path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020516.log
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1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon May 13 22:27:52 2002
3--> adiamas (~adiamas@ has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Does your box rock?
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Bagder at Mon May 13 04:46:28
6--> edx ( has joined #rockbox
7<edx> morning :)
8--- edx is now known as edx|breakfast
9--> calpefrosch (~calpefros@ has joined #rockbox
10<edx|breakfast> hi calpefrosch...
11--- edx|breakfast is now known as edx
12<-- edx has quit ("off for school")
13--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
14--- calpefrosch is now known as calpefrosch|work
15--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
16--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
17<Zagor> hi all
18<Bagder> morning
19<Bagder> I added my malloc code yesterday as you probably noticed
20<Bagder> in the test dir only so far
21<Bagder> with about 8 new files, would you say a new firmware/memory/ directory is justified?
22<Zagor> hmm
23<Zagor> why so many files?
24<Bagder> 3 c, 3 h, two "docs"
25<Zagor> firmware/malloc seems a better name, imho
26<Bagder> as long as it is only for malloc, yes ;-)
27<Zagor> what more do you want in there?
28<Bagder> nothing, at the moment. I just thought that if it is named memory, future related additions could go in there
29<Bagder> no big deal
30<Zagor> well if you put it in "common", we can put all kinds of things there :)
31<-- linuxstb has quit (
32--> linuxstb ( has joined #rockbox
33<Bagder> does it make any sense to separate 20 bytes malloc() from 28 bytes malloc() ?
34* Bagder doesn't think so
35<adiamas> huh?
36<Zagor> umm, we need some context here
37<Bagder> the smallest possible area that will be alloced is 20 bytes now
38<Bagder> the next "bump" up is 28 bytes
39<adiamas> got ya
40<Bagder> and the next after that is 52
41<Zagor> we should probably do some profiling to determine the "bumps"
42<Bagder> yeah, I should probably just leave them as they are for now
43<Zagor> yup
44<-- linuxstb has quit (
45--> linuxstb ( has joined #rockbox
46* Bagder spots that we're now only 227 days from completing the RC5-64
47<Zagor> Which will be ready first: A "dogfood" rockbox firmware or RC5-64? :)
48<Bagder> a worthy race ;-)
49<adiamas> a "dogfood"?
50<adiamas> and what is RC5-64?
53<Bagder> and our team is here:
55<Bagder> RC5 is an encryption algorithm, the RC5-64 is a competion to find the key of a crypto, distributed on computer world wide
56<adiamas> hhehehe k...
57<Bagder> been going on for 1664 days today
58<adiamas> hmmm one of yo umay know...
59<adiamas> my display, font, size etc on my virtual terms (linux) is outta whack..
60<adiamas> i think its releated to my libvga.config
61<adiamas> but im not sure.. ideas?
62<Zagor> libvga?
63<Zagor> you're not using X11?
64* Bagder has no good clue
65<Zagor> uh, ignore me
66<Zagor> :)
67<adiamas> i am using X11
68* Zagor reads "virtual terms" slowly, several times. Finally gets it.
69<adiamas> but on my virtual terms....
70<adiamas> yeah.. do: ctrl-alt-f4
71<Zagor> i've never had that problem
72<adiamas> and imagine seeing 2 login prompts.. one at the top of the screen.. and another at the bottom :)
73<-- linuxstb has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
74<Zagor> adiamas: that ipaq question (on the mlist) should probably be added to the FAQ. I get it a lot.
75<Bagder> he can take your upcoming and thorough reply and paste in ;-)
76<Zagor> hehe
77<calpefrosch|work> I have an IPAQ too, and it would be cool to use the rockbox with it.
78<calpefrosch|work> ähh, jukebox
79<Zagor> it would, indeed. so get started on a driver ;)
80<calpefrosch|work> it's not my special subject ;-)
81<Bagder> since it is just usb-storage, one would suspect that many people would be intersted in such a driver
82--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
83<Bagder> I mean, non-Archos ppl too
84<Bagder> morning Stuart
85<Zagor> Bagder: indeed
86<wavey> howdy
87<Zagor> if someone would donate an ipaq to me, I'd consider looking into it :)
88<calpefrosch|work> are you looking for someone special ?
89<Bagder> for pocketpc?
90<Bagder> I wouldn't ;-)
91* calpefrosch|work holds his IPAQ tight
92<Zagor> bleh, no not for pocketpc. i'm not going anywhere near that.
93<calpefrosch|work> there is a Linux for the IPAQ..
94<Zagor> yup, that's what I'd consider looking into
95<Zagor> however, I'm not about to trade in my vintage HP 200LX anytime soon
96<Bagder> hehe
97<Bagder> what year did you buy that?
98<Zagor> I can't remember. 1995 or something. it says "copyright 1992,1994" on the back :)
99<calpefrosch|work> it's DOS ??
100<Zagor> yep
101<Zagor> MS-DOS 5.0
102<calpefrosch|work> and you didn't install Linux on it?? ;-)
103<Zagor> no. It's got an 8086, so it's a bit limited. last time I checked, the state of the linux port was very raw
104<Bagder> 80186 isn't it?
105<Zagor> well it's some kind of NEC x86-compatible chip, I don't remember the exact model
106* calpefrosch|work goes to work again
107<Zagor> 1 May 2002: FIRST EVER ELKS BETA!!!
108<Bagder> doesn't *really* matter ;-)
109* Zagor is downloading :)
110<Bagder> elks?
111<Zagor> Embeddable Linux Kernel Subset - linux for the 8086
112<Bagder> aaah
113--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
114<Bagder> dr Linus!
115<Linus> yo
116<Linus> Doctor Linus. I like the sound of that! :-)
117<Bagder> then you better start doing really good things
118<Bagder> ;-)
119<Bagder> after all, Torvalds *is* a "doctor Linus"
120<Linus> I actually have an almost working audio thread.
121<Linus> Bagder: I'm curious about the button interface
122<Bagder> in what way?
123<Linus> The simulator code reads the buttons and sleep for 1 tick in a loop. Shouldn't that be handled with a message queue?
124<Bagder> perhaps
125<Linus> Or is it hard to simulate?
126<Bagder> the code reading the keys should run on the timer interrupt, shouldn't it?
127<Linus> I believe so
128<Linus> and post to a queue when a button is pressed>/released
129<Bagder> so we better do the correct thing for the target code first, and then we adjust the similator to work similarly
130<Linus> I'll do that
131<Bagder> as you might've seen, I've added the malloc code to the firmware/malloc dir now
132<Bagder> it should be possible to use
133<Linus> Great.
134<Bagder> it needs one init call and one bmalloc_add_pool()
135<Linus> ok
136<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
137--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
138--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
139--> dwihno (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) has joined #rockbox
140<dwihno> God förmiddag
141<dwihno> Ingen vaken? :/
142--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
143<Linus> helo
144<Zagor> hi there. english here
145<Linus> fast vi är svenskar
146<Linus> några av oss
147<dwihno> Okay
148* Zagor slaps Linus
149<dwihno> I obey
150<Linus> ouch!
151<dwihno> Anyways, looking for reviews regarding the archos players, I stumbled across the rockbox page :)
152<Zagor> welcome :-)
153<Linus> Many people do
154<dwihno> Since I've been reading a couple of reviews pinpointing the software as a design flaw, I got interested to know more about the device :)
155<Linus> Shoot
156<Zagor> well i guess there's a few nights' worth of reading on the webpage :-)
157<dwihno> *sha-baam*
158<dwihno> hehe
159<dwihno> What kind of batteries?
160<Zagor> AA NiMH
161<dwihno> Is the sound quality good or bad? Signal-to-noise ratio etc...
162<Linus> 1.2V NiMH
163<dwihno> Is it possible to find replacement batteries without travelling to asia :) ?
164<Zagor> sound quality is very good on the recorder, fairly good on the player
165<Linus> The batteries are common
166<Zagor> you can buy them in any hobby shop
167<dwihno> Since you have been working on the software for quite some time, what is your personal opinions about the devices?
168<Linus> I bough mine at Teknikmagasinet
169<Zagor> we love them!
170<Zagor> some design flaws, but in general the flexibility that comes from using standard parts is really nice
171<Linus> Although they have saved maybe one penny too much on some parts of the hardware
172<dwihno> ah, okay
173<dwihno> I am considering the 20gb recorder model
174<Zagor> good choice
175<Linus> Good choice
176<Zagor> echo
177<Linus> cho cho...
178<dwihno> but the software part makes me a bit ... worried :)
179<Zagor> that's what we're here for ;)
180<dwihno> :D
181<Linus> Don't be alarmed. it's not that bad
182<Zagor> no, it's quite alright
183<dwihno> All reviews screaming about the "bad sound quality", are they just using bad headphones? Because I HATE hiss-noises when listening to music
184<Zagor> that depends
185<Zagor> many reviews only listened to very early model players, which had bad sound quality. that was fixed in a firmware upgrade over a year ago
186<dwihno> ah, okay
187<dwihno> How about skipping?
188* Bagder returns with a cup of steaming coffee
189<Zagor> but there is a buzz problem in the recorder, that I don't know if they have fixed yet
190<dwihno> Does the buffer prevent it 100%?
191<dwihno> buzz problem?
192<Zagor> no, you'll get skipping if you take it jogging, for example
193<Linus> I have no problem with skipping
194<Zagor> this is not a device for the ski bumps :)
195<Linus> But since it is a hard drive you must be careful with it.
196<Linus> But you don't want to go jogging with it. It is too heavy for that, IMHO
197<dwihno> ah, okay
198<dwihno> for walking, the buffer is sufficient?
199<Zagor> sometimes, the recorder emits a quiet buzz sound that seems to come from the screen update. we're trying to address that in our firmware.
200<Bagder> dwihno: it is
201<Linus> Haven't had a skip yet
202<dwihno> Are there any big differences between the recorder and studio models? As far as I know, there are only these two models of the player (with different sizes...)?
203<Zagor> big differences
204<Zagor> the recorder has a much better screen, more keys and better sound
205<dwihno> the recorder has recording abilities? :) what else? :)
206<dwihno> ah, more keys
207<Linus> The recorder has a newer, better, MP3 decoder chip
208<dwihno> I love keys
209<dwihno> the price difference is slim, only $30-40
210<Linus> More sound tweaking parameters
211<Zagor> the big difference is the screen. the studio is a 11x2 character display, the recorder is a 112x64 bitmap display
212<dwihno> How often does the recorder-buzz-noise appear?
213<Bagder> there won't be any tetris on the studio!
214<Linus> The Tetris is awful on the Studio
215<dwihno> So the studio is more like a low-budget (older perhaps) model?
216<Linus> Yup
217<dwihno> I read about that tetris game, that was a quite fun thingy :)
218<Zagor> dwihno: look here:
219<dwihno> BIG difference! :O
220<Zagor> yeah
221<Linus> And the USB2.0 interface ROCKS!
222<dwihno> I'm impressed with the rate of progress you guys are making with the replacement firmware :) Who got the idea rolling in the first place?
223<Zagor> it sure does
224<Bagder> usb2 is schweeeet
225<Linus> It was Zagors idea
226* Bagder blames Zagor
227<Bagder> we did nothing ;-)
228<Zagor> hehe
229<Linus> I just sit and watch
230<dwihno> Zagor = Björn, right?
231<Zagor> yes
232<dwihno> ah...
233<Linus> Zagör
234<dwihno> I've heard about you in other places :)
235<dwihno> Hey, we got a celebrity here! :D
236<Zagor> oh?
237<Linus> That must be Björn Borg
238<Zagor> C64?
239<Bagder> muaahahaha
240<dwihno> :-)
241<Linus> Zagor is curious
242<dwihno> I can't remember, but the words Björn. haxx, and Daniel(?) rings a bell somewhere deep inside my head
243* Bagder hides
244* Linus feels left out
245<Zagor> heh, yeah we've got our fingers into quite a number of projects... :-)
246<dwihno> Linus: <Linus> I just sit and watch <-- suit yourself ;)
247<Bagder> I tried "Stenberg" on google
248<Linus> :-)
249<Bagder> I'm only number four
250<Linus> Try Nielsen Feltzing
251<dwihno> correction, you're the third
252<Bagder> ;-)
253<Linus> First hit: Rockbox :-)
254<dwihno> YEAH! :D
255<dwihno> All your rockbox are belong to archos! :D
256<dwihno> Speaking of which, have they contacted you?
