From ceea52ce0f4782466c3bcfb69c64c975515fe198 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Solomon Peachy Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 11:00:12 -0400 Subject: FS#13468: Updated Simplified Chinese translation for rbutil (王吉) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Had to make a minor edit to correct a syntax typo. Change-Id: I5e4a3079c82ff72bd02ee368c4de0ba86f06dfeb --- utils/rbutilqt/lang/rbutil_zh_CN.ts | 1215 ++++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 617 insertions(+), 598 deletions(-) diff --git a/utils/rbutilqt/lang/rbutil_zh_CN.ts b/utils/rbutilqt/lang/rbutil_zh_CN.ts index 06b562abe5..c9829dc466 100644 --- a/utils/rbutilqt/lang/rbutil_zh_CN.ts +++ b/utils/rbutilqt/lang/rbutil_zh_CN.ts @@ -7,77 +7,77 @@ Backup - + 备份 <html><head/><body><p>This dialog will create a backup by archiving the contents of the Rockbox installation on the player into a zip file. This will include installed themes and settings stored below the .rockbox folder on the player.</p><p>The backup filename will be created based on the installed version. </p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p>此对话框将通过将播放器上安装的 Rockbox 内容存档到 zip 文件中来创建备份。这将包括已安装的主题和存储在播放器的 .rockbox 文件夹下的设置。</p><p>备份文件名将根据已安装的版本创建。 </p></body></html> Size: unknown - + 大小:未知 Backup to: unknown - + 备份到:未知 &Change - &更改 + &更改 &Backup - + &备份 &Cancel - &取消 + &取消 Installation size: calculating ... - + 安装大小:计算中 Select Backup Filename - + 选择备份文件名 Installation size: %L1 %2 - + 安装大小 %L1 %2 File exists - + 文件存在 The selected backup file already exists. Overwrite? - + 选定的备份文件已经存在。要覆盖吗? Starting backup ... - + 开始备份… Backup successful. - + 备份成功。 Backup failed! - + 备份失败! @@ -85,48 +85,48 @@ Bootloader installation requires you to provide a copy of the original Sandisk firmware (bin file). This firmware file will be patched and then installed to your player along with the rockbox bootloader. You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please browse the <a href=''>Sansa Forums</a> or refer to the <a href=''>manual</a> and the <a href=''>SansaAMS</a> wiki page on how to obtain this file.<br/><b>Note:</b> This file is not present on your player and will disappear automatically after installing it.<br/><br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file. - + Bootloader 安装需要您提供原始 Sandisk 固件的副本(bin 文件)。此固件文件将被修补,然后与rockbox bootloader一起安装到您的播放器中。由于法律原因,您需要自行下载此文件。请浏览<a href=''>Sansa Forums</a> 或参阅 <a href=''>manual</a> 和 <a href=''>SansaAMS</a> wiki 页面以获取此文件。<br/><b>Note:</b>此文件在您的播放器上不存在,安装后将自动消失。<br/><br/>按确定继续并浏览您的计算机以查找固件文件。 Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Could not load %1 - + 无法加载 %1 No room to insert bootloader, try another firmware version - + 没有空间插入bootloader,请尝试另一个固件版本 Patching Firmware... - + 正在修补固件… Could not open %1 for writing - + 无法打开 %1 来写入 Could not write firmware file - + 无法写固件文件 Success: modified firmware file created - + 成功:已创建修改的固件文件 To uninstall, perform a normal upgrade with an unmodified original firmware - + 要卸载,请使用未修改的原始固件执行正常升级 @@ -134,92 +134,92 @@ Download error: received HTTP error %1. - 下载错误: 接到 HTTP 错误 %1. + 下载错误: 接到 HTTP 错误 %1. Download error: %1 - 下载错误: %1 + 下载错误: %1 Download finished (cache used). - + 完成下载(已使用缓存)。 Download finished. - 完成下载. + 完成下载. Creating backup of original firmware file. - + 创建原始固件文件备份。 Creating backup folder failed - + 创建备份文件夹失败 Creating backup copy failed. - + 创建备份副本失败。 Backup created. - + 备份已创建。 Creating installation log - 正在建立安装日志 + 正在建立安装日志 Zip file format detected - + 检测到ZIP文件格式 CAB file format detected - + 检测到CAB文件格式 Extracting firmware %1 from archive - + 从存档中提取固件 %1 Error extracting firmware from archive - + 从存档中提取固件时失败 Could not find firmware in archive - + 无法在存档中找到固件 Waiting for system to remount player - + 等待系统卸载播放器 Player remounted - + 播放器已卸载 Timeout on remount - + 卸载超时 Installation log created - + 安装日志已创建 @@ -227,77 +227,77 @@ Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware file of the original firmware (HXF file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please refer to the <a href=''>manual</a> and the <a href=''>OndaVX747</a> wiki page on how to obtain this file.<br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file. - + Bootloader 安装需要您提供原始固件的固件文件(HXF 文件)。由于法律原因,您需要自行下载此文件。有关如何获取此文件,请参阅 <a href=''>manual</a> 和 <a href=''>OndaVX747</a> wiki 页面。<br/>按确定继续并浏览您的计算机以查找固件文件。 Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Could not open firmware file - + 无法打开固件文件 Could not open bootloader file - + 无法打开bootloader文件 Could not allocate memory - + 无法分配内存 Could not load firmware file - + 无法加载固件文件 File is not a valid ChinaChip firmware - + 所选文件并非有效的ChinaChip固件 Could not find ccpmp.bin in input file - + 无法在输入文件中找到ccpmp.bin Could not open backup file for ccpmp.bin - + 无法为ccpmp.bin打开备份文件 Could not write backup file for ccpmp.bin - + 无法为ccpmp.bin写备份文件 Could not load bootloader file - + 无法加载bootloader文件 Could not get current time - + 无法获取当前时间 Could not open output file - + 无法打开输出文件 Could not write output file - + 无法写输出文件 Unexpected error from chinachippatcher - + 来自chinachippatcher的意外错误 @@ -305,57 +305,57 @@ Downloading bootloader - + 正在下载bootloader Installing Rockbox bootloader - + 正在安装Rockbox bootloader Error accessing output folder - + 访问输出文件夹时出错 A firmware file is already present on player - + 固件文件已存在于播放器上 Bootloader successful installed - + Bootloader安装成功 Copying modified firmware file failed - + 复制修改后的固件文件失败 Removing Rockbox bootloader - + 正在移除Rockbox bootloader No original firmware file found. - + 未找到原始固件文件。 