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authorDaniel Stenberg <>2002-04-20 14:23:46 +0000
committerDaniel Stenberg <>2002-04-20 14:23:46 +0000
commit965058028f08153fe4920afcd0c835297bd5c68d (patch)
parent5af283a98ca623739402ddebae7ea697a78f468b (diff)
four new logs
git-svn-id: svn:// a1c6a512-1295-4272-9138-f99709370657
4 files changed, 1484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020416.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020416.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d58a324700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/irc/rockbox-20020416.log
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Apr 16 07:32:17 2002
3--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 15:45:52
6--> adiamas (~adiamas@ has joined #rockbox
7--> Zagor2 ( has joined #rockbox
8--- Zagor2 is now known as Zagor
9--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
10--- Bagder gives channel operator status to Zagor
11--- Bagder gives channel operator status to Linus
12<Bagder> $ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/archos
13<Bagder> mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device
14<Bagder> everything's the same as with my previous usb stuff
15<Bagder> I only added the EHCI module
16<Zagor> what does the kernel log look like when you plug in the device?
17<Bagder> hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/4, assigned device number 2
18<Linus> Bagder: how is the Recorder formatted?
19<Linus> or rather partitioned?
20<Bagder> there's no difference
21<Bagder> it worked with my usb1.1
22<Linus> Have you tried /dev/hda?
23<Linus> And what sayeth your /proc filesystem?
24<Linus> I am a moron. Of course I mean /dev/sda.
25<Bagder> my /proc says a lot of course, any specifics?
26<Zagor> /proc/scsi/scsi
27<Linus> /proc/scsi/usb-storage or /proc/scsi/scsi
28<Bagder> hm
29<Bagder> $ cat /proc/scsi/scsi
30<Bagder> Segmentation fault
31<Zagor> ooh
32<Linus> Ouch!
33<Bagder> should I take away some of the other usb stuffs when I use ehci?
34<Zagor> i don't think that should be necessary
35<Bagder> this happened before too
36<Bagder> when I used the wrong usb module
37<Bagder> ohci
38<Zagor> although i use usb as modules, so i rarely have everything loaded at the same time
39<Bagder> well, since they must be modules I do too
40<Zagor> they must be?
41<Bagder> dunno for the new one though
42<Bagder> yes
43<Bagder> the other ones must be
44<Bagder> at least for the menu stuff to work
45<Zagor> i didn't know that
46<Zagor> try /proc/bus/usb/devices
47<Bagder> it might work to fiddle in the .config
48<Bagder> and what am I looking for in there?
49<Linus> Bagder: do you have a directory called /proc/scsi/usb-storage-*?
50<Zagor> the isd300
51<Bagder> Vendor=05ab ProdID=0060 ?
52<Zagor> yes
53<Linus> Bagder: are you sure that the usb-storage module is loaded?
54<Bagder> no
55<Linus> Check.
56<Zagor> :)
57<Bagder> so I need two modules?
58<Zagor> the usb driver and usb-storage, yse
59<Zagor> yes
60<Bagder> didn't need that before...
61<Zagor> in that case it was compiled-in
62<Linus> Yes you did.
63<Bagder> oh
64<Bagder> I have that one built-in
65<Zagor> hmm
66<Linus> Sounds strange. You could try to have usb-storage as a module instead
67<Bagder> yeps
68<Bagder> reboot pending
69<Bagder> I did in fact try it under windows yesterday ;-)
70* Bagder hides
71<Linus> *slap* (misses)
72<Zagor> looser
73<Bagder> I also tried to setup "internet sharing" in win98
74<Linus> HAHAHA!
75<Bagder> but failed to miserable I felt pain
76<Bagder> so miserably even
77<Zagor> you really are gullible... :)
78<Bagder> it is *supposed* to work
79<Linus> It does. But you have to know the secret handshake
80<Bagder> it of course ended up with me having *three* cards defined and none of them were having my correct IP addresses
81<Bagder> *g*
82<Bagder> so it took 20 minutes to clean it all up again and get back to where I started ;-)
83<Bagder> ... then I rebooted back to Linux
84<Bagder> phew
85<Bagder> reboot
86**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Apr 16 10:18:30 2002
88--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
89--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
90--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 15:45:52
91<Linus> Thanks!
92<wavey> i bet the archos guys themselves are impressed at that
93<Bagder> they should be at least
94<wavey> wait until they see our screen savers :)
95<Linus> I suspect that the Archos guys also used the serial port for debugging
96<Zagor> I'm curious if anyone at Archos has heard about our project yet
97<Bagder> right, I added the drawline function the other day
98<Zagor> Bagder: how's the menu ideas coming along?
99<wavey> Zagor: maybe. but they don't seem overly responsive for fixes or ideas from the public - so maybe they just don't give a shit?
100<Bagder> Zagor: not much there yet
101<wavey> my mate has the 1.26 rom, i'd like to know what changes went in
102<wavey> the lists don't seem to indicate much changed
103<Bagder> I'd like to see an API for reading keys
104<Linus> Write one
105<Bagder> then I can fake both input and display in the simulator
106<Bagder> and produce something to try a menu system on
107<Linus> Write one
108<Bagder> I know I should
109<Bagder> again
110<Bagder> I need to take Alan code
111<Bagder> and Gary code
112<Bagder> and unity them
113<Bagder> unite even
114<Linus> Merge on. You have my full support. :-)
115<Bagder> thanks, there's only the time issue left then ;-)
116<Linus> Caffeine does wonders with time
117<Bagder> hahaha
118<Zagor> oh, you're not doing anything useful anyway ;)
119<Linus> "Charging batteries" (internal joke)
120<Bagder> oh, how did you know? ;-)
121<Bagder> speaking of charging batteries, that's a man who we should "lure" in here to get started on some work :-)
122<Bagder> Kjell
123<Linus> That man can really do screensavers!
124<Bagder> hehe right
125<Bagder> we need a math library ;-)
126<Bagder> Alan would love that!
127* Bagder giggles
129* Linus is having a Monty Python deja-vu
130<Zagor> i was living in a cardboard box in the middle of the road
131<Zagor> every morning we had to get up and lick the road clean
132<Bagder> luxury!
133<Linus> You were fortunate!
134<Bagder> is there any way we can wait for a key input without just while()ing in a read?
135<Bagder> I mean there's no irq or something?
136<Zagor> i don't think so
137<Zagor> nope
138<Bagder> ok
139<Zagor> PA[12-15] and PB[12-15] can trigger interrupts, but none of them are connected to a key
140<Bagder> Alan's key.h file sure is confusing to me
141<Bagder> well, perhaps not
142<Bagder> but quite not what I want
143<Zagor> uhhh, not a pretty sight
144<Bagder> Gary's is more in my line of thinking
145<wavey> anyone familiar with cygwin's setup process? how do i find out how to get a copy of /usr/share/dict?
146<wavey> bah
147<Zagor> i've never used cygwin
148<wavey> perhaps i'll reboot into linux
149<Bagder> I'll give ya a URL if you want
150<wavey> please
151<Bagder> I mean, the raw file
152<wavey> ah, i can get that myself thanks anyhow
153<Bagder> ok
154<wavey> just wanted to get the proper cygwin version
155<wavey> you know how interdependent these things can be
156<wavey> you guys redhat or debian users/
157<Zagor> both :)
158<wavey> ok
159<wavey> i love debian
160<wavey> to death
161* Bagder has a redhat 6 something, patched beyond recognition
162<Zagor> i'm a long-time redhat user and a recent debian convert
163<wavey> i remember installing slackware using 20+ floppies
164<wavey> those were the days
165<Zagor> hehe
166<wavey> 386
167<wavey> 16 MB ram
168<wavey> and my system kicked ass :)
169<Zagor> which kernel version was that?
170<wavey> wow
171<wavey> that's going back some
172<wavey> about a year before 2.0
173* Bagder got the 0.01 kernel on a CD with a book he bought recently
174<Zagor> empty cd...
175<Bagder> well, there were other kernel releases too ;-)
176<Zagor> ah
177<Bagder> "Linux core kernel code commentary"
178<Bagder> nice reading before falling asleep at night ;-)
179<Zagor> that's cheating!
180<wavey> the oreilly kernel book is very good
181<Bagder> I got that one too
182<Bagder> device drivers volume 2
183* Zagor has a bloody zoo in the bookshelf
184<wavey> heh yeah
185<wavey> luckily they expense books at my current company
186<wavey> i bought 40 over the last couple years
187<Zagor> yeah, same here
188<wavey> i stroke my bookshelf at night
189<Zagor> hehe
190<Bagder> hahaha
191<wavey> my fiancee is getting jealous
192<wavey> is the device drivers book worth getting?
