path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020511.log
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--- /dev/null
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1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri May 10 01:37:30 2002
3--> stile ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 09:45:52
6--- You are now known as adiamas
7--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
8<adiamas> boo.
9<adiamas> Bagder you around?
10<Bagder> yeps
11<adiamas> wanna test something for me witht he uisim?
12<Bagder> sure
13<adiamas> okay... remove your archos dir under x11
14<adiamas> and then run the sim...
15<adiamas> go to browse
16<adiamas> and try to browse.. tell me what happens
17<Bagder> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
18<Bagder> looks like my fault
19<adiamas> okay.. i have a fix for it.. just no sure you gonna like it.
20<Bagder> x11_opendir() should be fixed
21<adiamas> you need to do a check and make sure your opendir succeeds.. let me get you the line
22<Bagder> right
23<adiamas> want i should toss up my fix?
24<Bagder> I'll fix it
25<adiamas> k
26<Bagder> committed
27<adiamas> i ment to ask.. why arent we using stdlib so we can have NULL
28<adiamas> or define our own NULL
29<adiamas> ?
30<Bagder> we should
31<Bagder> just me being lazy
32<adiamas> :)
33--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
34<Linus> Moo!
35<Bagder> boo
36<Bagder> you digging mp3s now? ;-)
37<Linus> Well, almost
38<Linus> I have some issues with the MP3 bit swapping performancs , but it rocks!
39<Bagder> I can imagine that
40<Linus> I don't like having to bitswap every f**king byte of an MP3 song
41<Linus> It takes time
42<Bagder> no shit? ;-)
43<Bagder> perhaps we can make second read() or something that bitswaps right away when reading
44<Bagder> but perhaps it makes no diff
45<Linus> We should. Or even at ATA level, so we don't even have to store the unswapped bytes.
46<Bagder> yes, that's my thought
47<Bagder> an ata_read_shift() function
48<Linus> And prehaps swap at a word level. That saves us half the time.
49<Linus> ...with a 64K table... :-(
50<Bagder> yeah
51<Bagder> but we can generate the table in runtime at least
52<Linus> Yup
53<Bagder> do you know if the recorder will need this swapping too?
54<Linus> I don't think so. It has a parallel interface
55<Bagder> ah, right
56<Linus> Still, the loop I am using today is far from optimal. If we hand-assemble the bitswap loop it shouldn't take much time.
57<Bagder> have you been able to load new parts of the mp3 while one part is playing?
58<Linus> I haven't tried yet. That's my project for tuday.
59<Bagder> you rock
60<Linus> I do my best
61<Linus> Luckily, this is what I'm best at :-)
62<Bagder> :-)
63<Linus> It took me some time to discover that the FAT driver didn't swap the words in the FAT...
64<Linus> And not that much time to doscover that the SWAB32 macro was braindead.
65<PsycoXul> btw, i had a thought the other day.. how does the firmware on the HD effect the charging and how/when it claims to be charged
66<Linus> I don't know. I guess it measures the voltage using the A/D converter.
67<Linus> But it must be somewhat complicated to get a good A/D reference voltage...
68<Linus> Someone with good knowledge of electronics will have to look into this
69<adiamas> icon wise.. i was thinking.. the char maps we have on the website... should those all be mapped?
70<Linus> In the simulator?
71<Bagder> we should get the player ones in for the simulator to look more like a Player
72<adiamas> umm.. by 'player' you mean recorder icons?
73<Bagder> no
74<Bagder> we simulate the player
75<Bagder> but we do that using our own defined charset
76<Bagder> which happens to be the same as we use on the Recorder
77<adiamas> okay, so i should do the player icons first?
78--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
79<Bagder> they are the only ones we more or less need to make a good simulator, yes
80<adiamas> okay...
81<Bagder> the recorder-ones aren't needed, since the Recorder doesn't have them "built-in"
82<Bagder> although some of them might be useful anyway
83<Bagder> it looks as if they made the battery meter using chars...
84<Linus> hi wavey
85<adiamas> um.. okay. now im confused again...
86<adiamas> 1. what do you mean by 'built-in'
87<Bagder> the Player has those characters built-in into the LCD stuff, we can't change them
88<adiamas> okay.. then how do we reference them?
89<Linus> Bagder: The battery icon is not character based. It's specially made on the LCD.
90<Linus> Like the USB icon and a load of others
91<Bagder> adiamas: we send ascii strings to the LCD
92<Bagder> Linus: oh, ok, but there are chartacters looking very much as if made for that purpose
93<Linus> ah. in the recorder?
