path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020613.log
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2--> adiamas (~adiamas@ has joined #rockbox
3--- Topic for #rockbox is Version 1.0 released!
4--- Topic for #rockbox set by ChanServ at Tue Jun 11 03:31:20
5--- You are now known as adi|home
6--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
7<elinenbe> hello there
8<elinenbe> here is a little something hard drive mp3 player related...
10--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
11<Bagder> moo
12<adi|home> AHHHH
13<adi|home> Bagder: is back!!!
14* adi|home runs away screaming
15* Bagder stands tall and watches adiamas run away
16--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
17<Bagder> hey Z
18<Zagor> hey all
19<Zagor> everyone in the office is looking at the world cup... /me can't be bothered.
20* Bagder agrees
21<Zagor> Bagder: could we change the changelog file to changes-<date>.txt? apparently MSIE refuses to display .log files in the browser. at least I fail.
22<Bagder> hehe
23<Bagder> noooo :-)
24<Zagor> for some reason I can't even persuade Opera to do the right thing :(
25<Bagder> m m m mozilla
26<Zagor> yeah, but there's the rest of the world too :)
27* Bagder takes up the fight against the world
28<Bagder> ok, so exactly the same only .txt instead of .log?
29<webmind> hmm
30<webmind> isnt that the server ?
31<webmind> that gives out a wrong mime format?
32<Zagor> no, the mime type is correct. MSIE ignores mime types.
33<webmind> owh.. jolly :)
34<Zagor> Bagder: yes please
35<Bagder> coming right up
36<Bagder> there
37<webmind> u could make a symlink called: msie-change-<date>.txt
38<webmind> :)
39<Zagor> works in MSIE now
40<Bagder> i-am-a-looser-gimme-that-ie-link.txt
41<Zagor> Opera still won't display it. very strange
42<webmind> opera6?
43<webmind> opera does weird things
44<Bagder> Zagor: you should check for .log *or* .txt for now
45<Zagor> ok
46<Bagder> Zagor: the older ones are still .log
47<Zagor> opera mostly does The Right Thing, sometimes more than you want...
48<webmind> uhm yeah
49<webmind> ans sometimes completely not
50<Zagor> don't confuse "won
51<Zagor> ah, never mind
52* adi|home pokes you in the head
53<adi|home> so i never got a full answer.. what type of files are accpectable playlist?
54<adi|home> .m2u?
55<adi|home> m3u rather
56<Bagder> .m3u
57<Bagder> full path names
58<adi|home> anything else?
59<Bagder> nope
60<Bagder> lf or crlf separated
61<adi|home> right..
62<adi|home> okay...
63<adi|home> grrrrr... 2 world cup games on at once.. this is tough
64--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
65<Zagor> hey linus
66<adi|home> and both games i wanna see :(
67<Linus> moo
68<adi|home> zag.. did you see the FAQ?
69<adi|home> I put the stuf in from you /. email
70<adi|home> wanted to know if things make sense
71<Zagor> adi|home: nice. i'll take a look
72<adi|home> k
73<adi|home> let me know if there is anything we're missing
74<Zagor> yup
75<adi|home> not that i will put it in.. but go ahead and tell me ;)
76<Linus> Zagor: don't you think the FAQ should have the same blue background?
77<adi|home> id agree
78<adi|home> if you want.. i can purty it up and put it into html
79<adi|home> can keep an html and text version if you like
80<Zagor> hmm, i'd like to keep it one file
81<Zagor> i'll try to make a perl hack to format the txt file into a html page
82<adi|home> if your going to.. can you also toss in an auto index?
83<Zagor> yup
84<adi|home> all questions will be formated with Q#. on the first left col.
85<Zagor> good
86<adi|home> so just pull that and then link them to the actual question
87<Zagor> and a clear line btwn questions
88<adi|home> *nods*
89<adi|home> all answers are A#. as well
90<adi|home> and if you are really bored.. ;)
91<adi|home> you could parse for http lines and make them links ;0
92<Bagder> he should
93<adi|home> oh.. and last thing
94<adi|home> i could _really_ use central air here.. so when ever you want to come over and put it in
95<adi|home> id be ever so greatful
96<Zagor> A18 should probably not be so Gatesy. wav is uncompressed simple PCM data. you're probably thinking of WMA files?
97<adi|home> nah.. i wsa just being a dick :)
98<adi|home> i fix :)
99<Zagor> the answer is good, for WMA
100<Zagor> :)
101<adi|home> okay.. fixed
102<Linus> I had my Recorder running the gdb stub for almost a whole day yesterday, connected to the charger
103<Linus> and when i switched back to the original firmware, the battery meter was completely screwed up...
104<Zagor> ooh. for starters, or after several minutes too?
105<Linus> it is always empty when i boot it up, and then shows a normal setting
106<Bagder> weeirdo
107<Linus> and after a while it shows empty again
108<Bagder> btw, the buttons are too sensitive
109<Zagor> and stays empty?
110<Linus> Zagor: i don't know. I had it in my pocket most of the time
111<Linus> Bagder: bounces?
112<adi|home> define too sensative
113<Bagder> possibly, I just noticed that when I wanted to get into a directory
114<Bagder> I often ended up going down two levels at once
115<Linus> i have the same experience with the player
116<Linus> we need debouncing of some kind
117<Bagder> yeps
118<Hadaka> hmm, why do the buttons bounce - does the hardware actually do that?
119<Zagor> yes
120<adi|home> ahh.. that just may be our timing Bagder
121<Linus> most definitely
122<Zagor> it's a standard problem for all buttons
123<Hadaka> not on the arcade buttons I've dealt with ;)
124<Bagder> hehe
125<Zagor> that's because they added debounce, just like we need to
126<Hadaka> hardware debounce?
127<Zagor> we have to do it in software
128<Hadaka> well ok, just as long as it allows me to press a button for 1/60th of a second and still get the press in
129<Zagor> hehe. 60 Hz is quite a heavy load. I'd say 30 is more reasonable
130<Zagor> oh well, we'll just test and adjust
131<Hadaka> yeah
132<adi|home> what exactly is debounce?
133<Zagor> detection and suppression of (very) short double-presses
134<adi|home> ahh.. k
135<Zagor> it's due to there being noise in the button connection, so it sometimes electrically flip-flops several times per intended keypress
136<Linus> adi|home: we compensate for the button bouncing by reading the buttons several times
137<adi|home> *nods*
138<adi|home> grrrrr.. screen redraw on th recorder is still not right
139<Zagor> no? what happens?
140<adi|home> well.. i have a short filename
141<adi|home> and i have long filenames
142<adi|home> all is fine till i scroll and bring the short file as the last one on te screen
143<adi|home> it seems we aren't clearing the line before we draw the new text there
144<adi|home> so you have remaining garbage
145<Zagor> testing...
146<adi|home> im tracking it now
147<Bagder> try to repeat it in the simulator
148<adi|home> i am now
149<adi|home> its in the simulator that im getting it
150<Bagder> aha
151<Zagor> ok
152<adi|home> what aha?
153<Bagder> nothing, I just thought you saw in on target
154<Bagder> s/in/it
155<Zagor> I can't repeat the problem. I have a short file in the last line, no problem
156<adi|home> you need to have the short file _not_ on the screen to begin with.. hold on.. ill get a screen shot for you
157<Zagor> i didn't. it was song #15
158<adi|home> ill try a recompile
159<adi|home> maybe i have an old obj file
160<Zagor> adi|home: Q28 should read "is this legal" not "is that legal"
161<adi|home> k
162<Zagor> both "that" in Q28 should be "this"
163<Zagor> A29 will fail parsing, since it contains blank lines
164<adi|home> nope.. still getting it.. hmmm.. ill try and update again.
166<adi|home> look at that
167<Zagor> A30 should probably say something like "The first release is called 1.0 because it has a basic working feature set, that works and has no known bugs. That is what 1.0 means."
168<Zagor> adi|home: looking. odd that I can't repeat it.
169<Zagor> ah, got it.
170<Zagor> the previous file has to scroll first, then when I scroll down I get the bug
171<adi|home> ahh okay
172<adi|home> so im not insane ;)
173<Zagor> well I wouldn't rule that out just yet...
174<adi|home> hehehe
175* Bagder hears noise from the lab
176<Bagder> there's a tv there
177<Zagor> yeah, sweden scored a goal
178<Bagder> I suspected that
179<Linus> Yieeehaaaaa!!!!!
180<adi|home> heheheh
181<adi|home> yup
182<adi|home> just saw replay
183<adi|home> im watching the rong damn game
184<Zagor> hehe
185<adi|home> i want to watch england
186<adi|home> and i want to watch argentina lose
187<Bagder> wooo, playlist icon
188* adi|home nods happily
189<adi|home> we have it, why not use it?
190<adi|home> FAQ fixed
191<Zagor> yay, neato
192<Bagder> did anyone try to play a playlist yet?
193* adi|home is all about 1-3 line code additions ;)
194<adi|home> hehe nope...
195<Zagor> Bagder: nope :)
196<adi|home> i don't want my recorder to explode ;)
197<Bagder> haha
198<adi|home> if someone gets me a nice new compile ill test it...
199<Bagder> hehe, the recorder will happily ignore it
200<adi|home> i havent built my cross compiler yet
201<adi|home> ahh.. then nope...
202<adi|home> okay.. bleary eyes.. and im still on call for another 3 hrs.. im off to bed...
203<Bagder> night adi
204<adi|home> if you have any toher FAQ changes.. post them.. ill get them in the (my) morning
205<Zagor> looks good for now. thanks!
206<Bagder> I'm not satisfied with the scroll
207<Zagor> ok?
208<Bagder> too much blanks
209<Zagor> yes, I agree. looking at that now
210<Bagder> neato
211<Zagor> when the last char leaves the left side, the first should come in on the right. no "empty line"
212<Zagor> or do you want it even tighter?