257<Zagor> we've practically invaded google :)
258<Bagder> we own google
259<Zagor> nope. I don't expect they will, either
260<dwihno> A project this big might draw some attention
261<dwihno> "Stop the project or die" :)
262<Zagor> yeah, we'll see
263<Bagder> that would be slightly amusing ;-)
264<Zagor> they don't have much to go on, though. this is all clean and legal
265<Bagder> ...until they send guys gome to us with large aluminum bats
266<Linus> If our firmware is better thet theirs, it will certainly be embarassing
267<Zagor> "if"? ;)
268<Bagder> when
269<dwihno> :-)
270<Linus> "when"
271<dwihno> It's just a question of time
272<Bagder> exactly
273<dwihno> The web page is up to date with all the green and yellow marked features?
274<Zagor> yup
275<dwihno> may 8
276<dwihno> boot loader?
277<Bagder> we should make the tree.c yellow
278<Bagder> and add a link to the API docs embryo
279<Linus> The boot loader is for loading different firmwares
280<dwihno> ah, okay
281<Linus> games, the Archos original firmware etc
282<Bagder> web browser, pdf reader... :-P
283<Linus> Movie player
284<dwihno> Hey, as long as you can watch pr0n jpeg's in BW I'm satisfied ;D
285<Linus> You want the video Archos
286<Bagder> right, we need a jpeg decoder
287<Zagor> with scrolling :)
288<Linus> Lots of scrolling
289<dwihno> heh
290<dwihno> bicubic interpolation is all you need
291<Bagder> we just use a large screen buffer and lcd_update() with an x,y
292<Bagder> I already considered this actually ;-)
293<Zagor> i'm moving the simulators to GREEN. they do work, after all
294<dwihno> hah :) cool
295<dwihno> yay! tree is yellow now! :D
296<Bagder> Zagor: right
297<Linus> tree.c has a bad link
298<Zagor> ah, fixing
299<Bagder> add the API docs link too
300<Linus> BTW, what do I have to do to get system.c green?
301<dwihno> How do you browse tracks and such on the player? Do you have a tree view of all files?
302<Linus> Rewrite it, I know...
303<Linus> The tree is quite small on a 2x11 screen :-)
304<dwihno> Is it possible to make play an entire directory without playlists?
305<dwihno> In short: how is the user interface on the archos? :)
306<Linus> You mean the Archos original firmware?
307<dwihno> yeah
308<dwihno> If you want to, you can tell me about your own implementation of the directory browsing (or however it works) :)
309<Linus> In the origina, you can create playlists that consists of an entire directory tree with a simple button press
310<Bagder> we will make everything *perfect* ;-)
311<Linus> Bagder is right
312<Linus> Wa are *cool*
313<PsycoXul> yeah
314<dwihno> :-)
315<dwihno> YOU OWNZZZZ! :D
316* Bagder giggles
317<dwihno> Where in .se do you buy it for the best price?
318<Linus> R000lz
319<Linus> I dont know
320<PsycoXul> dwihno: i've been thinking about all these things since before i got my archos, and watching these guys progress and they're doing it all just right
321* Bagder doesn't know either
322* Linus blushes
323<dwihno> :-)
324<Bagder> I bought my Archos solely for the purpose of running OUR software
325<dwihno> :-)
326<dwihno> You mean, playing tetris and storing jpeg's? :)
327<Linus> I bought mine to listen to music
328<Bagder> music is secondary to me
329<Linus> I have two
330* Zagor has three :)
331<Bagder> haha
332<Linus> One developer machine and one music machine
333<Bagder> and the winner is...
334<Linus> Zagor cheats
335<dwihno> ZAGOR! For almighty ownzage ;D
336<Zagor> it's not cheating, it's called "outside assistance" ;)
337<dwihno> Yeah, you got a 6000 model you lucky bastard :)
338<Linus> Threatening a poo frenchman to get his player. That's low.
339<PsycoXul> i decided to get one to run other firmware on it before your first LCD scroller release heh
340<PsycoXul> i just knew these devices were gonna do more than they were being sold as
341<dwihno> What is left to do before the first release of the firmware?
342<Linus> The 6000/studio model will be the first target for our firmware
343<Zagor> dwihno: basically tying it all together
344<Linus> I have some things to do with the MPEG playing code
345<Zagor> some more MP3 playback work, a bit more UI tweaks
346<Linus> But it plays music
347<dwihno> The 4 second boundary has been broken? :)
348<Linus> Indeed. It plays from hard disk
349<dwihno> How did you play 4 seconds btw?
350<Linus> Loading 128K of MP3 data via the debugger
351<Bagder> that "news" section on the web site could mention this
352<dwihno> I can do documentation! :D
353<Linus> Great!
354<dwihno> I want to be a part of the phenomenon!
355<Linus> Please join
356<Bagder> we could use that
357<Bagder> we need all the help we can get
358<dwihno> Do you have any kind of screenshots of the firmware I can see? :)
359<Linus> There is no firmware yet... :-(
360<Bagder> we have simulators
361<dwihno> ah, okay
362<dwihno> Is it possible to test it on win32?
363<Linus> yes
364<Linus> but I wouldn't call it "test"
365<Bagder> but there's no binary available for download
366<Bagder> only source in CVS
367<dwihno> damn, I have no development enviromnent setup here :/
368<Linus> you can always suck up to the win32 developers on this channel
369<Bagder> we should ask the win32 guys to start making "releases"
370<dwihno> BTW, the USB2 interface is backwards-compatible, right+
371<dwihno> ?
372<Bagder> yes
373<Zagor> yes
374<Bagder> 1.1 works fine too
375<Linus> We should have a Java simulator too. Then we could have it as an applet on the web page! :-)
376<Zagor> haha
377<dwihno> 1.1?
378<Bagder> usb1.1
379<Linus> USB1.1
380<Zagor> yeah, that'd be easy. just one monster of a JNI hack ;)
381<dwihno> Is USB 1.1 the standard of all computers? :)
382<Bagder> yes
383<dwihno> ah
384<dwihno> Is there USB 1.0?
385<Linus> i don't think so
386<dwihno> hm
387<dwihno> maybe in some stoneage computer
388<dwihno> a long long time ago, in a taiwanese bunker far away
389<Zagor> they never released 1.0. I think it had 1.5Mbit speed
390<dwihno> What is the speed of 1.1?
391<Linus> oooh.
392<dwihno> 12?
393<Zagor> yes, 12
394<dwihno> and for 2.0? 4xx ?
395<Zagor> 480
396<dwihno> New DSP algoritms.... What do you have planned?
397<Zagor> whatever we can get. OGG, WAV etc
398<dwihno> ah, okay
399<PsycoXul> i talked to somebody in #vorbis about ogg
400<dwihno> I read in the FAQ, that WAV would be unsupported :)
401<PsycoXul> on the hardware
402<dwihno> How about reading mpeg streams of sounds from ... let's say ... divx's
403<dwihno> Would that be possible?
404<PsycoXul> he said it *might* be possible between the sh1 and the mas
405<PsycoXul> heh
406<Linus> I think so. As long as the sound is MP3
407<Linus> It's just a matter of reading the files
408<dwihno> yeah
409<PsycoXul> not very optimistically thought... if it possible, likely it is for the recorder only
410<Linus> Playing wav files with 48kHz stereo will not be possible on the Player without compression
411<dwihno> In what way?
412<Linus> The serial line between the CPU and the decoder is too slow
413<dwihno> ah, okay
414<Linus> 1mbit/s
415<Linus> But the recorder has a parallel connection
416<Linus> so it should be possible
417<Linus> however, the burden on the DMA will be high
418<Linus> And the CPU will be wuite busy
419<Linus> quite
420<dwihno> ah
421<Linus> But never say never. it has a fairly low priority at the moment...
422<dwihno> We can dream about it :)
423<PsycoXul> 22khz 16bit stereo or 44khz 16bit mono should be possible on the player, and anything less, right? those are only around 700kbps
424<Linus> indeed
425<Linus> PsycoXul: i believe so
426<PsycoXul> but then it seems to have problems playing high bitrate mp3's so that might not be the limiting factor either
427<Linus> That is a CPU problem I think
428<dwihno> How about funny file formats like MOD's, and emulating SID and stuff? :)
429<Linus> Hold your horses!
430<dwihno> Or am I all away in the blue now? :)
431<Bagder> "blue sky alert, take cover"
432<Linus> As long as we don't have WAV playing we can't generate any other sound than MP3
433<dwihno> Rockbox - Making our dreams come true ;D
434<PsycoXul> heh
435<Bagder> Rockbox - what do you want to play tomorrow?
436<Linus> But as soon as we have PCM we surely can dream about MOd and stuff
437<dwihno> Yeah
438<dwihno> Before building the house, it is nice to have some bricks :)
439<PsycoXul> yeah
440<PsycoXul> if we can have pcm
441<Linus> and the COU isn't exactly a monster
442<Linus> CPU
443<PsycoXul> it would have to be fairly low-quality
444<Zagor> PsycoXul: have you published the code for double-height text?
445--> kjer ( has joined #rockbox
446<Zagor> kjer!
447<Linus> heloo Kjell
448<kjer> Hallo!
449<Linus> I noticed that you joined yesterday evening too
450* Bagder moos at Kjell
451<PsycoXul> Zagor: hmm
452<kjer> Yup, but it was just for testing. Then I rebooted...
453<Linus> Windows, eh?
454<dwihno> You need some cool slogan for the Rockbox project
455* Linus NEEDS coffee!
456<kjer> I tried to install Linux, but I get a missing irq for one harddisk I have... Redhat 7.3 :-(
457<Bagder> mmm coffee
458<Zagor> missing irq?? never heard that before.
459<dwihno> Me neither
460<kjer> Me neither - but I sure got it...
461<PsycoXul> Zagor: iirc all i did was lcd_write(0x9,0) and then put the text up like normal... i'd have to check that though, and i haven't done it with the new codebase yet
462<dwihno> Redhat was equipped with IRQ-detection-obfuscation code from M$, I presume :)
463<Zagor> PsycoXul: could you check? I'd like to use it as startup-logo for the firmware
464<PsycoXul> Zagor: it was simple, and i found it in the pdf on the player's LCD on your site heh
465<Zagor> ok :)
466<Zagor> i think we've been over this before once... ;)
467<dwihno> Do you have the logo in a appropriate format for the recorder yet? :)
468<Zagor> yes
469<PsycoXul> heh
470<PsycoXul> yeah
471<dwihno> Ah, another question... Is there much of a difference between the firmwares in the players?
472<PsycoXul> i tried to convert it to custom chars for the player's LCD, but it was *extremely* ugly and took more chars than you can define heh
473<dwihno> :-)
474<Bagder> I wanted to write a GIMP save-plugin for our bitmap format, but I couldn't find out how to do it...
475<Zagor> dwihno: the player and recorder uses totally different firmware. we will make two separate versions.
476<PsycoXul> but i did find that you can set custom chars into double-height mode, so with a little creativity you can design some things like that...
477<Bagder> so I'm considering adding code to read some well-known format
478<Zagor> xbm?
479<Bagder> xbm is not our format
480<dwihno> Zagor: ah, too bad.
481<PsycoXul> it is for the player
482<Zagor> no, but it's a source format that's easily converted
483<dwihno> Zagor: That would save a heapload of time
484<PsycoXul> at least it used to be heh
485<Bagder> Zagor: well, "easily" at least :-)
486<Zagor> dwihno: well much code will be shared anyway so it's not a big problem. but they use different hardware so we need different drivers.
487<Bagder> Linus: do you have any bpm format reader code left anywhere?
488<Zagor> <--- recorder logo
489<Linus> Yes I do
490<dwihno> Are the batteries shipped with the player good enough for usage, or should they be replaced on arrival? I've read it is hell'ish to replace the batteries :/
491<Bagder> Linus: wouldn't that be useful?
492<Linus> If you mean BMP
493<Bagder> uh, yes
494<Zagor> they are fine, and simple to replace
495<dwihno> aww... how cute :)
496* Linus looks in his toy box
497<PsycoXul> they come with 2 whole sets
498<Linus> Baaah. It is only a BMP writer.