94<Bagder> Linus: yes
95<Linus> IC. I'm a player guy. :-)
96* adiamas is way lost
97<adiamas> have we worke don those 'char strings' at all?
98<Bagder> adiamas: check out lcd_puts() for the Player LCD
99<Bagder> we just send a plain string to that LCD
100<Bagder> it isn't graphical at all
101* adiamas shrugs
102<Bagder> they player LCD is simply two lines with 11 letters on each
103<adiamas> nod
104<adiamas> i just don' get how char strings give you the output.
105<adiamas> namely, how we know what string does what
106<Bagder> we pass a string like "abcde"
107* adiamas feels progressively dumber
108<Bagder> the LCD shows that on screen
109<adiamas> well that i get...
110<adiamas> what about file icons
111<adiamas> or battery indicators
112<Bagder> eeh
113<Bagder> there are some fixed "icons" on the LCD
114<PsycoXul> heh
115<PsycoXul> adiamas: those are pre-defined in the LCD
116<PsycoXul> adiamas: we only turn them on or off
117<adiamas> okay.. then with all of this.. will we be defining our own icons at all...
118<adiamas> and if not, why did we start to for the recorder?
119<Bagder> the Recorder supports them very well
120<PsycoXul> icons are just whats defined in the LCD already for the player
121<PsycoXul> then we've got CGROM which contains all char set mapped out already, and CGRAM where we can draw 8 of our own chars
122<PsycoXul> for display on the 2 lines
123<Bagder> ... but we don't simulate those Player icons at all yet
124<adiamas> okay.. so for player everything is done...
125<adiamas> now.. what about the recorder?
126<PsycoXul> for the player everything is done on target, but not much simulated
127<Bagder> we should introduce an API for the Player LCD "icons"
128--> calpefrosch (~calpefros@ has joined #rockbox
129<Bagder> adiamas: actually, I think we should think through how we want the icons and images present on the recorder screen
130<adiamas> presented you mean?
131<Bagder> adiamas: like how the built-in sw always have a number of icons on the screen, whatever screen we view
132<adiamas> well, thats going to be a factor of how we work the menuing
133<Bagder> yes
134<Bagder> hey calpefrosch
135<adiamas> another factor to consider is, if we are going to 'zoom' in on items... ie: increase font size, for the user..
136<adiamas> what happens to the icons then
137<Bagder> right
138<Bagder> there are a few "usability issues" to sort out
139<calpefrosch> hey
140--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
141<Zagor_> hey all
142--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
143<Bagder> moo Zagor
144* Bagder does a cow sound
145<calpefrosch> hey Zagor
146--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
147<-- alkorr has quit (Client Quit)
148<Bagder> my malloc() is about ready to get added, as soon as we see a need for it
149<Linus> I use newlibs malloc(9 at the moment
150<Bagder> how did you solve the sbrk?
151<Linus> It is included
152<Linus> It uses all space between _end and _stack
153<Bagder> aha
154<Linus> Easy as pie
155<Linus> ...after digging in the "documentation" and the sources
156<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
157<Bagder> neato
158<Bagder> blah, the newlib CVS doesn't work
159<Linus> work?
160<Bagder> cvs checkout: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or directory
161<Linus> blerk. Why do you need the CVS?
162<Bagder> I don't *need* it, I just hate the word "snapshot"
163<Linus> why do you need the snapshot?
164<Bagder> .... and that's the only alternative
165<Bagder> that is all there is
166<Bagder> never mind
167--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
168<adiamas> okay folks.. we officially ahve 10 icons to play with for the recorder now
169<Zagor> heyyyy, wavey
170<Zagor> adiamas: nice
171<wavey> howdy :)
172<adiamas> we now have the file on that was there, plus folder, open box, filled box, the triangle selector and some other stuff...
173<Linus> Bagder: I looked at their FTP. Loads of newlib releases. Where are you looking?
174<Bagder> "Source snapshots are available as gzipped tar files via anonymous FTP from the newlib ftp directory."
175<Bagder> yes there're there
176<Linus> Well, that is not entirely true. The have release archives as well.
177<Bagder> the CVS still doesn't work ;-)
178<Bagder> and their ftp server is full
179<Linus> Actually, that is only what they have. They don't have snapshots. :-)
180<Linus> How large is your mailbox?
181<Bagder> they don't actually say that they are releases anywhere
182<Bagder> therefor, I assumed they are the snapshots they mentioned
184<Bagder> "Sorry, the ftp server has too many active ftp connections (30/30)."