213<Bagder> exactly
214<Bagder> I could do with just X spaces in between
215<Bagder> where X would be 2-3
216<Bagder> I mean between the last and the first
217<Zagor> i think that might sometimes be confusing, as it wouldn't be obvious where the start is
218<Zagor> i'll do the simple fix first
219<Bagder> I think it is an improvment as it'll make more text readable at all times
220<webmind> hmmm
221<webmind> should any 60gb 2.5" hd work in a jukebox studio ?
222<webmind> or 40gb
223<Zagor> if it's 9.5mm, yes
224<webmind> nice..
225<Zagor> just check the power requirements. the toshiba 60gig draws very much power at startup
226<webmind> hm k
227<webmind> woulkd take forever to fill though i think
228<Zagor> it's not a problem, but it might make a difference in battery life
229<webmind> uhuh
230<webmind> and batterylife is already decreasing
231<Bagder> Greg Haerr seems to be "mr Microwindows"
232<Zagor> huh?
233<Zagor> oh
234<Zagor> cool
235<Bagder> yeps
236<Bagder> heh, Greg is good ;-)
237<Zagor> yeah
238<Zagor> yay, the new server hardware has arrived
239<Bagder> yay!
240<Zagor> dual Athlon MP 1600+
241<Bagder> 1600MHz, aren't they called 1800 or something?
242<Zagor> ah, yes
243<Zagor> those model names are confusing :)
244<Bagder> indeed
245<Zagor> uh, my scroll fix didn't look so good on the player...
246<Bagder> ata_read_sectors() could be renamed to ata_read_sector() I guess and always read one
247<Zagor> nah we'll just fix it instead
248<Bagder> so you plan to use other than 1 too then
249<Zagor> umm, maybe not. only the fat32 driver uses ata and that always just reads 1.
250<Bagder> that's my point, if the reading works good today, then we don't need anything else but 1
251<Zagor> agreed
252<Linus> Zagor: does the ATA read sector loop need to poll the DRQ bit for each sector?
253<Zagor> ummm, don't remember
254<Linus> it doesn't today
255<Zagor> let's just skip the loop, we never read more than one anyway
256<Linus> i'm fixing the bug Greg found
257<Linus> we night gain some performance by reading several sectors at once
258<Linus> might
259<Linus> i am a moron
260<Zagor> umm, yes. but our code doesn't...
261<Linus> we do wait for DRQ
262<Linus> I'll just add the buf += 512 and it should work
263<Bagder> += SECTOR_SIZE
264<Bagder> right?
265<Linus> yeah
266<Zagor> duh, i suck
267<Bagder> hey, Anja loved Rockbox... she could play tetris ;-)
268<Zagor> hehe
269<Bagder> although the not playing music part was a bit hard to explain ;-)
270<Bagder> "yes, this is an mp3 player but it can't play mp3"
271<Zagor> haha
272<Bagder> there are three threads right now, isn't it? with the new one being the lcd scroll?
273<Zagor> yes. i'm writing a response to his mail :)
274<Bagder> goodie
275--> adam ( has joined #rockbox
276<adam> heh
277<adam> X11 session from one Linux box to the Linux craptop
278<adam> == amusing
279<adam> prepped for the great LUG today
280<adam> :P
281<Bagder> :-)
282<Bagder> what LUG is this?
283<adam> I got a back ache when I brought my massive box last time
284<adam> heh
285<adam> a local LUG in Minneapolis
286<adam> pretty unofficial ;p
287<adam> we don't even have a website
288<adam> I think anyone who says Linux has no use on laptops is a total dimwit
289<Zagor> well whay else would you use?
290<adam> they generally don't require one use some damned 'touchpad' 90% of the time
291<Zagor> nintendo?
292<adam> I'd generally prefer a big hulking tower for Linux
293<adam> but I guess two reasons I'm REALLY liking it on this laptop
294<adam> the network segment Windows 9x basically screwed up totally with the crappy pegasus chipset USB adapter
295<adam> linux complains, but doesn't die.
296<adam> which is a huge improvement
297<adam> second off, this thing is old and slow. Linux makes it very usable. Windows does not.
298<adam> 4:30 AM
299<adam> my sanity apparently exited when I first moved into x86
300<adam> moving from a 68000 to a 68040 then to an 800mhz PIII :P
301<Bagder> amiga?
302<adam> heh, nope
303<adam> amusing. running this xmms from a box on the other end of the home, displaying it an xserver on this laptop, then playing the sound via an icecasted stream.
304* adam needs to become less lazy about setting up NFS
305--> plmirc ( has joined #Rockbox
306<adam> hi
307<plmirc> Hi at all
308<plmirc> just a very little question
309<plmirc> hmm...
310<Zagor> sure
311<adam> why not a big interesting question?
312<plmirc> why mean the message ata: -4
313<Bagder> it means you're using old software ;-)
314<Zagor> it means the ata code bugs for recorder
315<plmirc> I'm too hurry ?
316<Zagor> try the latest daily build
317<plmirc> it is this one I tried
318<Linus> plmirc: what kind of recorder do you have?
319<plmirc> archos20020612.ajz
320<plmirc> I have the 10 G version
321<Zagor> which recorder model do you have?
322<Bagder> *plopp*
323<Linus> i think we have found our man!
324<Zagor> interesting! we have only tested with recorder20 so far. you can help!
325<plmirc> oupsss
326<Linus> plmirc: you are our hero!
327<plmirc> ciao !!!
328<Bagder> our man
329<plmirc> really ?
330<adam> heh
331<plmirc> but why explain me !
332<Linus> yes! we have been looking for a guy with an older recorder
333<plmirc> YEAH !!!!!!!! If I can help you the first enjoyed !!
334<Linus> plmirc: are you willing to try a test version?
335<plmirc> YEAH !!!!!!!! If I can help you, I'm the first enjoyed !!
336<adam> ...
337<plmirc> Yes I want !
338<Linus> hang on...
339<plmirc> what do you want I do ?
340<Linus> can I mail it to you?
341<plmirc> y orginal firmware is the 1.24
342<plmirc> yes
343<plmirc> My mail is
344<adam> oh well.
345* adam hits the hay
346<adam> good night
348<Linus> night
349<-- adam has quit ("[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.0c19 for the Atari 2600 today!")
350<Zagor> night adam
351<plmirc> night
352<Linus> ok, plmirc. Hang on.
353<plmirc> I wnat to say before continue that I really love your idea to create an open firmware for the archos mp3 player/recorder
354<plmirc> And i really really want to encourage you !!
355<Bagder> :-)
356<plmirc> The World is needed men like you !!!
357<Zagor> hehe. thanks
358<Linus> thanks!
359<plmirc> excuse my english....
360<Zagor> where are you from?
361<plmirc> I'm french
362<Zagor> ok
363<plmirc> and you ?
364<Zagor> we (the core team) are swedish
365<plmirc> Congratulation for your football demonstration !!
366<Zagor> but there are english, french and american contributors too
367<Zagor> hehe, yeah they seem to be happy about it :) I'm not much into football myself.
368<Linus> Go Sweden Go!
369<plmirc> every body is into football when it is the world cup .. isn't it ?
370<Linus> plmirc: i have mailed the test code
371<Zagor> well some of us prefer hacking :)
372<plmirc> oki
373<Linus> plmirc: but i'm not sure how it works, i accidentally included some other non-working changes...
374<plmirc> I check my mail box right now
375<Linus> (the MAS3587F code)
376<plmirc> yeah i have it
377<Linus> good luck, and be careful out there... :-)
378<plmirc> there is a big bad virus in that ??
379<Linus> :-)
380<plmirc> no i'm kidding
381<plmirc> but why it is so small
382<Linus> surprised?
383<plmirc> the official has a double size
384<Linus> well, we are not done yet.
385<plmirc> Are you limited by the size ?
386<Linus> The limit is about 250Kb I believe
387<plmirc> I connect my archos mp3 recorder 10 G version
388<Linus> but we don't know for sure
389<Linus> *boooom*
390<plmirc> I copy your file....
391* Bagder awaits
392<Linus> (drum roll)
393<plmirc> yes i looked for this word, thx ! ;)
394<plmirc> and.......
395<plmirc> and .....
396<plmirc> and ..
397<Bagder> *silence*
398<plmirc> ok i deconnect and turn it off now
399<Zagor> the suspense is KILLING me! :-)
400<Linus> even more that the football game
401<Zagor> and to think people found the world cup match exciting
402<plmirc> hmmmm
403<Linus> than
404<Linus> don't say that
405<plmirc> rockbox vs cvs is on the screen this time during a longer time
406<plmirc> and yes i can now view all my files
407<Linus> YIPPIE!!!!
408<Bagder> *kewl*
409<plmirc> what are you changing ?
410<Zagor> YAY
411<plmirc> what did you change ?
412<Linus> The address encoding of the ATA registers is different in your version
413<Bagder> so we need to autodetect that somehow
414<Linus> I suspected this, and you made it possible to verify
415<Linus> You saved my day!
416<plmirc> I can go in and out directory whith ouot any problem !
417<plmirc> Good Job !
418<Linus> Don't try to play anything...
419<Bagder> plmirc: now press the menu key and play tetris ;-)
420<plmirc> oki
421<plmirc> it is possible ?
422<Linus> yes
423<plmirc> no i don't beleive it
424<Linus> no, playing mp3 is not possible
425<plmirc> let's try ...
426<Linus> yet
427<Linus> OK. now we need a way to autodetect this
429<Zagor> plmirc: press a menu key, then you can play tetris
431<Linus> maybe we can do the same as the master/slave detection?
432* Bagder laughs
433<plmirc> YES UES YES YES YES YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
434<Zagor> Linus: what is the difference?
435<plmirc> ou !!!
436<plmirc> whowww !! it is fast
437<plmirc> yeah !!!!!!!!!!!
438<plmirc> it marvellous !!!
