path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020505.log
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diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020505.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020505.log
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index 0000000000..575e93c018
--- /dev/null
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1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 2 23:05:32 2002
3--> adiamas ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 09:45:52
6<miah> dah
7<adiamas> mah
8--> [TDM]Mr_B|away ( has joined #rockbox
9--- [TDM]Mr_B|away is now known as [TDM]Mr_B
10<-- [TDM]Mr_B has quit ()
11<adiamas> hmmm
12<miah> hrm?
13<adiamas> nothing.. just makeing updates to the uisim...
14<adiamas> tetris now plays a bit nice with ppl...
15<adiamas> and the menuing of the sim works properly./
16<miah> nice
17<-- edx|sleeping has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
18<miah> i've been following the project for a couple months now.. looks like things are getting there
19<miah> i can't wait
20<adiamas> are you on a win machine or a *nix?
21<miah> unix
22<miah> and windows
23<adiamas> then you should pull down the sorce and play with the sim a bit :)
24<miah> my unix boxes all lack X
25<adiamas> ahhh..
26<miah> yea, i havnt had much time to play with stuff lately
27<adiamas> that could be a prob...
28<miah> im working on a linux distro
29<adiamas> nice... what pulled you into that?
30<miah> well, i worked at turbolinux for a while
31<miah> and then at penguin computing..
32<miah> doing security / sys admin stuff.. been doing alot of sysadmin / security stuff basically
33<PsycoXul> ok the cursor for the menu's
34<miah> and got sick of installing and then configuring things to the way i liked them
35<PsycoXul> it gets put back on tetris when i go to browse or rockabox
36<PsycoXul> but its still actualy on browse or rockabox
37<miah> so i started building my own stuff, so it would save me time..
38<PsycoXul> and neither of them are doing anything for me
39<PsycoXul> heh
40<miah> but i've been working on it for about a year now
41<adiamas> hmm... let me look
42<adiamas> hehe i know what it is.. one sec
43--> calpefrosch ( has joined #rockbox
44--- calpefrosch is now known as calpefrosch|away
45<adiamas> okay.. which makes more sense...
46<adiamas> you choose a menu..
47<adiamas> enter it
48<adiamas> when you come back out
49<adiamas> should the cursor be at the top again, or where you left off?
50<adiamas> im mixed on it
51<PsycoXul> i say where you left off
52<miah> where you left off..
53<adiamas> cool.
54<PsycoXul> and whichever it is, it should be consistent
55<adiamas> well.. i sense a series of funcitons coming for menuing
56<PsycoXul> the current firmware for the player does both in various places of the menu and its annoying heh
57<adiamas> okay.. fixed
58<adiamas> pull it down and try it
59<PsycoXul> actualy its really screwy cause sometimes it goes to the top, sometimes it goes to where it was, and sometimes it goes to a different place in the menu 1 level up... heh [the archos player firmware, that is]
60* adiamas nods
61<adiamas> im going to be thinking about it over the weekend.. it irks me too
62* adiamas takes a bit to switch gears from c++ mode to c mode
63<adiamas> i miss classes _so_ much in a case like this :)
64<PsycoXul> heh
65<PsycoXul> ok so yeah thats better
66* adiamas nods
67<adiamas> now i just want to slow down tetris,
68<adiamas> fix scoring
69<PsycoXul> browse and rockabox still don't do anything, and if you press left after pressing right on rockabox the items all go blank and you're left with just a cursor
70<adiamas> well.. the browse
71<adiamas> you need to add a 'archos' directory to your files
72<adiamas> that is being used to represent the '/' on the player
73<PsycoXul> where?
74<PsycoXul> ah got it
75<PsycoXul> nice
76<adiamas> in the x11 dir or win dir you are using
77<adiamas> now.. lets see if i can replicate your other issue
78<adiamas> yeah.. roxabox is more of a place holder...
79<adiamas> just something for the screen.. ill remove it.
80<PsycoXul> heh
81<PsycoXul> so how much of this works target?
82<adiamas> come again?
83<PsycoXul> er
84<PsycoXul> how much of this works on target?
85<PsycoXul> you know actualy runs on the units
86<adiamas> hmm i can't replicate your blanking when you go left after going right.
87<adiamas> none yet
88<PsycoXul> heh
89<PsycoXul> none?
90<adiamas> the simulator just lets us higher level coders start using the api we are developing
91<PsycoXul> the lcd/button stuff should work no?