193* Bagder 's wife fainted when she saw the "kernel commentary" book ;-)
194<wavey> i was tempted
195<Bagder> "what *is* that!" ;-)
196<Linus> The device drivers book is a must
197* wavey makes mental note
198<Bagder> do we have any good pictures of a player and a recorder taken on the keys/lcd ?
199<Bagder> ah is a good one on the player
200<Bagder> we have no good ones of the recorder though
201<Zagor> i can take some
202<Bagder> I'd like a web page with two frontal pics next to each other
203<Bagder> player/recorder
204<Bagder> makes it more clear to people (and me) how much they differ
205* Bagder thinks ui/input stuff
206<Zagor> ok
207* Linus is starving
208<Zagor> preferrably with the displays lit
209<Zagor> off to lunch
210<Bagder> yes
211<Linus> Lunch!!!
212<Bagder> food
213**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Apr 16 11:52:45 2002
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020417.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020417.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ab27c9de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/irc/rockbox-20020417.log
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Apr 17 07:59:14 2002
3--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 15:45:52
6--> Zagor2 ( has joined #rockbox
7--- Zagor2 is now known as Zagor
8<Zagor> morning
9<Bagder> hey
10<Zagor> cool hack of the day:
11<Zagor> Adbusters is buying a 30 second commercial spot on CNN tomorrow
12<Zagor> and they're airing....nothing
13<Bagder> :-)
14--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
15<Zagor> 30 second black screen
16<Bagder> at least it was cheap to manifacture ;-)
17<Zagor> hehe
18<wavey> morn, boys
19<Bagder> hey wavey
20<Zagor> hi wavey
21<Zagor> apparently the spot cost $5000 to purchase
22<wavey> i tried compiling firmware last night, and it complained of missing .h files
23<wavey> fakestore or something
24<Zagor> yeah, that's the fat code. it's not compilable
25<wavey> ah.
26<wavey> ok
27<wavey> is it normal to have noncompilable code in cvs?
28<wavey> in a major build target?
29<Zagor> not really, but this is the first version of most files
30<wavey> hmm
31<wavey> i guess
32<Bagder> it hasn't really set yet
33<wavey> what's there looks good
34<wavey> i got most of it compiled on windows thru cygwin
35<Bagder> that cool
36<Bagder> that's
37<wavey> needed to mod the makefile to include cygwin's distributed include dirs, etc
38<wavey> once we have a compilable codebase, we should mandate that it's always compilable from then on - sensible?
39<Bagder> yes
40<Bagder> imho
41<wavey> otherwise it holds up dev
42<Bagder> indeed, there will be many people using the code base then
43<Bagder> but feel free to correct the problems and mail us patches! ;-)
44<wavey> sure - will do :)
45--> linus__ ( has joined #rockbox
46--- Bagder gives channel operator status to Zagor
47<wavey> can someone add me as a registered dev on the rockbox sourceforge project pls
48<wavey> mister_wavey is my sf login
49* Bagder points in Zagor's direction
50<Zagor> sure
51<wavey> cheers
52<Bagder> today's security flaw: IE back button ;-)
53<wavey> heh
54<wavey> which webapp is misbehaving?
55<Bagder> the back button can run javascript
56<Zagor> stuart martin, mister_wavey, Developer
57<wavey> zag: lovely
58<Bagder> wavey: to commit anything to CVS, you need to checkout the repo using ssh first
59<Bagder> before you did it read-only
60<linus__> Strange. When I connect from work, I am allowed to use the nick "Linus", but not from home. ???
61<Bagder> linus__: muh is still running and uses it probably
62<Zagor> that's because from work you are connecting via "muh", which is holding the Linus name for you
63<linus__> AAh IC.
64<linus__> Bagder: muh is running on labb, or...?
65<Zagor> yes
66<linus__> Så hur kopplar jag upp mig mot den?
67* Bagder detects swedish BZZZZZ
68* Bagder grins
69<Zagor> connect your irc client to labb:9997
70<linus__> OK. CU!
71<-- linus__ has quit ("Client Exiting")
72--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
73<Bagder> tadaaa
74<Linus> WOW! It worked!
75<Bagder> nomad claims 22 hours battery time
77<Zagor> ...and the reviews report 10-12 hours
78<Bagder> :-)
79<Linus> I got my soldering station yesterday. I made another debugging cable just to test it.
80<Bagder> ... and now you sell it to the highest bidder? B-]
81<Zagor> ah, good. because i got my archos swapped today!
82<Linus> Rock'n'roll!
83* Bagder reads "Any one out there linking the curl C library with a COBOL program?"
84<Bagder> :-)
85* Bagder bounces, a commit mail from wavey!
86<wavey> heh
87<wavey> cygwin makes hell bearable
88<Bagder> yeah, cygwin's pretty decent
89<wavey> i've installed cygwin's ssh
90<Zagor> lunch
91<wavey> does the use of ssh produce a public key somewhere on my filesystem>
92<wavey> ?
93<wavey> or do i need to make my own
94<Bagder> you don't need one if you don't want to
95<Bagder> but ssh-keygen makes them
96<wavey> i'd like to store the key with sourceforge
97<Bagder> ah, then ssh-keygen is the answer
98<Bagder> -t dsa or -t rsa
99<Bagder> depending on which kind of key you want
100<Bagder> or one at a time to get both kinds
101<Bagder> they're normally store in ~/.ssh
102<Bagder> stored
103<wavey> do i want a passphrase on this?
104<Bagder> yes
105<wavey> ok cool
106<wavey> how long does a cvs login session last for?
107<Bagder> forever
108<wavey> ok cool
109<Bagder> until you logout
110<wavey> ok waiting for the sourceforge batch process to use my key :)
111<Bagder> ok
112<Bagder> yes, it's nicer that way
113<Bagder> the cvs page isn't complete in that aspect either...
114<Bagder> as it doesn't explain the whole process to get the no-prompting to work
115<wavey> well, the ssh-keygen would be a useful addition
116<Bagder> yes
117<Bagder> you'll also need to run ssh-agent and ssh-add
118--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
119<alkorr> hi
120<alkorr> good it works with WinCVS now (much easier to add or to update than with CVS command line)
121<-- alkorr has quit (Client Quit)
122<wavey> yuk
123<wavey> GUIs are evil
124<wavey> except directory browsers, i guess
125<Bagder> I agree
126<wavey> and therefore cvs integration makes sense
127<Bagder> people tell me the wincvs interface is really crappy though
128<wavey> ssh-agent and ssh-add are needed where?
129<Bagder> when sf knows your key
130<wavey> ok, what do i need to do?
131<Bagder> run "eval `ssh-agent`" and then "ssh-add"
132<Bagder> it starts an "agent" for your key
133<Bagder> and adds your key to it
134<Bagder> which then passes it to the server when used
135<wavey> ah
136<wavey> ok taa
137<Bagder> so for ssh-add you need to enter your pass phrase
138<Bagder> once
139<Bagder> and after that all cvs operations are with no prompts
140<Bagder> now, I honestly don't know how to put that short and nice in the cvs web page ;-)
141<wavey> :)
142<wavey> ooh
143<wavey> still being prompted - c'mon sf! get your batches running! :)
144<Bagder> you'll see on the prompt when you can expect the non-prompt to work
145<Bagder> it depends on which pass phrase it asks for
146<wavey> and the passphrase for the key is good for the length of the login session?
147<Bagder> um, yes, but the "login" session with ssh is just the single operation. unless you meant the passphrase to ssh-add which is good as long as you keep ssh-agent running
148<wavey> ah ok
149<wavey> and to restart the agent after reboot?
150<wavey> eval `ssh-agent` again?
151<Bagder> yes
152<wavey> coolio
153<Bagder> then ssh-add and add your pass phrase
154<Bagder> s/add/enter
155<wavey> ok
156<wavey> how do i get on the cvs notification list?
157<wavey> i couldn't see instructions anywhere
158<wavey> the mail archive needs a search tool too, ideally
159<Bagder> Björn mailed about it
160<Bagder> yes it does
161<Bagder> To get these mails, send a mail to, with the text (no subject) "subscribe rockbox-cvs".
162<wavey> aha, just found it :) thanks
163**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Apr 17 12:25:54 2002
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020418.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020418.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ae09bf7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/irc/rockbox-20020418.log
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 18 08:42:39 2002
3--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 15:45:52
6--> Zagor2 ( has joined #rockbox
7--- Zagor2 is now known as Zagor
8--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
9<adiamas> wtf is the story with the makefile?
10<Zagor> there's a story?
11<adiamas> umm.. well.. all the >>>>> and <<<<<< and ======= stuff
12<Zagor> ah, that's a conflict
13<Zagor> you and someone else changed the makefile
14<Zagor> the >>>>>, <<<< and ===== describe the two versions
15<Bagder> which makefile btw?
16<adiamas> uisimulator
17<adiamas> nevermind.. i just did and update on my end...
