it too :p
1967<Zagor> i think they did
1968<PsycoXul> Zagor: hmm i've never seen that
1969<Zagor> play a file with long strings, then play a file with shorter. when the scroll goes past the \0 in the string, the rest of the previous string appears on-screen
1970<PsycoXul> hmm
1971<PsycoXul> never had that happen
1972<Zagor> uh, sorry. i'm talking about the recorder. doh!
1973<PsycoXul> ah well see
1974<PsycoXul> thats a different story altogether
1975<PsycoXul> heh
1976<Zagor> yeah
1977* Zagor smacks forehead
1978<PsycoXul> btw
1979<PsycoXul> did you commit those changes you said you were?
1980<PsycoXul> heh
1981<Zagor> yes
1982<PsycoXul> ok
1983<PsycoXul> just not getting the mails cause of the blackout?
1984<Zagor> exactly
1985<Zagor> they say the power could come back tonight. let's hope so.
1986<PsycoXul> hmm
1987<Zagor> feels like some 3rd world country...
1988<PsycoXul> ok i just compiled it and got into the browser still in double-height
1989<Zagor> ouch. let me check
1990<Zagor> well darn, that's the code I used. you sure you got the latest?
1991<Linus> large filea are displayed with large characters. :-)
1992<PsycoXul> heh
1993<Zagor> haha
1994<PsycoXul> yep got latest
1995<Zagor> ah, forgot one thing. hang on.
1996<Zagor> update tree.c
1997<Lion> Almost done with this thing.
1998<PsycoXul> if all else fails with making the hw cursor not blink
1999<PsycoXul> we could always just use a custom char thats the reverse of the first letter of what we're selecting
2000<PsycoXul> heh
2001<PsycoXul> Zagor: ok works
2002<Zagor> good
2003<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
2004<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
2005--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
2006--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
2007--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
2008<Linus> baggy! hi!
2009<Bagder> rehi
2010<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
2011<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
2012--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
2013--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
2014<Linus> suicidal proxy...
2015<Bagder> joinin leaving joining leaving... :-)
2017<Linus> Lion: good start
2018<Linus> A few comments...
2019<Linus> the mpeg thread may need to tell where in the stream it is playing right now
2020<Lion> Oops, stupid = in #defines
2021<Lion> right, I was using filepos to do that.
2022<Linus> we may also have at least two streams in memory
2023<Bagder> at least
2024<Linus> it reads more that 1 meg ahead
2025<Linus> and the thread is never killed
2026<Lion> MPEG_CMD_KILL is not designed to actually kill the thread
2027<Linus> ok
2028<Lion> just stop what it's doing, and unload it's data
2029<Bagder> I think we should use functions to instruct the thread
2030<Linus> ok, we might find a better name for it then
2031<PsycoXul> heh
2032<Bagder> and keep this struct for mpeg reporting
2033<PsycoXul> ok that last text reading function i wrote is really broke
2034<PsycoXul> IO9:CPUAdrE
2035<PsycoXul> at 000A11E3
2036<PsycoXul> :p
2037<Bagder> uu
2038<Linus> hehe
2039<Linus> i know exactly what it is.
2040<PsycoXul> what is it? heh
2041<Bagder> PsycoXul: unaligned memory address
2042<Linus> Zagor forgot to mention a sligt detail in his file API
2043<Linus> it can't always write into buffers at odd addresses
2044<Lion> Badger: You can use a func, but in the end it's still going to behave as this struct does. The MPEG thread will need ot lopp and check a var to look for it's commands.
2045<PsycoXul> heh
2046<Bagder> Lion: perhaps, but the API wouldn't have to care
2047<Linus> we have a message queue for that
2048<PsycoXul> oh well i think its broken in a lot of ways so i'll forget about that and use the newer one though its not quite as functional :/
2049<Linus> but it is about the same
2050<Lion> Bad: My point is, write a func, but that doesn't remove the need for the cmd var
2051<Bagder> Lion: sure it does
2052<Bagder> because it moves that responsibily to the thread
2053<Linus> i think the funcs could do what the mpeg_xxx() functions do today
2054<Linus> they send a message
2055<Lion> Yeah, and how does that message get to the thread?