92<adiamas> well.. some barebones stuff has been worked on..
93<adiamas> but no apps and such...
94<PsycoXul> heh
95<PsycoXul> tetris and the screensaver should be able to run on it i would think
96<adiamas> im not about to toss this stuff onto my unit yet ;)
97<PsycoXul> heh
98<adiamas> okay.. newest version up.. try it now
99<adiamas> PsycoXul are you working on windows or lin?
100<PsycoXul> linux
101<adiamas> k...
102<adiamas> im waiting on one of the windows guys.. make sure this stuff works for them...
103<adiamas> i dont think they would have a prob.. but you never know
104<PsycoXul> so what i was really asking is how much of the api's used in the sim's little app/tetris/screensaver/browse are implemented for the target
105<adiamas> everything that runs on/in the sim is using our api... so as far as i know.. most/all
106<adiamas> though... you'd need to confirm that with Zagor and Bagder and edx
107<adiamas> they tend to be involved with more of the on metal stuff
108<PsycoXul> heh
109<PsycoXul> ok it looks that the file/directory stuff is still unimplemented
110<adiamas> thats part of what they are working on :)
111--> Bagder2 ( has joined #rockbox
112<adiamas> hey Bagder2
113<Bagder2> morning
114<Bagder2> :-)
115* Bagder2 tries to figure out why there's a Bagder still present
116<adiamas> there isn't on my list
117<Bagder2> no, but if you /whois bagder, there is one
118<adiamas> hmm.. odd
119<adiamas> PsycoXul wanna do me a favor?
120<-- calpefrosch|away has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
121<Bagder2> adiamas: we should rework the menu in app.c to support being longer than can be shown on screen
122<Bagder2> imho
123* adiamas nods
124<adiamas> thats what im working on now ;)
125<adiamas> but i also want to do a 'menu.c/h'
126* Bagder2 bows in front of adiamas
127<adiamas> so makes it easier for sub menus
128<Bagder2> goodie
129<Bagder2> I'll try to attack the dir browser more this weekend
130<adiamas> sweet
131<adiamas> oh.. btw.. off now turns off the sim on the main menu
132<Bagder2> ok, seems reasonable
133<adiamas> i thought so ;)
134<adiamas> anyone mind if i remove the KEY PRESSED: output on stdout?
135<Bagder2> no
136<Bagder2> you can remove the lcd_update() crap too
137<adiamas> k..
138<Bagder2> we'll put it back the day we need to debug those things
139<Bagder2> no need to have them there all the time
140<adiamas> k.. then ill just comment them out
141<adiamas> where in the hell is that beep coming from!
143<miah> =)
144<adiamas> no ..
145<adiamas> ive got that turned off ;)
146<adiamas> i mean from the sim
147<Bagder2> yeah I kinda hate that beep too
148<adiamas> dude.. i don't know who just put in that last feature request, but they are sick :)
149* Bagder2 agrees
150<adiamas> when i do a cvs update
151<adiamas> and i get an 'M' before a file...
152<adiamas> whats that mean?
153<Bagder2> Merge
154<Bagder2> you have local changes
155<adiamas> nods
156--> calpefrosch ( has joined #rockbox
157--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
158--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
159<Bagder2> morning Zagor
160<Zagor> ello
161--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
162<Bagder2> morning Linus
163<Linus> Morning Bagder2
164<Bagder2> Linus / Zagor you plan to go to the Appeal party tonight?
165<Zagor> yep
166<Bagder2> me too
167<PsycoXul> adiamas: what kind of favor?\
168<adiamas> nevermind :)
169<PsycoXul> ok sorry
170<PsycoXul> heh
171<Linus> I am not going
172<calpefrosch> morning..(#)
173<calpefrosch> for the simulator, which files do I have to create ?
174<adiamas> what do you mean?
175<calpefrosch> I created a \playlists\1.m3u, but I get a strange output
176<calpefrosch> like: filename: Pý°
177<calpefrosch> load_playlist( £C )
178<adiamas> dunno...
179<Bagder2> what do you do to get that output?
180<calpefrosch> compiled the simulator with VC++ and started it...
181<Bagder2> oh
182<calpefrosch> Oh, I had to define the DEBUGF for VC++
183<calpefrosch> -> #define DEBUGF debugf in debug.h
184<Bagder2> I don't know why edx has involved the playlist stuff in the simulator at this point
185<calpefrosch> ahh, you mean it is not ready to test...