439<plmirc> I love it
440<plmirc> I made 0 line but I love it !
441<Linus> Zagor: what do you mean?
442<Zagor> what's the difference in ATA adressing?
443<Linus> The CONTROL/ALT_STATUS is at 0x61000306 in older versions, 0x61000206 in newer
444<Linus> How lame
445<Zagor> and it doesn't work to adress 306 in newer versions?
446<Linus> no.
447<Zagor> :(
448<Linus> I wonder why they have changed the address encoding in only one specific version?
449<Zagor> rec20 is obviously a major update
450<Linus> They must have screwed up
451<Linus> I mean, why have it at 206 in Player, change it to 306 in the recorder10, only to change it back in recorder20???
452<Linus> plmirc: can you be around for more tests in the future?
453<Zagor> ah, you're right
454<Zagor> I wonder what the recorder6 has
455<Linus> 306 i guess
456<Linus> the difference is probably only the HD
457<Zagor> yse
458<Zagor> yes
459<plmirc> linus: yes I' ll be
460<Linus> good. we need you
461<Linus> Zagor: do you think we should autodetect or configure?
462<Zagor> i'm not sure
463<Zagor> it's a fourth target...
464* Bagder hrmpfs
465<Linus> if it's only the ATA I think we should autodetect
466<Zagor> still, if we auto-detect this why wouldn't we auto-detect the player lcd?
467<plmirc> just a little question.. again.. but songs can be played on the player version and not on the recorder version.... it will take a long time before recorder can play song too ?? Are you near of this result with recorder version ?
468<Linus> I wonder if there are players around with 306 addressing=?
469<Linus> plmirc: it's not far away
470<Zagor> I think we'd have heard about that
471<plmirc> oki thx linus
472<Zagor> Bagder: was that hrmpf an opinion of some sort?
473<Linus> Zagor: their firmware use variables for the ATA register addresses
474<Zagor> yes of course. and for lcd function pointers
475<Linus> "of course"?
476<Bagder> Zagor: yes, I'd prefer autodetect of the ATA
477<Zagor> so should we then autodetect the lcd too?
478<Bagder> not necessarily
479<Zagor> ...since?
480<Linus> no we can't autodetect the lcd
481<Bagder> the lcd differences are so huge
482<Zagor> sure we can, just like the stock firmware does
483<Linus> ah, the ond/new player lcd
484<Linus> old
485<Bagder> ah, that
486<Zagor> yes
487<Linus> i thought you meant the recorder.....
488<Bagder> me too ;-)
489<Bagder> I could very well have an player-LCD auto detect too, yes
490<Linus> that would be nice
491<plmirc> There is an other function which can be interesting, but maybe it is too early to think about it right now, can I tell it to you now or I have to wait before speaking about new function ?
492<Linus> shoot!
493<plmirc> shoot ?
494<Zagor> go ahead and tell us
495<plmirc> ok
496<plmirc> sometimes when I'm listening a song I want to listen an other one in a other directory just after the ont which playing
497<plmirc> it is possible to select the next song which will be playing during an other song is playing ?
498<plmirc> it is like a playlist but in real time
499<plmirc> I don't know if you know what I mean ?
500<plmirc> and if you think it is really interesting ?
501<Linus> Like the queue option in the Archos firmware?
502<plmirc> yes but during a song is playing
503<plmirc> not pre-determinated like a winamp playlist song
504<Linus> Tha Archos firmware has exactly that, so I want that for Rockbox as well
505<Zagor> yeah, that will probably come sooner or later
506<plmirc> it is like when your listen a mp3 whith winamp and you select the next dropping the file in the queue
507<plmirc> well.. it was the idea of the day, if you need me just call me...
508<plmirc> going to sleep... but my computer stay online
509--- plmirc is now known as plmirczzZZ
510<Linus> night
511<Zagor> Linus: is the mutex atomic?
512<Linus> probably not
513<Linus> why?
514<Zagor> i was thinking about what greg said. since we use the queue code from both threads and interrupts, shouldn't the mutex be interrupt protected?
515<Linus> the queue code doesn't use the mutex
516<Zagor> ah, ok then
517<Linus> it disables the irq
518<Zagor> good
519--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
520--- plmirczzZZ is now known as plmirc|zzZZ
521--- Linus is now known as Linus|meeting
522--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
523<-- dwihno|gone has quit (Remote closed the connection)
524<Bagder> brb
525<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
526--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
527--- plmirc|zzZZ is now known as plmirc
528<plmirc> I just wake up and I made a dream.. I play Tetris on my archos with an other opposant through usb cable, it will be possible ?
529<Zagor> no, usb is out of our control
530<plmirc> snif :'(
531<Zagor> it is only for harddisk access
532<plmirc> there is the digital IN/out port !!!!
533<Zagor> yes, it's a little boring
534<Zagor> yes but that's only for sound data. we can't access it directly either
535<plmirc> i know it is possible to have information from ear port
536<Zagor> no, only to the port. not from.
537<plmirc> it is the way of remote control
538<Zagor> yes, but it's only one-way
539<plmirc> hummm ok.... hmmm . there 's any port again...
540<plmirc> :'( one-way, no way...
541<plmirc> yeah !!! I found !!!!!!!!
542<plmirc> why not use the line-in port for the one-way information and the ear port for the other-way information ???
543<Zagor> the ear port is the only port we can control. line is directly connected to the sound chip
544<plmirc> dawn !!!
545<plmirc> shit !!
546<Zagor> now now, no foul languange necessary
547<plmirc> sorry... :p
548<Bagder> Zagor: so when's the server upgrade happening?
549<Zagor> i'm thinking about doing it tomorrow morning, to minimise the impact
550<Bagder> sounds wise
551--> jedix ( has joined #rockbox
552<-- plmirc has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
553<elinenbe> I was jsut reading thorough the recorder firmware is 1.17ia. I still get the ATA error with the dail builds
554<Bagder> elinenbe: what recorder type?
555<Zagor> elinenbe: the new ata code isn't in the daily yet. it was just a test.
556<elinenbe> it ia a recorder 6GB
557<Bagder> elinenbe: yes, that once will need a fix
558<Bagder> that one
559<elinenbe> have you figured out the problem with this version?
560<Zagor> ok, so at least we know 6 and 10 are the same
561<Bagder> yes
562<elinenbe> send me the firmware and I will try it out.
563<Bagder> Zagor: do you have any good idea on how to autodetect?
564<Zagor> we could probably do something in the line of our master/slave detect. test the two addresses and see who responds correctly
565<Zagor> elinenbe: are you prepared to test?
566<elinenbe> I am always prepared.
567<elinenbe> I am using chatzilla here though, so I have no DCC transfers.
568<Zagor> no problem, i'm putting it on the web server
569<elinenbe> you have to support the OSS movement.
570<Zagor> the force is strong with you... :)
571<elinenbe> I see the change logs have added a CR or a LF to the end. This makes windows users happy.
572<Bagder> actually, the extension was changed and that's the only diff ;-)
573<Zagor> it's just silly windows browsers that care about filenames instead of mime types
574<elinenbe> true. It was changed from .log to .txt
575<elinenbe> that is some stupid shit
576<Zagor> that is msie for you...
577<elinenbe> just tell me when it [the recorder firmware] is up on the web page. I will go to town with it.
578<Bagder> it doesn't play any music yet though ;-)
579<elinenbe> understandable... who needs to play mp3s anyway
580<Zagor> tetris works, that's all you need :)
581<elinenbe> true.
583<Zagor> go go go
584<Zagor> noooo, won't work. stop
585<Zagor> now
586<Zagor> my fingers are quicker than my brain :)
587<elinenbe> so, should I try it?
588<Zagor> yes
589<Zagor> i'll try it on my rec20 too
590<Zagor> works for me. how about you?
591* Bagder crosses his fingers
592<elinenbe> Paraguay is now up 3-1 on Slovenia -- 3 goals in the 2nd half
593<elinenbe> "ata: -4"
594<elinenbe> :(
595<Bagder> ough
596<Zagor> hmm, ok new version. try again.
597<Bagder> was that an autodetect attempt?
598<Zagor> yes
599<Zagor> worked for me, but I set one bit wrong
600<elinenbe> on the player why dont you use the up down buttons to scroll through the directory? and the left right to go into/ out of the directory.
601<elinenbe> it seems more logical
602<Zagor> because it doesn't have up and down buttons.
603<Zagor> people have used left/right (which are actually called -/+) for ages, they will scream bloody murder if we change that
604<Zagor> look at the comparison and you'll see the player doesn't use the same cursor navigation concept as the recorder
605<elinenbe> true. I forgot. I used to have a player, but I got one of the first recorders.
606<Zagor> Linus|meeting: what were the addresses? you said 0x06100306 and 0x06100206 but the "old" code uses 0x06200206
607<Zagor> this last version gives me an ata: -4 too
608--> edx ( has joined #rockbox
609<edx> hi
610<Bagder> hey
611<elinenbe> hey there.
612<edx> *fixing win32 code finally now..*
613<Bagder> coolio
614* elinenbe starts yelling "E-D-X" at the top of his lungs and wakes the neightbors!
615<edx> lol
616<elinenbe> after scrolling and playlist are added, just the playmodes need to be added and we almost have equal functionality to the original player!
617<elinenbe> that is quite impressive.
618<Zagor> yeah, it's gone quickly
619<edx> heh has Archos ever contacted you Bjorn?
620<Zagor> not about rockbox, no
621<edx> hehe
622<edx> whether they even know..?
623<Zagor> they wanted my help developing the multimedia jukebox last summer, though...
624<edx> cool
625<elinenbe> are you serious?
626<elinenbe> did you help?
627<edx> this multimedia thing rocks.
628<edx> how come they chose you? :)
629<elinenbe> that multimedia thing has been delayed more than 6 months!