2056<Linus> via the queue primitives
2057<Linus> and yes, it is still a loop
2058<Linus> that checks the queue
2059<Lion> OH, so there IS more than simple threading.
2060<Linus> we have queues and mutexes
2061<Lion> I was under the assumption that there wasn't any IPC semantics.
2062<Bagder> they're not documented anywhere though ;-)
2063<Linus> and sleep() and yield() of course
2064<Lion> Ahhh ....
2065<Linus> look at the mpeg.c
2066<Linus> and ata.c
2067<Lion> I was hoping there was sleep() for when I rewrite apps/play.c to use the struct
2068<Bagder> sleep() is documented
2069<Lion> cool
2070<Lion> Well, anyway, then someone write the mpeg_cmd() func .. :)
2071<Bagder> mpeg_play() is there ;-)
2072<Lion> I know.
2073<Lion> You'll notice the struct has no method for loading and starting a file
2074<Lion> it assumes mpeg_play()
2075<Bagder> goodie
2076<Bagder> mpeg_stop() stops
2077<Lion> woot
2078<Bagder> afaik, those are the only play-related functions we have right now
2079<Linus> pause and resume also
2080<Bagder> ah, cool
2081<Linus> but not seek
2082<Bagder> Linus: can you add them to the API file please?
2083<Linus> that one is a monster to implement in a good way...
2084<Linus> Bagder: ok
2085<Zagor> seek is for v3.0 ;)
2086<Bagder> hehe
2087<Zagor> Linus: add a comment about read() while you're at it
2088<Linus> BTW is the API file meant to document the present status, or the intended goal?
2089<Lion> present status
2090<Zagor> present status IMHO
2091<Bagder> Linus: I've tried to add a note when things don't work even if documented
2092<Bagder> like write()
2093<PsycoXul> ok wtf
2094<PsycoXul> this text function works fine for a small file
2095<PsycoXul> but large files it just displays the same odd pattern of y's and o's and blankness
2096<Linus> looks like a buffer overwrite to me.
2097<Lion> You're not loading the entire file into mem, are you?
2098<PsycoXul> Lion: of course i am
2099<PsycoXul> heh
2100<Bagder> haha
2101<Lion> Well, don't.
2102<Linus> and how big is your buffer?
2103<PsycoXul> the file's length
2104<Linus> malloc()
2105<PsycoXul> yeah
2106<PsycoXul> none of these files are over 1mb
2107<Lion> You shouldn't be loading all of it into mem anyway.
2108<PsycoXul> why not?
2109<PsycoXul> if it'll fit, it makes it a lot easier and saves hd spinning
2110<-- Bagder has quit (
2111<-- Linus has quit (
2112<-- Zagor has quit (
2113<Lion> Bad policy. Load and display chuncks only.
2114--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
2115<PsycoXul> chunks are bad when we want to spin the hd as little as possible
2116<Lion> You shouldn't assume you have free reign over all the memory. Place nice itth other threads
2117<Lion> s/itth/with
2118<Lion> s/Place/Play
2119<PsycoXul> yeah well i'm not submitting my code, its just for my own benifit
2120<PsycoXul> i'm not that good a coder :p
2121--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
2122--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
2123<Lion> Anyway, however you want to implement the cmd fucntions, if you do the DOMESTIC parts of the struct, then I'll rewrite apps/play.c to use them
2124<PsycoXul> ugh i guess i'm just using archos' firmware on vacation :/
2125<Zagor> PsycoXul: i may have something for you, if this works...
2126<PsycoXul> and i should've went to bed 2 hours ago
2127<PsycoXul> Zagor: whats this
2128<Zagor> testing whole-dir play right now
2129<PsycoXul> cool
2130<Zagor> bugs :)
2131<Zagor> testing again
2132<PsycoXul> oh well, unless somebody else can do a text viewer right and have it done today [i'm not holding my breath] i'm just gonna have to use archos' firmware on my vacation :/
2133<Zagor> does it have a text viewer?