499<dwihno> Japanese batteries suck :)
500* Linus looks again
501<PsycoXul> i got mine for xmas and i still get ~10 hour playtimes on the first set
502<PsycoXul> but they seem to have supplied different batteries to different people so i can't speak for what you get
503<PsycoXul> mine are green and have 1600mAh printed on them
504<Linus> Did you also get 8 batteries?
505<Linus> I did
506<Bagder> seems that's standard
507<Zagor> my first unit had 1200mAh, I think
508<Zagor> i'm using 1800 now
509<dwihno> I got a BMP reader thingy
510<dwihno> Although I need to clean it from windows dependant code
511<dwihno> <shame on me>
512<Bagder> dwihno: hey, a golden opportunity to join in! ;-)
513<dwihno> YAY :D
514<dwihno> a golden shower
515<dwihno> erhm...
516<Linus> Bagder: I found it. Mailing...
517<dwihno> Zagor: How much does 1800mAh batteries affect play time?
518<dwihno> You get much extra time? :)
519--- dwihno is now known as dw|bbl
520<Zagor> i haven't done any timed measurements, but I get a lot.
521<Bagder> Linus: this code is quite perfect
522<Linus> Good. It's only monochrome, but that is what we want
523<Bagder> right
524<Bagder> I'll "port" it for our use
525<Zagor> I'm removing firmware/disk.* for now
526<Zagor> it's just dummy code anyway
527<Linus> Finally.
528<Zagor> Bagder: I get a compiler warning for line 558 of dmalloc.c
529<Zagor> is it ok if I break out the prevsize assignment from the "if" and put it above?
530<Bagder> yes, but then it'll be assigned unnecessary at times
531<Zagor> really? the condition is &&, which means it will always be executed
532<Zagor> no?
533<Bagder> no
534<Bagder> only if the first equals true
535<Zagor> uh, no. i'm silly
536<Bagder> but the assignment could probably be moved into the block below
537<Zagor> yes, that'd remove the warning
538<Bagder> how did you get the warning?
539<Bagder> ah
540<Bagder> -W was missing
541<Zagor> you can reach "if (prevsize > qinfo[0])" without initialzing prevsize
542<Bagder> how?
543<Zagor> ah, there's still a problem with the prevsize -=
544<Bagder> right
545<Bagder> there's a problem
546<Zagor> if memblock was true, then the assigment would never execute
547<Zagor> will you fix this? it's better than me following your instructions. also, how about indenting the code ;)
548<Bagder> I'll fix
549<Bagder> I honestly can't see why gcc need both -W and -Wall to show all warnings
550<Zagor> no, it's a bit odd
551<Zagor> are you using 2.96?
552<Bagder> no, 3.0.3
553* Bagder committed
554<Bagder> back to bmp.c
555<Bagder> hm
556<Linus> hm?
557<Bagder> it barfs hard
558<Bagder> error - Bitmap is too wide (9472 pixels, max is 112)
559<Linus> ooh missing something?
560<Linus> haha
561<Bagder> could it be that my bmp is compressed and this code doesn't grok that?
562--- dw|bbl is now known as dwihno
563<dwihno> tra la la
564<Linus> Could be. BMP compression is all but fun
565<Linus> It is really, and i mean really silly
566<Linus> dont even try
567<Linus> save it uncompressed
568<Linus> you should also check the endianness
569<Linus> That code runs on an intel CPU
570<dwihno> Check if the indian is BIG or small
571<Linus> :-)
572<dwihno> Linus is a big indian
573<dwihno> And I'm a motorola indian :)
574<dwihno> Hey, I got another question :-)
575<Linus> shoot
576<dwihno> Linux does not require extra software, except some kernel patch for USB2, right?=
577<dwihno> What about win2k?
578<dwihno> Does it require software drivers or does it work out of the box?
579<Linus> I think win2k needs drivers, but I don't know
580<Linus> try :-)
581<Bagder> I got all sorts of win-drivers with my usb2 card
582<Linus> Linux needs a lot of work on the USB2.0 support
583<Zagor> Linus: needs? it works just fine for me.
584* Bagder tries to find a 'convert' option that saves a bmp uncompressed
585<Linus> Well, for example the timeout issue on the ISD300
586<-- kjer has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
587<dwihno> Hm
588<Zagor> that's an Archos issue
589<dwihno> Does the archos usb thingies incorporate 30 tons of extra gayness software?
590<Linus> not at all
591<Zagor> but yes, it has bugs and is being improved. still I think it works good.
592<Linus> well they include a lame MP3 coder software
593* Zagor has never opened the CD that came with his Archos
594<dwihno> musicmatch studioGay
595<Linus> exactly
596<dwihno> Zagor: and you installed the Archos on win2k?
597<dwihno> or are you 100% linuxer?
598<Bagder> can anyone send me that little rockbox logo in uncompressed bmp format?
599<Linus> Don't insult him!
600<Zagor> dwihno: no, I only use linux
601<Linus> Well Zagor, how about Coiunter-Strike?
602<Linus> CONFESS!
603<Zagor> yes, I have a small win95 partition (4 gig) for playing counter-strike
604<Linus> Gotcha!
605<Zagor> hehe
606<Zagor> I once tried updating to win98, but it started freezing my machine so I went back to win95. :-)
607<dwihno> Counter-gay! :D
608<dwihno> Counter-Strike is quite addictive :)
609<Linus> so you returned your Win98 CD to the shop, right. :-)
610<Zagor> Linus: yeah, right
611<dwihno> I can't live without DTP, games and such. That's why I'm a WinLoser
612<dwihno> What is the resolution of the recorder?
613<Bagder> 112 x 64
614--> kjer ( has joined #rockbox
615<dwihno> ah
616<dwihno> good enough for bitmap viewers :)
617<dwihno> How much memory do you have to play around with? :)
618<Linus> 2Mb
619<dwihno> that's a shitload! :D
620<Linus> no
621<Linus> not for mp3 buffering
622<dwihno> Nah, but for doing other neat stuff :)
623<dwihno> Like loading bitmaps
624<Linus> indeed
625<Zagor> divx viewer :)
626<dwihno> hehe
627<dwihno> Zagor: Come down back down to earth! :)
628<dwihno> I'm the one with perverted dreams in the sky, remember? :)
629* Zagor his soaring high :)
630<Zagor> is, even
631<dwihno> First we need jpeg viewer for the pr0n on the disk...
632<dwihno> Some ascii viewer would be really neat
633<dwihno> and some kind of basic editor
634<dwihno> then, MOD support, then SID :)
635<Bagder> I got an uncompressed bmp now, it still makes no sense
636<Bagder> byter order is not the problem
637<dwihno> Bagder: 4 bit bitmap?
638<Bagder> 8 bit palette
639<Bagder> no compression
640<dwihno> okay
641<dwihno> strange
642<Bagder> it is
643<dwihno> I had some problems getting 8 bit palettes working with windows
644<dwihno> It's not like the good old mode 13h days
645<dwihno> Time to make coffee - I got the great responsibility today ;D
646<Bagder> well, I read the header first, it is enough, it doesn't look good
647<dwihno> You got the structs?
648<Linus> Bagder: the palette should be 2 entries.
649<Bagder> right
650<Bagder> but the header gets wrong when I read it
651<Bagder> hm
652<Bagder> I need it packed
653<Linus> padding?
654<Bagder> yes
655<Bagder> what's the gcc keyword, you know?
656<dwihno> erhm
657<dwihno> dunno
658<Zagor> packed
659<Zagor> attribute packed
660<dwihno> printf("Hello\n");
661<dwihno> :-)
662<Linus> Or -fpack-struct
663<dwihno> m
664<dwihno> hmm
665<dwihno> What does that do?
666<Bagder> now this is better ;-)
667<Linus> Makes the compiler to not align integers
668<Bagder> still need to swap a lot of bytes on Sparc
669<dwihno> ah, okay
670<Linus> ooo. boring
671<Bagder> Size = 1712586752
672<Bagder> ;-)
673<Linus> you will need to swap in target as well
674<dwihno> :D
675<Zagor> don't use bmp
676<Bagder> Zagor: when you write the code, you get to decide ;-)
677<Linus> ...because...
678<Zagor> because bmp is evil and silly
679<Linus> ...because...
680<Linus> I agree with the silly part, though
681<Zagor> XBM or PPM is lots better and simpler
682<Bagder> not for winlosers
683<Bagder> to save as
684<dwihno> True
685<dwihno> There are photoshop plugins
686<Zagor> well, TIF then?
687<dwihno> Or some cool format like TGA! :D
688<Zagor> whatever is not designed by 4-yearolds
689<dwihno> "Yeah, listen to dwihno, TGA is great!"
690<dwihno> :-)
691<Linus> Zagor: can you say unisys?
692<Bagder> hey, I'm not against any format, just write the decoder...
693<Zagor> Linus: don't compress
694<Linus> Ok then
695<Zagor> but seriously, can't photoshop save any sane format?
696<Bagder> it isn't just about saving
697<Bagder> it is about decoding right now
698<Zagor> PPM and XBM are both really simple to decode
699<Zagor> i'll mail you my ppm2c util
700<Linus> TIF is not a format. It's an operating system!
701<Bagder> I doubt win users can save ppm
702<Linus> What a blob!
703<Zagor> ok, I admit I don't know anything about TIF
704<dwihno> Bagder: In photoshop with some extra plugin, it is possible
705<Bagder> ok
706<Linus> TIF is just a framework for embedding a myriad of other formats
707<Bagder> I still intend to make this bmp decoder work
708<Linus> Do so. You have my support
709<dwihno> How much did you pay for your archoses?
710<Bagder> uh
711* Bagder doesn't really know ;-)
712<Linus> The TIFF specification is 121 pages!!!
713<dwihno> Read my lips: T G A
714<dwihno> :)
715<Zagor> how should we handle shared code btwn the recorder and player apps? keep in in player and just link to it in the recorder Makefile?
716<Zagor> id3.c, playlist.c etc.
717<Linus> The TGA format spec is only 29 pages.
718<Bagder> Zagor: let's just have two makefiles and specify all files included in both of them
719<dwihno> Makefile:s are sexy
720<Zagor> Bagder: but where are the files? in apps/player/ ?
721<Bagder> which files?
722<Bagder> the makefileS?
723<Zagor> id3.c and playlist.c, for instance
724<Bagder> they could be in apps/
725<Zagor> the root?
726<Bagder> yes, for general files
727<Bagder> or else a dir for general files
728<Zagor> but they are only general for mp3 playing applications, not for games etc
729<Linus> oooooh "common"
730<Bagder> then it should be a general mp3 dir
731<Zagor> I feel it's better that one of the two player apps link to the other's source files
732<Linus> Are you sure about that?
733<Linus> Does CVS handle links?
734<Bagder> it doesn't make much sense if a game wants to play mp3
735<Zagor> id3.o: ../player/id3.c
736<Bagder> since then the games would also need those files etc
737<Zagor> but id3 and playlist are not useful for games
738<Linus> id3.o: ../../common/id3.c
739<Bagder> mp3/id3.c
740<Bagder> or tracks/id3.c
741<Zagor> then we're polluting the apps module with non-apps directories from the get-go
742<Linus> Zagor: i don't follow
743<Bagder> me personally, I think the 'apps' dir mainly is for the main firware app
744<Linus> I agree
745<Zagor> no
746<Zagor> it's for all applications
747<Zagor> otherwise, we can just keep working in "firmware"
748<Bagder> in my mind, firware is the low level software
749<Bagder> the app is built ontop
750<Zagor> apps is for tetris, picview, screensaver, the two player firmwares etc.
751<Linus> I can buy that
752<Linus> But I think that common code should be placed in a "neutral" place
753<Bagder> but then you can't have 'player' and 'recorder' dir in apps
754<Zagor> define "common"
755<Bagder> as they're not apps
756<Zagor> all code can be reused by other projects
757<Zagor> Bagder: sure they are
758<Bagder> if tetris is an app, how can player be one too?
759<Zagor> they are two separate archos.mod files. load one to play tetris, load the other to play mp3s
760<Bagder> they're bundled today
761<Linus> I don't like that
762<Zagor> in the simulator, yes. i don't think we should have it like that in target
763<Bagder> the bundle?