630<Zagor> yup. but they bailed out when they saw my hourly rates :)
631<edx> lol
632<Zagor> they had seen my "dissecting the archos" page and the linux driver
633<edx> ah
634<elinenbe> well, at least they know where to look
635<elinenbe> myabe they should have highered someone who request higher rates.
636<Zagor> hehe
637<elinenbe> there stuff is "quite" buggy
638<elinenbe> I dont have a player so I have yet to test the recent functionality, but have you heard of any crashes -- (as inthe archos crashes where you have no clue what is going on)
639<Zagor> no, we've had very little problems
640<elinenbe> that is quite excellent.
641<Bagder> I suspect that it isn't being used very heavily yet
642<Zagor> yes, that's nice. we found and nailed a rather nasty bug just before release, so we've had a bit of luck too
643<Bagder> when the playlists come, I think that'll improve
644<Zagor> yup
645<elinenbe> I was wondering if you would be able to have a "high-activity" buffering mode and a "low-activity" buffer mode?
646<Zagor> are they playlists ready for random, bagder?
647<Zagor> elinenbe: why?
648<Bagder> Zagor: yes they are prepared, the code is all there
649<elinenbe> by that I mean you can have redundant disk reads? like if you are running with the player.
650<Zagor> we'll have to do lots of testing first, to see how (and even if) we can improve skipping
651<elinenbe> then it could read the disk more often... and verify the data or try and reread the data, or just struggle with whatever data it is reading
652<Zagor> Bagder: can we randomise the playlist while playing it?
653<elinenbe> what will happen on the player if I shake the hell out of it while it is playing... for a few minutes?
654<Zagor> (sorry haven't read the code very thoroughly)
655<Bagder> Zagor: sure
656<Zagor> elinenbe: i don't know :)
657<Zagor> Bagder: so if I add a "randomize" entry to the menu, we're pretty much set?
658<Bagder> Zagor: pretty much, we might want one option to toggle "shuffle" and perhaps another one for reshuffle
659--> plmirc ( has joined #Rockbox
660<Zagor> Bagder: umm, how do we turn off random?
661--- plmirc is now known as plmirc|zzZZ
662<Bagder> uh
663<Bagder> ;-)
664<Bagder> we'd need to reload the playlist
665<Bagder> to get the correct order back
666<Zagor> well, we don't have to support "un-randomizing" right now
667<edx> hmm Bagder...
668<Bagder> yes?
669<edx> Bagder: lcd_init..what's that
670<edx> I cant use that :P
671<Zagor> starting the scroll thread
672<edx> ah ok
673<edx> then i can..
674<edx> sorry ;)
675<Zagor> hehe
676<elinenbe> I think in time a "The" filter should be added in...
677<edx> what are the params of create_thread.... ?
678<elinenbe> where files that start with "The" the "The" is ignored...
679<Bagder> create_thread(void* fp, void* sp, int stk_size)
680<Bagder> function pointer, stack pointer, stack size
681<edx> hmm ok
682<Zagor> elinenbe: hehe
683<Bagder> we need a generic "filter" to present song names shorter
684<Bagder> I might have a go at someting like that soonish
685<Zagor> it's an 1.2 feature anyway
686<Bagder> yeah
687<Bagder> but even 1.2 features need to be written ;-)
688<Zagor> hehe, yup
689<edx> Bagder.. what do you do with the stack pointer?
690<Bagder> nothing
691<edx> good
692<edx> me neither lol
693<Bagder> ;-)
694<Bagder> pthreads usually have 2MB stack anyway
695<edx> i use the stk_size variable though...
696<Bagder> don't
697<edx> what is init_threads supposed to do btw.. (why not?)
698<Bagder> you're likely to use more stack than the target
699<edx> ok
700<Bagder> so the stack size will be tuned for target performance and may not be good enogh for hsot
701<edx> hmmm with the linux simulator.. dont you get "mpeg_play undefined" or something like that?
702<Bagder> no
703<edx> ah
704<edx> ok i see
705<Bagder> I have a stub for it
706<edx> you defined it
707<edx> (ill just copy..)
708<Bagder> there's a init_threads() too in the x11 sim
709<edx> and then.. whats yield?
710<Bagder> yield is: "now, someone else might want to run a while"
711<Bagder> we have cooperative multitasking
712<edx> aha
713<Bagder> each thread must themselves let go
714<edx> uhmm... where is it defined (and do i need a stub for it?)
715<Bagder> you implement the thread layer
716<Bagder> you need to provide yield
717<edx> aha
718<edx> i still dont get what its supposed to do
719<Bagder> edx: you should make sure that only one thread at a time is running
720<edx> and where is it defined for the target?
721<Bagder> and when the thread calls yield(), another thread may start executing
722<edx> ok.. start or continue?
723<Bagder> yield() is in kernel.c
724<edx> k
725<Bagder> continue
726<Bagder> create_thread() starts threads
727<Bagder> all threads must call yield()
728<edx> ok no problem then.
729<edx> is there a stop_thread or somehting alike?
730<Bagder> only when a thread calls yield will any other thread get to run
731<Linus|meeting> No
732--- Linus|meeting is now known as Linus
733<Bagder> no stopping of threads, no
734<edx> and why not? :)
735<Bagder> we don't need it
736<edx> (the scroll thread is always running..?.. yes)
737<Bagder> if the need ever comes up, we'll add it
738<Bagder> yes
739<Linus> Watch my new cool commit
740* Bagder switches to his rockboxcvs box
741<Bagder> now come to papa
742<Bagder> coolness
743<Bagder> now, does it work? ;-)
744<Zagor> Linus: bah, mine is a lot smaller
745<Zagor> but it still doesn't work.
746<Bagder> haha
747<Linus> Mine works
748<Zagor> for rec6?
749<Linus> yes
750<Linus> oh, sorry, i havent tried that
751<Zagor> give it to elinenbe
752<Linus> does he have a 0x306 box?
753<Zagor> rec6, yes
754<Bagder> yes
755<Bagder> elinenbe: here?
756<Zagor> why would the data stay on the bus when we have read lots of instructions inbetween the accesses?
757<Linus> so you know that rec6 has 0x306 address encoding?
758<elinenbe> I am here.
759<Zagor> at gives ata: -4 anyway, which indicates it
760<elinenbe> but leaving for class soon
761<elinenbe> I have a rec6
762<Linus> because we don't execute code behind the ATA buffers
763<Bagder> elinenbe, pick a recorder version here
764<elinenbe> Badger: that version works.
765<Linus> Zagor: it is not about data staying on the CPU data bus, it's about data staying on the ATA bus
766<Bagder> *ding*
767<Bagder> neato
768<elinenbe> I can scroll through the songs!
769<elinenbe> great!
770<Zagor> nicers
771<elinenbe> that is nice.
772<Bagder> coolers boys
773<Zagor> i still think we should combine the master/slave and version check :)
774<Zagor> linus version is bloooooated ;)
775<Bagder> haha
776<Linus> What is bloated about it?
777<Bagder> he still has 1 - 0 for making it work ;-)
778<Zagor> just kidding, i did it like this:
779<Zagor> /* check for master/slave on both control addresses */
780<Zagor> for ( control_addr = (void*)ATA_CONTROL_ADDR1;
781<Zagor> control_addr !=(void*)ATA_CONTROL_ADDR2;
782<Zagor> control_addr = (void*)ATA_CONTROL_ADDR2 ) {
783<Zagor> that brings down the change to about 10 lines
784<elinenbe> nice. can you get the scrolling faster? :)
785<Zagor> elinenbe: go into the menu and set the speed yourself
786<elinenbe> well, laters. congradualtion on the fine effort.
787<edx> what does create_thread return on failure / success?
788<Bagder> I want page down/up in three browser
789<elinenbe> very nicely done.
790<Bagder> tree
791<Zagor> Bagder: yes, but that requires multiple keys which we don't support yet
792<elinenbe> how about how soon it scrolls? -- like as soon as you put the curson on the filename.
793<Linus> gotta go. bye!
794<Bagder> ah
795<Bagder> see ya Linus
796<Zagor> elinenbe: that can't be changed yet
797<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
798<elinenbe> I think a highly configuralbe firmware with some good default options will be awesome.
799<Zagor> yep. it's called Rockbox :)
800<elinenbe> much like the iriver/riovolt 250 firmwares...
801<elinenbe> well, you know what I mean... options for everything.
802<Zagor> i know
803<edx> When one thread is started (begin_thread).. then all other threads are suspended, right?
804<elinenbe> the first level of tetris is too fast :)
805<elinenbe> hehe...
806<elinenbe> later.
807<Zagor> edx: yes
808<Zagor> that's how it should be
809<edx> ok
810<edx> Zagor: what does beginthread return on success / failure?
811<Bagder> it doesn't fail
812<Zagor> beginthread? that's not in the api is it?
813<Bagder> no
814<edx> mine can fail.
815<Bagder> then it can exit ;-)
816<Zagor> Xlib: sequence lost (0x10000 > 0xc5) in reply type 0x0!
817<Zagor> i still get a lot of X errors, bagder
818<Zagor> X error in rockboxui:
819<Zagor> X Error of failed request: 0
820<Zagor> Major opcode of failed request: 0 ()
821<Zagor> Serial number of failed request: 0
822<Zagor> Current serial number in output stream: 197
823<Bagder> weird I didn't get them at all yesterday
824<Zagor> try running it remotely, that might trigger it
825<Zagor> or else it's my starwin32 that's fooling around
826<Bagder> I can't right now, my X redirect is messed up
827<Zagor> ok
828<Zagor> also I get an X beep for every keypress I do. very odd.
829<Bagder> righ, I get that too at home
830<Bagder> no idea why
831<edx> jipie! reduced errors to one...
832<Bagder> way to go
833<edx> not with this one
834<edx> *done*
835<Bagder> cool, you are fast
836<Bagder> will you remove the intptr_t from dir.h too?