18<Bagder> ok
19adiamas adi|atWork <adiamas> could someone tell me where their lcd.h is located?
20<adiamas> i don't have one and i need to grab it off a remote box...
21<adiamas> makefile is complaining
22<Bagder> ah
23<Zagor> it's in the firmware module
24<Bagder> I have uisimulator and firmware checked out in the same dir
25<adiamas> ?
26<Bagder> so in the uisim dir I can get it ../firmware/lcd.[ch]
27<adiamas> im really starting to dislike cvs
28<Zagor> rockbox, rockbox/uisimulator, rockbox/firmware
29<adiamas> yeah.. but _i_ don't wanna work on firmware
30<Bagder> you do now ;-)
31<adiamas> but your telling me that i need to pull it down and keep it up to date huh ?
32<Zagor> no but you need that source. we don't want to duplicate it
33<Bagder> because the uisim uses firmware code
34* adiamas giggles
35<adiamas> can't we break it out into another "library" or "common" dir or something?
36<Zagor> and have a third module you need?
37<adiamas> seems that makes more sense..
38<adiamas> nope.. still only be two..
39<adiamas> why should i worry about firmware if i only want to play with the uisim
40<Bagder> thing is, I want the uisim to use as much "real" code as possible
41<adiamas> nods
42<Zagor> because the uisim simulates the firmware
43<adiamas> nods
44<adiamas> okay.. now.. because im stupid.. if i just want to pull the files down and not checkout...
45<adiamas> whats the cvs command?
46<adiamas> or do i co no matter what?
47<Zagor> yes
48<Bagder> there's only checkout, yes
49<adiamas> nod
50<adiamas> im so much more used to sccs :)
51<Bagder> but since you don't modify them, you won't get problems updating them in the future
52<Zagor> sccs is good, but not for widely distributed development
53* adiamas nods
54<adiamas> i understand the use of cvs.. just feels icky cause im not used to it
55<Zagor> widely/wildly
56<Bagder> it takes some getting-used-to, I agree
57--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
58<Bagder> hey ho wavey
59--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|work
60<wavey> goodly morning
61<adiamas> hmm... okay.. anyone know wtf firmware/system.h would bitch on uisim compile?
62<adiamas> complaing about the #define \'s
63<Bagder> hm
64<Bagder> lemme check
65<Bagder> what does it say?
66<Bagder> it works here
67<adiamas> gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DGETTIMEOFDAY_TWO_ARGS -DSIMULATOR -DHAVE_LCD_BITMAP -I../firmware -g -c uibasic.c
68<adiamas> In file included from ../firmware/lcd.h:24,
69<adiamas> from lcd-x11.h:24,
70<adiamas> from uibasic.c:36:
71<adiamas> ../firmware/system.h:52: parse error before `volatile'
72<adiamas> ../firmware/system.h:62: stray '\' in program
73<adiamas> and then like 100 iother stray complaints.. but i figure those are ghosts
74<Bagder> what gcc version is this?
75* Bagder suspects the crlf newlines...
76<adiamas> gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)
77<adiamas> im not switching to the 3.0 series till its aged a bit
78<Bagder> on linux, right?
79<adiamas> yup
80<adiamas> ill tell you if its crlf
81<adiamas> one sec
82<adiamas> looks like it...
83<adiamas> i load it in emacs and it comes in DOS format
84<adiamas> mode rather
85<Bagder> yes
86<Bagder> so try stripping them off and compile and see if that removes the warnings
87<adiamas> ummm.. how do i do that easily?
88<Bagder> tr -d '\015' < system.h >system2.h
89<Bagder> then use the version 2 of course
90<adiamas> yup.. that did it...
91<Bagder> ok
92<Bagder> so we need to be more careful on the newlines
93<adiamas> so when i get diffs on what i do and others do.. clashes and what not.. and we get the <<<<<<<<<< and> >>>>>>> complaints.. how do we resolve those?
94<wavey> the makefile can include a newline checker
95adiamas adi|atWork adiamas adi|atWork <adiamas> thats a good idea
96<Bagder> adiamas: those are conflict markes that appear when you get an update that has changes on the same lines you have changed locally
97<adiamas> right.. i know.. but how do we resolve them...
98<adiamas> ie: you change int i to int duck
99<adiamas> and i want int wolf
100<adiamas> what happens?
101<Bagder> you edit out the "wrong" piece
102<Bagder> and keep the correct
103<adiamas> hehe but which is wrong?
104<Bagder> you need to figure that out
105<Bagder> it's a conflict with your changes
106<Bagder> we can't tell you what's right ;-)
107<adiamas> but it may only be a conflict with my changes because someone elses bug fix may be diff then mine.. and it clear out theres and place mine.. then theirs is in conflict
108<adiamas> and round the wheel turns...
109<Bagder> yes, but that's why you need to pick one of the alternatives. Or write a new approach ;-)
110* adiamas reminds you he's still new to this ;)
111<adiamas> one last question, then bed... is there a way to set my searchable include dirs in my env so that the makefile can find what it needs if things are in diff locations?
112<Bagder> it's possible to pass as arguments to make
113<adiamas> bah.. was trying to avoid that...
114<Bagder> it could be environment variables too
115<Bagder> we should figure out a way to let people do this easily
116* adiamas nods
117<adiamas> fixed.. settled for a symlink and said screw it
118<Bagder> way to go ;-)
119<wavey> adiamas: -IX -IX+1 -IX+2 for your makefile include entry will search X, X+1 and X+2 ..
120<wavey> where X, X+1 and X+2 are include dirs
121<wavey> if i understand your q correctly
122<wavey> so people edit their makefile to include all their includes in the $(INCLUDE) directive
123<wavey> that's how I do it
124<wavey> especially on cygwin, where the includes are all over the place
125<wavey> oh, and I replace the use of -I$(INCLUDES) with simply $(INCLUDES)
126<wavey> to ensure the first -I doesn't translate into -I-IX
127* wavey goes back to OO modelling
128<wavey> of course, we could always use autoconf
129* wavey runs
130<Bagder> hehe
131<adiamas> wavey nah.. that i know.. the part that was issue was the libs..
132<adiamas> yeah.. editing the makefile isn't an issue..
133<adiamas> i just don't want to have to keep fixing it each time i pulled down a clean copy and all
134<adiamas> so i just tossed LIBDIRS in the env
135<adiamas> and do make -e
136* adiamas shrugs
137<wavey> oh, libs - i thought you said includes
138<adiamas> hehe nope...
139<adiamas> im used to makefiles.. just not used to dealing with that on a new starting project :)
140<adiamas> w/ other ppls machines and all
141<wavey> 'is there a way to set my searchable include dirs in my env'
142<wavey> ha
143* wavey knew he wasn't going mad
144<adiamas> hehe sorry...
145<wavey> i think i need bed too
146<Bagder> 1 - 0 to wavey ;-)
147<wavey> but i've been awake only a couple hours
148<adiamas> its 0430 here.. cut me some slack ;)
149<wavey> heh
150<wavey> go
151<wavey> to
152<wavey> bed :)
153<adiamas> can't sleep :(
154<adiamas> this heatwave here is killing me..
155<adiamas> came to quick...
156<wavey> where are you?
157<adiamas> NY state, usa
158<adiamas> bout, 30 mins north of NYC
159<wavey> aha
160<wavey> how hot can it be at 0430?
161<adiamas> hit 93 today at work...
162<wavey> ouch
163<adiamas> yeah...
164<wavey> hope the ac is working
165<adiamas> don't have any
166<adiamas> just a ceiling fan
167<wavey> double ouch
168<adiamas> nods
169<adiamas> i find turning lights off and working by candle makes it cooler (both definitons of cooler)
170* wavey blinks
171<adiamas> besides.. the gf comes up this weekend.. so sweat is a good thing then ;)
172<wavey> heh
173<adiamas> btw.. its no ac at home.. work has it..
174<wavey> ah
175<wavey> glad to hear it
176* Bagder counts, 33.9 celsius = 93 fahrenheit = 307 kelvin
177<wavey> uk has been mild/warm for a few weeks now
178<wavey> s'lovely
179<wavey> had the first rain in ages yesterday
180<Bagder> we have like 9C today... :-/
181<adiamas> hehe we are in a near drought situation already... no lawn watering, town just passed restrictions on pool filling
182<Bagder> wow
183<adiamas> and across america over 100 records were broken due to the high heat
184<wavey> we use CDs in the uk now
185<adiamas> NYC had it's hotest temp on this day in history, for the 3rd day in a row.
186<wavey> they're smaller and shinyier
187* adiamas quirks his head to the side and looks at wavey
188<adiamas> i don't get it.
189<wavey> records broken
190<wavey> cd
191<adiamas> ah..