764<-- kjer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
765<Bagder> why not?
766<Linus> the bundle
767<Bagder> why not play tetris while listening to music?
768<Linus> I see your point
769<dwihno> Tetris + music sounds sexy
770<Bagder> sure, you can opt out
771<dwihno> I get turned on by the idea
772<Zagor> ok, yeah, it's an option. but still, the point of the apps dir is to allow separate apps the same level of abstraction.
773<Bagder> well, my point would be that we'll end up building many output targets, many more than just player and recorder, and therefore it makess little sense to keep files in directories named like that
774<Bagder> still, I don't mind very much
775<Bagder> we'll change it later
776<Linus> I would still like to easily identify which files go with which app
777<Linus> having them in separate directories helps
778<Zagor> that's my thinking too
779<Bagder> not if the makefiles refer to them ../../blabla
780<Bagder> it spoils that completely
781<Linus> But you don't want shared files in an easily identified place?
782<Bagder> yes I do
783<Bagder> but that is not in player/
784<Bagder> or recorder/
785<Linus> I asked Zagor, sorry
786<Bagder> ah
787<Zagor> well then point is these two files are only shared between "player" and "recorder". not with "picview", "bookreader", "screensaver" etc. so it's not a "common" dir that makes sense.
788<Zagor> s/then/my/
789<Linus> Maybe not those two files
790<Linus> I was talking in general
791<Zagor> don't :)
792<Linus> haha
793<Zagor> ok, how about this:
794<Zagor> apps/mp3, apps/mp3/player apps/mp3/recorder
795<Linus> nah
796<Linus> makes tetris even more "difficult" to include in the mp3 firmware
797<dwihno> apps/video/jpgviewer
798<dwihno> apps/utils/textviewer
799<Zagor> Linus: why?
800* Linus sees the "plugins" directory coming
801<Zagor> dwihno: it makes little sense to create categories before we even have the applications. :)
802<Linus> tetris.o: ../../../tetris/tetris.c
803<Zagor> Linus: why are you putting tetris.c in ../../../ ?
804<dwihno> Zagor: True, I'm just being an idésprutare :)
805<Zagor> dwihno: :)
806<Linus> Zagor: it's an app, isn't it?
807<Zagor> Linus: you just said it wasn't
808<dwihno> What do I need to write a module to the firmware?
809<Linus> but you said it was
810<Linus> or did i misunderstand
811<Zagor> did not, did too...
812<Linus> :-)
813<Zagor> dwihno: lots of patience, currently :)
814<Linus> and an "app" directory
815<dwihno> Zagor: Ah, okay, well, I haven't even ordered myself an Archos yet ;)
816<Zagor> hehe
817<dwihno> How about audio output levels? Is it good?
818<Linus> Then do
819<Bagder> dwihno: you should join up on the mailing list
820<Zagor> dwihno: oh yes, plenty...
821<Linus> Define "good"
822<Linus> gotta go now. CU guys!
823<dwihno> zya
824<dwihno> Good ... hmm...
825<Zagor> bye
826<dwihno> Loud enough to hear at a comfortable party level when you wanna party! :D
827<Linus> doesn't that kind of depend on the amplifier?
828<dwihno> dunno, I'm no hardware guru
829<Linus> say "headphones"
830<dwihno> hehe
831<dwihno> Since when are headphones amplifier
832<dwihno> s?
833<dwihno> or maybe they are
834<Linus> you connect the headphone output to your amplifier
835<Linus> turn up the volume and party!
836<dwihno> ah, okay :)
837--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
838<Linus> oh no. elinenbe is here. I must go!
839<Linus> :-)
840<elinenbe> That's cool.
841<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
842<dwihno> fa la la
843<dwihno> Hm
844<elinenbe> Anyone want to do some Pro*C programming?
845<dwihno> *tries to figure out more questions*
846<dwihno> How about track switching time? :)
847<Zagor> dwihno: how do you mean?
848<elinenbe> how is the progress?
849<dwihno> Zagor: When song #1 ends, how many seconds do I have to wait for song #2 to start?
850<Zagor> about 0.01 :)
851<Zagor> any gap is considered a bug
852<elinenbe> I agree with that...
853<elinenbe> are you guys planning on pre-buffering the next song?
854<Zagor> yes
855<Zagor> the next several, if they are short
856<elinenbe> nice...
857<elinenbe> lets say you are listening in shuffle mode, and then you want to listen in normal mode, then you will have to buffer again.
858<Zagor> yes
859<elinenbe> what will this do to the battery life?
860<Zagor> well the more you access the disk the more power you draw
861<elinenbe> I think there should be an option to choose an agressive battery mode, and a very conservative battery mode --> agressive for exercise, or when the device is plugged in, and a conservative for when on the plane
862<dwihno> Hm
863<Zagor> what should the difference be?
864<Zagor> we plan to always be conservative
865<dwihno> Zagor: You don't have the manual for the Archos in a handy format? I'd like to see how to operate it and limitations
866<Bagder> dwihno: let's put it this way: there is none
867<dwihno> Bagder: Erhm, you are kidding?
868<Bagder> or at least, the one I got is worse than crap
869<dwihno> ah, okay
870<dwihno> I was wondering about how the playlist is like on the recorder
871<elinenbe> well, it may spin up to buffer every 15 seconds in agressive, that way if you are running, and it is unable to buffer due to shock, then it will try again very soon. Currently if you are running and it tries to buffer, and it can't then it stops, and most likely you have to restart the machine
872<dwihno> elinenbe: Maybe you can tell me... ?
873<elinenbe> what would you like to know>
874<dwihno> hm
875<dwihno> How do you navigate?
876<dwihno> How does shuffle work?
877<-- calpefrosch|work has quit ("bin bals zurück")
878<elinenbe> there is a quick user guide (that is very accurate and descriptive at:
879<dwihno> Does it play every directory consistently?
880<dwihno> Even on the recorder model?
882<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020513]")
883--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
884<-- elinenbe has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
885<dwihno> Rockbox - Because vanilla is not liquorice
886<Bagder> hehe
887<dwihno> What do you think about that for a slogan?
888<Zagor> haha
889<dwihno> Damn, I want myself a recorder-20! :)~~
890<Bagder> it rocks... boxes ;-)
891* Bagder curses his bmp.c
892<dwihno> What's wrong?
893<Bagder> I can't seem to get the proper pixels
894<dwihno> Is the header parsed correctly?
895<Bagder> yes
896<Bagder> but not the image itself
897<dwihno> strange
898<dwihno> did you test the code on wintendo?
899<Bagder> heck no
900<Bagder> ;-)
901<dwihno> hehe...
902<Bagder> I don't have a win compiler and I don't want any
903<dwihno> MY libbmp.c works ;D
904<dwihno> although it still depends on win32 headers
905<dwihno> which is really really really gay
906<Bagder> well, ok, I'll commit my code and you can all see and laugh at me
907<dwihno> Committing buggy code?! That's breaking the prime directive! :)
908<Bagder> it isn't being used so it doesn't matter
909<dwihno> ah, okay
910<dwihno> what are you going to use it for?
911<Bagder> I wanna be able to load a logo from disk
912<dwihno> for what?
913<dwihno> the test environment, the archos hardware?
914<Bagder> both
915<dwihno> okay
917<dwihno> * $Id$
918<dwihno> What's that line?
919<dwihno> I never understood those
920<Bagder> a comment ;-)
921<Bagder> generated by CVS
922<Bagder> file, file version, date, committed, state
923<Bagder> comitter
924<dwihno> ah, okay
925<dwihno> cute :)
926<Bagder> its convenient
927<dwihno> I can try to make my libbmp do the same thing on windows
928<dwihno> What about the output format?
929<Bagder> hm
930<Bagder> I could mail you the code I use to call that and output the logo on screen
931<dwihno> sure
932<Bagder> using printf() a lot of"*"
933<Bagder> :-)
934<Bagder> address?
936<Bagder> I sent you my whole function, just remove the lcd-functions
937<dwihno> mkay
938<dwihno> Hmm, I guess you aren't the one who sent the "eliminate cellulites" e-mail ;)
939<Bagder> haha
940<dwihno> I should fix my loader so it doesn't use windows headers too
941<Bagder> I think this is easier to debug if I create a smaller and simpler bmp to play with
942<Bagder> let me know if you find anything, I won't be able to do anything more today
943<dwihno> sure
944<dwihno> I'm soon off to get home, so I can get some fun stuff done ;)
945<Bagder> see ya
946<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
947<dwihno> I'm soon off to get home, so I can get some fun stuff done ;)
948<dwihno> oops
949<dwihno> soryr ;)
950--- dwihno is now known as dw|gone
951<Zagor> gotta go. bye!
952<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
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957<edx> hi
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960<edx> night.
961<-- edx has quit ("good night quys")
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977--- dw|gone is now known as dwihno
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979--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
980<dwihno> BAGDER! :D
981<Bagder> morning
982* dwihno vinks
983<dwihno> Did you solve the bitmap loader problem yesterday?
984<Bagder> no
985<Bagder> didn't do anything more
986<Bagder> you?
987<dwihno> I got it working
988<dwihno> I got to write some extra stuff to flip the bitmap vertically and remove all windows stuff
989<dwihno> HPALETTE's and stuff = typical nono
990<Bagder> so, did you add it to the simulator too? ;-)
991<dwihno> erhm
992<dwihno> nope :)
993<Bagder> hehe
994<dwihno> I have a life(tm) too ;)
995<Bagder> aaaaah
996<Bagder> that life thing they talk about ;-)
997<dwihno> yeah, once you had it, you're hooked!
998<dwihno> First fix is always free
999<Bagder> so, do you wanna add it to the simulator or can you mail me your working version?
1000<dwihno> I want to fix it first
1001<Bagder> fair enough
1002<dwihno> What model did you have?
1003<Bagder> you mean which picture?
1004<dwihno> not really :) what archos model :)
1005<Bagder> ah, a recorder
1006<Bagder> the only sane choice imho
1007<dwihno> 6, 10 or 20?
1008<Bagder> do they really exist less than 20?
1009<dwihno> I know there is a 10 gig model
1010<dwihno> But you're making me uncertain :)
1011<Bagder> it doesn't really matter... I have 20 fine GB ;-)
1012<dwihno> there is a 10 gig model
1013<dwihno> When activating the device, how many seconds does it take before it starts?
1014<Bagder> hm, dunno, maybe 4 seconds
1015<Bagder> maybe a little more
1016<dwihno> That fast?
1017<dwihno> Starts playing, that is...
1018<Bagder> uh, that fast to start up and offer me the interface
1019<Bagder> then I need to pick an action
1020<Bagder> if I wanna read a playlist, it'll take longe since that is pretty slow
1021<Bagder> longer
1022<dwihno> ah, okay
1023<dwihno> Which are the alternatives? Playlist, configuration, ... ?
1024<Bagder> I'm not a very frequent Archos user, so I'm not the one to tell you about all the magic stuff
1025<Bagder> I only got my unit for like two months ago
1026<Bagder> and I intend to run our software, not getting used to the built-in ;-)
1027<dwihno> ah, okay :)
1028<dwihno> :-)
1029<dwihno> Do you use the rockbox software right now?
1030<Bagder> no, there's no available target version yet
1031<Bagder> I only run it using the simulator
1032<dwihno> The magic of writing software :)
1033<dwihno> Are playlists required in order to use the player, or can you play a directory at a time?
1034<Bagder> you can play a directory at a time, yes
1035<Bagder> without a playlist
1036<dwihno> but it can't auto-switch directory when the 'current' directory is finished?
1037<Bagder> I don't think so
1038<Bagder> or rather, I don't know
1039<-- Tumm has quit (No route to host)
1040<dwihno> as long as it works ;)
1041<dwihno> Although I'll probably upgrade to rockbox once it has reached a production state
1042<dwihno> okay, now I got the structs all working
1043<dwihno> Time to remove windoze code
1044<dwihno> C:\wip\.src\archos>make
1045<dwihno> gcc -O2 -c test.c
1046<dwihno> gcc -o bmp.exe test.o ../bmp/libbmp.o
1047<dwihno> C:\wip\.src\archos>bmp
1048<dwihno> * *
1049<dwihno> * * **** **** * * **** **** * *
1050<dwihno> * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1051<dwihno> *** * * * * * * * * * * *
1052<dwihno> * * * * * ** **** * * *
1053<dwihno> * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1054<dwihno> **** **** **** * * **** **** * *
1055<dwihno> * *
1056<dwihno> yay
1057<dwihno> :)
1058<dwihno> the power of upside-down bitmaps
1059<dwihno> gotta fix that.