837<Zagor> and the .rc file
838<edx> ... the rc file.. that was your mistake i think.. it had always been in the cvs...
839<Bagder> but it doesn't compile
840<Bagder> see Gary's mail
841<edx> *great* why not?
842<edx> i will...
843<edx> in a sec
844<Bagder> Greg's mail of course
845* Bagder writes "Gary is not Greg" a 100 times
846<edx> hehe
847* edx didnt even notice you switched names ;)
848<Bagder> hehe
849* edx writes it 50 times
850<edx> is scrolling used on the player?
851<Zagor> yes
852<edx> when?
853<Zagor> i'm working on a better scroll, though
854<edx> ... i would like to see scrolling... it doesnt scroll :)
855<Bagder> it should scroll
856<Zagor> short names don't scroll. find a long filename
857<edx> folder name.. ?
858<Zagor> file or folder
859<edx> (long folder name wont scroll.. :()
860<Zagor> then it's a bug
861<Zagor> actually i found a bug with that. names only 1 char too long don't scroll.
862<Zagor> the length calculation was wrong
863<edx> uhm its much longer.. rather a uisw bug ;)
864<Zagor> oh, doh, i forgot what you were working on :)
865<edx> ok that sucks... the thread suspends itself :/
866<Bagder> hehe
867<edx> not funny :P
868<jedix> whats new?
869<Zagor> we got the ata code working on all recorders now
870<edx> it wont scroll!
871<edx> scroll_count stays 0.. also for folders :/
872<Bagder> it scrolls on target
873<Bagder> and in the X11 simulator
874<edx> apps.. main.c needs to include thread.h for init_threads
875<edx> main.c .. init must return a value
876<Bagder> it must?
877<edx> dont know.. vc says it must
878<Bagder> right
879<Bagder> should be a void
880<edx> noo...
881<edx> whats this
882<edx> ah ok
883<edx> recorder scrolls, too?
884<Bagder> yes
885<edx> (no, not on the simulator :/)
886<Bagder> is too ;-)
887<edx> bah
888<edx> lol
889<edx> how do i pop up the menu again :/
890<Bagder> Zagor: you added any randomize menu?
891<Zagor> not yet, working on Scroller++ :)
892<Bagder> edx: the -
893<edx> (wont work)
894<edx> what's all this lol
895<Bagder> I'll go home, see ya later
896<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
897<edx> why wont the menu show up??!
898<Zagor> you must press F1 now, not F2 or F3
899<edx> ok
900<Zagor> that is: you must press /, not * or -
901<edx> ahhh
902<edx> thanks
903<edx> ok scrolling works in the menu!
904<edx> not whilke browsing though
905<Zagor> weird
906<Zagor> add a debugf() in scroll_thread to see that it's running properly
907<edx> pah who wokrs with debugf.. breakpoint there ... it works ;)
908<Zagor> haha
909<edx> scroll_count
910<edx> that is 0...
911<edx> hmm
912<edx> lcd_puts_scroll sets it to 1...
913<edx> now that's weird.
914<edx> uhm
915<edx> its 0 again... for some reason.. uhm.. well ill debug a little
916<edx> why is lcd_stop_scroll called directly before putsscroll?
917<edx> that's not wonder at all ... stop_scroll sets it to 0 again!
918<Zagor> because stop_scroll restores the line. the next putsscroll starts scrolling on another line
919<edx> hmmhm
920<edx> but its called over and over again
921<edx> (tree.c ln 366)
922<Zagor> you have an old tree.c 366 is the last return
923<edx> oh lol
924<edx> ...
925<edx> but there, too, lcd_stop_scroll is called over and over again
926<-- plmirc|zzZZ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
927<Zagor> where?
928<Zagor> it's called once per screen update
929<edx> ln 366... whats that
930<edx> hum?
931<Zagor> 366 is "return false;"
932<edx> i just updated.. (i even deleted the whole folder and checked out again)
933<edx> strange.
934<Zagor> uh, lemme check
935<Zagor> it's my version that's different. let me check it in.
936<Zagor> now
937<Zagor> also grab the new lcd.c
938<edx> k
939<edx> uhm.. its always set to 0 again :/
940<Zagor> strange. well it works in target and x11 simulator...
941<edx> hah! setting scroll speed to 1.. then it works LOL
942<edx> scroll_speed/2 .. that does not work according to c... for scroll_speed = 1 (1/2 = 0)
943<Zagor> yes, don't use scroll_speed=1
944<edx> thats the only number it works for lol
945<Zagor> eh? make it better :)
946<edx> it's set to 0 (by scroll_stop) before the scroll function is called - how can this work whereever else..?
947<Zagor> no, scroll_count is set to 0. not speed.
948<edx> ok
949<edx> whatever.
950<edx> still... why?
951<Zagor> well there's a difference :)
952<Zagor> because by setting it to 0 the scroll stops
953<edx> great.
954<edx> then it stopsstopsstops ...
955<edx> line 366 is called more than 10 times a sec...
956<edx> is that correct?
957<Zagor> 366 is "return false;"
958<edx> *crying...*
959<edx> lcd_stop_scroll();
960<edx> that's what it is
961<Zagor> no, i don't get that called other than when the screen is scrolled or the cursor is moved
962<Zagor> where is it called from?
963<edx> ok.. now it is return false; (done another update)
964<Zagor> returns?
965<edx> still.. it wont scroll...
966<Zagor> it's void. what are you doing?
967<edx> now its line 359 i am talking about
968<edx> tree.c ln 359
969<edx> is always called :(
970<Zagor> check your button_get. if the argument is true, it's not supposed to return until you press a key.
971<Zagor> that's probably it
972<edx> ahhhhhhh
973<edx> thats OF COURSE it ;)
974<Zagor> ok, good!
975<edx> who did put that argument in there?
976<Zagor> i did
977<edx> i am sorry for bothering you all the time.. :)
978<Zagor> that was last week, i think. looong ago :)
979<Zagor> no problem :)
980<edx> now thats your own fault!
981<edx> hehe
982<Zagor> i have to rush. see you tomorrow!
983<-- Zagor has quit ("Client Exiting")
984<edx> YEAY!
985* edx got scroll to work!
986--> dwihno|gone (dwihno@Bald067.Baldakinen.Umea.SE) has joined #rockbox
987--- edx is now known as edx|away
988--> Bagder2 ( has joined #rockbox
989<edx|away> Bagder2: are you the "real" Bagder? lol
990<Bagder2> noooo, I'm 100% fake ;-)
991<edx|away> was that ironi? lol if not then who are you :)
992<Bagder2> you should recognize that I use the same host pattern as always
993<Bagder2> should be an indication
994<Bagder2> so yes, its me
995<edx|away> in windows i can only see that if i really want to (and I had a look at it and rcognized name etc were correct.. but you can never be sure ;))
996<edx|away> got scrolling to work on the simulator
997<Bagder2> cool
998<Bagder2> I noticed your commits
999<edx|away> was just teh button_get function which did not work for 1st argument = true
1000<edx|away> hm.. gotta eat something... be right back
1001--- edx|away is now known as edx|eats
1003<adi|work> edx i wanted to say.. good work on the windows side mate...
1004<edx|eats> adi.. thanks :)
1005--- edx|eats is now known as edx
1006<adi|work> as for you Bagder2... well... atleast your swedish ;)
1007<adi|work> has anyone else been really helping you?
1008<Bagder2> edx, you should check the compile status page after you commit stuff... it broke again
1009<Bagder2> fixed now
1010<edx> ouh.. what was it?
1011<Bagder2> different init protos in apps/main.c
1012<edx> himhum.. think i fixed that (?)
1013<Bagder2> yes, you fixed it for the simulator
1014<Bagder2> and broke all non-sims ;-)
1015<Bagder2> 6 red boxes
1016<edx> ok... very sorry for that.. didnt know there was one for each (sim/target)
1017<Bagder2> no worries
1018<edx> next time i'll have a look at it
1019<Bagder2> I just meant that as an advice
1020<edx> .. and it's a good one ;)
1021<edx> didnt know it would update that fast.. that's really cool what you did there :D
1022<Bagder2> it updates every 20 minutes if there are changes done
1023* Bagder2 bows
1024* edx applauds
1025* Bagder2 likes Björns scroll-fix
1026<adi|work> that scroll does look good
1027<adi|work> okay, who broke the sim?
1028<adi|work> i can't get into the menu anymore
1029<adi|work> for the recorder
1030<-- Bagder2 has quit (
1031--> jester (~snortboy@ has joined #rockbox
1032<-- jester has quit (Client Quit)
1033--> Bagder2 ( has joined #rockbox
1034--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
1035<-- webmind has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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1037<-- Bagder2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1038<jedix> adi| whats your problem with the scroll?
1039<adi|work> noting.. i like the scroll
1040<adi|work> but the sim for some reason, doesnt' bring up the menu anymore...
1041<adi|work> for the recorder
1042<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
1043--> Coug ( has joined #rockbox
1044<Coug> does anyone know how to install an archos driver when it says "you do not have sufficient security priveleges to install this hardware" in windows 2000
1045<Coug> yes.... I did get permission
1046<edx> press /
1047<edx> ... adi
1048<edx> for the menu
1049<-- jedix has quit ("Mozilla party!")
1050--> g003y ( has joined #rockbox
1051<g003y> woo... busy today :D
1052<-- g003y ( has left #rockbox
1053<-- edx has quit ("good night")
1054--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
1055--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
1056<Bagder> hey
1057<Linus> cuckoo!
1058<Bagder> the builds went red again, but I got to turn them green ;-)
1059<adi|work> aren't the sim for the recorders supposed to go into menu when you hit '*'?
1060<Linus> red builds. oh my god!
1061<adi|work> cause it seems it does it on '/' now.
