package src import ( "fmt" "" "" ) func (a *app) playlistsPage() tview.Primitive { flex := tview.NewFlex().SetDirection(tview.FlexColumn) a.playlistsList = tview.NewList(). SetMainTextColor(tcell.ColorRed). SetHighlightFullLine(true). ShowSecondaryText(false) a.playlistsList.SetBorder(true).SetBorderAttributes(tcell.AttrDim) a.playlistsList.SetFocusFunc(func() { a.updateFooter() }) a.playlistSongs = tview.NewList(). SetHighlightFullLine(true). ShowSecondaryText(false) a.playlistSongs.SetBorder(true).SetBorderAttributes(tcell.AttrDim) a.playlistSongs.SetFocusFunc(func() { a.updateFooter() }) // Change the left-right keys to switch between the panels a.playlistsList.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { if event.Key() == tcell.KeyLeft || event.Key() == tcell.KeyRight { return nil } return event }) a.playlistSongs.SetInputCapture(func(event *tcell.EventKey) *tcell.EventKey { if event.Key() == tcell.KeyLeft || event.Key() == tcell.KeyRight { return nil } return event }) // Setup e & n keybinds a.setupKeybindings(flex.Box) flex.AddItem(a.playlistsList, 0, 1, false) flex.AddItem(a.playlistSongs, 0, 1, false) return flex } func (a *app) refreshPlaylists() error { playlists, err := a.sub.GetPlaylists(nil) if err != nil { return err } a.allPlaylists = playlists a.playlistsList.Clear() for _, pl := range playlists { id := pl.ID a.playlistsList.AddItem(pl.Name, "", 0, func() { a.loadPlaylist(id) }) } a.playlistsList.SetCurrentItem(0) return nil } func (a *app) loadPlaylist(id string) error { a.playlistSongs.Clear() pl, err := a.sub.GetPlaylist(id) if err != nil { return err } a.currentPlaylist = pl for _, s := range a.currentPlaylist.Entry { a.playlistSongs.AddItem(fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", s.Title, s.Artist), "", 0, func() { sel := a.playlistSongs.GetCurrentItem() a.playQueue.Clear() for _, s := range a.currentPlaylist.Entry[sel:] { a.playQueue.Append(s) } if err := a.playQueue.Play(); err != nil { a.alert("Error: %v", err) LogErrorf("starting playback of playlist '%s': %v", a.currentPlaylist.Name, err) } }) } return nil }