186<Bagder2> well, there shouldn't be any code calling any playlist functions
187<Bagder2> since the app.c has no code to do that
188<calpefrosch> he is calling the harness.c
189<Bagder2> ... and that is badness
190<calpefrosch> hmm
191<Bagder2> the harness.c is the test code for the playlist, it isn't meant to run in a simulator
192<calpefrosch> hehe, now it's working :-)
193* adiamas nods
194<adiamas> okay... i think im done for the evening...
195<adiamas> sleepy time...
196<Bagder2> night adiamas
197<adiamas> and at the request of you europeans.. i am not going 'nappy' ;)
198<Bagder2> haha
199<adiamas> im bedding
200<calpefrosch> good night
201--- You are now known as adi|asleep
202<-- calpefrosch ( has left #rockbox
203--- Bagder2 is now known as Bagder
204--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
205--> Nm`jaK^j ( has joined #rockbox
206--- Nm`jaK^j is now known as Bagder3
207--- Bagder3 is now known as Bagder44
208<Bagder44> grrr
209<Zagor> what's happening?
210<Bagder44> my muh disconnected and had problems to reconnect
211<Bagder44> the Bagder is a true irc ghost
212<Bagder44> it looks like an ircd bug
213--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
214<Zagor> fun..
215<Zagor> weee, now I can read partitioned disks too...
216<Bagder44> coolers
217<-- Bagder has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
218<Zagor> lookie :)
219--- Bagder44 is now known as Bagder
220<Bagder> that took a while
221<Linus> Gentlemen! WE HAVE SOUND!!!!!!!!!
222<Zagor> goooooogogowooo
223* Zagor is droooooling
224* Linus is screaming with joy!
225<Zagor> everybody else is sleeping ;)
226<Linus> typical...
227<PsycoXul> sound?
228<Linus> I have managed to play MP3 data with the MAS!
229<PsycoXul> woo
230<Linus> Kicking!
231<Linus> A historical moment. The first group to have their song played in the Rockbox is Machinae Supremacy.
232<PsycoXul> heh
233<Linus> They shoule be proud
234<Zagor> rather fitting, I'd say :)
235<Linus> or rather 4 seconds of the beginning of the song, but what the heck... :-)
236<Zagor> this is the track, btw:
237<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
238--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
239<Bagder> Zagor: you tried the ATA/FAT32 on target yet?
240<Zagor> no, not yet. tomorrow...
241<Linus> We have a silly problem with the serial connection to thw MAS.
242<Zagor> more "annoyance" than problem
243<Zagor> yet very annoying :)
244<Linus> The serial interface in the SH1 sends the data LSB first, but the MAS wants it MSB first.
245<Linus> We have to swap bit order of EVERY byte we read from the hard drive!!!
246<Linus> AAAAAAH!
247--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
248<Linus> Welcome!
249<Linus> I have good news!
250<elinenbe> congradulations!!!!!!!!!
251<elinenbe> woooo hooo!!!!
252<Linus> You heard!
253<elinenbe> yes!!!
254<Linus> Thx
255<elinenbe> that is awesome!
256<Linus> Indeed!
257<Bagder> so every byte must be reversed bitwise?
258<elinenbe> but why that song? :( Something like Krudser & Dorfmeister would have been more appropriate :)
259<Zagor> haha
260<Linus> Who are they?
261<Linus> Bagder: Yes, every byte
262<Bagder> nono this should've played:
263<Zagor> we didn't select very conciously, but I think it's rather appropriate actually
264<Bagder> Run level zero - strapped to machinery.mp3
265<Bagder> :-)
266<Linus> or "Living in a Box"
267<Bagder> Linus: time for inlined assembler? B-]
268<Bagder> call Alan!
269* Bagder giggles
270<elinenbe> well, they are DJs from Germany "Kruder & Dorfmeister"
271<Zagor> They make new versions of old C64 songs which they publish on the web. Sort of like we make a new firmware and publish it.
272<Linus> Or "4 sekunder" with Magnus Uggla
273<Bagder> hehe
274<PsycoXul> wait
275<PsycoXul> new versions of old c64 songs?
276<PsycoXul> why would you want to do that? the c64 had such a cool sound
277--- Linus is now known as Linus|celebratin
278<Zagor> PsycoXul: listen to their rendition of "giana sisters". they do it justice!