1060<Bagder> nicers
1061<dwihno> libbmp.h:26: warning: malformed `#pragma pack'
1062<dwihno> Hmm
1063* dwihno turns into a question mark
1064--> Tumm ( has joined #rockbox
1065<Bagder> morning Tumm
1066<dwihno> Damn computer!
1067<dwihno> I hate when this happens!
1068<dwihno> I got problems with byte alignment :/
1069<Bagder> all of a sudden?
1070<dwihno> nah
1071<dwihno> when testing the code on an intel linux box
1072<Bagder> aha
1073<Bagder> gcc?
1074<dwihno> It nags about my #pragma pack, which works perfectly on wintendo
1075<dwihno> yup
1076<Bagder> wait
1077<dwihno> 2.92.3-6 for Wintendo, and 2.92.2 on the linux-box
1078<Bagder> #ifdef __GNUC__
1079<Bagder> #define STRUCT_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
1080<Bagder> #endif
1081--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1082<Bagder> you need to put that on the declaration of the struct
1083--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1084<Bagder> hey bro
1085<Zagor> hi
1086<dwihno> Hello Dr. Zagor
1087<Zagor> yay, another virus on the list
1088<Zagor> gotta love windows
1089<Bagder> yeah
1090<Bagder> grrrreat
1091<Bagder> then again, you should be glad you're not on the wget list
1092<Zagor> i am :)
1093<Zagor> glad, that is
1094<Bagder> 2-3 viruses PER DAY
1095<Bagder> and then the darned virus-reports coming in right afterwards
1096<dwihno> [~/wip/src/archos] ./bmp
1097<dwihno> * *
1098<dwihno> * * **** **** * * **** **** * *
1099<dwihno> * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1100<dwihno> *** * * * * * * * * * * *
1101<dwihno> * * * * * ** **** * * *
1102<dwihno> * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1103<dwihno> **** **** **** * * **** **** * *
1104<dwihno> * *
1105<dwihno> YAY! :D
1106<dwihno> Thanks Bagder! You ownz
1107<Bagder> heh, np
1108<dwihno> I want to order an archos now!
1109<Bagder> go go go ;-)
1110<dwihno> :D
1111<dwihno> I'm awaiting pricing information
1112<dwihno> And cash
1113<dwihno> I'm gonna sell one of my computers this weekend
1114<Bagder> btw, you working or are you a student?
1115<dwihno> Hmm, I'm not a student (yet)
1116<dwihno> And I'm not really working either
1117<dwihno> "UNGDOMSPRAKTIK!" :D
1118<dwihno> I guess it's equivalent to working... :)
1119<Bagder> ah, youngster eh? ;-)
1120<dwihno> Not really
1121<dwihno> 22 :)
1122<dwihno> Old man
1123<Bagder> heh, kiddo ;*)
1124<dwihno> Lost my job, didn't get a new, and the ungdomsgaranti kicked in
1125<dwihno> Just because you're all old hags ;)
1126<dwihno> nah, j/k
1127* Bagder leans over his cane and goes for more coffee
1128--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
1129--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1130<dwihno> #### # # ### # ### # # ### #### # # ## #####
1131<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # #
1132<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # #
1133<dwihno> ### # # # # # #### # # # ## #### #
1134<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # #
1135<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
1136<dwihno> # ## # # # # # # # # # # # #
1137<dwihno> #### # ### #### ### # # ### #### # # # # #
1138<dwihno> :-D
1139<dwihno> Beware of evil bitmap lööödär
1140<PsycoXul> so what is it that drains the batteries while the units turned off
1141<Bagder> dwihno: wooo ;-)
1142<Linus> PsycoXul: Player or recorder?
1143<PsycoXul> player
1144<dwihno> Bagder: Who needs figlet when you have bitmap loader ;D
1145<Linus> The recorder doesn't really turn off, AFAIK, but I don't know that the Player drained the batteries.
1146<Bagder> hey, never underestimate figlet!
1147<dwihno> can figlet produce ascii boobs from pr0n images? I don't think so! :D
1148<PsycoXul> _
1149<PsycoXul> ___ _ _ ___ __| |_____ __ __
1150<PsycoXul> / -_) || / -_) / _` / -_) V V /
1151<PsycoXul> \___|\_, \___| \__,_\___|\_/\_/
1152<PsycoXul> |__/
1153<PsycoXul> dwihno: thats what aalib's for
1154<dwihno> :-)
1155--> calpefrosch|work (~calpefros@ has joined #rockbox
1156<calpefrosch|work> morning
1157<Bagder> morning
1158<Linus> morning, Froggy!
1159<Bagder> frogger
1160<Bagder> we should have a frogger!
1161<Bagder> :-)
1162<Linus> Lode Runner
1163<calpefrosch|work> haha
1164<Bagder> pac man
1165* calpefrosch|work thinks about to change the nick
1166--- calpefrosch|work is now known as pacman
1167--- pacman is now known as calpefrosch
1168<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1169<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
1170--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1171<Zagor_> oops :)
1172--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1173--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1174<dwihno> Hurra! Nu funkar det
1175<dwihno> Hoorrräjj, it's wöörking
1176<dwihno> Zagor: order me an Archos through your company, mkay? :)
1177<Zagor> hehe. sure. one cardboard box coming up. blue marker: "Archos Juckbox"
1178<dwihno> :-)
1179<dwihno> Could you do that, s'il vous plait? :)
1180<Linus> Björn har ingen attesträtt
1181<Linus> haha
1182<dwihno> Linus: har du det?
1183* Linus hides
1184<dwihno> HAHAHA!
1185<dwihno> :D
1186<Linus> dwihno: what is working?
1187<dwihno> Linus: bitmäp låjder, with support for vertical flip ;D
1188<Linus> Woo. Flipping! C00l!
1189<dwihno> Hehe
1190<dwihno> You bet! :D
1191<dwihno> How hard is it to replace the batteries btw?
1192<Bagder> Isn't there any pics of that somewhere among yours, Zagor?
1193<dwihno> ## ### ## # # ## ### ### ## # # ## # # #
1194<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
1195<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
1196<dwihno> #### ### # #### # # # ### # # # # #### #### #
1197<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # #
1198<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # #
1199<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # # #
1200<dwihno> # # # # ### # # ## ### # ## # # # # # # #
1201<dwihno> :-)
1202<Bagder> uh
1203<dwihno> <-- is a bit insane today, sorry ;)
1204<Zagor> Bagder: no, it's much too simple to have instructions :)
1205<Zagor> dwihno: look at any photo
1206<Zagor> the two silver cylinders on each side are plastic battery covers. just lift them and take out the batteries.
1207<Linus> Easy as pie
1208<Zagor> <--- first picture shows archos without battery covers
1209<dwihno> Linus: People say they are scared to destroy some weak plastic details
1210<Zagor> then don't destroy them :)
1211<dwihno> Hehe
1212<dwihno> I guess I will be careful the day it's time to switch batteries
1213<Zagor> i have never heard of anyone breaking the battery covers
1214<Linus> I wonder if anyone has managed to destroy it. You need strong and clumsy hands to do that.
1215<dwihno> Is it possible to replace the batteries without removing the cover?
1216<Zagor> of course not, then they would fall out!
1217<Linus> Maybe some sort of teleportation. :-)
1218<dwihno> :-)
1219<Linus> Almost every electronic device in this world has a cover over the batteries.
1220<dwihno> :)
1221<Zagor> dwihno: can you change your walkman batteries with removing the cover?
1222<Linus> without
1223<dwihno> Men apor på er alltså
1224<dwihno> Utan att skruva loss lockhelvetet då! :)
1225<Zagor> there are no screws
1226<Linus> No screws
1227<dwihno> Ah, I was thinking if I had to buy torx-screwdrivers and stuff to replace the batteries...
1228<Linus> Those pictures described how to take the archos apart, not how to replace the batteries
1229<dwihno> I will upgrade my Archos with an 8 meg memory module ;D
1230<dwihno> Should be possible.
1231<Zagor> it *is* possible
1232<Zagor> in theory :)
1233<Bagder> without touching any screws? B-]
1234<dwihno> Bagder: I left the battery subject already ;)
1235<dwihno> Zagor: yeah, replacing the current memory circuit with a new, and modifying the firmwarez
1236<Zagor> dwihno: but you need serious electronics skills
1237* Bagder ignores dwihno's comment and spins his chair
1238<dwihno> Zagor: I did lego when I was a kid, is that sufficient? ;)
1239<dwihno> Just kidding
1240<dwihno> Just playing around with the idea
1241<Linus> The problem is that the DRAM controller might have to be programmed differently
1242<Linus> and that is done by the firmware in ROM
1243<Linus> so when our firmware is loaded, it is already too late
1244<Linus> because the firmware is loaded in DRAM
1245<Linus> tricky stuff
1246<dwihno> ah
1247<dwihno> okat
1248<dwihno> okay
1249<dwihno> Well, 2 mb buffer sounds much enough :)
1250<dwihno> 2 megs = 2 minutes of shock proofing?
1251<Bagder> we will need *some* ram for the software too
1252<Linus> dwihno: it's not really for shock proofing. It is for battery conservation.
1253<Linus> A hard drive can't stand much of a shock anyway.
1254<dwihno> Linus: Yeah, I guess HD access eats baguett... erhm... batteries like a crazy frenchman on a saucisson ;)
1255<Linus> That's a way to put it. And the Archos is a french product. :-)
1256<dwihno> IT IS?! :D
1257<Bagder> I feed my Archos with baguettes ;-)
1258<Linus> Yup.
1259<dwihno> Cool
1260<dwihno> I thought it was designed by some crappy hong-kong company
1261<dwihno> Like A-MAX (they did the NAPA players)
1262<Linus> No. A crappy french company.
1263<Linus> :)
1264<dwihno> Does the Archos feel like "beta" hardware?
1265<Zagor> no, i don't think so
1266* Bagder doesn't think so either
1267<dwihno> Right now, I have a Philips expanium (EXP 100 model) ... It's quite nice
1268<dwihno> But toasting discs is quite bothersome
1269<Linus> A few slight HW modifications would have made the life much easier for the software.
1270<dwihno> and the archos could be used for my project stuff
1271<dwihno> Linus: for instance... ?
1273<dwihno> <-- is making a copy of the archos using evil paper
1274<Linus> The Frame Sync and Demand outputs from the MAS should be inverted and routed to different IRQ pins
1275<dwihno> How can you know this much about the hardware?
1276<Linus> so that you can have IRQ's on both edges
1277<dwihno> Did you get some development docs or are you just hardware gurus?
1278<Zagor> magic :)
1279<Linus> ...and a multimeter
1280<dwihno> And a hammer! :D
1281<Zagor> no docs. pure reverse engineering from start to finish.
1282<dwihno> You can't ponder around with hardware unless you have a hammer
1283<dwihno> I'm impressed by the progress :)
1284<Linus> Our dilemma in that case is that we have a need to assemble it again. :-)
1285<dwihno> hehe
1286<dwihno> tip: karlssons klister!
1287<Linus> We have quite a bunch of talented people working in the project
1288<dwihno> <-- is impressed. Much like Mike Levy
1289<Linus> who is mike levy?
1290<dwihno> He did commercial in the 90's
1291<dwihno> for "amazing discoveries"
1292<Linus> ah
1293<dwihno> He also got his own show, called "Ask Mike" :)
1294<dwihno> All the old ladies adored him
1295<dwihno> my 1:1 model of the archos is now done!
1296<dwihno> Yay
1297<dwihno> it feels a bit thick
1298<Bagder> compare it with the competitors
1299<Bagder> like the nomad
1300<Bagder> and it'll feel thin ;-)
1301<dwihno> Never seen those
1302<dwihno> Does it feel solid?