2134<PsycoXul> no
2135<PsycoXul> but its got nifty things like battery indicator :p
2137<Zagor> whole-dir playback works
2138<Linus> bango!
2139<Bagder> rocking box
2140<PsycoXul> cool
2141<Zagor> i'm filtering a bit, so only files ending with a '3' are played :)
2142<Linus> i had that working a long time ago...
2143<PsycoXul> heh
2144<Linus> in my test code.
2145<Linus> but Zagor removed it
2146<Zagor> Linus: yeah, but you cheated by reading the dir again
2147<Zagor> i don't
2148<Linus> memory hog :-)
2149<PsycoXul> heh
2150<Zagor> you, yes
2151<Zagor> i don't use any more memory than before
2152<Linus> because you already loaded the dir
2153<Zagor> yup
2154<PsycoXul> i guess if somebody wanted to hack in a battery indicator i'd be satisfied to use rockbox this week
2155<Linus> the dir browser didn't exist when I wrote the mpeg thread
2156<Zagor> PsycoXul: heh, that's a whole science!
2157<PsycoXul> being out and about for a week in the middle of nowhere it just seems necessary to see when my battery is dead :p
2158<Linus> you will know, trust me. :-)
2159<PsycoXul> heh
2160<Zagor> I promise to not be offended if you don't use the Rockbox firmware :)
2161<PsycoXul> :p
2162<PsycoXul> damn my ploy backfired :p
2163<Zagor> now we are REALLY ready for 1.0 release
2164<PsycoXul> if there was a rolo already i wouldn't care what was in what, i'd just have it all on there and choose what i felt like :p
2165<Zagor> yeah, rolo would be really nice
2166<Bagder> I'd prefer a recorder version first
2167<PsycoXul> nahhh
2168<PsycoXul> :p
2169* Bagder smiles
2170<Linus> Bagder: buy a Player
2171<Bagder> well, you guys don't listen to yours, right? :-)
2172<PsycoXul> well...
2173<PsycoXul> i'm off to bed
2174<dwihno> Night
2175<dwihno> Sleep well
2176<Bagder> night PsycoXul
2177<PsycoXul> see ya either tomorrow or the week after next heh
2178<Zagor> yeah, bye
2179<Linus> night
2180--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|cake
2181--- Linus is now known as Linus|cake
2182<dwihno> CAKE?!
2183<dwihno> BEEFCAKE!
2184<Bagder> ok, I added an internal rockbox logo now
2185<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
2186<dwihno> yay!
2187<Bagder> yeah, takes away the need for a rockbox112.bmp
2188<Bagder> :-)
2189<dwihno> yeah
2190<dwihno> there should still be a loader to load alternative logotypes :)
2191<Bagder> yes, it'll remain
2192<Bagder> "bunkerromantik mix"
2193<Bagder> sounds fine ;-)
2194<dwihno> I'm the commander!
2195--> KGY16 ( has joined #rockbox
2196<Bagder> welcome
2197<KGY16> hi
2198--- KGY16 is now known as edx
2199<edx> lol
2200<Bagder> under cover edx!
2201<edx> heh that was some script i wrote once...
2202<edx> it was for some other irc server... it connected to a proxy with different IP every time and changed my ident and nickname so noone could ever find out im the smae person
2203<Bagder> hax0r-edx ;-)
2204<Bagder> edx: built that cross compiler yet? ;-)
2205<edx> haha.. no
2206<edx> i keep working with sh-elf work windows :P
2207<edx> nothing to build - just doubleclick setup.exe and a few times next and there you go
2208<Bagder> :-)
2209<edx> for the mp3 download stuff i was working on i found a neat solution (without linux thoguh...)
2210<edx> i wrote a program i can pass a list to and it controls WinMX for me (searches for the song, chooses the best version and downloads it)
2211<edx> i get like constantly 90kb/sec like this (just pass it the current chart list!)