Can't remove Rockbox bootloader file. - + 无法移除Rockbox bootloader文件。 Can't restore bootloader file. - + 无法恢复bootloader文件。 Original bootloader restored successfully. - + 原始bootloader恢复成功。 @@ -363,172 +363,172 @@ checking MD5 hash of input file ... - + 检查输入文件MD5… Could not verify original firmware file - + 无法验证原始固件文件 Firmware file not recognized. - + 固件文件无法识别。 MD5 hash ok - + MD5检查通过 Firmware file doesn't match selected player. - + 固件文件与选定的播放器不匹配。 Descrambling file - + 解密文件 Error in descramble: %1 - + 解密错误:%1 Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Adding bootloader to firmware file - + 正在给固件文件添加bootloader could not open input file - + 无法打开输入文件 reading header failed - + 读取标头失败 reading firmware failed - + 读取固件失败 can't open bootloader file - + 无法打开bootloader文件 reading bootloader file failed - + 读取bootloader文件失败 can't open output file - + 无法创建输出文件 writing output file failed - + 写出文件失败 Error in patching: %1 - + 修补时出错: %1 Error in scramble: %1 - + 解密时出错: %1 Checking modified firmware file - + 正在检查修改后的固件文件 Error: modified file checksum wrong - + 错误:修改的文件校验和错误 A firmware file is already present on player - + 固件文件已存在于播放器上 Success: modified firmware file created - + 成功:已创建修改后的固件文件 Copying modified firmware file failed - + 复制修改后的固件文件失败 Uninstallation not possible, only installation info removed - + 无法卸载,仅删除安装信息 Can't open input file - + 无法打开输入文件 Can't open output file - + 无法打开输出文件 invalid file: header length wrong - + 无效文件:标头长度错误 invalid file: unrecognized header - + 无效文件:标头无法识别 invalid file: "length" field wrong - + 无效文件:“length”区域错误 invalid file: "length2" field wrong - + 无效文件:“length2”区域错误 invalid file: internal checksum error - + 无效文件:内部校验和出错 invalid file: "length3" field wrong - + 无效文件:“length3”区域错误 unknown - 不明 + 不明 Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware file of the original firmware (hex file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please refer to the <a href=''>manual</a> and the <a href=''>IriverBoot</a> wiki page on how to obtain this file.<br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file. - + Bootloader安装需要提供一个原始固件的文件(二进制文件)。由于法律原因,您需要自行下载此文件。有关如何获取此文件,请参阅<a href=''>manual</a>和<a href=''>IriverBoot</a>wiki页面。按确定继续并浏览您的计算机以获取固件文件。 @@ -536,47 +536,47 @@ Bootloader installation requires you to provide a copy of the original Sandisk firmware ( file). This file will be patched with the Rockbox bootloader and installed to your player. You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please browse the <a href=''>Sansa Forums</a> or refer to the <a href= ''>SansaFuzePlus</a> wiki page on how to obtain this file.<br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file. - + Bootloader 安装需要您提供原始 Sandisk 固件的副本( 文件)。此文件将使用 Rockbox 引导加载程序进行修补并安装到您的播放器中。由于法律原因,您需要自行下载此文件。请浏览 <a href=''>Sansa Forums</a> 或参阅 <a href= ''>SansaFuzePlus</a> wiki 页面以获取此文件。<br/>按确定继续并浏览您的计算机以获取固件文件。 Could not read original firmware file - + 无法读取原始固件文件 Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Patching file... - + 修补文件… Patching the original firmware failed - + 修补原始固件失败 Succesfully patched firmware file - + 修补原始固件成功 Bootloader successful installed - + Bootloader安装成功 Patched bootloader could not be installed - + 修补的bootloader无法被安装 To uninstall, perform a normal upgrade with an unmodified original firmware. - + 要卸载,请使用未修改的原始固件执行正常升级。 @@ -584,111 +584,111 @@ Error: can't allocate buffer memory! - + 错误:无法分配缓冲区内存! Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Failed to read firmware directory - 读不了固件文件夹 + 读取固件文件夹失败 Unknown version number in firmware (%1) - 固件版本不明 (%1) + 固件版本不明 (%1) - Warning: This is a MacPod, Rockbox only runs on WinPods. + Warning: This is a MacPod, Rockbox only runs on WinPods. See - + 警告:这是苹果格式的iPod,Rockbox仅能运行于Windows格式的iPod。参阅 Could not open Ipod in R/W mode - + 无法打开iPod读写模式 Successfull added bootloader - + 追加bootloader成功 Failed to add bootloader - + 追加bootloader失败 Bootloader Installation complete. - + Bootloader安装完成。 Writing log aborted - + 写入日志已中止 No bootloader detected. - 找不到启动程序. + 找不到启动程序. Successfully removed bootloader - + 移除bootloader成功 Removing bootloader failed. - + 移除bootloader失败。 Error: could not retrieve device name - + 错误:无法检索设备名称 Error: no mountpoint specified! - + 错误:未指定挂载点! Could not open Ipod: permission denied - + 无法打开iPod:拒绝访问 Could not open Ipod - + 无法打开iPod No firmware partition on disk - + 硬盘上没有固件分区 Installing Rockbox bootloader - + 正在安装Rockbox bootloader Uninstalling bootloader - + 正在卸载bootloader Error reading partition table - possibly not an Ipod - + 读取分区表时出错 - 可能不是 iPod @@ -696,53 +696,53 @@ See Downloading bootloader - + 正在下载bootloader Installing Rockbox bootloader - + 正在安装Rockbox bootloader A firmware file is already present on player - + 固件文件已存在于播放器上 Bootloader successful installed - + Bootloader安装成功 Copying modified firmware file failed - + 复制修改后的固件文件失败 Checking for Rockbox bootloader - + 检查 Rockbox 引导加载程序 No Rockbox bootloader found - + 未找到 Rockbox 引导加载程序 Checking for original firmware file - + 检查原始固件文件 Error finding original firmware file - + 寻找原始固件文件时出错 Rockbox bootloader successful removed - + Rockbox bootloader移除成功 @@ -750,77 +750,77 @@ See Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware file of the original firmware (bin file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please refer to the <a href=''>manual</a> and the <a href=''>MPIOHD200Port</a> wiki page on how to obtain this file.