1062<Bagder> I think Björn moved that, on purpose or not
1063<Linus> So did Zagor finally accept my ATA patch...? :-)
1064<Linus> the bloated one
1065<Bagder> hah
1066<Bagder> he who writes the working code wins
1067<Linus> :-)
1068<Linus> BTW, did we give jedix credit for his work on the scroller?
1069<Bagder> I don't think we did
1070<adi|work> where do we need to give him credit?
1071<adi|work> on the credits list?
1072<Bagder> we should get Greg on IRC
1073<adi|work> Greg?
1074<Bagder> Haerr
1075* adi|work doesn't recognize the name
1076<Bagder> from the mailing list
1077<adi|work> ahh..okay..
1078<Bagder> he posted like 7 times the last 24 hours
1079<adi|work> that guy.. eheh okay
1080<adi|work> :)
1081<adi|work> just sent him an invite
1082<Bagder> night
1083<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
1084<-- wettoad has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1085--> wettoad ( has joined #rockbox
1086<Linus> night
1087<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
1088<-- Coug has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1089<-- datazone has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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1091--- wettoad is now known as WetBed
1092<-- elinenbe has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1093--> ironi ( has joined #rockbox
1094<ironi> hey
1095<ironi> björn you have klez =)
1096<ironi> how did you get it in linux
1097<ironi> hehe
1098<ironi> oh
1099<ironi> anyone awake?
1100<ironi> wow
1101<ironi> the firmware is getting really good
1102<ironi> but the moving around is still wrong
1103--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1104<gregh> hello
1105<gregh> is this the rockbox developer irc channel?
1106<ironi> yepp
1107<ironi> that's it?
1108<ironi> all you had to ask?
1109<ironi> =)
1110<gregh> would you believe I've been hacking code for 20 years
1111<gregh> and never used irc?
1112<gregh> a few folks suggested I get on this channel
1113<gregh> I was thinking of jumping in and hacking the windows
1114<gregh> simulator version a bit... I'm stuck using windows
1115<gregh> for now and its hard to dual boot...
1116<ironi> heh =)
1117<ironi> i see
1118<ironi> well welcome to irc
1119<ironi> you have missed out on something for the last...well not 20 but maybe 10 years
1120<adi|work> hey gregh... glad you came over :)
1121<adi|work> you just missed Bagder and Linus
1122<gregh> who is adi|work? Is that edx?
1123<adi|work> they went to sleep a bit ago..
1124<adi|work> adi|work: adiamas
1125<gregh> oh shoot.
1126<adi|work> adi|home: adiamas
1127<adi|work> :)
1128<adi|work> they are in sweden...
1129<ironi> hm
1130<ironi> and i am just a wannabe that has been around since day 1 of development
1131<gregh> I'm thinking it would be fun to hack some code for the player
1132<ironi> the only i have contributed with is the name "rockbox" and a bit of the website design
1133<gregh> but I'm lazy and don't have time to cross compile so I've
1134<gregh> got to get the windows simulator working great first...
1135<gregh> ironi - well you did a good job on the name!
1136<ironi> gregh: I'm kind of prud actually
1137<ironi> hehe
1138<ironi> I would hack code if I knew more
1139<ironi> But I'll give it some more time
1140<gregh> does everyone here use the x11 version, or instead
1141<gregh> the actual target version?
1142<ironi> heh gregh you dont need to press enter like that
1143<ironi> =)
1144<PsycoXul> haha
1145<gregh> oh, were your screens scrolling? I double clicked on a few
1146<gregh> peoples names... I don't quite know what I'm doing on IRC!!
1147<PsycoXul> just type what you wanna say
1148<PsycoXul> nothing special
1149<PsycoXul> heh
1150<gregh> it was interesting to see where everybody's IP address was
1151<gregh> ok, I think I've got it back under control now...
1152<gregh> so - what feature should I hack on first?
1153<PsycoXul> you can put more on 1 line, rather than hitting enter between pieces ...
1154<ironi> gregh: what client do you use?
1155<gregh> I just pulled down mIRC. What do you recommend? I am hitting enter a bit frequently, I see
1156<ironi> gregh: well mirc is good for beginners
1157<ironi> stick to that for a while
1158<ironi> i personally use xircon, another windows client
1159<gregh> hehe
1160* PsycoXul recomends *NIX clients :p
1161<ironi> which i find better , but i guess that is just what im used to
1162<ironi> PsycoXul: u think? for a newbie?
1163<PsycoXul> well if he's on windows he can't very well use them so i guess he's better off sticking with mirc
1164<ironi> gregh: well a few hints: you doint need to type the entire nick of someone you address, jsut type first letter then tab
1165<PsycoXul> :p
1166<ironi> or a few letters then :
1167<gregh> mIRC requires payment after 30 days I think
1168<PsycoXul> heh
1169<PsycoXul> sure it does
1170<PsycoXul> :p
1171<gregh> I have to use windows for my damn email for the time being
1172<ironi> /j to join /msg to private message /dns to see ip of a user, /notice to notice a user, /server to change server
1173<ironi> the basic irc commands
1174<ironi> =)
1175<ironi> i cant beilieve there are actually ppl on this planet that have never used =)
1176<ironi> no offence, gregh
1177<PsycoXul> heh
1178<PsycoXul> ironi: you get out much?
1179<gregh> well, I spend too much time in the VI editor.
1180<PsycoXul> lots of people haven't used irc :p
1181<ironi> PsycoXul: wel i mean like programmers, computer-freaks etc
1182<ironi> =)
1183<gregh> I readily admitted my IRC failings so that you wouldn't think I'm completely out of it...
1184<ironi> PsycoXul: yah i get out much but irc is a part of my life
1185<PsycoXul> yeah
1186<gregh> what happens if you're gone for a while and someone sends a message, etc?
1187<PsycoXul> irc's funny like that
1188<ironi> It sounds kinda geeky to say u have friends on irc, that you consider your friends.
1189<PsycoXul> well if you're not connected then you're not on the network to get it
1190<PsycoXul> it'll tell them you're not there
1191<ironi> gregh: you can set your self away like /away reason bla bla
1192<PsycoXul> if you are connected it'll scroll in your client, and depending on settings your client may log it for you
1193<gregh> I can see that IRC is much more interactive than email, and you can get a better feel for the type of person you
1194<gregh> re communicating with...
1195<ironi> gregh: of course
1196<PsycoXul> or it'll just be like in the scrollback
1197<ironi> hell, I met my girlfriend on irc
1198<ironi> hahaha
1199<PsycoXul> heh
1200<gregh> are the communications in IRC logged ?
1201<ironi> gregh: you can log it, yes
1202<gregh> (I wonder if I'll meet my future ex-girlfriend on IRC?)
1203<gregh> I mean is there a master log for review?
1204<ironi> gregh: optimistic, aye?
1205<PsycoXul> servers don't log
1206<ironi> gregh: I don't think so
1207<PsycoXul> generaly
1208<ironi> Never heard of it anyway
1209<PsycoXul> other people connected and in the channel can log the chan though
1210<ironi> gregh: well you wont find any girls (hardly) on this network =)(
1211<PsycoXul> ironi: where will you find them?
1212<gregh> ironi: yeah, I bet not ;-(
1213<PsycoXul> heh
1214<gregh> I meet girls with my rockbox, though =)
1215<PsycoXul> heh
1216<ironi> PsycoXul: i just meant there are other networks with channels that are more for "ordinary" ppl
1217<ironi> chat channels
1218<ironi> gregh: hehehe
1219<PsycoXul> ah
1220<PsycoXul> yeah but ordinary people suck :/
1221<ironi> well
1222<ironi> gregh: another good irc network (i think) is efnet, weher eoyu can find a lot of good channels
1223<PsycoXul> yeah efnet's huge
1224<PsycoXul> lots of people, lots of chans
1225<PsycoXul> i dunno that i'd call it a good network though
1226<PsycoXul> :p
1227<ironi> PsycoXul: well its a good balance between good topics and off-topic talk
1228<ironi> if you know what i mean
1229<PsycoXul> well that all depends on the chan
1230<ironi> comparing to nets like dalnet =)
1231<ironi> PsycoXul: of course
1232<-- gregh has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1233<ironi> well dalnet has some good linux channels
1234<ironi> oops
1235<ironi> there he went
1236--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1237<-- gregh has quit (Client Quit)
1238<PsycoXul> whoa
1239<ironi> PsycoXul: where are you located?
1240<PsycoXul> he's in the same area as i am
1241<ironi> whats that, los angeles?
1242<ironi> lsan?
1243--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1244<PsycoXul> san bernardino county i guess
1245<gregh> am I back, good god I just got cut off
1246<ironi> oh really
1247<PsycoXul> i'm in colton myself
1248<ironi> gregh you nad PsycoXul seem to be neighbours
1249<gregh> I am in newport beach right now
1250<ironi> PsycoXul: is that california? =)
1251<gregh> yepp
1252* ironi has no clue
1253<PsycoXul> yeah
1254<ironi> gregh you can use /me to talk about yourself in third person
1255<gregh> do you know why I was just disconnected with no warning?
1256<ironi> so are you close?
1257<PsycoXul> connection reset by peer
1258<PsycoXul> well i guess not so close if he's on a beach
1259<PsycoXul> i'm rather inland
1260<ironi> newport beach and colton
1261<gregh> where is PsycoXul? I missed the last 3 minutes
1262<ironi> ok
1263<gregh> where the heck is colton?
1264<PsycoXul> near rialto
1265<PsycoXul> heh
1266<gregh> ok, where is rialto...
1267<ironi> hahaha
1268<PsycoXul> heh
1269<gregh> I'm from salt lake city, actually
1270<PsycoXul> san bernardino county
1271<gregh> but hangin here in newport
1272<ironi> well im in sweden
1273<gregh> what time is it, ironi
1274<PsycoXul> pretty close to riverside i think
1275<ironi> i was in saint louis, MO for 5 months last year though
1276<gregh> oh, then you are near chino?