192<adiamas> heheh
193<wavey> it's late
194<wavey> you're tired
195<adiamas> im ugly too :)
196<wavey> its understandable :)
197<wavey> heheh
198<adiamas> but shhh.. thats a secret
199* Bagder looks at wavey, oooooh that was a pretty bad one ;-)
200<wavey> everyone's beautiful in ascii
201<adiamas> lol... i like that...
202<adiamas> congrats.. you just joined my sig file :)
203<wavey> eheh
204<wavey> heh
205<wavey> in ebcdic however, everyone's a pig
206<Bagder> is that why we've switched to ascii these days then? B-]
207<wavey> yup :)
208<wavey> and frosted mirrors too
209<adiamas> wavey.. whats your real name so i can credit you all proper like :)
210<wavey> stuart martin, if you need the credit. take it for yourself with my pleasure
211<adiamas> btw.. its 70 F here, 21 c
212<adiamas> UV Index:
213<adiamas> 0 Minimal
214<adiamas> heheh
215<adiamas> i wonder why...
216<adiamas> could it be the suns not up?
217<wavey> :)
218<wavey> when is dawn these days?
219<wavey> any of you read scifi?
220<adiamas> dawn as in sun rise or dawn as in the book?
221<Bagder> sunrise in NY 05:12
222<wavey> almost finished two olaf stapledon books. 1930s author - one of his books describes the history of humanity (over 200 000 000 years) and the other describes the history of the universes
223<wavey> both fantastic, btw
224<adiamas> nods
225<Bagder> (according to my psion)
226<wavey> absolutely recommend them
227<adiamas> wavey, feel like mailing me the book names?
228<adiamas> either that.. or msg me them...
229<wavey> 'last and first men'
230<wavey> and 'starmaker'
231<adiamas> nods
232<wavey> the channel is quiet, i'm sure no one cares :)
233<adiamas> got it.
234<adiamas> okay.. bed time
235<adiamas> night all
236<Bagder> night adiamas
237<wavey> see ya
238--- adiamas is now known as adi|sleep
239* Bagder is curious on Linus I2C and MAS work...
240<wavey> i2c?
241<wavey> whassat
242<wavey> ooh, only 15*6 songs left on my random playlist of 3500 songs :)
243<Bagder> that's how to speak to the MAS circuit
244<adi|sleep> one quick note.. did you guys realize there is a key lock on the jbr?
245<wavey> yus
246<wavey> on
247<adi|sleep> nods
248<adi|sleep> hehe i din't :)
249<adi|sleep> back to bed :)
250<wavey> heh
251<wavey> night
252* Bagder has hardly used his recorder yet :-)
253<wavey> we need a tiny math lib for our code
254<Bagder> we do
255<wavey> which projects can we steal it from?
256<Bagder> I dunno actually
257<Bagder> we could probably "steal" function by function
258<Bagder> from BSD or Linux code
259<wavey> sure
260<wavey> be nice if sourceforge allowed a search through open source project's codebases for things
261<wavey> be very useful
262<Bagder> true
263<wavey> make it easier for industry to rip it off as well i guess
264<wavey> not that it doesn't happen already anyway
265<Linus> The I2C is going slow at the moment. But the MAS is responding.
266<Bagder> *cool*
267<Linus> ...occasionally. :-)
268<Bagder> hah
269<Bagder> occasionally cool :-)
270<wavey> heh
271<wavey> what about data structures?
272<wavey> we cutting our own linked lists, etc?
273<Bagder> we could probably use a sensible single implementation for many to use
274<wavey> must be a nice and small and tested-to-hell one in apache or somewhere
275<wavey> yus
276--- Zagor|work is now known as Zagor
277<Bagder> btw, we're having a litte "rockbox" gathering tomorrow
278<Bagder> the stockholm/sweden parts of the rockboxers
279<wavey> how close do you guys live together?
280<Linus> 20km
281<wavey> 'variable pitch control' is that achieveable by the MAS?
282<wavey> (from the mail list)
283<Zagor> nope
284<Zagor> can't be done
285<Bagder> rockbox lunch time
286<PsycoXul> hey you know if the DAC can have 2 channels on at once?
287<Linus> I don't think so. Lemme check.
288<Linus> It seems like we can mix all channels, AUX1 AUX2 and DAC
289<Linus> Cool. Then we can hear the RS232 data when we are debugging. :-)
290--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
291<PsycoXul> yeah? nice
292--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
293--- wavey is now known as wav_lunch
294* wav_lunch smiles
295<wav_lunch> timezones. who'd have 'em?
296<Zagor> they're useless
297* Zagor wants to do away with timezones and daylight savings time
298<wav_lunch> yus
299<wav_lunch> one hour, globally
300<wav_lunch> who cares if 0515 is in your afternoon?
301<Zagor> exactly. it's just a bloody number
302* PsycoXul agrees
303<wav_lunch> swatch tried it with Internet Time
304<wav_lunch> only met one person with such a watch though
305<wav_lunch> if the world's consumers had embraced the concept, the governments may have agreed to it
306<wav_lunch> anyhow
307<wav_lunch> lunch
308<Zagor> the problem was that they wanted to alter everyone's sense of time. the changed too much
309<Zagor> people still want 12+12 hour days, 60 hours minutes etc
310--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
311<Linus> Welcome Alan!
312<alkorr> hi linus
313<Zagor> hi there
314<alkorr> i have a question
315<Linus> Ask!
316<alkorr> quite now we cannot use other formats than MP3
317<alkorr> not even a WAV file
318<alkorr> the recorder is able to get a linear PCM on digital line
319<Linus> True
320<alkorr> if i'm not wrong, wav format is a PCM-like stream
321<Zagor> yes
322<PsycoXul> wav is usualy just pcm with a header afaik
323<alkorr> my idea is the following
324<alkorr> if we strip unused infos
325<alkorr> and feed internally the digital pin of MAS
326<alkorr> with a PCM stream (using sci0 ?)
327<alkorr> and set MAS for recording
328<alkorr> would you hear this wav playing ?
329<Linus> I don't follow you. Do you want to play WAV files on the recorder?
330<alkorr> a trick which could allow recorder to play wav files (not forgetting possibility of mixing)
331<PsycoXul> i read on the company's website about the player's MAS and they claimed to have pcm playback firmware for that chip anyways, likely the recorder's chip too... of course getting any such things i dunno, never found any downloads etc
332<Linus> The MAS is capable of playing WAV files. You just have to download firmware to it.
333<alkorr> i think it is not free
334<PsycoXul> can archos firmware do whats necessary to download firmware to the MAS?
335<alkorr> i tried to get this addition but without success
336<alkorr> yes it could
337<alkorr> if it have additions to upload
338<alkorr> has
339<alkorr> but i'm doubtful that Archos will buy this addition for its player/recorder.
340<Zagor> i think we need a dsp hacker to the project :)
341<alkorr> of course if we could know what kind of DSP it is and have compilers, it would be great
342<Zagor> yes
343<alkorr> but Micronas are unlikely to reveal anything about this DSP
344<Bagder> why?
345<alkorr> Do you know a lot of company which reveal all the works ?
346<alkorr> their
347<Bagder> what DSP they use is hardly "all the works"
348<alkorr> anyway, companies are not bound for revealing something :)
349<alkorr> perhaps they don't want to let a non Micronas employee to be able to reverse-engineer their works
350<alkorr> they are commercial, not open free :)
351<PsycoXul> well
352<PsycoXul> they DO have a devkit that they supply to their customers
353<PsycoXul> they mention it and some of the things in it
354<PsycoXul> example firmware and such
355<Zagor> yes but if they don't let people write dsp code, who will buy their dsp?
356<alkorr> customers => archos, not final users
357<alkorr> customers must pay for it !
358<Zagor> true
359<PsycoXul> including some voice compression codec decoder and encoder, and pcm player
360<PsycoXul> yeah
361<Bagder> but there are a few customers of the MAS
362<Bagder> perhaps we could ask around
363<PsycoXul> so somebody find a friend of a friend of a friend who works for a customer ...
364<PsycoXul> heh
365<alkorr> okay if you can a smart guy to help for retrieving missing infos and even get tools, that would be great
366<alkorr> find
367<Bagder> getting the tools is probably not legal
368<alkorr> and if he/she is not concerned with a NDA too
369<Bagder> I doubt all customers sign NDAs to buy the MAS devkit
370<alkorr> ya, if we could have opcodes, we can create an assembler
371<alkorr> but what i know it should be 24-bit opcodes (code addresses are 24-bit)
372<alkorr> btw, if you look at MAS commands, to upload a firmware you must issue a command and a block of 32-bit words
373<alkorr> but only the first 24 bits in those words are valid
374<alkorr> (or it should be 12-bit ?)
375<alkorr> hum found a 1 MB pdf...