<br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file. - + Bootloader 安装需要您提供原始固件的固件文件(bin 文件)。由于法律原因,您需要自行下载此文件。有关如何获取此文件,请参阅 <a href=''>manual</a> 和 <a href=''>MPIOHD200Port</a> wiki页面。<br/>按确定继续并浏览您的计算机以查找固件文件。 Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Could not open the original firmware. - + 无法打开原始固件文件。 Could not read the original firmware. - + 无法读取原始挂件文件。 Loaded firmware file does not look like MPIO original firmware file. - + 加载的固件文件似乎并不是MPIO原始固件文件。 Could not open output file. - + 无法打开输出文件。 Could not write output file. - + 无法写出输出文件。 Unknown error number: %1 - + 未知错误码: %1 Could not open downloaded bootloader. - + 无法打开已下载的bootloader。 Place for bootloader in OF file not empty. - + 在 OF 文件中放置bootloader的位置不为空。 Could not read the downloaded bootloader. - + 无法读取已下载的bootloader。 Bootloader checksum error. - + Bootloader校验出错。 Patching original firmware failed: %1 - + 修改原始固件出错: %1 Success: modified firmware file created - + 成功:已创建魔改固件文件 To uninstall, perform a normal upgrade with an unmodified original firmware - + 要卸载,请用未修改的原始固件进行正常升级 @@ -828,28 +828,29 @@ See Error: can't allocate buffer memory! - + 错误:无法分配缓冲区内存! Searching for Sansa - + 寻找Sansa Permission for disc access denied! This is required to install the bootloader - + 磁盘拒绝访问! +安装bootloader时,这是必需的! No Sansa detected! - + 未检测到Sansa! Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 @@ -859,88 +860,90 @@ You must reinstall the original Sansa firmware before running sansapatcher for the first time. See - + 检测到旧的 ROCKBOX 安装,安装中止。 +在首次运行Sansapatcher之前,您必须重新安装原始的 Sansa 固件 +请参阅 Could not open Sansa in R/W mode - + 无法以读写模式打开Sansa Successfully installed bootloader - + 成功安装Bootloader Failed to install bootloader - + 无法安装bootloader Bootloader Installation complete. - + Bootloader安装完成。 Writing log aborted - + 写日志中断 Error: could not retrieve device name - + 错误:无法检索设备名称 Can't find Sansa - + 无法找到Sansa Could not open Sansa - + 无法打开Sansa Could not read partition table - + 无法读取分区表 Disk is not a Sansa (Error %1), aborting. - + 磁盘并非Sansa (Error %1),安装中断。 Successfully removed bootloader - + 成功移除bootloader Removing bootloader failed. - + 移除bootloader失败。 Installing Rockbox bootloader - + 正在安装Rockbox bootloader Checking downloaded bootloader - + 正在校验下载的bootloader文件 Bootloader mismatch! Aborting. - + Bootloader不匹配!安装中止。 Uninstalling bootloader - + 正在卸载bootloader @@ -948,53 +951,53 @@ See Bootloader installation requires you to provide a firmware file of the original firmware (bin file). You need to download this file yourself due to legal reasons. Please refer to the <a href=''>manual</a> and the <a href=''>CowonD2Info</a> wiki page on how to obtain the file.<br/>Press Ok to continue and browse your computer for the firmware file. - + Bootloader 安装需要您提供原始固件的固件文件(bin 文件)。由于法律原因,您需要自行下载此文件。有关如何获取文件,请参阅 <a href=''>manual</a> 或 <a href=''>CowonD2Info</a> wiki页面。<br/>按确定键继续并浏览您的计算机以获取固件文件。 Downloading bootloader file - + 正在下载bootloader文件 Could not load %1 - + 无法加载 %1 Unknown OF file used: %1 - + 使用了未知OF文件: %1 Patching Firmware... - + 修补固件… Could not patch firmware - + 无法修补固件 Could not open %1 for writing - + 无法打开 %1 进行写入 Could not write firmware file - + 无法写固件文件 Success: modified firmware file created - + 成功:已创建魔改固件文件 To uninstall, perform a normal upgrade with an unmodified original firmware - + 要卸载,请用未修改的原始固件进行正常升级 @@ -1002,17 +1005,17 @@ See Changelog - + 变更日志 Show on startup - + 启动时展示 &Ok - &OK + &确定 @@ -1020,47 +1023,52 @@ See Showing disabled targets - + 展示禁用目标 You just enabled showing targets that are marked disabled. Disabled targets are not recommended to end users. Please use this option only if you know what you are doing. - + 您刚刚启用了显示标记为禁用的目标的功能。不建议最终用户禁用目标。请仅在您知道自己在做什么时才使用此选项。 Proxy Detection - + 代理检测 The System Proxy settings are invalid! Rockbox Utility can't work with this proxy settings. Make sure the system proxy is set correctly. Note that "proxy auto-config (PAC)" scripts are not supported by Rockbox Utility. If your system uses this you need to use manual proxy settings. - + 系统代理设置无效! +Rockbox Utility 无法使用此代理设置。请确保系统代理设置正确。请注意,Rockbox Utility 不支持“代理自动配置 (PAC)”脚本。如果您的系统使用此功能,则需要使用手动代理设置。 Set Cache Path - + 设置缓存路径 %1 "MacPod" found! Rockbox needs a FAT formatted Ipod (so-called "WinPod") to run. - + %1 发现Mac格式的iPod!! +Rockbox需要FAT格式的iPod才能运行。 %1 in MTP mode found! You need to change your player to MSC mode for installation. - + %1 发现处于MTP模式! +你需要将你的播放器置于MSC模式才能安装。 Detected an unsupported player: %1 Sorry, Rockbox doesn't run on your player. - + 检测到不支持的播放器: +%1 +抱歉,Rockbox无法在此播放器上运行。 @@ -1071,85 +1079,86 @@ Sorry, Rockbox doesn't run on your player. Could not detect a Mountpoint. Select your Mountpoint manually. - 找不到 mountpoint -请手动选择你的 mountpoing. + 找不到挂载点 +请手动选择你的挂载点。 Could not detect a device. Select your device and Mountpoint manually. - 不能识别你的播放器 -请手动选择. + 无法检测到设备 +请手动选择你的设备和挂载点。 TTS error - + TTS错误 The selected TTS failed to initialize. You can't use this TTS. - + 选定的TTS无法初始化。你无法使用此TTS %1 (%2 GiB of %3 GiB free) - + %1 (%2 GB 共 %3 GB 空闲) Multiple devices have been detected. Please disconnect all players but one and try again. - + 检测到多个设备。