2212<dwihno> cool
2213--- Zagor|cake is now known as Zagor
2214<dwihno> Zagor: Good cake?
2215<Zagor> very nice
2216--- Linus|cake is now known as Linus
2217<Linus> burp!
2218<dwihno> Beefcake? :)
2219<Linus> Zagor: fix that mpeg thread bug!
2220<Zagor> it was already fixed
2221<Linus> oh?
2222--- edx is now known as edx|no_cake
2223<dwihno> :)
2224<Zagor> uh, it wasn't...
2225--- edx|no_cake is now known as edx
2226<Bagder> 14397 lines of code
2227<Bagder> wc -l ` find firmware apps -name "*.[ch]" -maxdepth 2`
2228<Bagder> everything included: 35163 lines
2229<Linus> c00l!
2230<Linus> Bagder: yuu have 8 minutes now...
2231<Bagder> oh
2232<Bagder> you too ;-)
2233<Linus> yup.
2234<Bagder> I'm off!
2235<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
2236<Linus> bye
2237<Linus> gotta go now. Bye!
2238<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
2239<Zagor> i can report Rockbox plays 320kbit mp3s just *fine*
2240<dwihno> Yay
2241<dwihno> I can report my ear cartilage is hurting
2242<Zagor> 11, 22, 44 and 48 kHz sample rate works too. we rock! :)
2243<edx> hehe
2244<dwihno> How is seeking?
2245<edx> sweet :)
2246<Zagor> seeking is in the future
2247<Zagor> gotta go now, bye!
2248<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
2249<dwihno> Hey, 1.0 seems pretty close. Kewl.
2250--- edx is now known as edx|away
2251<edx|away> lol.. we should contact archos to replace their crap - maybe they pay us :P
2252--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
2253--- dwihno is now known as dw|weekender
2254<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
2255--> chaumai54 (~chau@ has joined #rockbox
2256<chaumai54> hello
2257<chaumai54> so, I want to look at the source and compile it and mess with it to see if I have the skills to be able to contribute anfthing
2258<chaumai54> using win2k pro, installed cygwin.
2259<chaumai54> tried to follow the steps to make the sh-elf-gcc
2260<chaumai54> when run binutils configure(or any of the configures for that matter) i get an error
2261<chaumai54> checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... eval: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted
2262<chaumai54> string
2263<chaumai54> Configure in /home/linus/build/binutils/intl failed, exiting.
2264--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
2265<-- chaumai54 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
2266<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
2267--> chaumai54 (~chau@ has joined #rockbox
2268<chaumai54> helo?
2269<chaumai54> person = (Person)PartyHomeFactory.getPartyHome().findByPartyID(recipient);
2270<chaumai54> oops
2271<chaumai54> checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... eval: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted
2272<chaumai54> string
2273<chaumai54> Configure in /home/linus/build/binutils/intl failed, exiting.
2274<chaumai54> .
2275<chaumai54> ...
2276<-- chaumai54 has quit ()
2277--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
2278--> nicknackpattywac ( has joined #rockbox
2279<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
2280--> chaumai54 (~chau@ has joined #rockbox
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2283--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
2284<edx|away> adi.. you there?
2285<-- adam has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
2286--- edx|away is now known as edx
2287<webmind> anyone alive ?
2288<webmind> question: if i start using the current rockbox firmware, will i be able to switch back easily to the firware from archos and is there any chance on damaging the thing ?
2289<edx> there is a chance of damaging the thing - you will be able to switch back easily to the archos firmware
2290<edx> finally. tetris. in large.
2291--> motiv01 ( has joined #rockbox
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2293--> motiv01 ( has joined #rockbox
2294<adi|work> edx.. just saw your version of tetris.. it rocks :)(
2295<adi|work> gotta run ... be home in a bit...
2296<edx> thx adi.
2297<edx> i gotta go as well now. cya guys
2298<-- edx has quit ("n8")
2299<webmind> hmm, what damage could i encounter
2300**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri May 31 19:56:21 2002