path: root/rbutil/rbutilqt/quazip/quazipfile.h
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diff --git a/rbutil/rbutilqt/quazip/quazipfile.h b/rbutil/rbutilqt/quazip/quazipfile.h
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1#ifndef QUA_ZIPFILE_H
2#define QUA_ZIPFILE_H
5-- A kind of "standard" GPL license statement --
6QuaZIP - a Qt/C++ wrapper for the ZIP/UNZIP package
7Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Sergey A. Tachenov
9This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
11Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
12option) any later version.
14This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17Public License for more details.
19You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
20with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
2159 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23-- A kind of "standard" GPL license statement ends here --
25See COPYING file for GPL.
27You are also permitted to use QuaZIP under the terms of LGPL (see
28COPYING.LGPL). You are free to choose either license, but please note
29that QuaZIP makes use of Qt, which is not licensed under LGPL. So if
30you are using Open Source edition of Qt, you therefore MUST use GPL for
31your code based on QuaZIP, since it would be also based on Qt in this
32case. If you are Qt commercial license owner, then you are free to use
33QuaZIP as long as you respect either GPL or LGPL for QuaZIP code.
34 **/
36#include <QIODevice>
38#include "quazip.h"
39#include "quazipnewinfo.h"
41/// A file inside ZIP archive.
42/** \class QuaZipFile quazipfile.h <quazip/quazipfile.h>
43 * This is the most interesting class. Not only it provides C++
44 * interface to the ZIP/UNZIP package, but also integrates it with Qt by
45 * subclassing QIODevice. This makes possible to access files inside ZIP
46 * archive using QTextStream or QDataStream, for example. Actually, this
47 * is the main purpose of the whole QuaZIP library.
48 *
49 * You can either use existing QuaZip instance to create instance of
50 * this class or pass ZIP archive file name to this class, in which case
51 * it will create internal QuaZip object. See constructors' descriptions
52 * for details. Writing is only possible with the existing instance.
53 *
54 * \section quazipfile-sequential Sequential or random-access?
55 *
56 * At the first thought, QuaZipFile has fixed size, the start and the
57 * end and should be therefore considered random-access device. But
58 * there is one major obstacle to making it random-access: ZIP/UNZIP API
59 * does not support seek() operation and the only way to implement it is
60 * through reopening the file and re-reading to the required position,
61 * but this is prohibitely slow.
62 *
63 * Therefore, QuaZipFile is considered to be a sequential device. This
64 * has advantage of availability of the ungetChar() operation (QIODevice
65 * does not implement it properly for non-sequential devices unless they
66 * support seek()). Disadvantage is a somewhat strange behaviour of the
67 * size() and pos() functions. This should be kept in mind while using
68 * this class.
69 *
70 **/
71class QuaZipFile: public QIODevice {
73 private:
74 QuaZip *zip;
75 QString fileName;
76 QuaZip::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity;
77 bool raw;
78 qint64 writePos;
79 // these two are for writing raw files
80 ulong uncompressedSize;
81 quint32 crc;
82 bool internal;
83 int zipError;
84 // these are not supported nor implemented
85 QuaZipFile(const QuaZipFile& that);
86 QuaZipFile& operator=(const QuaZipFile& that);
87 void resetZipError()const {setZipError(UNZ_OK);}
88 // const, but sets zipError!
89 void setZipError(int zipError)const;
90 protected:
91 /// Implementation of the QIODevice::readData().
92 qint64 readData(char *data, qint64 maxSize);
93 /// Implementation of the QIODevice::writeData().
94 qint64 writeData(const char *data, qint64 maxSize);
95 public:
96 /// Constructs a QuaZipFile instance.
97 /** You should use setZipName() and setFileName() or setZip() before
98 * trying to call open() on the constructed object.
99 **/
100 QuaZipFile();
101 /// Constructs a QuaZipFile instance.
102 /** \a parent argument specifies this object's parent object.
103 *
104 * You should use setZipName() and setFileName() or setZip() before
105 * trying to call open() on the constructed object.
106 **/
107 QuaZipFile(QObject *parent);
108 /// Constructs a QuaZipFile instance.
109 /** \a parent argument specifies this object's parent object and \a
110 * zipName specifies ZIP archive file name.
111 *
112 * You should use setFileName() before trying to call open() on the
113 * constructed object.
114 *
115 * QuaZipFile constructed by this constructor can be used for read
116 * only access. Use QuaZipFile(QuaZip*,QObject*) for writing.