请断开其它播放器的连接并再试一次。 Detected devices: - + 检测到设备: (unknown) - + (未知) %1 at %2 - + %1 位于 %2 Note: detecting connected devices might be ambiguous. You might have less devices connected than listed. In this case it might not be possible to detect your player unambiguously. - + 注意:检测连接的设备可能不明确。您连接的设备可能少于列出的设备数量。在这种情况下,可能无法明确地检测到您的播放器。 Device Detection - + 设备检测 The player contains an incompatible filesystem. Make sure you selected the correct mountpoint and the player is set up to use a filesystem compatible with Rockbox. - + 播放器包含不兼容的文件系统。 +确保您选择了正确的挂载点,并且播放器已设置为使用与 Rockbox 兼容的文件系统。 An unknown error occured during player detection. - + 检测设备时发生未知错误。 Really delete cache? - 你肯定要删除缓冲吗? + 确定删除缓存吗? Do you really want to delete the cache? Make absolutely sure this setting is correct as it will remove <b>all</b> files in this folder! - 你真的肯定要删除缓冲吗? 请确认你的设定是正确的因为这会删除 <b>全部</b> 的文件在此文件夹 ! + 你真的确定要删除缓存吗? 请确认你的设定是正确的因为这会删除文件夹中 <b>全部</b> 的文件 ! @@ -1164,109 +1173,113 @@ Make sure you selected the correct mountpoint and the player is set up to use a TTS configuration invalid - + TTS配置无效 - TTS configuration invalid. + TTS configuration invalid. Please configure TTS engine. - + TTS 配置无效。 + 请配置 TTS 引擎。 Could not start TTS engine. - + 无法启动TTS引擎。 Could not start TTS engine. - + 无法启动TTS引擎。 + Please configure TTS engine. - + +请配置TTS引擎。 Rockbox Utility Voice Test - + Rockbox实用程序语音测试 Could not voice test string. - + 无法读出测试字段。 Could not voice test string. - + 无法读出测试字段。 + Current cache size is %L1 kiB. - + 当前缓存大小 %L1 kB。 Configuration OK - + 配置正常 Configuration INVALID - + 配置无效 The following errors occurred: - + 下述错误发生: No mountpoint given - + 未指定挂载点 Mountpoint does not exist - + 挂载点不存在 Mountpoint is not a directory. - + 挂载点不是一个目录。 Mountpoint is not writeable - + 挂载点无法写入 No player selected - + 未指定播放器 Cache path not writeable. Leave path empty to default to systems temporary path. - + 缓存路径不可写。将路径留空以默认为系统临时路径。 You need to fix the above errors before you can continue. - + 继续之前你需要解决以上错误。 Configuration error - + 配置错误 @@ -1284,27 +1297,27 @@ Please configure TTS engine. &Device - &播放器 + 设备(&D) Select your device in the &filesystem - 请选择你的播放器在你的 &文件系统 + 请在文件系统中选择你的播放器 &Browse - &浏览 + 浏览(&B) &Select your audio player - &选择你的音乐播放器 + 选择你的音乐播放器(&S) &Refresh - + 刷新(&R) @@ -1339,37 +1352,37 @@ Please configure TTS engine. &Host: - &主机: + 主机(&H): &Port: - &接口: + 接口(&P): &Username - &用户名 + 用户名(&U) Pass&word - &密码 + 密码(&w) Show - + 展示 &Language - &语言 + 语言(&L) Cac&he - &缓冲 + 缓存(&h) @@ -1379,7 +1392,7 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Rockbox Utility uses a local download cache to save network traffic. You can change the path to the cache and use it as local repository by enabling Offline mode. - Rockbox 安装程序使用本机缓冲来保存网络资料. 你可以改变这个缓冲的路径. 启动下线模式后, 你还可以用路径来保存文件. + Rockbox 安装程序使用本机缓冲来保存网络资料. 你可以改变这个缓冲的路径. 启动离线模式后, 你还可以用路径来保存文件. @@ -1389,7 +1402,7 @@ Please configure TTS engine. P&ath - &路径 + 路径(&a) @@ -1399,20 +1412,20 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Disable local &download cache - &不使用本机缓冲 + &不使用本机缓存 <p>This will try to use all information from the cache, even information about updates. Only use this option if you want to install without network connection. Note: you need to do the same install you want to perform later with network access first to download all required files to the cache.</p> - <p>所有资料, 包括更新资料, 将会从本机缓冲里拿取. 不要选择此模式如果你不需要下线安装. 注意: 你需要先用网络做至少一次安装才可以下载到需要的文件.</p> + <p>这将会使用所有缓存数据,即使是更新信息。仅当你想要断网安装时才使用此选项。注意:您需要先执行要稍后通过网络访问执行的相同安装,以将所有必需的文件下载到缓存中。</p> O&ffline mode - &下线安装 + 离线模式(&f) Clean cache &now - &现在清除缓冲文件夹 + 现在清除缓冲文件夹(&n) @@ -1427,63 +1440,63 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Test TTS - + 测试TTS &Use string corrections for TTS - + 为TTS使用字段修正(&U) Encoder Engine - 信号转换器引擎 + 编码器 &Ok - &OK + 确定(&O) &Cancel - &取消 + 取消(&C) &Select TTS Engine - + 选择TTS引擎(&S) Show disabled targets - + 展示禁用目标 Configure TTS Engine - + 配置TTS引擎 Configuration invalid! - + 配置无效! Configure &TTS - + 配置&TTS Configure &Enc - + 配置编码器 encoder name - + 编码器名称 @@ -1492,7 +1505,7 @@ Please configure TTS engine. English This is the localized language name, i.e. your language. - 中文 (Chinese Simplified) + 简体中文 (Chinese Simplified) @@ -1500,52 +1513,52 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Create Voice File - + 创建语音文件 Select the Language you want to generate a voicefile for: - + 选择你想要创建语音文件的语言: TTS: - + TTS: Silence threshold - + 静默阈值 Language - + 语言 Generation settings - 语音合成设置 + 语音合成设置 Change - + 变更 &Install - + 安装(&I) &Cancel - &取消 + 取消(&C) Wavtrim Threshold - + 波形修剪阈值 @@ -1553,18 +1566,18 @@ Please configure TTS engine. TTS error - + TTS错误 The selected TTS failed to initialize. You can't use this TTS. - + 选定的TTS无法初始化。您无法使用此TTS。 Engine: <b>%1</b> - + 引擎 : <b>%1</b> @@ -1572,32 +1585,32 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Waiting for engine... - + 等待引擎… Ok - + 确定 Cancel - + 取消 Browse - + 浏览 Refresh - + 刷新 Select executable - + 选择可执行文件 @@ -1605,12 +1618,12 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Path to Encoder: - + 编码器路径: Encoder options: - + 编码器选项: @@ -1619,22 +1632,22 @@ Please configure TTS engine. LAME - + 编码器LAME Volume - + 音量 Quality - + 质量 Could not find libmp3lame! - + 无法找到libmp3lame! @@ -1642,22 +1655,22 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Volume: - + 音量: Quality: - + 质量: Complexity: - + 复杂性: Use Narrowband: - + 使用窄带: @@ -1666,13 +1679,13 @@ Please configure TTS engine. File - 文件 + 文件 Version - 版本 + 版本 @@ -1680,17 +1693,17 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Info - + 信息 Currently installed packages.