376<Zagor> the data sheets speaks of 20-bit words
377<alkorr> ok
378<alkorr> so it is 20-bit
379<alkorr> i found a page where someone said what DSP was in fact
380<Bagder> wow
381<alkorr> i try to get it back
382<alkorr> MASC
383<alkorr> 3500 ?
384<Bagder> not 35000 ?
385<alkorr> anyway not a target we can find for gcc or as :(
386<Bagder> uh no
388<alkorr> ya
389<alkorr> found
390<Zagor> nice digging!
391<Bagder> the guy who wrote that web page could have some info
392<alkorr> yes i tried but i wonder if his email address is still valid
393<Bagder> he has two, try both ;-)
394<alkorr> hum i prefer let you to try both ;)
395<alkorr> "MASC 3500 is NOT supported by C compiler. Only assembler programming is available"
396<Bagder> actually, I think I'll hand over that work to Björn
397<alkorr> okay
398<Zagor> *thump*
399<Zagor> got it
400<Zagor> :)
401<Bagder> he's the man
402<Bagder> ;-)
403<alkorr> :)
404<Zagor> what do we want to know, exactly?
405<wav_lunch> whether he has an archos for a start :)
406--- wav_lunch is now known as wavey
407<alkorr> have all the information he can feed us about this DSP : especially all the opcodes
408<Bagder> haha
409<Zagor> haha
410<Zagor> "I was especially interested in digital modulation techniques and speech processing. So, embedded systems and numerous real-time DSP implementations (telephone line modems, low bit-rate speech coding...)"
411<Zagor> he's our man!
412<wavey> There was only one commercially available MPEG layer 3 chip, the MASC3500 from ITT Intermetall Semiconductor. We attempted to obtain information and availability of the chip, but the company is situated in Germany and gave very little feedback
413<wavey> not a good sign
414<alkorr> yes it is the main culpritt of thy company
415<alkorr> this
416<alkorr> humm i mean the main discredit for this company :)
417<wavey> your point is usually clear, al :)
418<wavey> A. Domazetovic, D. Samardzija, "Implementation of 4880 bps CELP on MASC 3500 DSP", Conference on Telecommunications ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, Jun 1998.
419<wavey> anyone near a library?
420<wavey> in yugoslavia?
421* wavey chuckles
422<Zagor> lol
423<wavey> D. Samardzija, Z. Lukac, "A Solution of CELP Encoder at 5.3kbit/s and 6.3kbit/s on ITT MASC 3500 Processor", Conference on Telecommunications ETRAN, Vrnjacka Banja, Yugoslavia, Jun 1998.
424<alkorr> well in a very good english : "this lack of feedback is the rock(box) on which the undertaking comes to grief" ;)
425<Zagor> yay, we've got a poet! ;)
426<wavey> al: and now in italian, please :)
427<alkorr> italian you are ?
428<wavey> (without using babelfish)
429<wavey> italian I am not
430<wavey> english I am
431<alkorr> arf ;)
432<wavey> arf is a lovely word :)
433<alkorr> "questa mancanza di risposte è la roccia(boccia) su cui l'impresa viene al dolore " ;)
434<wavey> roccia boccia
435* Bagder giggles
436<alkorr> arf => lol
437<wavey> fantastic! :)
438<Bagder> roccia boccia is mighty
439<alkorr> huh "boccia" doesn't exist :P
440<alkorr> Wav: found something about "A Solution of CELP Encoder at 5.3kbit/s and 6.3kbit/s on ITT MASC 3500 Processor" ?
441<Zagor> it's one of Dragan's publications
442<alkorr> okay so no pdf at all ?
443<Zagor> no
444<Zagor> i'll email him and see if he's a cool guy or not
445<Zagor> hmm, this guy wrote a CELP encoder for the MAS 3503, which is the predecessor of the 3507 we have in the jukebox
446<Zagor> i think i'm in love
447<alkorr> arf :)
448* Bagder worships Dragan a little
449<Bagder> you think it helps? ;-)
450<alkorr> Why ?
451<alkorr> brb
452**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Apr 18 14:44:53 2002
454**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 18 15:27:51 2002
456--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
457--- Topic for #rockbox is Open Source Jukebox Firmware -
458--- Topic for #rockbox set by Zagor at Fri Apr 12 15:45:52
459<Bagder> does wordexp() exist in windows?
460<Bagder> anyone?
461* Zagor doesn't do windows
462<alkorr> wordexp ?
463<Zagor> Bagder: <Linus> I just managed to read the version number from the MAS via I2C! Yippie!
464<Bagder> *neat*
465<Bagder> wordexp, yes, it's a posix function
466<Bagder> though I doubt windows features it
467<alkorr> use the cygwin.dll from Cygwin ;P
468<alkorr> i'm doubtful too
469<alkorr> unless they have a posix library
470<alkorr> what is its purpose
471<Bagder> "perform word expansions"
472<alkorr> i cannot find its manual entry
473<Bagder> heh, no I couldn't either on linux
474<alkorr> really a standard posix or just a mandatory extension ?
475<Bagder> then Linux man pages contain many holes
476<Bagder> standard posix
477<Bagder> single unix specification
478<Bagder> never mind
479<alkorr> okay
480<Bagder> so what is the version number of the MAS? ;-)
481<alkorr> Linus: player or recorder ?
482<Zagor> it's the player
483<Zagor> actually, he read the model number so it's "3507"
484<Bagder> woooo
485<Bagder> we didn't know that! B-P
486<Zagor> hehe
487<alkorr> Linus: you should try I²Cize your MAS on the recorder too
488<Zagor> maybe he faked it :)
489<Zagor> alan: yeah, it's just a lot easier to do development on the player since he's got the serial port on it (and the I2C wires connected to a digital oscilloscope...)
490<alkorr> ah yes, the wires...
491<PsycoXul> you guys are gonna make these little boxes do things the archos people never dreamed :p
492<PsycoXul> just thought i'd throw that in there before running off to bed heh
493<Bagder> ... and not some things people do dream of (judging from some of the feature requests) ;-)
494<PsycoXul> heh
495<PsycoXul> yeah well
496<Linus> My I2C test was on the player
497<alkorr> Recorder has two I²C devices so don't be surprise if you code could not work ;)
498<PsycoXul> Bagder: that may not be all bad heh
499<PsycoXul> and theres a lot of requested features that would be like.. moot with new better firmware
500<PsycoXul> you know things that apply to the current firmware's limitations etc
501<Bagder> that's true
502<Linus> Why? I assume they have different ID:s.
503<alkorr> especially, if you requeste a RTC reading via an interrupt while reading something on MAS ;)
504<Linus> Hehe. Who would do such a thing? :-)
505<alkorr> They do
506<Linus> :-)
507<PsycoXul> anyways, sleep time.. night
508<Bagder> night PsycoXul
509<Linus> night
510<alkorr> nacht Psycho
511<alkorr> hum i must leave, see you !
512<-- alkorr has quit ()
513<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
514<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
515--- You are now known as Bagderzzz
516--> wavey_ ( has joined #rockbox
517<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
518<-- wavey_ ( has left #rockbox
519--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
520--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
521<-- alkorr has quit (Client Quit)
522--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
523<Zagor> are you an emacs man, wavey?
524<wavey> yus
525<wavey> you also?
526<Zagor> yep
527<Zagor> had a problem with c-offsets-alist, but I worked it out
528<Zagor> are you logging everything?
529<Zagor> alan said his FAT32 code was "obsolete" but I don't understand what he meant with that
530<-- wavey has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
531<adi|atWork> zagor.. you still around?
532<Zagor> yeah
533<adi|atWork> heheh glad you updated the lcd.[ch] api...
534<adi|atWork> now i can toss up my battery bit at some point ;)
535<Zagor> ah, yes
536<Zagor> i have a little something i hope to get done tonight
537<adi|atWork> whats that?
538<Zagor> umm, a surprise :)
539<Zagor> tetris
540<adi|atWork> lol.. seriously?
541<Zagor> yeah
542<adi|atWork> oh.. i was thinking...
543<adi|atWork> we have a limited # of keys on the players.. we may want to assign keyboard keys to represent them for the simulator.
544<Zagor> yes, i've been thinking that too. i was thinking some keys on the numeric keyboard
545<adi|atWork> nods
546<adi|atWork> that or just overload the function keys.
547<adi|atWork> but the #pad would work nicely for the center control pad...
548<adi|atWork> left, right, up, down.
549<Zagor> exactly
550<adi|atWork> i like that.
551<Zagor> and 5 för the play/pause on the recorder
552<adi|atWork> yup...
553<Zagor> and even the top four for the menu keys
554<adi|atWork> could even get away with - for off and + for on
555<adi|atWork> right...
556<Zagor> i don't know if numlock is a problem using as a normal key in X
557<adi|atWork> i don't see why it would be...