185<Bagder> ...
186<Bagder> worked now
187<Bagder> I'd still prefer the CVS version ;-)
188<Linus> Yeah. I don't. God knows what they have checked in recently.
189<Bagder> coward ;-)
190<Linus> I just played Machinae Supremacy right off the hard drive
191<Bagder> yay
192* Zagor cheers
193<Zagor> "and there was much rejoicing"
194<Linus> "it's just a model"
195<Bagder> "let's not go there, its a silly place"
196<Linus> "Play-a-lot"
197--- Linus is now known as Sir
198--- Sir is now known as Sir-Play-a-lot
199--- Sir-Play-a-lot is now known as Linus
200<adiamas> how wide and tall is the recorder in pixels?
201<Bagder> 112 x 64
202<adiamas> ty
203<Bagder> LCD_WIDTH and LCD_HEIGHT in lcd.h
204--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
205--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
206<wavey> this archos recorder is pissing me off
207<wavey> faulty as hell
208<wavey> used to reset in battery mode only, now it does it in dc too
209<Bagder> ough
210* wavey contemplates returning it
211--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
212--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
213<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
214<Linus> YOOOO!
215<Linus> Just listening to Machinae Supremacy, from the hard drive. The whole song!
216<Zagor> so what happens when the song ends? ;)
217<Linus> Don't know yet. We'll see in about 8 minutes... :-)
218<Zagor> you r00lz :)
219<calpefrosch> hi
220<Linus> Yo!
221<calpefrosch> for the mp3-player in win32, can we use an Active X ?
222<calpefrosch> I didn't found anything for native playing yet
223<Linus> I don't know. Win32 isn't exactly my ball game.
224* calpefrosch have to go to a meeting :-(
225--- calpefrosch is now known as calpefrosch|away
226<Linus> The ATA/FAT read is surprisingly slow...
227<Linus> It takes a while second for 128K...
228<Linus> whole
229<Zagor> odd
230<Linus> The -O switch cured that pretty well...
231<-- calpefrosch|away has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
232--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
233<Linus> welcome!
234<Zagor> ah, so now it's fast?
235<Linus> yes it is
236<Linus> But i think it can be faster
237<Linus> Damn. The DMA IRQ didn't recognize the end of the song when the last loaded chunk wrapped in the buffer...
238<Zagor> how come?
239<Linus> A negative unplayed_space_left variable (write - read < 0)
240<Linus> Otherwise it works cool as hell!
241<Linus> Version 1.0 is coming closer and closer!
242<Zagor> ninjax!
243<Linus> "...I wanna fell like that agin..." lalala
244<Linus> Machinae Supremacy rocks!
245<Zagor> wavey: what was your purpose with disk.c/h again? it's colliding with common/disk.c/h
246--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
247<Zagor> heyy, bagder. we need to start working on a player ui asap
248<Zagor> where do I start?
249<Zagor> (in the simulator, I mean)
250<Bagder> I was hoping we'd get the the one the other guy was working on... but...
251<Bagder> Zagor: edit the Makefile to build a Player simulator
252<Zagor> I did. but nothing happens when I start it
253<Bagder> no window with silly text in it?
254<Zagor> no, just empty. I only redefined $(DISPLAY), but that should be enough right?
255<Bagder> yes
256<Bagder> lemme see
257<Zagor> umm, wai
258<Zagor> t
259<Zagor> it's the x11/Makefile I need to change, nothing else?
260<Bagder> yes
261<Bagder> make clean and make
262<Zagor> yup
263<Bagder> I get text in my window
264<Zagor> I don't
265<Bagder> move it then, or put a window over it a while or something to get an event
266<Zagor> ahh
267<Zagor> now I got the text
268<Bagder> :-)
269<Bagder> I've seen that happen before, I'm not sure why this happens though
270<Bagder> X11 magic stuff
271<Zagor> ok, I'll add player support to tree.c
272<Bagder> goodie
273<Bagder> "<wannabeuihacker> I added the menu functions and got a menu system for the player"
274<Zagor> ok, good
275<Bagder> but I never got any
276<Zagor> ok
277<Zagor> hmm, maybe we should have a lcd_setfont() call instead of a font parameter to lcd_puts(). as it is now, I have to #ifdef all puts() calls just because of this
278<Bagder> the coordinates are different too
279<Zagor> uh, right. I'm a fool :)
280<Bagder> :-)
281<Bagder> setfont() might be good anyway
282<Zagor> the bad thing is it introduces "state information"
283<Bagder> yes, but it would reduce a large amount of passed zeroes...