<br/><b>Note:</b> if you manually installed packages this might not be correct! - + 当前已安装的包。<br/><b>注意:</b>如果你手动安装了包这将可能不正确! Package - + @@ -1703,32 +1716,32 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Generate for files - + 为文件生成 Generate for folders - + 为文件夹生成 Recurse into folders - + 递归到文件夹中 Ignore files - + 忽略文件 Skip existing - + 跳过已存在项目 Select folders for Talkfile generation (Ctrl for multiselect) - + 选择Talk文件生成目录(Ctrl多选) @@ -1753,12 +1766,12 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Change - + 变更 &Install - + 安装 @@ -1766,22 +1779,22 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Empty selection - + 空选择 No files or folders selected. Please select files or folders first. - + 未选定文件夹或文件。请先选择文件或文件夹。 TTS error - + TTS错误 The selected TTS failed to initialize. You can't use this TTS. - + 选定的TTS无法初始化。你无法使用这个TTS。 @@ -1789,32 +1802,32 @@ Please configure TTS engine. <a href='%1'>PDF Manual</a> - <a href='%1'>PDF 用户手册(英文)</a> + <a href='%1'>PDF 用户手册(英文)</a> <a href='%1'>HTML Manual (opens in browser)</a> - <a href='%1'>HTML 用户手册(英文,在浏览器打开)</a> + <a href='%1'>HTML 用户手册(英文,在浏览器打开)</a> Select a device for a link to the correct manual - 请选择你的播放器 + 请选择你的播放器 <a href='%1'>Manual Overview</a> - <a href='%1'>用户手册总观</a> + <a href='%1'>用户手册总观</a> Confirm download - 确认下载 + 确认下载 Do you really want to download the manual? The manual will be saved to the root folder of your player. - 你确认要下载用户手册吗? 用户手册将会被放在你播放器的主目录里. + 你确认要下载用户手册吗? 用户手册将会被放在你播放器的主目录里. @@ -1822,42 +1835,42 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Manual - + 用户手册 Read the manual - 查看用户手册 + 查看用户手册 PDF manual - PDF 用户手册 + PDF 用户手册 HTML manual - HTML 用户手册 + HTML 用户手册 Download the manual - 下载用户手册 + 下载用户手册 &PDF version - PDF 版本 + PDF 版本 &HTML version (zip file) - HTML 版本 (zip) + HTML 版本 (zip) Down&load - 下载 + 下载 @@ -1865,12 +1878,12 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Creating output path failed - + 创建输出目录失败 Error during CAB operation - + CAB操作时出错 @@ -1887,22 +1900,22 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Progress - 进程 + 进程 Save Log - + 保存日志 &Abort - &取消 + &取消 progresswindow - + 处理窗口 @@ -1915,7 +1928,7 @@ Please configure TTS engine. Save system trace log - + 保存系统跟踪日志 @@ -1932,57 +1945,57 @@ Please configure TTS engine. This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL" (without quotes) for RTL languages. Anything else will get treated as LTR language. ---------- This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL" (without quotes) for RTL languages. Anything else will get treated as LTR language. - + LTR (unknown vendor name) - + (供应商名称未知) (unknown product name) - + (产品名未知) Bootloader installation is almost complete. Installation <b>requires</b> you to perform the following steps manually: - + Bootloader的安装即将完成。安装 <b>需要</b> 你手动执行下列步骤: <li>Safely remove your player.</li> - + <li>安全地移除你的播放器。</li> <li>Reboot your player into the original firmware.</li><li>Perform a firmware upgrade using the update functionality of the original firmware. Please refer to your player's manual on details.<br/><b>Important:</b> updating the firmware is a critical process that must not be interrupted. <b>Make sure the player is charged before starting the firmware update process.</b></li><li>After the firmware has been updated reboot your player.</li> - + <li>将你的播放器重启到原始固件。</li><li>请用原始固件的升级功能进行一次升级。参阅厂商的说明书以获得更多信息。<br/><b>重要:</b> 升级过程绝对不可以被中断,<b>进行固件升级之前必须确认播放器已充电。</b></li><li>固件升级后,重启你的播放器。</li> <li>Remove any previously inserted microSD card</li> - + <li>移除所有先前插入的microSD卡</li> <li>Disconnect your player. The player will reboot and perform an update of the original firmware. Please refer to your players manual on details.<br/><b>Important:</b> updating the firmware is a critical process that must not be interrupted. <b>Make sure the player is charged before disconnecting the player.</b></li><li>After the firmware has been updated reboot your player.</li> - + <li>断开你的播放器。播放器将重启并进行一次原始固件的升级。参阅厂商的说明书以获得更多信息。<br/><b>重要:</b> 升级过程绝对不可以被中断,<b>进行固件升级之前必须确认播放器已充电。</b></li><li>固件升级后,重启你的播放器。</li> <li>Turn the player off</li><li>Insert the charger</li> - + <li>关闭播放器</li><li>插入充电器</li> <li>Unplug USB and power adaptors</li><li>Hold <i>Power</i> to turn the player off</li><li>Toggle the battery switch on the player</li><li>Hold <i>Power</i> to boot into Rockbox</li> - + <li>移除USB和电源适配器。</li><li>按住 <i>电源键</i> 以关闭播放器</li><li>在播放器上切换电池开关</li><li>按住<i>电源键</i> 来启动Rockbox。</li> <p><b>Note:</b> You can safely install other parts first, but the above steps are <b>required</b> to finish the installation!</p> - + <p><b>注意:</b>你可以先安全地安装其他部分,但是要完成安装,以上的部分是必需的!</p> @@ -1990,7 +2003,7 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL ZIP/UNZIP API error %1 - + ZIP/UNZIP API 出错 %1 @@ -1998,17 +2011,17 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL Downloading build information, please wait ... - + 正在下载构建信息,请稍后… Can't get version information! - + 无法取得版本信息! Download build information finished. - + 下载构建信息完成。 @@ -2018,17 +2031,17 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL Mount point is wrong! - Mountpoint 错误! + 挂载点错误! No Rockbox installation found - + 未找到Rockbox安装 Could not determine the installed Rockbox version. Please install a Rockbox build before installing voice files. - + 无法确认已安装的Rockbox版本。请在构建语音文件之前安装一个Rockbox构建。 @@ -2038,12 +2051,12 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL No voice file available - + 无语音文件可用 The installed version of Rockbox is a development version. Pre-built voices are only available for release versions of Rockbox. Please generate a voice yourself using the "Create voice file" functionality. - + 已安装的Rockbox是开发版。预构建的语音文件仅对稳定版可用。请使用"创建语音文件"功能自行生成语音文件。 @@ -2058,17 +2071,17 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL No uninstall method for this target known. - + 对于此目标无已知卸载方法。 Rockbox Utility can not uninstall the bootloader on this target. Try a normal firmware update to remove the booloader. - + Rockbox实用程序无法在此目标上卸载bootloader。请尝试进行普通固件升级来移除bootloader。 No Rockbox bootloader found. - + 未找到Rockbox bootloader。 @@ -2078,7 +2091,7 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL Do you really want to install Rockbox Utility to your player? After installation you can run it from the players hard drive. - 你确认要安装Rockbox安装程序到你的播放器上吗? 安装后你可以从你播放器上运行此程序. + 你确认要安装Rockbox安装程序到你的播放器上吗? 安装后你可以从你播放器硬盘上运行此程序. @@ -2108,104 +2121,105 @@ This string is used to indicate the writing direction. Translate it to "RTL Checking for update ... - + 检查更新… RockboxUtility Update available - + RockboxUtility更新可用 <b>New RockboxUtility Version available.</b> <br><br>Download it from here: <a href='%1'>%2</a> - + <b>RockboxUtility新版本可用。</b> <br><br>请从此处下载:<a href='%1'>%2</a> New version of Rockbox Utility available. - + Rockbox Utility的新版本可用。 Rockbox Utility is up to date. - + Rockbox Utility已更新。 Device ejected - + 设备已弹出 Device successfully ejected. You may now disconnect the player from the PC. - + 设备已成功弹出。你现在可以从PC上断开播放器了。 Ejecting failed - + 弹出失败 Ejecting the device failed. Please make sure no programs are accessing files on the device. If ejecting still fails please use your computers eject funtionality. - + 弹出设备失败。请确认没有程序正在设备上存取文件。如果弹出仍然失败,请用你电脑上的弹出功能。 Configuration error - + 配置错误 Your configuration is invalid. Please go to the configuration dialog and make sure the selected values are correct. - + 你的配置无效。请去配置对话框并确保选定的值是正确的。 This is a new installation of Rockbox Utility, or a new version. The configuration dialog will now open to allow you to setup the program, or review your settings. - + 这是Rockbox Utility的新安装或者一个新版本。配置对话框现在将打开以允许你设置此程序,或回顾你的设置。 Wine detected! - + 检测到Wine! It seems you are trying to run this program under Wine. Please don't do this, running under Wine will fail. Use the native Linux binary instead. - + 看起来你正在用Wine运行此程序。请勿这样做,否则将会导致错误。请使用Linux构建版本。 Can't get version information. Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. - + 无法取得版本信息。 +网络错误: %1。请检查你的网络和代理设置。 Warning - + 警告 The Application is still downloading Information about new Builds. Please try again shortly. - + 应用程序仍在下载新构建的信息。请稍后再试。 New installation - + 新安装 Your configuration is invalid. This is most likely due to a changed device path. The configuration dialog will now open to allow you to correct the problem. - + 你的配置无效。这很可能是设备路径的改变导致的。配置对话框现在将打开以允许你修正此错误。 Network error - + 网络错误 @@ -2271,22 +2285,22 @@ Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. mountpoint unknown or invalid - + 挂载点未知或无效 Mountpoint: - + 挂载点: device unknown or invalid - + 设备未知或无效 Device: - + 设备: @@ -2316,7 +2330,7 @@ Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. &Troubleshoot - + 疑难解答 @@ -2326,22 +2340,22 @@ Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. System &Trace - + 跟踪 Empty local download cache - 清除本机下载缓冲 + 清除本机下载缓存 Install Rockbox Utility on player - 安装Rockbox安装程序到你的播放器 + 在播放器上安装Rockbox Utility &Configure - &设置 + &配置 @@ -2367,158 +2381,159 @@ Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. Action&s - + 动作 Info - + 信息 Read PDF manual - + 阅读PDF手册 Read HTML manual - + 阅读HTML手册 Download PDF manual - + 下载PDF手册 Download HTML manual (zip) - + 下载HTML手册(ZIP) Create Voice files - + 创建语音文件 Create Voice File - + 创建语音文件 <b>Install Voice file</b><br/>Voice files are needed to make Rockbox speak the user interface. Speaking is enabled by default, so if you installed the voice file Rockbox will speak. - + <b>安装语音文件</b><br/>Rockbox需要语音文件来读出用户界面。语音默认开启,所以一旦你安装了语音文件Rockbox就会说话。 &Eject - + 弹出(&E) <b>Create Talk Files</b><br/>Talkfiles are needed to let Rockbox speak File and Foldernames - + <b>创建说话文件</b><br/>Rockbox需要说话文件来读出文件和文件夹名称 <b>Create Voice file</b><br/>Voice files are needed to make Rockbox speak the user interface. Speaking is enabled by default, so if you installed the voice file Rockbox will speak. - + <b>创建语音文件</b><br/>Rockbox需要语音文件才能读出用户界面。语音功能默认开启,所以 +一旦你安装了语音文件Rockbox就会说话。 Backup && &Uninstallation - + 备份 && &卸载 <b>Remove the bootloader</b><br/>After removing the bootloader you won't be able to start Rockbox. - + <b>移除bootloader</b><br/>移除bootloader之后你将再也无法启动Rockbox。 <b>Uninstall Rockbox from your audio player.</b><br/>This will leave the bootloader in place (you need to remove it manually). - + <b>从你的音频播放器上卸载Rockbox。</b><br/>这将会保留bootloader (需要手动卸载)。 Backup - + 备份 <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Backup current installation.</span></p><p>Create a backup by archiving the contents of the Rockbox installation folder.