558<adi|atWork> brb..need food
559<-- Zagor has quit ("bye")
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020419.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020419.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d31e3942af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/irc/rockbox-20020419.log
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
1--- You are now known as Bagder
2--> Zagor2 ( has joined #rockbox
3--- Zagor2 is now known as Zagor
4<Zagor> aloha!
5<Bagder> hey ho
6--- Bagder gives channel operator status to Zagor
7<Bagder> uh
8<Bagder> y%8 should be y&7 in lcd.c
9<Bagder> for the pixel functionss
10<Bagder> I'll fix
11<Zagor> yes, i realized that too. but it turns out as the same thing
12<Bagder> when compiled?
13<Zagor> i don't know about the code, but the logic is the same
14<Bagder> yes, logic is the same but % is generally a much slower operation
15<Zagor> ok
16* Bagder does an "Alan"
17<Zagor> hehe, don't be mean
18* Bagder chuckles
19<Bagder> woo new mozilla to get
20--> wavey ( has joined #rockbox
21<wavey> morn
22<Bagder> it is a sunny and fine morning here
23<wavey> overcast and cool here
24--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
25<alkorr> for the CVS $Id, what must i put it in a source, so CVS fills it
26<alkorr> ?
27<alkorr> hi btw
28<Zagor> $Id$
29<Zagor> hi :)
30<alkorr> oky
31<alkorr> :)
32<wavey> do we have a standard file header to include at the top?
33<Bagder> yes
34<wavey> i.e the rockbox copyright and logo?
35<alkorr> yeep
36<wavey> so rather than specifying the Id tag
37<wavey> specify the header :)
38<wavey> and put the tag in the herder
39<wavey> header
40<Zagor> yes, that's how it is
41<wavey> so
42<wavey> why
43<wavey> did
44<wavey> alan
45<wavey> ask about the id tag?
46<Zagor> ask
47<Zagor> alan
48<Zagor> :)
49* wavey lol
50<alkorr> because i didn't know that :)
51<wavey> because it isn't stated anywhere :)
52<Zagor> alan: you changed the license for your FAT code. was that intentional?
53<alkorr> nope at all
54<alkorr> they were my old headers
55<Zagor> ok, so I should change it back to GPL?
56<alkorr> just forget to change them
57<alkorr> if you are tempted :)
58<Zagor> i am :)
59<alkorr> okay
60<Zagor> i looked at it a bit yesterday. what did you mean when you said the code is "obsolete"?
61<alkorr> which code ?
62<Zagor> the fat code
63<Zagor> that you mailed me
64<alkorr> ah yes... hum because i plan to split it and maybe a little bit more generic for PC test
65<Zagor> ok, because I started working on it... :)
66<alkorr> is that so ?
67<Zagor> yes
68<Zagor> i plan to have an image of a FAT32 disk in a file to do testing on
69<alkorr> for your purpose ?
70<Zagor> ?
71<wavey> zag: how will the main program body service user events while keeping the dsp full of data? will we just set up some sort of dma to allow the dsp to read data until complete, leaving the program thread to manipulate memory etc?
72<wavey> or is there some other way?
73<Zagor> that's a good question, which among other things we will be discussing tonight :)
74<Zagor> i need to switch tunnels, brb
75<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
76<wavey> bag: we = .se?
77<alkorr> european people ;)
78<Bagder> yes
79<Bagder> me, Linus, Björn and a forth friend
80--> Zagor2 ( has joined #rockbox
81<wavey> ok
82--- Zagor2 is now known as Zagor
83<wavey> cool
84<alkorr> oh you mean off-irc, Bagder ?
85<Bagder> we're gonna gather tonight
86<Bagder> right
87<Bagder> in real life
88<wavey> wow
89<wavey> there's an outside?
90* wavey is scared
91* Zagor is now in a clean, nice, pure ssl tunnel
92<Bagder> you worked out the CONNECT part?
93<Zagor> yup. found a perl script
94<Bagder> coolio
95<Zagor> i'll write up a twiki page
96<Bagder> knowing http pays off B-P
97<alkorr> seriously i see Zagor has change PAIOR and PBIOR to be ((volatile ...)
98<alkorr> i would try to avoid such a thing
99<Zagor> why?
100<alkorr> sometimes to have a byte access is better than a word access
101<wavey> these are registers, yes?
102<Zagor> yes but byte access is a special case
103<alkorr> or a 32-bit access better than a 16-bit access
104<Zagor> also a special case
105<Zagor> this is the normal case
106--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
107<alkorr> du to the fact, we write them in C, i don't see objections to leave them as address ant programmer to use the word access he wants
108<alkorr> ... and let ...
109<Zagor> it makes a mess in the code to always typecast them. this way, the registers are registers, as defined in the data sheet
110<alkorr> register ???
111<Zagor> if you want to access them in a non-standard way, *then* you do special typecasts
112<alkorr> manual says we can access such registers as well byte as word, so there is no real non-standard way
113<Zagor> well the manual says the register is 16 bits wide, so that's how I define "standard"
114<Linus> I define the "standard size" to be the register size.
115<Linus> I would guess the the size the programmer wants would be the register size in 99% of all cases.
116<alkorr> i try to use a homogene way to access those register, and having SI,HI or QI remove the necessity to guess what size the register is. But due to the fact i'm in minority, i suppose i can only approve your changes unwillingly
117<Zagor> i really don't like the SI/HI/QI thing
118<alkorr> by the way i could need the addresses of those register (DMA with SCI0 for example)
119<Linus> Except that noone can guess what QI, SI and HI means without searching in the header files.
120<Zagor> yes, we probably need double macros. one with the address and one for register access
121<alkorr> yes but i find more ugly explicit typecasting anyway
122<Linus> Absolutely. We will probably still nedd both ways of doing it.
123<Zagor> explicit typecasting is good in special cases
124<Zagor> because then it shows that it's a special case
125<alkorr> i use GCC convention which has in internal the modes SI, HI and QI
126<alkorr> if you could find something else, i could be okay
127* Zagor has never seen SI/HI/QI in his 15 years of programming...
128<Linus> Yes. But I have yet to see any C source code using that convention.
129<alkorr> but must be short anyway
130<Linus> Absolutely.
131<alkorr> look at the gcc source
132--> Bagder2 ( has joined #rockbox
133<Linus> I have looked at the GCC source code. The QI/HI/SI stuff is not C it is a pseudo language.
134* Bagder2 tries chatzilla
135<Zagor> Bagder2: good?
136<Bagder2> nah, I think I prefer X-chat
137<alkorr> yes, your defines is not much more standard than mine anyway
138<Zagor> actually, they are
139<-- Bagder2 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
140<Zagor> look at any microcontroller C compiler
141<Zagor> registers are reserved uppercase symbols
142<alkorr> i don't call them 'standard'
143<Zagor> well no, but it's the most common way to represent registers
144<alkorr> it is not that kind of stuff i will call standard
145<alkorr> for me, they are libs like stdlib or stdio, no our own source
146<Zagor> I agree, it's not a standard. but it's a style that many people have seen before
147<adi|sleep> yeah.. yeah.. well.. well.. your momma!
148* Zagor twitches. Adi - awake?
149<adi|sleep> not really...
150<adi|sleep> for what its worth.. and i know its not much... but to me... SI HI QI makes no sense...
151<Linus> BTW, the Archos guys have really made an odd I2C bus connection between the 7034 and the MAS... :-(
152<adi|sleep> because to anyone who doesn't immediatly recognize it.. well.. they are clueless to what it means..
153<adi|sleep> but thats just my opin...
154<alkorr> so change them for another convention
155<Zagor> that's my point exactly
156<Linus> and the MAS uses a really odd I2C protocol variant...
157<Bagder> Linus: will it set any limitations or just make it difficult?
158* adi|sleep also points out he isn't attacking anyone...
159<Linus> A little tricky...and perhaps slower that necessary.
160<alkorr> anyway, for me they are not really register since SH7034 use a memory map to access peripheral registers => not a register for SH, register for peripheral on-chip.
161* Linus agrees with adi|sleep
162<alkorr> Linus: what about the trouble ?
163<Zagor> alan: it's the same thing. many controllers use memory-mapped registers
164<Linus> For example the PIC
165<Zagor> and the PowerPC
166<Linus> Well, not the POowerPC core, but all PowerPC-microcontrollers
167<Zagor> yes
168* adi|sleep points out that your reality is nothing but lies and baldardash and he is happy to say he has know understand of it.
169<Linus> And the 8051, IIRC
170* adi|sleep goes back to sleep
171<Zagor> adi seems a bit... off ?
172<Linus> Zombie?
173<adi|sleep> me? no no no....
174<Bagder> so, he's talking in his sleep ;-)
175<adi|sleep> im on 'nuetrel'
176<Zagor> a victim of the Umbrella Corporation?