279* Linus|celebratin goes to buy candy
280<Zagor> ("do it justice"?) sometimes I don't even understand my own writing...
281<Linus|celebratin> Swenglish
282<Zagor> time for some candy celebration. brb
283<elinenbe> Is everyone here a sugar-holic, or is that just me?
284* Bagder is gonna get a can of coke instead
285<miah> the sidchip rules
286<Bagder> it does
287* Bagder , Linus and Zagor did lots of C64 stuff back in the late 80s
288<miah> i've been encoding all my stuff into ogg lately.. after im done doing that, im probably going to start leeching all the s3m,mod,xm's that i can
289<miah> i already have tons of sids
290<miah> on one of my systems somewhere
291<PsycoXul> yeah ogg
292<miah> oggs are good
293<PsycoXul> there needs to be a way to play ogg on the archos
294<PsycoXul> heh
295<miah> that'd be cool, i'd like to see mod/s3m/xm too
296<miah> that should be easy since those formats require very little cpu power
297<Bagder> well
298<Zagor> we need a DSP guru
299<PsycoXul> it needs realtime mixing
300<Bagder> we only have one chip that plays sound
301<miah> yea
302<Zagor> miah: those formats require multichannel mixing, which we can't do
303<miah> really?
304<PsycoXul> how many channels does the mas support to decode?
305<Zagor> PsycoXul: one mp3 stream
306<Bagder> Zagor: where can I find info about that Splimp thing you have for mp3-playback at home?
307<PsycoXul> yes
308<miah> my stupid laptop keeps going into sleep mode.. so annoying
309<PsycoXul> but mp3 streams can be multi-channel no?
310<Zagor> Bagder:
311<Bagder> thanks
312<Zagor> PsycoXul: 2 channel, yes
313<PsycoXul> well mp3 supports more than that
314<PsycoXul> at least mpeg2 layer3
315<PsycoXul> i dunno much about the actual format though
316<Zagor> still, we'd have to mix it *and* encode it in the cpu
317<PsycoXul> are multiple channels stored within single frames, or are channel frames interpolated?
318<Zagor> feel free to try, but I think it'll be hard
319--- Linus|celebratin is now known as Linus
320<Zagor> i think it's in a single frame, but I'm not sure
321<PsycoXul> well there's pcm playback firmware in existance for the mas... i wonder how many channels it can support of pcm like that
322<PsycoXul> but pcm in low quality could probably be mixed by the sh1 maybe?
323<Linus> The PCm mode will probably support only 2 channels, since the application is stereo sound
324<PsycoXul> true
325<Linus> At least the interface to the DAC is only 2 channels
326<Zagor> well we have no pcm mode yet, so whoever writes that will decide :)
327<Linus> I pass
328<PsycoXul> heh
329<PsycoXul> so what kind of input does the dac take from the mas?
330<Linus> It's a serial interface, clock, data and frame sync
331<Linus> two time slots one for left channel, one for right
332<Linus> 16-bit or 32-bit
333--> edx|sleeping ( has joined #rockbox
334<edx|sleeping> hi
335--- edx|sleeping is now known as edx
336<Linus> Morning!
337--- edx is now known as edx|away
338<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
339<Bagder> Zagor: you wanna meet somewhere?
340<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
341--> calpefrosch ( has joined #Rockbox
342<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
343<-- calpefrosch has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
344--> calpefrosch ( has joined #rockbox
345<-- calpefrosch has quit (Client Quit)
346--> calpefrosch ( has joined #rockbox
347--- calpefrosch is now known as calpefrosch|away
348--> thomasvs ( has joined #rockbox
349<thomasvs> kaping
350<thomasvs> hello
351<thomasvs> anyone around ?
352<-- calpefrosch|away has quit ()
353--> calpefrosch ( has joined #Rockbox
354--- calpefrosch is now known as calpefrosch|away
355<adi|asleep> only for a sec.. on my way to work...
356<thomasvs> ok
357<thomasvs> ;)
358<thomasvs> I was just wandering how much an archos player costs
359<miah> about $300
360<adi|asleep> you can check them out on ebay as well...
361<adi|asleep> i picked mine up for about 200
362<thomasvs> ok, thanks
363<elinenbe> get the recoder... much nicer!