117 **/
118 QuaZipFile(const QString& zipName, QObject *parent =NULL);
119 /// Constructs a QuaZipFile instance.
120 /** \a parent argument specifies this object's parent object, \a
121 * zipName specifies ZIP archive file name and \a fileName and \a cs
122 * specify a name of the file to open inside archive.
123 *
124 * QuaZipFile constructed by this constructor can be used for read
125 * only access. Use QuaZipFile(QuaZip*,QObject*) for writing.
126 *
127 * \sa QuaZip::setCurrentFile()
128 **/
129 QuaZipFile(const QString& zipName, const QString& fileName,
130 QuaZip::CaseSensitivity cs =QuaZip::csDefault, QObject *parent =NULL);
131 /// Constructs a QuaZipFile instance.
132 /** \a parent argument specifies this object's parent object.
133 *
134 * \a zip is the pointer to the existing QuaZip object. This
135 * QuaZipFile object then can be used to read current file in the
136 * \a zip or to write to the file inside it.
137 *
138 * \warning Using this constructor for reading current file can be
139 * tricky. Let's take the following example:
140 * \code
141 * QuaZip zip("");
142 *;
143 * zip.setCurrentFile("file-in-archive");
144 * QuaZipFile file(&zip);
145 *;
146 * // ok, now we can read from the file
147 *, some);
148 * zip.setCurrentFile("another-file-in-archive"); // oops...
149 * QuaZipFile anotherFile(&zip);
150 *;
151 *, some); // this is still ok...
152 *, some); // and this is NOT
153 * \endcode
154 * So, what exactly happens here? When we change current file in the
155 * \c zip archive, \c file that references it becomes invalid
156 * (actually, as far as I understand ZIP/UNZIP sources, it becomes
157 * closed, but QuaZipFile has no means to detect it).
158 *
159 * Summary: do not close \c zip object or change its current file as
160 * long as QuaZipFile is open. Even better - use another constructors
161 * which create internal QuaZip instances, one per object, and
162 * therefore do not cause unnecessary trouble. This constructor may
163 * be useful, though, if you already have a QuaZip instance and do
164 * not want to access several files at once. Good example:
165 * \code
166 * QuaZip zip("");
167 *;
168 * // first, we need some information about archive itself
169 * QByteArray comment=zip.getComment();
170 * // and now we are going to access files inside it
171 * QuaZipFile file(&zip);
172 * for(bool more=zip.goToFirstFile(); more; more=zip.goToNextFile()) {
173 *;
174 * // do something cool with file here
175 * file.close(); // do not forget to close!
176 * }
177 * zip.close();
178 * \endcode
179 **/
180 QuaZipFile(QuaZip *zip, QObject *parent =NULL);
181 /// Destroys a QuaZipFile instance.
182 /** Closes file if open, destructs internal QuaZip object (if it
183 * exists and \em is internal, of course).
184 **/
185 virtual ~QuaZipFile();
186 /// Returns the ZIP archive file name.
187 /** If this object was created by passing QuaZip pointer to the
188 * constructor, this function will return that QuaZip's file name
189 * (or null string if that object does not have file name yet).
190 *
191 * Otherwise, returns associated ZIP archive file name or null
192 * string if there are no name set yet.
193 *
194 * \sa setZipName() getFileName()
195 **/
196 QString getZipName()const;
197 /// Returns a pointer to the associated QuaZip object.
198 /** Returns \c NULL if there is no associated QuaZip or it is
199 * internal (so you will not mess with it).
200 **/
201 QuaZip* getZip()const;
202 /// Returns file name.
203 /** This function returns file name you passed to this object either
204 * by using
205 * QuaZipFile(const QString&,const QString&,QuaZip::CaseSensitivity,QObject*)
206 * or by calling setFileName(). Real name of the file may differ in
207 * case if you used case-insensitivity.
208 *
209 * Returns null string if there is no file name set yet. This is the
210 * case when this QuaZipFile operates on the existing QuaZip object
211 * (constructor QuaZipFile(QuaZip*,QObject*) or setZip() was used).
212 *
213 * \sa getActualFileName
214 **/
215 QString getFileName()const {return fileName;}
216 /// Returns case sensitivity of the file name.
217 /** This function returns case sensitivity argument you passed to
218 * this object either by using
219 * QuaZipFile(const QString&,const QString&,QuaZip::CaseSensitivity,QObject*)
220 * or by calling setFileName().
221 *
222 * Returns unpredictable value if getFileName() returns null string
223 * (this is the case when you did not used setFileName() or
224 * constructor above).