</p></body></html> - + <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">备份当前安装。</span></p><p>通过压缩Rockbox安装目录中的内容来备份。</p></body></html> Install &Bootloader - + 安装&Bootloader Install &Rockbox - + 安装&Rockbox Install &Fonts Package - + 安装&字体包 Install &Themes - + 安装&主题 Install &Game Files - + 安装&游戏文件 &Install Voice File - + &安装语音文件 Create &Talk Files - + 创建&说话文件 Remove &bootloader - + 移除&bootloader Uninstall &Rockbox - + 卸载&Rockbox Create &Voice File - + 创建&语音文件 &System Info - + &系统信息 Show &Changelog - + 显示&变更日志 &Complete Installation - + &完成安装 &Minimal Installation - + &最小安装 @@ -2526,228 +2541,229 @@ Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. Selective Installation - + 可选安装 Rockbox version to install - + 要安装的Rockbox版本 Version information not available yet. - + 版本信息还不可用。 Rockbox components to install - + 要安装的 Rockbox 组件 &Bootloader - + &Bootloader The main Rockbox firmware. - + 主要的Rockbox固件。 Fonts - + 字体 &Rockbox - + &Rockbox Some game plugins require additional files. - + 一些游戏插件需要额外文件。 Additional fonts for the User Interface. - + 用户界面的额外字体。 The bootloader is required for starting Rockbox. Only necessary for first time install. - + Bootloader是启动Rockbox所必需的。仅第一次安装需要。 Game Files - + 游戏文件 Customize - + 定制 Themes - + 主题 Themes allow adjusting the user interface of Rockbox. Use "Customize" to select themes. - + 主题允许更改Rockbox的用户界面。使用定制选项来选择主题。 &Install - + &安装 This is the latest stable release available. - + 这是可用的最新稳定发行版。 The development version is updated on every code change. Last update was on %1 - + 开发版在每次代码变更时构建。最后一次更新于%1 This will eventually become the next Rockbox version. Install it to help testing. - + 这最终将成为下一个 Rockbox 版本。安装它以帮助测试。 Stable Release (Version %1) - + 稳定发行版(版本 %1) Development Version (Revison %1) - + 开发板(修订 %1) Release Candidate (Revison %1) - + 候选版本(修订版%1) The selected player doesn't need a bootloader. - + 选定的播放器不需要bootloader。 The bootloader is required for starting Rockbox. Installation of the bootloader is only necessary on first time installation. - + Bootloader是启动Rockbox所必需的。仅在第一次安装时才需要安装bootloader。 Mountpoint is wrong - + 挂载点错误 No install method known. - + 无已知安装方法。 Bootloader detected - + 检测到bootloader Bootloader already installed. Do you want to reinstall the bootloader? - + Bootloader已安装。你想要重新安装他吗? Bootloader installation skipped - + 已跳过Bootloader安装 Create Bootloader backup - + 创建Bootloader备份 You can create a backup of the original bootloader file. Press "Yes" to select an output folder on your computer to save the file to. The file will get placed in a new folder "%1" created below the selected folder. Press "No" to skip this step. - + 你可以创建一个原始bootloader的备份。按 "是" 来选定一个保存此文件的目录。文件将会被放入新文件夹"%1"中。 +按 "否" 来跳过这一步。 Browse backup folder - + 浏览备份文件夹 Prerequisites - + 前提条件 Bootloader installation aborted - + Bootloader安装中断 Bootloader files (%1) - + Bootloader 文件 (%1) All files (*) - + 所有文件(*) Select firmware file - + 选择固件文件 Error opening firmware file - + 打开固件文件时出错 Error reading firmware file - + 读取固件文件时出错 Backup error - + 备份出错 Could not create backup file. Continue? - + 无法创建备份文件。要继续吗? Manual steps required - + 需要手动步骤 Continue with installation? - + 继续安装? Really continue? - + 真的继续? Your installation doesn't require game files, skipping. - + 你的安装不需要游戏文件,已跳过。 @@ -2755,22 +2771,22 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Unknown - + 未知 Unusable - + 不可用 Unstable - + 不稳定 Stable - + 稳定 @@ -2779,7 +2795,7 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Save system trace log - + 保存系统追踪日志 @@ -2787,32 +2803,32 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. System Trace - + 系统跟踪 System State trace - + 系统状态跟踪 &Close - + &关闭 &Save - + &保存 &Refresh - + &刷新 Save &previous - + 保存&先前 @@ -2820,62 +2836,62 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. <b>OS</b><br/> - + <b>操作系统</b><br/> <b>Username</b><br/>%1<hr/> - + <b>用户名</b><br/>%1<hr/> <b>Permissions</b><br/>%1<hr/> - + <b>许可</b><br/>%1<hr/> <b>Attached USB devices</b><br/> - + <b>连接的USB设备</b><br/> VID: %1 PID: %2, %3 - + VID: %1 PID: %2, %3 Filesystem - + 文件系统 Mountpoint - + 挂载点 Label - + 标签 Free - + 剩余空间 Total - + 总空间 Cluster Size - + 集群大小 <tr><td>%1</td><td>%4</td><td>%2 GiB</td><td>%3 GiB</td><td>%5</td></tr> - + <tr><td>%1</td><td>%4</td><td>%2 GiB</td><td>%3 GiB</td><td>%5</td></tr> @@ -2883,17 +2899,17 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. System Info - + 系统信息 &Refresh - + &刷新 &OK - + &确定 @@ -2901,28 +2917,28 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Guest - + 游客 Admin - + 管理员 User - + 用户 Error - + 错误 (no description available) - + (无可用描述) @@ -2930,42 +2946,42 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Espeak TTS Engine - + Espaek TTS引擎 Flite TTS Engine - + Flite TTS引擎 Swift TTS Engine - + Swift TTS引擎 SAPI4 TTS Engine - + SAPI4 TTS引擎 SAPI5 TTS Engine - + SAPI5 TTS引擎 MS Speech Platform - + MS Speech平台 Festival TTS Engine - + Festival TTS引擎 OS X System Engine - + OSX系统引擎 @@ -2973,27 +2989,27 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Voice: - + 语音: Speed (words/min): - + 速度(词/分): Pitch (0 for default): - + 音高(默认0): Could not voice string - + 无法读出字段 Could not convert intermediate file - + 无法转换中间文件 @@ -3001,17 +3017,17 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. TTS executable not found - + TTS可执行文件未找到 Path to TTS engine: - + TTS引擎路径: TTS engine options: - + TTS引擎选项: @@ -3019,27 +3035,27 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. engine