364<miah> but arnt the player and recorder basically the same thing?
365<-- thomasvs has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
366<-- calpefrosch|away has quit ()
367<elinenbe> yes, but no. The recorder has a more able screen...
368<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:0.9.9+/20020414]")
369--> thomasvs ( has joined #rockbox
370<-- edx|away has quit ()
371--> edx|away ( has joined #rockbox
372<-- thomasvs ( has left #rockbox ("Client Exiting")
373<-- adi|work has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
374--> adiamas (~adiamas@ has joined #rockbox
375--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
376<-- Zagor has quit ("bye")
377<PsycoXul> anybody around? know um...
378<PsycoXul> <segher> how many cycles to read/write that dram?
379<PsycoXul> for the player?
380<PsycoXul> <segher> well, this device is really tight on resources. good luck.
381<PsycoXul> <PsycoXul> heh
382<PsycoXul> <PsycoXul> you think its possible?
383<PsycoXul> <segher> might be possible, yes
384<PsycoXul> <PsycoXul> i should send somebody who's more knowledgable on the hardware and
385<PsycoXul> hax0ring in here to talk to you heh
386<PsycoXul> ::: haze! has quit: Connection timed out
387<PsycoXul> <segher> with highly optimized code, it should _just_ work.
388<PsycoXul> ^^ #vorbis, on player's hardware potential for decoding ogg with mas3507d + sh1 cooperating
389<PsycoXul> <segher> psyco: afaics, the MAS whould be able to do the (m)dct for you
390<PsycoXul> <PsycoXul> ok
391<PsycoXul> <segher> it will be quite some (fun!) work, though
392<-- edx|away has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
393--> calpefrosch ( has joined #Rockbox
394<-- calpefrosch ( has left #Rockbox
395--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
396<adi|asleep> hey zagor...
397<Zagor> hey
398<adi|asleep> you see any problem if i hack out a menu.c/h over the weekend
399<adi|asleep> i figure im already noticing repetition in how ppl are looking to menu in the sim...
400<adi|asleep> figured i cold give us a basis..
401<adi|asleep> rather then reinventing the wheel.
402<Zagor> sure
403<adi|asleep> have you played with the sim recently?
404<Zagor> no
405<adi|asleep> ahh...
406<adi|asleep> well.. tetris plays a bit nicer and we have a basic screen saver.....
407<PsycoXul> i talked to somebody in #vorbis about ogg stuff on the hardware... here's what they said:
408<PsycoXul> <segher> well, this device is really tight on resources. good luck.
409<PsycoXul> <segher> might be possible, yes
410<PsycoXul> <segher> with highly optimized code, it should _just_ work.
411<PsycoXul> <segher> psyco: afaics, the MAS whould be able to do the (m)dct for you
412<PsycoXul> <segher> it will be quite some (fun!) work, though
413<Zagor> interesting
414<Zagor> nobody volunteered to help? ;)
415<adi|asleep> oh.. zagor.. ment to ask...
416<PsycoXul> nope heh
417<adi|asleep> in the contrib file...
418<adi|asleep> any reason your against const?
419<Zagor> yes, people tend to use it wrong
420<PsycoXul> so i take it opendir(),readdir(), etc don't work on target yet? heh
421<Zagor> opendir/readdir works for the root dir, but currently not for subdirs. i'm fixing that right now
422<adi|asleep> i have a habit of doing it. bear with while i adjust :)
423<adi|asleep> okay.. off to bed.. need 2 hrs...
424* Zagor just got up :)
425<adi|asleep> hehhe i _should_ be just getting up...
426<adi|asleep> 06:10... gotta love it..
427<PsycoXul> Zagor: how do i open the root directory?
428<Zagor> PsycoXul: opendir("/")
429<PsycoXul> hmm
430<adi|asleep> Psyco check out tree.h and tree.c
431<PsycoXul> well that doesn't seem to return on my unit
432<adi|asleep> in uisim/x11
433<adi|asleep> PsycoXul you need to add an "archos" dir
434<PsycoXul> i'm not talking about in the sim
435<adi|asleep> that is being used to simulate the '/' on the player
436<PsycoXul> i got the sim browser to work
437<PsycoXul> heh
438<adi|asleep> heheh ahh.. k
439<PsycoXul> lemme see where its having problems actualy..