177<alkorr> i make a difference between cpu register and port registers that all. The way to access them is different
178<adi|sleep> which is latin for "its way to fucking hot and humid outside for 0430
179<adi|sleep> "
180<alkorr> one use direct opcode, the other use peek/poke
181<alkorr> that's all
182<Linus> Agreed. You dont access the CPU registers at all in C source code.
183<Bagder> poke 53280, 0
184<Linus> Black border
185<alkorr> a reset ?
186<alkorr> Linus: about I²C ?
187<adi|sleep> then what did the old "register" thing in C do?
188* Bagder hands the award to Linus
189<alkorr> what's the trouble
190adi|atWork adi|sleep adi|atWork adi|sleep <Zagor> adi|sleep: it tries to allocate a variable to a register
191<adi|sleep> nods
192<Zagor> instead of putting it on the stack
193<adi|sleep> okay.. now i remember.
194<alkorr> no one uses anymore register, because a lot of C compiler implicily uses registers as possible
195<Linus> They have used a diode to simulate an open collector bus. That makes it tricky to communicate in both directions.
196* Zagor agrees
197<alkorr> so register is a void attribute in gcc
198<Zagor> yup
199<Bagder> yes
200<Bagder> but then gcc is a mighty fine compiler
201<Bagder> there are a bazillioin of worse ones out there
202* Bagder has been hit by a few
203<Linus> GCC is good on some processors, worse on others.
204<Bagder> true
205<Bagder> but it has a good general engine
206<Linus> Generally, GCC wants CPU's with a lot of registers
207<adi|sleep> well don't we all?
208<alkorr> for IA32 or SH, humm
209<adi|sleep> i mean.. come on.. cpus with lotsa registers are just so much more sexy
210<adi|sleep> not to mention better in bed.
211<adi|sleep> speaking of bed
212<alkorr> IA64 you mean
213<Linus> ADI. Are you drunk? :-)
214<adi|sleep> only with powerlessness
215* adi|sleep cackles evilly
216<Bagder> I bet its the heat
217<alkorr> Linus: i'm not sure to understand, what do you mean by "communicate in both directions" ?
218<adi|sleep> nods
219<adi|sleep> and the lack of decent sleep.
220* adi|sleep giggles furiously as he missreads sleep with sheep...
221<adi|sleep> no wouldn't _that_ have been a freudian slip.
222<Zagor> hehe
223<Linus> I mean that the data (and the clock in the case of the MAS) is bidirectional. Both read and write. And the diode makes that difficult.
224<Linus> But not impossible. Just tricky.
225<Zagor> what's the australian definition of "safe sex"?
226* wavey pats adi|sleep on the head
227<Zagor> you X-mark the sheep that kicks
228* wavey -so- needs to learn some electronics
229<wavey> is there a beginners bible?
230<Linus> I don't know
231<Linus> It's really simple. Just have a father that explains it to you. :-)
232<alkorr> yes but you can read, cannot you ?
233<wavey> er
234<alkorr> i'm talking to Linus :)
235<wavey> ah
236<alkorr> read MAS
237<wavey> good :)
238<Linus> hahaha!
239<alkorr> :)
240<Linus> Yes I can read. Ti is working. But it is slow at the moment. I will add another trick from my bag to make it faster.
241<alkorr> it is the code or the electronic part which is really slow ?
242* Bagder likes bags with tricks
243<Linus> Tha MAS is really nasty, as it drives the clock even when it is slave. :-(
244<Linus> The data line takes a lot of time to go from 1 to 0 when reading, since the line is unconnected because of the diode. I will have to discharge it explicitly to make it faster.
245<alkorr> the MAS manual says it can held the clock to let it handle some things before reading further data
246<alkorr> okay
247<Linus> Yup. And that is really nasty.
248<Linus> Especially since the clock is also connected via a diode.
249<alkorr> in fact, you're telling us that MAS could run faster if the data line can discharge more rapidly
250<Linus> Only the I2C line. That is only used for settings and configuration.
251<alkorr> but it only regards the I²C line
252<Linus> A pull-down would really help.
253<alkorr> okay, not a real problem, just a nasty design
254<Linus> Exactly.
255<alkorr> lines I²C shouldn't have pull-ups ?
256<Linus> Yes. On the bus side. I was talkin about the CPU side of the diode.
257<alkorr> okay
258<alkorr> just a note
259<alkorr> if you disassembly the I²C part of the player firmware, they don't use the common way to set/clear the I²C lines
260<alkorr> instead of using IN direction to set line at 1, they use OUT direction and set to 1
261<alkorr> that is, when setting port, always in OUT direction from the CPU
262<alkorr> when reading (checking line status), in IN direction
263<wavey> daniel - you still capturing the logs?
264<Bagder> I do
265<alkorr> I suppose you don't use the same way to communicate with MAS (when setting 0, OUT dir.; when setting 1, IN dir.)
266<wavey> cool
267<wavey> can we automate it?
268<wavey> stick a bot on and pipe it to the website?
269<Bagder> it is certainly possible
270<wavey> and add a search engine? :)
271<wavey> this is a wealth of info
272<Zagor> i added a search form yesterday
273<Zagor> it uses google
274<wavey> especially to newcomers that will come along
275<wavey> cool
276<wavey> uses google's cache or realtime search?
277<Zagor> the cache
278<wavey> ok
279<Zagor> but they index the site pretty regularly
280<wavey> lovely
281<wavey> regularly or frequently? ;)
282<Zagor> frequently :)
283<wavey> i've nearly got the C++ XML library ready for inclusion
284<wavey> just getting the CORBA interfaces ready first
285<wavey> this firmware will kick ass
286<Zagor> haha
287<Bagder> hihi
288<Bagder> what about the web browser? ;-)
289<wavey> :)
290<alkorr> bad you will need to convert it to plain C ;)
291<wavey> now, this might be a ridiculous idea...
292<wavey> but can we use more of the limited memory buffer for audio
293<Zagor> more?
294<alkorr> ???
295<wavey> hang on
296<wavey> by using the disk to store our program data?
297<wavey> and load it back when needed?
298<alkorr> we have a 2 MB DRAM, whatever we can have in
299<wavey> or is that silly
300<Zagor> that is silly :)
301<alkorr> depending what you want to do
302<alkorr> i think to understand what Wavey means
303<alkorr> yes it could be a cool idea but not the priority
304<Linus> alkorr: That is why they have the diode. They don't want to set it ton IN to drive a 1 on the bus.
305<Linus> For some reason.
306<alkorr> the possibility to load a game when you want to play, instead always having them in memory
307<wavey> yeah, keep a nucleus of program in memory, and demand load the bits we need
308<wavey> how large is the footprint of archos firmware?
309<alkorr> archos apparently has no real dynamic memory
310<alkorr> it seems to use a lot of tables
311<Linus> What is "real dynamic memory"?
312<Zagor> malloc
313<Linus> Ah.
314<alkorr> so their size should be fixed
315<Zagor> i guess :)
316<alkorr> malloc is a dynamic memory
317<alkorr> a true dynamic memory, if you like
318<wavey> do i misremember malloc's free not shrinking the process memory usage?
319<wavey> not that it matters
320<Zagor> that's OS dependent
321<Bagder> wavey: that's a unix thing
322<wavey> with only 1 process
323<wavey> ok
324<alkorr> what i mean is if we want to have the ability to load specific code at a ponctual time
325<alkorr> you surely need a dynamic memory
326<alkorr> so when we only use the player (or recorder)
327<alkorr> we can use all the memory
328<alkorr> and to prevent us to work with fixed address (so binary code not reusable with new firmware)
329<alkorr> but you still need a code addresses relocator :) well, not the first thing rockbox will have
330<wavey> no one knows how large the archos firmware is in memory?
331<Zagor> nope :)
332<Linus> I xould guess about 100K.
333<wavey> interesting :)
334<Linus> But I might be wrong
335<wavey> their firmware decompresses the mod, yes?
336<wavey> .ajz
337<alkorr> in fact we can export some data in harddisk
338<alkorr> for exemple if we have messages in different language
339<Linus> I guess the recorder decompreses the firmware. That would explain the long start time.
340<wavey> i can't see the benefit of a compressed mod
341<wavey> except to piss people off :)
342<Linus> Neither can I.
343<Bagder> save disk space? hehehe
344<wavey> hehe
345<wavey> ooh, 60GB in your palm.
346<Linus> Download time on the internet? I mean if you can save 1 second... :-)
347<alkorr> Wav. scrambling maybe
348<PsycoXul> so like yeah
349<PsycoXul> i remember all the things my c64 could do with 1mhz
350<wavey> 1mhz? or 1mb?