225 *
226 * \sa getFileName
227 **/
228 QuaZip::CaseSensitivity getCaseSensitivity()const {return caseSensitivity;}
229 /// Returns the actual file name in the archive.
230 /** This is \em not a ZIP archive file name, but a name of file inside
231 * archive. It is not necessary the same name that you have passed
232 * to the
233 * QuaZipFile(const QString&,const QString&,QuaZip::CaseSensitivity,QObject*),
234 * setFileName() or QuaZip::setCurrentFile() - this is the real file
235 * name inside archive, so it may differ in case if the file name
236 * search was case-insensitive.
237 *
238 * Equivalent to calling getCurrentFileName() on the associated
239 * QuaZip object. Returns null string if there is no associated
240 * QuaZip object or if it does not have a current file yet. And this
241 * is the case if you called setFileName() but did not open the
242 * file yet. So this is perfectly fine:
243 * \code
244 * QuaZipFile file("");
245 * file.setFileName("somefile");
246 * QString name=file.getName(); // name=="somefile"
247 * QString actual=file.getActualFileName(); // actual is null string
248 *;
249 * QString actual=file.getActualFileName(); // actual can be "SoMeFiLe" on Windows
250 * \endcode
251 *
252 * \sa getZipName(), getFileName(), QuaZip::CaseSensitivity
253 **/
254 QString getActualFileName()const;
255 /// Sets the ZIP archive file name.
256 /** Automatically creates internal QuaZip object and destroys
257 * previously created internal QuaZip object, if any.
258 *
259 * Will do nothing if this file is already open. You must close() it
260 * first.
261 **/
262 void setZipName(const QString& zipName);
263 /// Returns \c true if the file was opened in raw mode.
264 /** If the file is not open, the returned value is undefined.
265 *
266 * \sa open(OpenMode,int*,int*,bool,const char*)
267 **/
268 bool isRaw()const {return raw;}
269 /// Binds to the existing QuaZip instance.
270 /** This function destroys internal QuaZip object, if any, and makes
271 * this QuaZipFile to use current file in the \a zip object for any
272 * further operations. See QuaZipFile(QuaZip*,QObject*) for the
273 * possible pitfalls.
274 *
275 * Will do nothing if the file is currently open. You must close()
276 * it first.
277 **/
278 void setZip(QuaZip *zip);
279 /// Sets the file name.
280 /** Will do nothing if at least one of the following conditions is
281 * met:
282 * - ZIP name has not been set yet (getZipName() returns null
283 * string).
284 * - This QuaZipFile is associated with external QuaZip. In this
285 * case you should call that QuaZip's setCurrentFile() function
286 * instead!
287 * - File is already open so setting the name is meaningless.
288 *
289 * \sa QuaZip::setCurrentFile
290 **/
291 void setFileName(const QString& fileName, QuaZip::CaseSensitivity cs =QuaZip::csDefault);
292 /// Opens a file for reading.
293 /** Returns \c true on success, \c false otherwise.
294 * Call getZipError() to get error code.
295 *
296 * \note Since ZIP/UNZIP API provides buffered reading only,
297 * QuaZipFile does not support unbuffered reading. So do not pass
298 * QIODevice::Unbuffered flag in \a mode, or open will fail.
299 **/
300 virtual bool open(OpenMode mode);
301 /// Opens a file for reading.
302 /** \overload
303 * Argument \a password specifies a password to decrypt the file. If
304 * it is NULL then this function behaves just like open(OpenMode).
305 **/
306 bool open(OpenMode mode, const char *password)
307 {return open(mode, NULL, NULL, false, password);}
308 /// Opens a file for reading.
309 /** \overload
310 * Argument \a password specifies a password to decrypt the file.
311 *
312 * An integers pointed by \a method and \a level will receive codes
313 * of the compression method and level used. See unzip.h.
314 *
315 * If raw is \c true then no decompression is performed.
316 *
317 * \a method should not be \c NULL. \a level can be \c NULL if you
318 * don't want to know the compression level.
319 **/
320 bool open(OpenMode mode, int *method, int *level, bool raw, const char *password =NULL);
321 /// Opens a file for writing.
322 /** \a info argument specifies information about file. It should at
323 * least specify a correct file name. Also, it is a good idea to
324 * specify correct timestamp (by default, current time will be
325 * used). See QuaZipNewInfo.
326 *
327 * Arguments \a password and \a crc provide necessary information
328 * for crypting. Note that you should specify both of them if you
329 * need crypting. If you do not, pass \c NULL as password, but you
330 * still need to specify \a crc if you are going to use raw mode
331 * (see below).