284<Zagor> yup
285--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
286<-- alkorr has quit (Excess Flood)
287<Zagor> hmmm, idea: we make a lcd_setfont() and a lcd_setmargins() call. then lcd_puts() can use x,y "char position" for both player and recorder
288--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
289<Zagor> that would make much code identical
290<Bagder> sounds pretty good
291<Bagder> would even make "zooming" work
292<Zagor> yeah
293<Bagder> when setfont()ing a larger font
294<Zagor> good point
295<Zagor> we should have both "charpos" and "bitpos" calls. what do we call the "bitpos" call? putsxy is not very obvious...
296<Bagder> I vote for that anyway
297<Zagor> yeah, that's what I'm having right now :)
298<elinenbe> Im having a turkey roast !)
299* Bagder jumps, elinenbe is alive ;-)
300<elinenbe> I am alway here.
301<elinenbe> I am always here
302<Bagder> Zagor: are you planning to move the apps to the apps dir?
303<Zagor> yup
304<Linus> Gotta go!
305<Bagder> bye Linus
306<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
307<alkorr> cu
308<alkorr> too
309<-- alkorr has quit ()
310--> wavey_ ( has joined #rockbox
311<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
312<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
313<Zagor> the player dir browser is now working
314<Zagor> oops, left a debugf()
315<Zagor> well, I've got to go. see you!
316<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
317<-- wavey_ ( has left #rockbox
318--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
319<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
320<-- Tumm has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
321--> Tumm ( has joined #rockbox
322--- You are now known as adi|home
323--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
324<elinenbe> rock on!
325<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020507]")
326<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
327--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
328--> linuxstb ( has joined #rockbox
329--> quiquee (~quique@ has joined #rockbox
330<linuxstb> Good evening all. Anyone feel like talking rockbox?
331<quiquee> good evening
332<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
333<adi|work> linuxstb sure.. whats up?
334<linuxstb> I've just incorporated the libmad source into the uisimulator directory and was wondering whether to commit it.
335<adi|work> ahh.. right.. saw your email :)
336<adi|work> well... id say hold off until Zagor or Bagder could give you a proper answer.
337--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
338<linuxstb> adi|home: that is what I was going to do.
339<adi|work> :)
340<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
341<-- quiquee has quit ("Leaving")
342<linuxstb> bye.
343<linuxstb> \exit
344<-- linuxstb has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.0")
345--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
346<adi|work> sob....
347<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020507]")
348--> linuxstb ( has joined #rockbox
349--> calpefrosch|away ( has joined #rockbox
350<linuxstb> Hello calpefrosch
351--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
352<-- alkorr has quit (Client Quit)
353<calpefrosch|away> hi
354--- calpefrosch|away is now known as calpefrosch
355<linuxstb> I've started implementing a mpeg playing thread in the x11 simulator
356<linuxstb> Someone should try and mirror my development in the win32 simulator!
357<calpefrosch> yes, I have seen some code. Do you use the libmad code ?
358<linuxstb> Yes. I have also started to use pthreads - I'm not sure if that is good or bad
359<-- calpefrosch has quit (
360<-- adi|work has quit (
361--> calpefrosch ( has joined #rockbox
362--> adi|work ( has joined #rockbox
363<-- calpefrosch has quit ()
364<-- linuxstb has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.0")
365--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
366--> calpefrosch|away ( has joined #rockbox
367--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
368<-- calpefrosch|away has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
369<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0rc2/20020510]")
370<adi|home> linus you around?
371<Linus> Now I am
372<adi|home> k...
373<adi|home> umm.. not sure, but you may want to talk with linuxstb
374<adi|home> <linuxstb> I've started implementing a mpeg playing thread in the x11 simulator
375<adi|home> <linuxstb> Someone should try and mirror my development in the win32 simulator!
376<adi|home> <calpefrosch> yes, I have seen some code. Do you use the libmad code ?
377<adi|home> <linuxstb> Yes. I have also started to use pthreads - I'm not sure if that is good or bad
378<adi|home> he wants to add the libmad to the source tree, but hasn't gotten an answer from anyone...
379<adi|home> he says its appx 900k
380<Linus> Well. What is this libmad thing?
381<Linus> Gotta sleep. Night!
382<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
383<-- PsycoXul has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
384--> PsycoXul ( has joined #rockbox
385--- Disconnected (22).
386**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 11 23:45:05 2002