1277<ironi> 2:48 am
1278<PsycoXul> i'm not sure where chino is
1279<ironi> you guys haha
1280<PsycoXul> heh
1281<ironi> sometimes i forget how damn big usa is
1282<gregh> he he, CA's too big a place
1283<ironi> =)
1284<ironi> it sure is
1285<PsycoXul> heh
1286<PsycoXul> yeah california could be 2 states
1287<PsycoXul> and still be pretty big ones
1288<PsycoXul> :p
1289<gregh> probably will be someday
1290<PsycoXul> yeah
1291<ironi> but you both have *,
1292<PsycoXul> yeah
1293<PsycoXul> pacbell's funky
1294<ironi> sounds to me like you should be close :-P
1295<PsycoXul> i'd think so too
1296<ironi> i has swbell when i was in stl
1297<ironi> had
1298<gregh> ironi: i typed '/dns ironi' and nothing happened...
1299<ironi> nothing?
1300<ironi> strange
1301<ironi> try /whois ironi
1302<PsycoXul> since i've seen different one's for LA and san diego i figured lsan was san bernardino..
1303<ironi> not same thing
1304<gregh> where's it supposed to put the info, on the line above?
1305<ironi> on the line you type
1306<ironi> oh oh
1307<ironi> default mirc
1308<ironi> in the status window
1309<ironi> is where it gets put
1310<ironi> damn default mirc is not all that funny
1311<gregh> oh, yes, there it is, hidden behind my window
1312<PsycoXul> and btw for unix/linux irc client i recomend irssi
1313<ironi> I would recommend xircon if you want winsdows gui client
1314<ironi> irssi rocks
1315<ironi> but i like windows
1316<ironi> to put 4 channels in a tile
1317<ironi> so i can see all at once on my 19"
1318<PsycoXul> heh
1319<ironi> thats heaven for me :-P
1320<ironi> actually 6 right now
1321<gregh> ah yes, that sounds like a good idea for a long time IRC person
1322<PsycoXul> you can have windows in irssi arranged how you like them
1323<ironi> PsycoXul: nut in 2x2
1324<PsycoXul> really?
1325<ironi> just above each other
1326<PsycoXul> i use fullsize windows
1327<ironi> as far as i know
1328<ironi> you talking console irssi?
1329<PsycoXul> 15 of them right now
1330<gregh> any idea why I was disconnected without notice?
1331<PsycoXul> though only 14 in use :p
1332<ironi> ok wlel then you have to press buttons to change chans
1333<PsycoXul> alt and a number
1334<PsycoXul> big deal :p
1335<PsycoXul> like my hands aren't already pressing buttons to be and chat on irc :p
1336<ironi> gregh: connection reset by peer
1337<PsycoXul> its more convenient than having to move a hand over to the mouse
1338<gregh> you're talking a human or machine? You mean TCPIP reset by peer
1339<PsycoXul> and i don't have the precious screen real estate to have them all visible at once
1340<PsycoXul> ...especialy having 14 windows
1341<PsycoXul> being on 4 different networks
1342<gregh> control-shift-f6 will change between mdi windows in windows
1343<ironi> gregh: if it happens sometimes, its just like that, it happens
1344<PsycoXul> 10+ different channels
1345<ironi> im on 2 networks
1346<ironi> gregh: i would really recoomend xircon to you
1347<ironi> its really nice
1348<PsycoXul> yeah
1349<ironi> for windows
1350<gregh> I'll pull it down
1351<ironi> you do need kano too
1352<PsycoXul> xircon's the least-shitty windows irc client i've found
1353<ironi> xircon raw is crap
1354<PsycoXul> :p
1355<ironi> PsycoXul: with kano its really extensive
1356<ironi> the nick completion is unbeatable
1357<PsycoXul> yeah i've seen kano
1358<PsycoXul> i like irssi's nick completion
1359<gregh> is kano an addon
1360<PsycoXul> yeah its a script
1362<ironi> install that first
1363<PsycoXul> i'm not a big fan of tcl personally
1364<ironi> dont bother to run it befor eyou install....
1366<ironi> that
1367<PsycoXul> i'm not really fond of perl either, but i respect it and its a lot better than tcl :p
1368<PsycoXul> heh
1369<ironi> when running the kano installer make sure you select the "first time install"
1370<ironi> irssi is tcl or?
1371<PsycoXul> irssi uses perl for its scripting
1372<PsycoXul> xircon uses tcl
1374<ironi> try that link for kano
1375<ironi> the first one maybe didnt work
1376<PsycoXul> heh
1378<gregh> I had to repeat that since I finally got logging turned on
1379<PsycoXul> heh
1380<PsycoXul> ok
1381<ironi> you can click that link to open broswer
1382<ironi> at least in xircon
1383<gregh> and I never know when I'll get a disconnected
1384<ironi> gregh: heh that doesnt happen so often, and with xircon + kano the windows wont empty when you reconnect
1385<gregh> oh..
1386<gregh> ok, got em both downloaded
1387<ironi> even if oyu get kicked and rejoin
1388<ironi> so install xircon first
1389<ironi> then after that install kano and make sure you select the update settings box
1390<gregh> shall I install it right now while I'm talkin with you guys?
1391<ironi> makes some things easier
1392<ironi> sure why not
1393<PsycoXul> heh
1394<gregh> here goes
1395<gregh> heh
1396<PsycoXul> imma go watch the conformavision
1397<PsycoXul> bbl :p
1398<gregh> xIRC installed
1399<ironi> k
1400<gregh> except no desktop icon, hm
1401<ironi> its in the start menu
1402<ironi> =)
1403<ironi> well dont run it
1404<ironi> install kano first
1405<gregh> installing kano now...
1406<ironi> k
1407<ironi> now xirocn is a bit different but a lot easier to understand i think
1408<ironi> especiallt he cinenct dialog
1409<gregh> did you say I should check the "update settings" box?
1410<ironi> yep
1411<ironi> definitely
1412<ironi> did you?
1413<gregh> and all the other boxes?
1414<ironi> yah i think so
1415<ironi> dont rememberthe others
1416<ironi> =)
1417<gregh> ok kano installed
1418<gregh> now what
1419<ironi> so now start xircon
1420<gregh> should i log in and keep connected here also?
1421<gregh> can you run two clients?
1422<ironi> yeah if its possible
1423<ironi> well yes
1424<gregh> ok, here goes...!
1425<ironi> but sometimes a server doenst accept two conenctions
1426<ironi> from same if
1427<ironi> but if you conenct to you wont always end up on the same
1428<ironi> it redirects
1429<gregh> i'm running it now, does it always take a bit after logging into the server to ask for the channel connection?
1430<ironi> oh you mean the pop-up window?
1431<gregh> yes, it's got a black (single) window
1432<ironi> ok
1433<ironi> you can use /j rockbox
1434<ironi> /j is short for join
1435<ironi> not working?
1436--> new_gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1437<ironi> hehe
1438<ironi> there u go
1439<new_gregh> hehe
1440<ironi> ok so there are a few things you should configure
1441<ironi> if you right click in the channel
1442<ironi> configure/options/kanos options
1443<new_gregh> right click in the black window?
1444<ironi> uncheck any box checked on the lower half on the middle section
1445<ironi> yeah in the channel window you are talking in
1446<new_gregh> there aren't checkboxes, just hierarchical menus...
1447<ironi> well in the menu ther eis configure -> options -> kanos options
1448<ironi> there i would recommend to unchek all boxes in the lower half on th emiddle section, like reprt fatal erros and so on
1449<gregh> ok, I've got that up now
1450<ironi> also set "autoaway" to "off", and "on nick highlight" to "echo in focused"
1451<ironi> the hit ok
1452<gregh> good god what a bunch of options...!!
1453<ironi> then
1454<ironi> yeah there is A LOT more
1455<ironi> if you want
1456<ironi> but you dont need to
1457<gregh> ok, did all that
1458<ironi> done?
1459<ironi> ok
1460<new_gregh> yep, here I am
1461<ironi> configure -> options -> modules options
1462<ironi> check automatically log all channels to dir
1463<gregh> geez a zillion more options
1464<ironi> its a grwat fnction that sorts logs , channels in one dir and querys (private conversations) in one
1465<new_gregh> done
1466<ironi> configure -> options -> addons options
1467<gregh> ok
1468<ironi> remove the bottow five checkboxes
1469<ironi> they are annoying
1470<ironi> well actually
1471<new_gregh> done
1472<ironi> if u want spellfix, keep it
1473<ironi> i cant use it since i talk in swedish in some channels
1474<new_gregh> no spell fix for now, I never make a mistrake ;-)
1475<ironi> ok and now
1476<ironi> mistrake
1477<ironi> and now something
1478<ironi> type /ncomp &n:
1479<new_gregh> what?
1480<ironi> /ncomp &n:
1481<new_gregh> I did that
1482<ironi> ok
1483<ironi> new_gregh: This is what the nick comp is set to!
1484<ironi> thats what u got?
1485<new_gregh> yes
1486<ironi> cause that is nick completion
1487<ironi> try typing ir:
1488<ironi> still there?
1489<new_gregh> ironi:
1490<ironi> you see?
1491<ironi> =)
1492<ironi> you can also try ir and press tab
1493<ironi> it will complete the nick
1494<new_gregh> ironi
1495<ironi> kinda handy
1496<ironi> for long nicks
1497<new_gregh> what does the &n mean?
1498<ironi> oh that was how it would complete
1499<ironi> &n is the nick and :
1500<new_gregh> OH I get it now... nick completion is nick followed by :
1501<new_gregh> I said I'm new...
1502<ironi> exactly
1503<ironi> so i change my
1504<ironi> new_gregh-baby:
1505<ironi> heh
1506<ironi> adi|work-baby:
1507<ironi> /ncomp &n-baby:
1508<ironi> =)
1509<new_gregh> I suppose you can do /ncomp (eval fn(&n))?