440<PsycoXul> well first thing i notice is that on my player lcd_clear_display() misses the last 2 chars
441<PsycoXul> and next is that
442<PsycoXul> dir=opendir("/");
443<PsycoXul> doesn't return
444<PsycoXul> unless there's something i need to do before it that i'm not
445<Zagor> look in test/fat
446<PsycoXul> heh thats kinda funny if you make clean with a clean tree it generates the dependancies and then removes them :p
447<Zagor> look in test/fat/main.c
448<PsycoXul> ok
449<Zagor> you need to run ata_init(), disk_init() and fat_mount() before you can start using the disk
450<PsycoXul> ah ok
451<PsycoXul> ok i see
452<PsycoXul> anything to call later like to umount or spindown or something?
453<Zagor> you don't have to, no writing is implemented yet so it's failsafe
454<PsycoXul> why is there a firmware/disk.h and firmware/common/disk.h
455<Zagor> firmware/disk.h will change, it's just a code container at the moment
456<PsycoXul> ok
457<PsycoXul> lcd_puts(0,0,"Hello.");
458<PsycoXul> if(ata_init()) {
459<PsycoXul> lcd_puts(0,0,"Disk error");
460<PsycoXul> return -1;
461<PsycoXul> }
462<PsycoXul> lcd_puts(0,0,"ata init.");
463<PsycoXul> all i get is "Hello."
464<Zagor> the ata code is not target tested yet, I'll be doing that today
465<PsycoXul> ah
466<Zagor> now we know it doesn't work :)
467<PsycoXul> hehe
468--> edx|away ( has joined #rockbox
469--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
470<Bagder> hey ho
471<Zagor> hi
472<Bagder> I'm thinking about the played lcd API, when using x y coordinates, is 0 the first line and 1 the second?
473<Bagder> player
474<Bagder> can't see any reason why not, just checking
475<Zagor> i agree
476--- Bagder is now known as Bagder|laundry
477--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
478--- Bagder|laundry is now known as Bagder
479* Bagder starts to get the player simulator going
480<Zagor> have you seen adis latest items on the faq?
481<Bagder> nope
482<Zagor> s/latest/last/
483<Zagor> Q: But I _really_ want to talk with you in person.
484<Zagor> adiamas: I'm sorry. My girlfriend/boyfriend/pet says I'm not allowed to, and the
485<Zagor> doctors here won't let me have pens or pencils. They say its some rule
486<Zagor> about us not having sharp objects. I'm sorry. Now please stop calling me
487<Zagor> here.
488<Bagder> ah yes
489<Bagder> that's a good one ;-)
490<Zagor> yes
491<PsycoXul> ok so how do i use custom chars on the player LCD with the new codebase? there an api for it?
492<Bagder> is that lcd_define_pattern() ?
493<PsycoXul> is it?
494<Bagder> I dunno ;-)
495<Zagor> yes
496<Zagor> I think so :)
497<PsycoXul> heh so how do i use it?
498<Zagor> 1. fix it
499<Zagor> 2. use it
500<Zagor> :)
501<PsycoXul> heh
502<Bagder> 3. add it to the simulator
503<PsycoXul> hehe
504<Zagor> yup, those are the official docs
505<Bagder> I have to admit that my fixes to get the player-simulator running ain't the most beautiful ones you've seen
506<PsycoXul> heh
507<PsycoXul> i just run my test code on my player
508<Bagder> since I want to use the bitmap functions
509<Bagder> but simulate the charcell lcd api
510<PsycoXul> i'd honestly much rather have a bootloader than a simulator personally, just wish i knew the first clue about making one heh
511* Zagor just realized he has no sh-elf-gdb :(
512* Bagder commits
513<PsycoXul> hmmm....
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516<PsycoXul> how long does sleep(1) sleep for?
517<Zagor> one tick
518<-- calpefrosch|away has quit ()
519<PsycoXul> how long is a tick?
520<Zagor> 1/HZ seconds
521<Zagor> HZ is defined in kernel.h
522<PsycoXul> ah
523<PsycoXul> ok lcd_backlight() doesn't do anything on my player
524<Zagor> ok
525<PsycoXul> with 1 or 0 as the arg
526<Zagor> I guess the port pins differ
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535<PsycoXul> heh
536<PsycoXul> i dunno
537<PsycoXul> i do an lcd_puts and then a sleep(75); and then another lcd_puts() and i only get the 1st one
538<Zagor> you're on the cutting edge :)
539<Zagor> currently, sleep() only works right in the test/kernel code, since the main stuff doesn't have a timer interrupt enabled
540<PsycoXul> ah
541<PsycoXul> there an easy way to use it, or should i do something to sleep?