1303<Zagor> yes
1304<dwihno> My paper model is lightweight :D
1305<Bagder> add 270grams or whatever it is
1306<dwihno> I should mail my model to the guys at Archos and tell them to use my design ;D
1307--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
1308--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
1309<dwihno> Oj
1310<dwihno> Anar jag en lunchdate?! :D
1311<Bagder> that might have to do with those two guys sitting at the same place all days... :-)
1312<dwihno> That sounds a bit kinky ;)
1313<Bagder> that's up to you ;-)
1314<dwihno> loadBMP("test.bmp", &mythingie);
1315<Bagder> and mythingie is a struct of some kind?
1316<dwihno> yup
1317<dwihno> with a bitmap, resolution and some windows gayness
1318--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
1319--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
1320<dwihno> Did you enjoy your lunch? :)
1321<Linus> Sallad
1322<Zagor> chicken salad. mmmm...
1323<dwihno> Where did you eat?
1324<Linus> Yellow Corner in Lilla Alby
1325* Zagor surfed in on as got a surprise
1326<dwihno> ALBY?!
1327<dwihno> :D
1328<Zagor> s/as/and/
1329<dwihno> You work there?!
1330<Bagder> lilla alby
1331<Linus> near Sundbyberg
1332<dwihno> What do you guys do for a living?
1333<Bagder> guess!
1334<Linus> Computer consultant, embedded programming
1335<dwihno> Monkey-spankers :)
1336<Linus> eeh?
1337<dwihno> just kidding
1338<dwihno> I envy you
1339<dwihno> Hire me
1340<dwihno> Okay?
1341<Linus> :-)
1342<dwihno> I can work for a low salary :)
1343<dwihno> And sing songs every day to keep up the work spirit
1344<dwihno> Just hire me.
1345<dwihno> :-)
1346<dwihno> Seriousley, where do I send my application and CV? :)
1348<Bagder> but the hiring is kind of idling atm
1349* Bagder runs for lunch
1350<dwihno> 17.00 börjar kontorsmötet. Jag hinner precis stoppa i mig en baguette med räkröra innan Lasse, vår VD, berättar om status på olika uppdrag, ekonomin, planerade konferenser och om nyanställda.
1351<dwihno> Mmm... Baguette
1352<dwihno> Idag är vi 64 konsulter med en genomsnittlig branscherfarenhet av mer än 12 år
1353<dwihno> IIIIH!
1354<dwihno> I've been working for 1.5 year :(
1356<dwihno> YAY :D
1357<Zagor> :)
1358<dwihno> Do you have any use for a newbie like me? :)
1359<Zagor> not currently
1360<dwihno> 10: print "hellö"
1361<dwihno> 20: goto 10
1362--> jb1081 ( has joined #rockbox
1363<dwihno> Ingen som har en domän där jag kan få lägga in en host? :/
1364<Zagor> english, dwihno
1365<Zagor> and rockbox related, please :)
1366<dwihno> :-/
1367--- dwihno is now known as dw|bbl
1368<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
1369<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1370--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1371--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1372--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1373--> chris1 (~flanz@ has joined #rockbox
1374<chris1> hi
1375<Bagder> hey chris1
1376<Linus> yo
1377<dw|bbl> yo
1378--- dw|bbl is now known as dwihn0r
1379<chris1> last night I have some trouble to rune the SSH2 stuff on W32 XP. Now I can update the cvs
1380--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
1381<Bagder> wooo, getting crowded ;-)
1382<Linus> A largs, silent crowd
1383<calpefrosch> yeah, many people are unsatisfied with the orig firmware
1384<PsycoXul> according to the player LCD's pdf its chars are 5x8 ... they look 5x7 but it would explain why i got garbage in the double-height with my 5x7 chars
1385<PsycoXul> the player's firmware seems to me like it was a hacked together peice of code with minimal acceptable functionality
1386<PsycoXul> i can't say anything for the recorders
1387<Linus> the recorder is quite nice. IMHO
1388<PsycoXul> but personally i see many indications in the player's default firmware's interface and other things that it wasn't taken seriously
1389<dwihn0r> Linus: Zagor mentioned something about a buzz with the recorder model... Do you know what he means?
1390<dwihn0r> Or maybe I should ask him directly :)
1391<Linus> Yes I know.
1392<dwihn0r> What was the fuzz about the buzz? :D
1393<PsycoXul> i do get the feeling that the recorder's firmware was taken more seriously though, for obvious reasons related to the hardware, and started from a cleaner point... but as i don't have experience with the recorder's, that just a hunch heh
1394<dwihn0r> What kind of buzz?
1395<Linus> It's a small buzz, that is audible in silent parts of the music
1396<dwihn0r> :(
1397<dwihn0r> Can you live with it?
1398<Linus> it seems that it comes when the firmware is updating the LCD
1399<Linus> Yes you can live with it.
1400<dwihn0r> I mean, some players have a rather loud hiss noise
1401<dwihn0r> which drives you crazy and wack!
1402<Linus> We are talking about having an LCD OFF feature in the Rockbox that doesn't talk to the LCD at all
1403<Linus> when you are listening to music
1404<chris1> an the recoder firmeware 24a , the lcd have some time as split screen effect.This the point where the Recorder need a reset. The FAT driver has hangs in the orginal Factory disk format. Current I can not record . The 25b Firmeware say no disk space. i have 10 G off free discspace.
1405<calpefrosch> I have a recorder, and I wanted to listen to "Lords of Rings" as spoken text. The buzzing drives me crazy...
1406<PsycoXul> what bitrate is it
1407<chris1> any
1408<Linus> Some people have analyzed the hardware, and they think it can be filtered with a small H/W patch
1409<Linus> maybe only some better grounding
1410<dwihn0r> How loud is the buzz noise?
1411<calpefrosch> not so loud, but you can hear it.
1412<Linus> I can't say. I'm not disturbed by it. I guess I'm too old. :-)
1413<dwihn0r> Can you compare it to some real life sound? :)
1414<Zagor> dwihn0r: it depends a lot on your headphones, too. some people don't get it at all
1415<calpefrosch> like a dropping in the night. Not loud, but it drives you crazy after a time
1416<Zagor> dwihn0r: it's like a fly against the window in a normal room. completely unhearable over a normal conversation, but you pick it up when the room is quiet
1417<dwihn0r> I'm just a bit worried I will feel I threw the money in the trashcan :/
1418<Zagor> where do you plan to buy it?
1419<dwihn0r> Dustin
1420<Linus> dwihn0r: who would buy an MP3 player just to hear some good silence? :-)
1421<Zagor> I have the recorder, with buzz, and the player without buzz. I still prefer to use the Recorder
1422<chris1> what is buzz ?
1423<dwihn0r> Linus: True, but in silent parts, I want to hear silence and no buzz! :)
1424<Linus> I know, just teasing
1425<calpefrosch> chris1: it's a sizzling noise
1426<Bagder> buzz: " 1. To make a low droning or vibrating sound like that of a bee."
1427<Bagder> I've never even heard the buzz in fact ;-)
1428<chris1> buzz like the 60 Hz power volatage sound
1429<chris1> have have buy new earphones , so I have not to turne on to 100% the vol. And the buzz sound is fly away. :)
1430<chris1> how is the name of the USB2IDE Chip convert. On the webpage I can not found this info.
1431<chris1> max XXX ?
1432<chris1> isd 200 ?
1433<Zagor> isd200
1434<Zagor> and isd300 for the recorder20
1435<chris1> where your get the info for the register ? PDFs?
1436<Zagor> which register?
1437<-- elinenbe has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1438<chris1> some tech notes abort the isd200 interface
1440<Zagor> but don't spread it, they've asked me to keep it internal
1441<chris1> ok. thanks
1442--- dwihn0r is now known as dw|gone
1443<-- calpefrosch (~calpefros@ has left #rockbox
1444<chris1> ohh. look like the firmeware will check any second if the isd200 has a usb connect flag set. If so the firemware will setup the bus and go halt. In the same secound will the isd200 function full enable. No way the use to USB for data send and write to memory.For a RockBox <-> Usb Pc connect.
1445<Zagor> yes, something like that
1446<chris1> <dream> use ham packet radio technics for debuging on the recorder </dream>
1447<Zagor> haha
1448<Zagor> gotta go. bye!
1449<Bagder> bye Zagor
1450<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
1451<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
1452<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
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1456<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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1466<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1467<-- edx|away has quit ("good night")
1468--> [TDM]Mr_B|away ( has joined #rockbox
1469--- [TDM]Mr_B|away is now known as [TDM]Mr_B
1470<[TDM]Mr_B> anyone here/
1471<-- [TDM]Mr_B has quit ()
1472--> [TDM]Mr_B ( has joined #rockbox
1473<[TDM]Mr_B> hello?
1474<[TDM]Mr_B> anybody?
1475<PsycoXul> usualy not this time of day
1476<[TDM]Mr_B> I have a question about my new JBR 20
1477<PsycoXul> there's some good forums on and a mailing list on yahoo, specific to archos jukebox recorders and players in general
1478<PsycoXul> this channels more geared towards the opensource software development for them, but of course there's technically-minded people familiar with the devices here so
1479<PsycoXul> whats your question?
1480<PsycoXul> the main rockbox developers aren't even here right now heh
1481<[TDM]Mr_B> well, I just got it and installed 1.26 firmware I d/led a while ago. i then saw 1.27c and installed it but when I boot up it shows 1.26 and then 1.27c...slowing boot time
1482--> gizz ( has joined #rockbox
1483<gizz> hi all
1484<gizz> cool..
1485<-- gizz has quit (Client Quit)
1486<[TDM]Mr_B> ...
1487<PsycoXul> the original firmware is permanently in a ROM chip in the device
1488<PsycoXul> new firmware gets loaded by it from the harddrive
1489<PsycoXul> thats exactly the expected behaviour
1490<PsycoXul> it shouldn't slow the boot time by any significant amount
1491<[TDM]Mr_B> ok, thanks...I just thought 1.16 was in ROM
1492<-- [TDM]Mr_B has quit ()
1493<PsycoXul> hmm
1494<PsycoXul> weird
1495<PsycoXul> i thought he meant 1.26 was in rom didn't see that he installed that himself... eh hmmm
1496--- dw|gone is now known as dwihno
1497<dwihno> Good morning everyone! God morgon allihopa! Bienvenue! Guten morgen!
1498--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
1499--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
1500<dwihno> BAGDIE! :D
1501<dwihno> *vinka*
1502<Bagder> hey ho
1503<dwihno> I'm no ho'! :D
1504<Bagder> sorry, hey hno ;-)
1505<Bagder> gcc 3.1 is out...
1506<dwihno> It is? :)
1507<dwihno> Cool
1508<Bagder> ~26 MB tarball
1509--> calpefrosch|work (~calpefros@ has joined #rockbox
1510<Bagder> morning calpefrosch
1511<dwihno> I'll wait for binary packages for mingw32
1512<calpefrosch|work> morning all
1513<Bagder> I compile it right now, it'll take ages to complete ;-)
1514<dwihno> :-)
1515<dwihno> Well, you're still young ;)
1516<adiamas> hye all...
1517<adiamas> ive been away a bit.. i miss anything major?
1518<Bagder> no
1519<Bagder> just talking about gcc 3.1
1520<adiamas> ahhh
1521<adiamas> ill stay with 2.95.3 till 3 has been out a little longer,
1522<Bagder> I use several ;-)
1523<calpefrosch|work> why isn't there a stdbool.h in win32 VC++ ??
1524<dwihno> 2.95.3 is fine
1525<Bagder> not for weirdo c++ stuff
1526<Bagder> calpefrosch|work: because that's a C99 thing and VC++ is not C99 compliant
1527<Bagder> make your own in the win32 directory
1528<calpefrosch|work> ok, tnx
1529<Bagder> just typedef a bool, and #define true and false
1530<dwihno> Bagder: For plain C, it is usable :)
1531<Bagder> oh certainly
1532<dwihno> Although the OO approach is so much cooler
1533<Bagder> at times
1534<dwihno> For let's say, a library for loading images
1535<dwihno> BMP's, GIF's, etc
1536<dwihno> :-)
1537<dwihno> That would rock so damn much! :D
1538<Bagder> I see OO abused to very often at work, it has ruined my view of it
1539<Bagder> so very
1540<dwihno> Too bad I'm a bad C++ coder :/
1541<dwihno> Give me an example of the abusement you've seen
1542<Bagder> one of the most common is the over-objectification
1543<Bagder> grrrr
1544<Bagder> build fails...