332 *
333 * Arguments \a method and \a level specify compression method and
334 * level.
335 *
336 * If \a raw is \c true, no compression is performed. In this case,
337 * \a crc and uncompressedSize field of the \a info are required.
338 *
339 * Arguments \a windowBits, \a memLevel, \a strategy provide zlib
340 * algorithms tuning. See deflateInit2() in zlib.
341 **/
342 bool open(OpenMode mode, const QuaZipNewInfo& info,
343 const char *password =NULL, quint32 crc =0,
344 int method =Z_DEFLATED, int level =Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, bool raw =false,
345 int windowBits =-MAX_WBITS, int memLevel =DEF_MEM_LEVEL, int strategy =Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY);
346 /// Returns \c true, but \ref quazipfile-sequential "beware"!
347 virtual bool isSequential()const;
348 /// Returns current position in the file.
349 /** Implementation of the QIODevice::pos(). When reading, this
350 * function is a wrapper to the ZIP/UNZIP unztell(), therefore it is
351 * unable to keep track of the ungetChar() calls (which is
352 * non-virtual and therefore is dangerous to reimplement). So if you
353 * are using ungetChar() feature of the QIODevice, this function
354 * reports incorrect value until you get back characters which you
355 * ungot.
356 *
357 * When writing, pos() returns number of bytes already written
358 * (uncompressed unless you use raw mode).
359 *
360 * \note Although
361 * \ref quazipfile-sequential "QuaZipFile is a sequential device"
362 * and therefore pos() should always return zero, it does not,
363 * because it would be misguiding. Keep this in mind.
364 *
365 * This function returns -1 if the file or archive is not open.
366 *
367 * Error code returned by getZipError() is not affected by this
368 * function call.
369 **/
370 virtual qint64 pos()const;
371 /// Returns \c true if the end of file was reached.
372 /** This function returns \c false in the case of error. This means
373 * that you called this function on either not open file, or a file
374 * in the not open archive or even on a QuaZipFile instance that
375 * does not even have QuaZip instance associated. Do not do that
376 * because there is no means to determine whether \c false is
377 * returned because of error or because end of file was reached.
378 * Well, on the other side you may interpret \c false return value
379 * as "there is no file open to check for end of file and there is
380 * no end of file therefore".
381 *
382 * When writing, this function always returns \c true (because you
383 * are always writing to the end of file).
384 *
385 * Error code returned by getZipError() is not affected by this
386 * function call.
387 **/
388 virtual bool atEnd()const;
389 /// Returns file size.
390 /** This function returns csize() if the file is open for reading in
391 * raw mode, usize() if it is open for reading in normal mode and
392 * pos() if it is open for writing.
393 *
394 * Returns -1 on error, call getZipError() to get error code.
395 *
396 * \note This function returns file size despite that
397 * \ref quazipfile-sequential "QuaZipFile is considered to be sequential device",
398 * for which size() should return bytesAvailable() instead. But its
399 * name would be very misguiding otherwise, so just keep in mind
400 * this inconsistence.
401 **/
402 virtual qint64 size()const;
403 /// Returns compressed file size.
404 /** Equivalent to calling getFileInfo() and then getting
405 * compressedSize field, but more convenient and faster.
406 *
407 * File must be open for reading before calling this function.
408 *
409 * Returns -1 on error, call getZipError() to get error code.
410 **/
411 qint64 csize()const;
412 /// Returns uncompressed file size.
413 /** Equivalent to calling getFileInfo() and then getting
414 * uncompressedSize field, but more convenient and faster. See
415 * getFileInfo() for a warning.
416 *
417 * File must be open for reading before calling this function.
418 *
419 * Returns -1 on error, call getZipError() to get error code.
420 **/
421 qint64 usize()const;
422 /// Gets information about current file.
423 /** This function does the same thing as calling
424 * QuaZip::getCurrentFileInfo() on the associated QuaZip object,
425 * but you can not call getCurrentFileInfo() if the associated
426 * QuaZip is internal (because you do not have access to it), while
427 * you still can call this function in that case.
428 *
429 * File must be open for reading before calling this function.
430 *
431 * Returns \c false in the case of an error.
432 **/
433 bool getFileInfo(QuaZipFileInfo *info);
434 /// Closes the file.
435 /** Call getZipError() to determine if the close was successful.
436 **/
437 virtual void close();
438 /// Returns the error code returned by the last ZIP/UNZIP API call.
439 int getZipError()const {return zipError;}