could not voice string - + 引擎无法读出字段 No description available - + 无可用描述 Path to Festival client: - + Festival客户端路径: Voice: - + 语音: Voice description: - + 语音描述: @@ -3047,32 +3063,32 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Language: - + 语言: Voice: - + 语音: Speed: - + 语速: Options: - + 选项: Could not copy the SAPI script - + 无法复制SAPI脚本 Could not start SAPI process - + 无法启动SAPI进程 @@ -3080,47 +3096,47 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Copying Talkfiles... - + 复制说话文件… File copy aborted - + 文件复制中断 Cleaning up... - + 清理… Finished - + 完成 Talk file creation aborted - + 说话文件生成中止 Starting Talk file generation for folder %1 - + 开始为文件夹%1生成说话文件 Finished creating Talk files - + 创建说话文件完成 Reading Filelist... - + 正在读取文件列表… Copying of %1 to %2 failed - + %1 到 %2 复制失败 @@ -3128,54 +3144,54 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Starting TTS Engine - + 开始TTS引擎 Init of TTS engine failed - + TTS引擎初始化失败 Starting Encoder Engine - + 开始编码引擎 Init of Encoder engine failed - + 编码引擎初始化失败 Voicing entries... - + 正在读出字段… Encoding files... - + 编码文件… Voicing aborted - + 发音中止 Voicing of %1 failed: %2 - + %1发音出错:%2 Encoding aborted - + 编码中止 Encoding of %1 failed - + %1编码失败 @@ -3183,12 +3199,12 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. Theme Installation - 安装主题 + 主题安装 Selected Theme - 被选择的主题 + 选定的主题 @@ -3208,12 +3224,12 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. &Install - + &安装 Hold Ctrl to select multiple item, Shift for a range - + 按住Ctrl选择多个项目,Shift选择范围项目 @@ -3221,14 +3237,14 @@ Press "No" to skip this step. no theme selected - 没有选择主题 + 未选择主题 Network error: %1. Please check your network and proxy settings. - 网络错误: %1. -请检查你的网络和代理服务的设置. + 网络错误: %1. +请检查你的网络和代理设置. @@ -3238,7 +3254,7 @@ Please check your network and proxy settings. fetching details for %1 - 正在拿取 %1 的细节 + 正在抓取 %1 的详细信息 @@ -3254,7 +3270,7 @@ Please check your network and proxy settings. unknown - 不明 + 未知 @@ -3279,7 +3295,7 @@ Please check your network and proxy settings. Select - + 选择 @@ -3289,41 +3305,43 @@ Please check your network and proxy settings. No themes selected, skipping - + 未选择主题,已跳过 Mount point is wrong! - Mountpoint 错误! + 挂载点错误! the following error occured: %1 - + 发生下述错误: +%1 no selection - + 无选择 Information - + 信息 Download size %L1 kiB (%n item(s)) - - + + 下载大小%L1 KB(%n 个项目) Retrieving theme preview failed. HTTP response code: %1 - + 拿取主题预览失败。 +HTTP返回代码:%1 @@ -3336,12 +3354,12 @@ HTTP response code: %1 Please select the Uninstallation Method - 请选择卸载模式 + 请选择卸载方法 Uninstallation Method - 卸载模式 + 卸载方法 @@ -3371,7 +3389,7 @@ HTTP response code: %1 &Uninstall - + &卸载 @@ -3390,17 +3408,17 @@ HTTP response code: %1 Uninstalling %1... - + 正在卸载%1… Could not delete %1 - + 无法删除%1 Uninstallation finished - 完成卸载 + 卸载完成 @@ -3409,17 +3427,18 @@ HTTP response code: %1 <li>Permissions insufficient for bootloader installation. Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> - + <li>bootloader安装权限不够 +需要管理员权限。</li> <li>Target mismatch detected.<br/>Installed target: %1<br/>Selected target: %2.</li> - + <li>检测到目标不匹配。<br/>已安装目标: %1<br/>选定目标: %2。</li> Problem detected: - + 检测到问题: @@ -3427,97 +3446,97 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Starting Voicefile generation - + 开始语音文件生成 Extracted voice strings from installation - + 已从安装中提取语音字段 Extracted voice strings incompatible - + 提取的语音字符串不兼容 Could not retrieve strings from installation, downloading - + 无法从安装检索字符串,正在下载 Downloading voice info... - + 下载语音信息… Download error: received HTTP error %1. - 下载错误: 接到 HTTP 错误 %1. + 下载错误: 接到 HTTP 错误 %1. Cached file used. - 使用缓冲文件. + 已使用缓存文件。 Download error: %1 - 下载错误: %1 + 下载错误: %1 Download finished. - 完成下载. + 下载完成。 failed to open downloaded file - + 无法打开下载的文件 Reading strings... - + 正在读出字段… Creating voicefiles... - + 正在创建语音文件… Cleaning up... - + 正在清理… Finished - + 已完成 The downloaded file was empty! - + 下载文件是空的! Error opening downloaded file - + 打开下载的文件时出错 Error opening output file - + 打开输出文件时出错 successfully created. - + 成功创建。 could not find rockbox-info.txt - + 找不到rockbox-info.txt @@ -3530,7 +3549,7 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Package installation finished successfully. - + 已成功完成包安装。 @@ -3545,7 +3564,7 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Cached file used. - 使用缓冲文件. + 已使用缓存文件。 @@ -3565,7 +3584,7 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Extraction failed! - + 解压失败! @@ -3585,7 +3604,7 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Not enough disk space! Aborting. - + 没有足够的硬盘空间了!已中断。 @@ -3593,17 +3612,17 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Creating output path failed - + 创建输出路径出错 Creating output file failed - + 创建输出文件出错 Error during Zip operation - + ZIP操作出错 @@ -3621,7 +3640,7 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> Installer and housekeeping utility for the Rockbox open source digital audio player firmware.<br/>© The Rockbox Team.<br/>Released under the GNU General Public License v2.<br/>Uses icons by the <a href="">Tango Project</a>.<br/><center><a href=""></a></center> - + Rockbox 开源数字音频播放器固件的安装程序和管理实用程序。<br/>© The Rockbox Team.<br/>在 GNU 通用公共许可证 v2 下发布。<br/>使用的图标来自 <a href="">Tango Project</a>.<br/><center><a href=""></a></center> @@ -3636,7 +3655,7 @@ Administrator priviledges are necessary.</li> &Speex License - + &Speex 许可证 -- cgit v1.2.3