1545<Bagder> and again
1546* Bagder curses gcc 3.1
1547<dwihno> Get some binaries :)
1548<Bagder> I'll bet that won't wotk either
1549<Bagder> my system is built by tarballs mostly
1550<dwihno> okay
1551<Bagder> no binary packages like this, they always fail on some dependencies
1552--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1553<Bagder> hey zick-zaggie
1554--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1555<Zagor> yo
1556<dwihno> TJOHO ZAGOR! :D
1557<Zagor> hello there
1558<dwihno> <- please give me your personal opinions
1559* Bagder crosses his fingers, the gcc build is now doing better
1560<Bagder> no
1561<Bagder> now, should I try to fix this or just wait for the next release? ;-)
1562<dwihno> or the third option: wait for binary packages ;D
1563<Bagder> no, that's not an option for me
1564<dwihno> :)
1565* Bagder goes to fill up his coffee with that black stuff
1566<Bagder> uh
1567<Bagder> gee
1568* Bagder stops trying to type and just hides
1569* Zagor doesn't want to know what black stuff Bagder takes in his coffee
1570<dwihno> :-)
1571<dwihno> <-- got coffee, and polarbröd
1572<dwihno> and three pieces of sugar
1573--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
1574<-- elinenbe has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1575<wavey> morn ppl
1576<Bagder> morning
1577* dwihno hugs everybody. Today everything just ... rocks :)
1578<wavey> glad to hear it :)
1579<dwihno> :-D
1580--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1581<Bagder> morning Linus
1582--> PsycoXuul ( has joined #rockbox
1583<Bagder> do I sense that Linus is unaware of all our application efforts? ;-)
1584<wavey> heheh
1585<-- PsycoXul has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1586<dwihno> which what who where?
1587--- PsycoXuul is now known as PsycoXul
1588<Bagder> dwihno: aren't you subscribed on the mailing list yey?
1589<Bagder> yet
1590<dwihno> Bagder: No, I'm too lame.
1591<Linus> yes I am very unaware. :-)
1592<Linus> What is this application?
1593* Bagder counts to 96 subscribers right now
1594<Bagder> Linus: the player one is Björns dir tree browser
1595<Linus> ok
1596<Bagder> the recorder one is dir browser, tetris and a screen saver
1597<Linus> ah
1598<Bagder> and both can show id3 tags
1599<Linus> Simulator stuff, as of now
1600<Linus> Nice
1601<Bagder> yes
1602<Bagder> but why sim only?
1603<Bagder> they should run on targe too, right?
1604<Linus> So I guess you are all waiting for my MPEG thread?
1605<Bagder> not necessarily
1606<Linus> It works
1607<Bagder> the apps can run without it
1608<Linus> just not perfectly
1609<Linus> It isn't glitch-free between songs
1610<Linus> and it can't seek()
1611<Linus> yet
1612<dwihno> Does the Archos firmware allow in-track seek:ing?
1613<Zagor> yes
1614<dwihno> Whoa... There's something new! :O
1615<dwihno> Simple to use even with 2 hours mp3 lengths?
1616<PsycoXul> its like cd player seeking\
1617<dwihno> okay
1618<PsycoXul> you press and hold the forward button till you get where you want to be
1619<PsycoXul> or backward or whatever
1620<dwihno> Does it take an eternity to seek to let's say 1.5 hour?
1621<PsycoXul> probably
1622<Zagor> uh, yes :)
1623<dwihno> ah, mkay :)
1624<dwihno> Damn
1625<dwihno> I just rang my friend to get the root password
1626<dwihno> I woke him up, and now the password isn't correct!
1627<PsycoXul> so what about playlist code, is that part of an app yet?
1628<Bagder> not yet
1629<Bagder> we should get that part moving
1630<Bagder> dwihno: did you get anywhere further on the bmp stuff, anything to send me? ;-)
1631<dwihno> Bagder: I found out it glitches when the resolution isn't a multiple of 2
1632<dwihno> How many hours does it take to make a subdomain active?
1633<Bagder> make a domain active? in what regard?
1634<dwihno> hmm
1635<dwihno> Getting a hostname bound to a ip
1636<dwihno> -> a box
1637<Bagder> if its a new name added, it'll take effect almost immediately
1638<dwihno> damn
1639<dwihno> then it wasn't done
1640<dwihno> DAMN DAMN DAMN
1641<dwihno> :-/
1642<Bagder> gcc 3.1 probably is a boring thing anyway :-O
1643<Zagor> haha
1644<Zagor> no go?
1645<Bagder> no
1646<dwihno> Bagder: Never underestimate the power of binary packages :)
1647<Bagder> bugger off
1648<Bagder> binary packages are evil
1649<dwihno> Bagder: What system are you trying to compile it for?
1650<Bagder> linux i386
1651<Bagder> i686 rather
1652<dwihno> hm
1653<dwihno> then it's weird
1654<dwihno> what kind of errors do you get?
1655<Linus> You didn't manage to compile gcc 3.1?
1656<Bagder> checking whether the C compiler (/home/daniel/src/gcc-3.1/gcc/xgcc -B/home/daniel/src/gcc-3.1/gcc/ -B/usr/local/gcc3/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ -B/usr/local/gcc3/i686-pc-linux-gnu/lib/ -isystem /usr/local/gcc3/i686-pc-linux-gnu/include -g -O2 ) works... no
1657<Linus> oh
1658<Bagder> this is when it switches to compile with xgcc
1659<Bagder> I'll try with another original compiler
1660<Bagder> right, that works better
1661<Bagder> 3.0.3 can't build 3.1 :-/
1662<Bagder> me and my mouth
1663<Bagder> *dang*
1664<Bagder> failed
1665<Linus> It looks like you are incompetent :-)
1666<Bagder> yeah
1667<Bagder> I'm a fool
1668<Linus> Your brain hurts?
1669<Bagder> a lot!
1670<Linus> Did you have to upgrade the binutils?
1671<Bagder> I like the patch release 3.0.4 = 3.1, 17MB!
1672<Bagder> no binutiles upgrade, no
1673<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
1674<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1675--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1676--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1677<Bagder> your simultaneous comings and goings look very cute ;-)
1678<-- Zagor_ ( has left #rockbox
1679<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1680<dwihno> :)
1681--> jb1081 ( has joined #rockbox
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1683--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1684--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1685<Zagor> wacko proxy :(
1686--> chris1 (~flanz@ has joined #rockbox
1687<chris1> nice mails
1688<Linus> you think?
1689<Linus> I am listening to music on my Rockbox as we speak.
1690<Zagor> so, guys, what do we do about the apps module?
1691<Zagor> smack everything in root, and add 'player' and 'recorder' dirs only for the model-specific code?
1692<Bagder> yes
1693<Bagder> for now
1694<Bagder> quick and easy
1695<Linus> we can always change later (with the expense of losing CVS history)
1696* Zagor is fixing
1697<dwihno> ## ### ## # # ## ### ### ## # # ## # # #
1698<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
1699<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
1700<dwihno> #### ### # #### # # # ### # # # # #### #### #
1701<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # #
1702<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # #
1703<dwihno> # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # # #
1704<dwihno> # # # # ### # # ## ### # ## # # # # # # #
1705<dwihno> Sorry, I just had to express myself
1706<Linus> Bagder and Zagor: do your dir browsers only show MP3 files?
1707<Bagder> no
1708<Bagder> but they assume all files are mp3 ;-)
1709<dwihno> COOL :D
1710<Bagder> I mean, they'll check id3 tags on anything
1711<Linus> Oh. So we might end up playing the ARCHOS.MOD?
1712<Bagder> if you want, sure!
1713<dwihno> if (!strcasecmp(filename.ext, "mp3")) return TRUE;
1714<dwihno> there you have a function for quick detection of mp3-files ,D
1715<Linus> But everybody wants a MOD player, so why not? :-)
1716<Zagor> dwihno: no, that checks if the file is called "mp3", not if it ends with it :*)
1717<Zagor> ah, ext. duh...
1718<dwihno> :-)
1719<Linus> My test code does just that
1720<chris1> Daniel : your write "The Archos Recorder uses a ISD300" on the PCB rec_main.pdf i see the ISD200 !?
1721<Bagder> oh
1722<dwihno> For a initial release, a simple extension check is more than sufficient :)
1723<Linus> A schematic error
1724<Bagder> chris1: then there's an error there
1725<Zagor> chris1: only the recorder20 uses isd300, the older models use isd200
1726<Bagder> aah
1727<Linus> All recorders use ISD300, not?
1728<chris1> I thing to my topic yesterday, there is a way to read and write memory from the PC-USB-> to Archos ( I have the Rec20 )
1729<Zagor> Linus: no, only the 20
1730<Linus> chris1: ???
1731<chris1> The FAQ list say . "- Player control via USB"
1732<Linus> shoot. tell me about the way
1733<Linus> or was it a question?
1734<Zagor> Linus: have you checked in all your mpeg code?
1735<Linus> No. I'm working on it as we speak
1736<Zagor> ok
1737<chris1> I have jet no solution in my brain, I think it is posible on the rec20
1738<Linus> But it seems to play glitch-free now
1739<Bagder> woohooo
1740<Linus> No volume control yet
1741* dwihno hoorays for Linus
1742<Linus> And no seek
1743* Bagder kneels in front of Linus, we're not worthy...
1744<Linus> No you're not
1745<dwihno> :-)
1746<Linus> :-)
1747<chris1> is the button api ready, for hocking on keypress
1748<Linus> Maybe i should start working on the volume control. But that takes a hardware mod for me... :-(
1749<chris1> vol control can impl. easy.
1750<Bagder> what hw mod?
1751<Linus> chris1: yes. Just write to the correct registers in the MAS with correct data.
1752<chris1> is that a task ?
1753<Linus> Bagder: The serial port is connected in the earphone plug. When I connect the earphones i short-circuit the debugger cable
1754<Linus> chris1: a task?
1755<Bagder> aha
1756<chris1> sould I do that.
1757<Linus> No need. I'm on it.
1758<Linus> But thanks
1759<chris1> ok
1760<Bagder> isn't the lack of playlist code one of the white spots right now?
1761<Zagor> well playlist isn't on the roadmap for 1.0 :-)
1762<Bagder> when the mpeg thread works, we have no code that feeds songs to it
1763<Zagor> right. so we can only play one song at a time
1764<Bagder> of course, that's fine enough for v1
1765<Bagder> but then...
1766<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
1767<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1768--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1769--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1770--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1771<chris1> : cs player :-)
1772--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
1773--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
1774<dwihno> I think both of them are only one person
1775<dwihno> Someone with a split personality ;D
1776<dwihno> With the ability to code for two
1777* Bagder smiles
1778<chris1> I think to.
1779* dwihno just sneezed the screen full of snot
1780<PsycoXul> both the decoder chip and the dac chip have some volume and sound controls
1781<PsycoXul> imo there should be interfaces to all of it that there can be
1782<PsycoXul> i think i'm going to build a tesla coil
1783<PsycoXul> along with its components and generator to power it
1784<dwihno> I am going to build a rymdraket out of navelludd
1785<PsycoXul> huh?
1786<dwihno> fluff from the navel :)
1787<dwihno> spacerocket
1788<PsycoXul> heh
1789<PsycoXul> rockets are stupid
1790<dwihno> If they come with warp drive, they are cool ;D
1791<PsycoXul> what a waste of energy
1792<dwihno> We got unlimited amounts of energy!
1793<PsycoXul> well a warp drive isn't a rocket now is it
1794<PsycoXul> warp drive's kindof a silly idea though
1795<dwihno> Not really
1796<-- Zagor|lunch ( has left #rockbox
1797<-- Linus|lunch ( has left #rockbox
1798<PsycoXul> no, it is :p
1799<-- chris1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
1800--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1801--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
1802--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
1803<Zagor> fun fun fun on the autobahn
1804<dwihno> Did you enjoy lunch?