351<PsycoXul> what interesting things can be done with a whole 12mhz of processing power
352<PsycoXul> heh
353<wavey> ah
354<wavey> yes :)
355<PsycoXul> i just with the player's LCD was even just a tiny bit better
356<PsycoXul> like to be able to draw the blocks between characters
357<PsycoXul> heh
358<Bagder> yup, all the fun games will only be for the recorder :*)
359<PsycoXul> nah
360<PsycoXul> i did a rather nice little thing where you run around a map overhead
361<PsycoXul> and it scrolls through the 2 lines quite nicely
362<alkorr> i think the messages inf the firmware must take a lot of space, it could be interesting to see when removed how many it saves space in memory to have just the messages of the right langage
363<PsycoXul> it's pointless till i can read levels in files and such but i just wanted to find out if it was possible to make a game playable in 2 lines
364<PsycoXul> and it is
365<PsycoXul> just be cooler with a little more capabilities
366<PsycoXul> heh
367<Bagder> that's might cool
368<Bagder> +y
369<alkorr> to have a < 64 KB code should be a good point
370<Zagor> alkorr: yes
371<Zagor> we have a very big advantage in that we can always compile in just the features and data that we need
372<Linus> Hehe. The libc code is about 30k...
373<Bagder> ick
374<Zagor> libc? who needs libc?
375<alkorr> for div
376<alkorr> or shift operations
377<alkorr> when the shifter is not an immediate
378<Linus> I use it for sprintf at the moment. The string functions are there too
379<Bagder> there's a diet libc we could check out
380<Zagor> we can use a simpler sprintf
381<Linus> We have the source. We remove what we don't want.
382<Zagor> precisely
383* Bagder agrees
384<Linus> Actually, I think newlib ha a diet sprintf.
385<Linus> s/a/has/
386<Bagder> "ha has" ?
387<alkorr> but due to the fact you use a library, you only integrate functions from libc you really use in your source*
388<Bagder> heheh
389* Linus has thick fingers today
390<Linus> Not functions, modules
391<Linus> Unfortunately, many finctions are located in the same .o file in the library, and they often call each other.
392<alkorr> ah bad
393<Linus> But correctable.
394<alkorr> i thought they used a .c file for each functions
395<Linus> Often they do.
396<Linus> And sprintf() is a mighty beast.
397<alkorr> shure
398<Linus> I use it for debugging output at the moment.
399<alkorr> using sprintf from linux?
400<Linus> Nope. In the firmware. On the GDB console.
401<Bagder> a less capable sprintf() could of course be much smaller and still do just about what you'd want
402* Linus thinks of Trio
403<Bagder> that is not less
404<alkorr> Linus: i know but i'm speaking about what version sprintf is
405<Linus> But you know how to strip it.
406<Bagder> true ;-)
407<Linus> I don't know of any versions of sprintf. It's just Newlib.
408<Linus> Version 10.0.1, IIRC
409<Bagder> we probably want a sprinf() for screen text formatting too
410<Zagor> yup
411<alkorr> one possibility
412<wavey> i saw a tiny sprintf for gameboy advance
413<Linus> Go get it.
414* wavey looks
415<alkorr> is to use a generic printf which call a function for a character
416<alkorr> not fast
417<Bagder> well that's how they all work
418<alkorr> but you can directly display without have a buffer
419<Bagder> more or less
420<alkorr> so ?
421<Bagder> so that is probably what we'll get
422<Bagder> but
423<alkorr> so when you use this function, just call this function with a callback ?
424<Bagder> I doubt that anyway will printf() to the display
425<Bagder> anyone
426<alkorr> ah yeah, it is another thing for the LCD recorder
427<alkorr> story
428<Bagder> right
429--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
430--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
431<alkorr> c u
432<Bagder> bye Alan
433<-- alkorr has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
435<wavey> pretty tiny
436<Bagder|food> yes
437--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
438--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
440<wavey> cute
441<wavey> (and work safe)
442<Zagor> cool!
443<Bagder> <= seen this?
444<Zagor> bleh, flash
445<Bagder> yeah
446<Bagder> annoying site, cool box
447<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
448<Zagor> do you know why uisimulator has a garbled window title?
449<Bagder> no
450<Zagor> what's the variable in emacs that says to only indent with spaces?
451<Bagder> (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
452<Bagder> I think
453<Zagor> ok
454<Zagor> closing tunnel, brb
455--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
456<Zagor> lcd_update in lcd-x11.c doesn't ever clear pixels, does it?
457<Bagder> uh, no ;-)
458<Zagor> i noticed :)
459<Bagder> oops
460* Zagor has been scratching his head a while over this :)
461<Bagder> I'm not sure how to do that the best possible way though
462<Bagder> I mean to avoid flickering
463<Zagor> how about just redrawing the whole screen. performance is not really an issue on X
464<Zagor> flickering only happens if you do it very frequently
465<Zagor> or maybe have an "old" array which you compare against
466<Bagder> well, we would need to fill the whole rect first, then draw all pixels
467<Zagor> and then draw all new and clear all old
468<Bagder> that's what I had in mind
469<Zagor> so do it :)
470<Bagder> can't do it right now
471<Zagor> k
472<Bagder> it'll have to wait a bit
473<Linus> The I2C is rocking like HELL! And fast too!
474* Zagor wonders just how much hell is rocking
475<Bagder> any sounds from the MAS yet?
476<Linus> Wait. There's a bunch of commands to be sent to it to configure it.
477* Bagder caaaan't wait ;-)
478* Linus wants to please Bagder
479* Zagor can't wait for a working lcd_update...
480<Bagder> so just clear the screen first
481<Zagor> hmm, what does this "X11" mean? ;)
482* Linus thinks Bagder is lazy
483* Bagder reminds you about who wrote the uisim in the first place ;-)
484<Zagor> so tell me, how do I clear the screen?
485<Bagder> XDrawRect() or XFillRect() or something
486<Zagor> ok
487<Bagder> find a page about one of the other X* functions and click some links
488<Bagder> that's how I've made it this far ;-)
489--> alkorr ( has joined #rockbox
490<Linus> Hi alan!
491<Linus> The I2C is rocking like HELL! And fast too!
492<alkorr> hi again
493<alkorr> how do you do ? :)
494* Zagor has a little surprise for you all...
495<Linus> I drive the data and clock lines low right before switching from output to input. That way I don't have to wait for the slow transition.
496<alkorr> uh ? i mean how do you get it ? :)
497<alkorr> okay
498* Linus is waiting for Zagor
499<alkorr> so you force discharge by this way
500<Zagor> soon
501<Zagor> soooooon...
502<Linus> Yup. Works like a charm.
503<alkorr> hum some news from Dragan ?
504<Zagor> uh, i haven't mailed him yet. i forgot...
505* Bagder pokes Zagor with a large stick
506* Linus hits him hard
507<Zagor> alan: are you working on the fat code?
508<Zagor> then i shouldn't be poking on it yet... :)
509* Linus sees a major commit from Alan
510<alkorr> a lot of things to add in fact
511<alkorr> so don't rush
512<Bagder> lots of c++ comments ;-)
513* Bagder hides
514<Zagor> hehe
515<alkorr> sorry but there were here before you ;P
516<Linus> You'll be surprised how little code you need to screw up your hard drive... :-)
517<Zagor> lol
518<alkorr> to screew up ? you mean to destroy ?
519<Linus> Yup.
520<Linus> No, not destroy. Just screw up.
521<alkorr> well my code never destroys or screws up ;P
522<Linus> Of course. Not _your_ code. :-)
523<alkorr> but you're right. Just a lock command and you are bad under windows
524<alkorr> hopefully i can unlock with your modified drive *relief*
525<alkorr> driver
526<Zagor> we need to fix something like that for the recorder too
527<alkorr> ah yes USB 2.0
528<alkorr> just a precision about my fat.c, i think the main thing that will stir you is probably the ata callback mechanism
529* Linus is still waiting for Zagors surprise
530* alkorr too
531<Zagor> paitence, children... :)
532<Zagor> patience, even
533<Zagor> alkorr: you mean except for the 1-byte arrays? ;)
534<alkorr> to understand what is it : it is way to handle, compute, swap or format data during a read or write operation in a atomic way (we cannot have simultanous readings sectors)
535<alkorr> yes
536<alkorr> because BPB is a real mess : all the fields are unaligned
537<alkorr> and using callback will create a too large function whereas I just need some fields in fact
538<alkorr> normally i don't keep in memory any boot sectors (like MBR, BPB or FSINFO)
539<wavey> what's the history of the disk code we're cutting?
540<wavey> has it been tried and tested elsewhere?
541<wavey> or is it all new
542<alkorr> yes in the obsolete fat.c i gave to Zagor
543<alkorr> and the ones I lost during a harddisk crash
544<alkorr> SH really dislikes misunligned accesses
545<Bagder> I gotta go, see ya guys later
546**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Apr 19 14:34:13 2002