542<Zagor> i'd suggest a busy wait at the moment
543<PsycoXul> whats that? :p
544<Zagor> a for() loop instead of the sleep
545<PsycoXul> i see, so thats what thats called heh
546<Zagor> the term "busy" is used for when you don't allow other threads to execute
547<PsycoXul> ok now this loop is working but within it i'm doing key=button_get(); if(key) { switch(key) { case etc etc } }
548<PsycoXul> i've got cases for BUTTON_DOWN, UP, ON, LEFT, RIGHT, and MENU, and default
549<PsycoXul> and with our without a button pressed it hits default
550<PsycoXul> s/our/or/
551<Zagor> sounds good
552<PsycoXul> heh
553<PsycoXul> man
554<PsycoXul> heh
555<PsycoXul> shouldn't a make clean rm */*.o too? and not generate dependancies? heh
556<Zagor> picky picky :)
557<PsycoXul> oh come ON... umount's gonna hang now again already? fuck
558<Zagor> usb-storage is far from perfect...
559<PsycoXul> well it needs to do something different thats for sure... can't accomplish much being forced to reboot at its random whims
560<PsycoXul> at least like TIME OUT or SOMETHING
561<Zagor> he's doing a big rewrite for 2.5
562<PsycoXul> reboot, turn the thing back on, plug it in, load the modules, copy a file and it hangs right there AGAIN
563<PsycoXul> not a whole lot of things get me upset... but having to reboot over and over again because of some stupid device that shouldn't be having any problems to start with, much less make me have to actualy interrupt my system usage, and having to wait months/years for the fix is exactly why i don't run some OTHER OS
564<Zagor> heh, yeah...
565<Zagor> you should consider the serial port fix
566<PsycoXul> goddamn i can't get this one little file copied on here now
567<PsycoXul> 3 reboots and it STILL fucking up
568<PsycoXul> and then i'll still need to copy the real working firmware back on to there once i get this to work
569<PsycoXul> i'll probably have to fucknig juggle hardware, boot it to windows and scandisk, juggle hardware back, boot back to linux, probably have to reboot a few more times
570* PsycoXul considers selling his archos and taking the money for vocal lessons
571<PsycoXul> hey i can store a lot more than 20G worth of music in my head :p
572<Zagor> :)
573* Zagor sings in a chamber choir
574<PsycoXul> ok so i made the default do
575<PsycoXul> snprintf(ugh,11,"%d",key);
576<PsycoXul> lcd_puts(0,0,ugh);
577<Zagor> ok
578<PsycoXul> i get 243 with no buttons, 242 for ON, 241 for menu, 227 for play/up, 211 for stop/down, 179 for left, and 115 for right
579<PsycoXul> and various others with combinations heh
580<Zagor> from button_get() ?
581<PsycoXul> yeah
582<Zagor> odd
583<Zagor> it should return 1,2,4,8 etc no?
584<PsycoXul> well looking at the code, thats what you'd think.. heh
585<Zagor> uhu
586<PsycoXul> same with or without calling button_init() first
587<PsycoXul> heh
588<PsycoXul> btw i think portc & 0x10 gets triggered on the player when the stop buttons held for 3 seconds or whatever, just before it shuts off
589<Zagor> yes, that would be interesting
590<PsycoXul> i don't even know what & does... i don't know much if anything about binary and binary operations or low-level programming or anything like that though...
591<PsycoXul> my latest project with C was struggling to successfully read a wav header into a struct from stdin heh
592<Zagor> & is "and". portc & 0x10 tests if bit 4 is set in portc
593<PsycoXul> bit 4?
594<Zagor> yes, bit0 = 0x01, 1=0x02, 2=0x04, 3=0x08, 4=0x10
595<PsycoXul> ok
596<PsycoXul> know of any good online docs that'd teach me this kinda stuff?
597<Zagor> umm, no
598<Zagor> :)
599<PsycoXul> heh
600<Zagor> maybe
602<PsycoXul> cool.. i'll read that later... enough hax0ring stuff today for me heh
603<Zagor> :)
604<-- Zagor has quit ("bye")
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613**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 5 01:46:26 2002