1805--> chris1 (~flanz@ has joined #rockbox
1806<Zagor> chris1: where did you see the cs info?
1808<Zagor> huh, we mention cstrike there?
1809<dwihno> You do nothing all day but play cs ;)
1810<Zagor> right, but we shouldn't be telling people that :)
1811<chris1> < UT
1812<Bagder> Zagor: move those darned apps! ;-)
1813* Bagder considers adding a little script for making tarball releases easier
1814<Zagor> I'm on it. but people keep pulling me away for other, lesser, tasks :)
1815<Bagder> scare them away!
1816<Linus> you mean, like, work?
1817<Zagor> no swearing, linus!
1818--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
1819<Linus> yo
1820<Zagor> is lcd_update() for the recorder only?
1821<Bagder> yes
1822<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020513]")
1823* Bagder made the bmp.c work
1824<Bagder> it looks cool to the logo on place ;-)
1825<Linus> We're not worthy...
1826<Linus> Captain! Volume Control is now activated!
1827<Zagor> Roger that.
1828<Zagor> ;)
1829<Bagder> pump it up! ;-)
1830<Linus> When I set it to 0dB it screams in the earphones! I don't dare to set it to maximum (18dB)
1831<Zagor> isn't that damping? so 0dB is the loudest?
1832<Zagor> s/damping/attenuation/
1833<Linus> No. The lowest volume is -75dB
1834<Zagor> ok
1835<Bagder> any suggestion on how we do the little/big endian crap? Just hardcode them in the simulator Makefile?
1836<Linus> eh?
1837<Bagder> we need to switch a lot when reading binary
1838<Linus> yes
1839<Bagder> and what's the default, is the S1 big endian?
1840<Linus> default is BE
1841<Bagder> ok
1842<Linus> So big endian should be default in the code as well
1843<Bagder> yes
1844<Linus> #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN
1845<Linus> or something
1846<Bagder> #ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN
1847<Bagder> #define readshort(x) x
1848<Bagder> #else
1849<Bagder> #define readshort(x) (((x&0xff00)>>8)|((x&0x00ff)<<8))
1850<Bagder> !
1851<Bagder> I could possibly removed the and
1852<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1853<Zagor> what's wrong with SWAB16 ?
1854<Bagder> it's not documented in API ;-)
1855<Zagor> hehe
1856<Bagder> so therefor I didn't know about it
1857<Zagor> it's implemented in assembler, so you still need to define it for uisimulator
1858<Bagder> it should still be documented... :-)
1859<Zagor> Bagder: why are you using float in id3.c?
1860<Linus> Booooh
1861<Linus> shame on you!
1862<Bagder> I don't
1863<Linus> Yes you do
1864<Bagder> where?
1865<Zagor> line 449: bpf *= 12000.0 * 4.0;
1866<Bagder> ah
1867<Linus> lame!
1868<Bagder> will that acually use floats?
1869<Bagder> bpf is an int
1870<Zagor> the calculation will be made with float and then truncated
1871<Bagder> so cut off the .0
1872<Zagor> already done :)
1873<Bagder> I converted that whole thing from float to int
1874<Bagder> actually that calculation gets a bit "rough" without floats
1875<Bagder> but I guess its ok anyway
1876<Bagder> those variable bitrate files will blow it away pretty bad too
1877<Linus> rough?
1878<Linus> How?
1879<Bagder> it lacks accuracy
1880<Bagder> but it might not matter that much
1881<Linus> how can a multiplication of a int with 48000 be better using a float?
1882<Bagder> you're not thinking clearly now ;-)
1883<Bagder> that single little snippet was a mistake
1884<Linus> I never do
1885<Bagder> the whole calc used LOADS of floats originally
1886<Linus> ah. OK I understand
1887<chris1> witch code is use on INTEL big or lite endian ?
1888--> Bagder2 ( has joined #rockbox
1889<dwihno> I'd say big
1890<chris1> >> little-endian byte order
1891<Linus> Intel is little endian
1892<dwihno> it is?
1893<dwihno> ah, I got it mixed up with motorola
1894<Zagor> Bagder: do we need both dmalloc and bmalloc, or should we select one of them?
1895<Bagder2> both are used
1896<Bagder2> dmalloc is the small-blocks alloc system
1897<Bagder2> it gets big blocks from the bmalloc
1898<Zagor> so which one do I call from code?
1899<Bagder2> the dmalloc ones
1900<Bagder2> I believe there are some malloc => dmalloc #defines in dmalloc.h
1901<Zagor> ah, good
1902<Bagder2> if we end up doing malloc() only on big blocks, we'll skip dmalloc alltogether
1903<Linus> You call malloc(9
1904<Linus> not bmalloc or dmalloc
1905<Bagder2> yes, the dmalloc.h defines malloc => dmalloc
1906<Linus> ah
1907<Bagder2> I prefer that way
1908<Linus> It is not wise to do so. It is better to name it malloc()
1909<Bagder2> why so?
1910<Linus> newlib calls malloc, for example in strdup()
1911<Bagder2> right
1912<Bagder2> so we should rename the d-versions to the standard names
1913<Linus> absolutely
1914<-- Bagder has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1915<Bagder2> you want me to do it or do anyone of you?
1916<Zagor> you do it. i've got other problems :)
1917<Bagder2> ok
1918<Zagor> change dmalloc to not use sprintf() while you're at it
1919<Bagder2> for what?
1920<Zagor> line 293 uses it for semaphore naming. use snprintf instead.
1921<Bagder2> we don't have semaphores
1922<Zagor> true. i don't know why it's compiled.
1923<Bagder2> renamed
1924<Zagor> bmalloc.c:246 looks wrong
1925<Bagder2> yes
1926<Bagder2> I'll make the whole function dependent on DEBUG
1927<Zagor> no, DEBUG is for DEBUGF, not for printf()
1928<Bagder2> hehe
1929<Bagder2> collision
1930<Zagor> use DEBUG_SIM or something for printf()
1931<Bagder2> DEBUG_MALLOC possibly
1932<Zagor> that's fine too
1933<Bagder2> fixed
1934<Zagor> thanks
1935<Bagder2> to init the malloc system, call these two:
1936<Bagder2> dmalloc_initialize();
1937<Zagor> you should probably remove the defines from dmalloc.h too :)
1938<Bagder2> bmalloc_add_pool(thisisourheap, AMOUNT_OF_MEMORY);
1939<Bagder2> I did
1940<Zagor> oh
1941<Zagor> ah, bad recompile
1942<Zagor> bingo. apps/ builds a full archos.mod
1943<Bagder2> c00lnezz
1944<Zagor> 0x39b4 bytes code
1945<dwihno> Congratulations!
1946* dwihno is not worthy
1947<Zagor> ...but i doubt it works :)
1948<Bagder2> :-)
1949<dwihno> Who cares, as long as it compiles :)
1950<dwihno> (a.k.a the Microsoft development policy) ;)
1951<dwihno> Btw, what is archos.mod?
1952<dwihno> _THE_ app?
1953<Bagder2> yes
1954<Bagder2> the one we copy to the archos
1955<dwihno> OH
1956* dwihno shivers ... with anti --- cipation!
1957<dwihno> Name that movie, 500 points
1958<Bagder2> btw dwihno, you were too slow, I fixed my bmp viewer ;-)
1959<dwihno> Bagder2: Hey, I got a work(tm)
1961<Bagder2> hehe
1962<Bagder2> work? wazzat? ;-)
1963<dwihno> Check the page and tell me what you think
1964<dwihno> It's for an application I did
1965<Bagder2> javascriptmania
1966<Bagder2> well it *looks* good
1967<Bagder2> but you break about every rule I'd follow
1968<dwihno> :-)
1969<dwihno> Which are... ?
1970<Zagor> did anyone ever run the simulator with HAVE_PLAYER_KEYBOARD?
1971<Zagor> it doesn't compile
1972<Bagder2> javascript, use full browser, never use your own scroll, no movements
1973<Zagor> *KEYPAD, even
1974<Bagder2> Zagor: no, it built with player lcd but recorder keypad
1975<dwihno> Bagder2: Yeah, I know, I agree! But this time, I had to do it this way! :)
1976<Zagor> Bagder2: we need to be able to run player keypad too, to test the application
1977<Bagder2> Zagor: you're right of course
1978<Bagder2> I gotta run
1979<Bagder2> see ya
1980<-- Bagder2 ( has left #rockbox
1981<dwihno> what's the resolution of the recorder LCD?
1982<Zagor> 112x64
1983<dwihno> okay
1984<dwihno> :-)
1985<dwihno> Me and my workmate are talking about purchasing
1986<dwihno> Chasing information, trying to press the prices etc.
1987<Linus> good!
1988<dwihno> Yeah :)
1989<dwihno> And installing rockbox to enhance functionality :)
1990<dwihno> Are you writing a mp3 decoder yourself or are you utilizing the onboard-chip?
1991<Zagor> the chip
1992<dwihno> ah.
1993<dwihno> I guess it takes less time.
1994<Zagor> the processor isn't fast enough to handle mp3 decoding
1995<dwihno> Could guess that.
1996<dwihno> Oj. Swedish word-by-word translation ;)
1997<dwihno> How big is your firmware compared to the original?
1998<Zagor> it's smaller so far
1999<dwihno> How big difference?
2000<Zagor> but then we have hardly no application code yet
2001<dwihno> true, true
2002<dwihno> Okay, guess the movie, 400 points level: "In just seven days, I can make you a man!"
2003<Zagor> currently the mod is 18k, while the archos mod is ~60k
2004<Zagor> but we have to pad it to 50k anyway, otherwise the archos refuses to load it. so it's not much of an issue
2005<dwihno> Fishy
2006<Zagor> nah, it's probably just a sanity check
2007<Zagor> to avoid loading bogus archos.mod files and crashing
2008<Zagor> on the other hand, there's a CRC check as well so it shouldn't be necessary... oh well 20k disk space is no problem
2009<dwihno> not really :)
2010<dwihno> How far away is the first testing of the mod?
2011<Zagor> days
2012<dwihno> Exciting! :)
2013<Zagor> yup :)
2014<Linus> Bass and treble works now!
2015<Zagor> coool!
2016<dwihno> Guess the movie, 300 points: "Oh Janet! Oh Brad! Oh Janet! Oh Brad! Err... You're not Brad! Hahaha, you wish!"
2017<dwihno> Linus: you own!
2018<Linus> Single white female?
2019<Linus> No
2020<dwihno> Linus: I AM NOT WORTHY!!!
2021<dwihno> Well, at least not before I got an Archos in my hand ;)
2022<dwihno> Linus: what was the issue about VBR's?
2023<Zagor> i've gotta go. see you guys!
2024<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
2025<Linus> dwihno: what issue?
2026<dwihno> I thought you wrote something about VBR's having a fishy sound
2027<Linus> Did I?
2028<dwihno> Hm
2029<dwihno> <-- might be wrong
2030<Linus> That must have been someone else
2031<dwihno> might have been
2032<dwihno> I congratulate you on the work on getting the decoding to work
2033<dwihno> I congratulate all of you on this project
2034<dwihno> Something neat would be, if Archos realized your firmware will get smarter than theirs, and they paid you for the development
2035<Linus> Hehe. I'm not sure I would want that
2036<dwihno> How come?
2037<dwihno> If they allowed you to keep the product GPL?
2038<dwihno> Being paid for doing fun stuff is like being paid for partying :)
2039<Linus> I get paid for fun stuff almost daily
2040<Linus> :-)
2041<Linus> Buyt yes, if they agreed to GLP the code, why not?
2042<Linus> GPL
2043<dwihno> :)
2044<dwihno> What do you do for a living?
2045<dwihno> pimping? :)
2046<-- chris1 has quit ("r")
2047<Linus> Hehe. Programming.
2048<dwihno> jb1081: print "LiNuS rUlEz!"
2049<dwihno> 20: goto 10
2050<dwihno> ?
2051<dwihno> :)
2052<dwihno> oops
2053<dwihno> stupid nick completion
2054--- dwihno is now known as dw|gone
2055<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
2056--> trillback ( has joined #rockbox
2057<-- trillback ( has left #rockbox
2058--- Disconnected (Connection timed out).
2059**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 16 14:14:19 2002