1510<ironi> its with an underscored : by default and a lot of ppl dont like that
1511<ironi> hah
1512<ironi> dunno
1513<ironi> try /help ncomp
1514<new_gregh> I'm going to change new_gregh back to gregh but can't since I'm running two clients right now
1515<new_gregh> how do I setup for automatic login to rockbox on startup?"
1516<ironi> no... close the first one and do /nick gregh
1517<-- gregh has quit ()
1518--- new_gregh is now known as gregh
1519<gregh> hello there
1520<gregh> we're rockin now
1521<ironi> right click in the channel, then do autojoin-> add to autojoins
1522<ironi> autojoin->add current
1523<ironi> yeah
1524<ironi> do this
1525<gregh> done
1526<ironi> /theme bitchx
1527<ironi> thats a nice theme i think
1528<gregh> it didn't do anything yet
1529<ironi> looks like BitchX, a *nix console irc client
1530<ironi> didnt you get a popup where you could press ok?
1531<gregh> it asked for the load, but no art changed...
1532<gregh> yes
1533<ironi> oh really
1534<ironi> strange
1535<ironi> maybe its default then
1536<gregh> it says that it loaded it
1537<gregh> what's another theme
1538<ironi> strange
1539<ironi> try /theme
1540<ironi> then look in kano\themes
1541<gregh> ok, i loaded Metal
1542<gregh> what is supposed to change?
1543<ironi> thatone is noce to
1544<ironi> colors
1545<gregh> just the text colors?
1546<ironi> font colors
1547<ironi> yeah
1548<ironi> and a few other things
1549<ironi> the "console"
1550<ironi> you cna actually try yourself b using /kano
1551<gregh> well, it's not too exciting over here
1552<ironi> like /kano 0
1553* ironi is testing
1554<gregh> I set a prompt
1555<ironi> hm
1556* ironi is testing
1557<gregh> but don't see the prompt...
1558<ironi> well its just when messgaes appear form the server, and so on
1559<ironi> nevermind
1560<gregh> that's ok, thanks
1561<ironi> so anyway
1562<ironi> you can do /ts
1563<ironi> to get itmestamp
1564<gregh> good
1565<ironi> you have to do it individually for every channel
1566<ironi> try pressing the little button with tools on top
1567<ironi> you have a time format
1568<ironi> you might want to change the time display layout
1569<gregh> I see, my god what a configurable program
1570<ironi> i have [%H:%M]
1571<ironi> and also connecta t startup
1572<ironi> might be handy
1573<gregh> I set the connect at startup
1574<ironi> now
1575<gregh> well, before I go to bed tonight, I'll see if Linux or Bjorn are on
1576<ironi> is this highlighted gregh
1577<gregh> yes
1578<ironi> good.
1579<ironi> actually, minimize this program and look at your keyboard lamps
1580<ironi> try that now
1581<ironi> gregh
1582<ironi> gregh
1583<ironi> cool, isnt it?
1584<ironi> gregh
1585<ironi> =)
1586<gregh> wow
1587<ironi> the scroll lock is blinking , right?
1588<ironi> =)
1589<gregh> yes
1590<ironi> i think that rocks, when im doing something else i can see someone needs me
1591<gregh> how do you know if its addressed to you, or just the channel?
1592<ironi> well kano is porlly the most complicated tcl script there is for irc
1593<ironi> well it blinks when your name is said
1594<ironi> thats the only occasion
1595<gregh> oh my god
1596<ironi> or when someone wites osmething to you in a private window
1597<ironi> writes
1598<gregh> and here I thought it was just when a message came through of any kind ...
1599<ironi> no no
1600<ironi> its a bit more sofisticated
1601<ironi> anyway you can do most kano commands and options with / , you dnt have to use menus, which i think is handy
1602<gregh> well, I better get something to eat and you better sleep...
1603<ironi> if yu want to explore all the commands try typing /help
1604<gregh> I will read up on this complicated thing...
1605<ironi> and look onwards from there
1606<gregh> I'll just leave this running, though
1607<ironi> the commands that you do with / are called aliases btw
1608<ironi> hehe do that
1609<ironi> now waut
1610<ironi> wait
1611<ironi> try this /away food
1612* gregh is away, food [l/on p/on]
1613* ironi is gone, sleeping [l/on p/on]
1614<ironi> =)
1615<gregh> am I awa?
1616<ironi> yep
1617<gregh> away?
1618* gregh has returned, [gone/1m 26s]
1619<gregh> how do you get the private window?
1620<ironi> you double click a user in the list
1621<ironi> or if you want to do it the command line way you type /msg nickname text
1622<ironi> the reply will still open up a new window
1623<gregh> ok, I'm going to eat now, thanks alot for the info!
1624<ironi> np
1625* gregh is away, food+drinking [l/on p/on]
1626<ironi> kano is huge, takes forever to learn all the nifty email-checkers and other built-in utils
1627<gregh> s u later
1628<ironi> but a tip is to rght click and go on help->aliases
1629<ironi> ok take care
1632<ironi> gregh: do u use emacs?
1633<gregh> no
1634<ironi> xircon supports some of it
1635<ironi> ok
1636<gregh> I'm a VI man
1637<ironi> i think björn does
1638<ironi> i have to tell him about it, i just found out
1639<ironi> i haver used kano for 4 years, i keep finding new stuff
1640<ironi> haha
1641<gregh> isn't it about 3:30 in the morning now?
1642<ironi> oh damn =)
1643<ironi> i have to be up at 8
1644<ironi> bye =)
1645<gregh> =)
1646<-- gregh has quit (" <k!15b8>")
1647--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1648<-- ironi has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
1649<-- gregh has quit (" <k!15b8>")
1650--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1651<-- gregh has quit (Client Quit)
1652--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1653<PsycoXul> heh
1654<gregh> yes i'm back
1655--- dwihno|gone is now known as dwihno
1656<PsycoXul> hmm
1658<PsycoXul> are those too long? heh
1659<PsycoXul> heh well... i guess they are
1660<PsycoXul> thats kinda... heh
1661<dwihno> Hmm, looks fishy
1662<PsycoXul> well i measured my batteries
1663<PsycoXul> they're only 2"
1664<PsycoXul> those are 9/16" longer
1665<PsycoXul> heh
1666<dwihno> Well, you can always re-design your player to make it accept the bigger batteries ;)
1667<dwihno> What kind of archos do you haev?
1668<PsycoXul> heh
1669<PsycoXul> studio20
1670<adi|home> gregh: about your logs question
1671<adi|home> we have some of the irc conversation logs on the web site
1672<adi|home> but no _everything_
1673<adi|home> and i met an ex on irc too ;)
1674<adi|home> well.. chat room.. not irc ;)
1675<dwihno> Does the archos firmware ever bug (major bugs, that is) for you?
1676<dwihno> adi|home: internet is not for real(tm) :)
1677<adi|home> dunno... havent' used it on my recorder
1678<PsycoXul> well adding a whole dir to a playlist adds through to the end of the disk or more usualy the 999 limit
1679<adi|home> thats not true dwihno
1680<adi|home> we talked on line for 6 months or so...
1681<dwihno> adi|home: The internet has you!
1682<adi|home> talked on the phone for another 4
1683<PsycoXul> its a nice feature but not as nice as one that stops at the end of the dir :p
1684<adi|home> then met in real life
1685<dwihno> adi|home: nobody can be told what the internet is, you have to see it yourself! :)
1686<PsycoXul> and the 999 limit's real annoying on a 20G drive
1687<adi|home> we're 'togeather' for about a year
1688<dwihno> PsycoXul: true, true
1689<PsycoXul> the menus are a little random in their behaviour... they often don't return to where you expect them to
1690<PsycoXul> heh
1691<gregh> adi|home: which log question?
1692--> g003y ( has joined #rockbox
1693<adi|home> asking if there was a master list to irc
1694<gregh> oh yes, I was going to see if catching up on irc logs was worthwhile
1695<adi|home> i think just diving into the code and asking questions is your best shot
1696<dwihno> adi|home: The internet has you!!! :O
1697<adi|home> find something you want to fix/do and do it
1698<adi|home> hehe damn right dwihno
1699<adi|home> i mud
1700<adi|home> i code
1701<adi|home> i research
1702<adi|home> i purchase
1703<adi|home> i bank
1704<PsycoXul> heh
1705<adi|home> i talk with my gf
1706<adi|home> i spend 'alone time'
1707<adi|home> it has me ;)
1708<gregh> i give $ to my gf
1709<dwihno> :)
1710<dwihno> MUD?!
1711<adi|home> mud baby.. mud
1712<dwihno> Hehe, I did that ages ago... Eww
1713<gregh> I thought of a cool new feature for rockbox
1714<dwihno> w
1715<dwihno> w
1716<dwihno> w
1717<dwihno> forage
1718<adi|home> hehehe yup
1719<adi|home> w
1720<adi|home> w
1721<adi|home> e
1722<adi|home> n
1723<adi|home> n
1724<g003y> who the heck has klez on the list?
1725<dwihno> :)
1726<adi|home> kill troll
1727<adi|home> run west
1728<adi|home> run west faster
1729<adi|home> pray
1730<adi|home> okya.. im off to quake a bit.. be back soon
1731<dwihno> quakes0r!
1732<dwihno> hm
1733* dwihno goes to check the evil mailbox
1734<-- g003y ( has left #rockbox
1735<-- gregh has quit (" <k!15b8>")
1736--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1737<-- gregh has quit (Client Quit)
1738--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1739--> g003y ( has joined #rockbox
1740<g003y> ok so now I know for sure I'm not the one with klez virus on my machine.
1741<g003y> *back to your regular scheduled firmware hacking*
1742--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
1743<adi|home> Bagder you check your mail recently?
1744<Bagder> checking now
1745<adi|home> k
1746<adi|home> i want to know what you think of the guys question about his 'Archos Jukebox 6000'
1747<adi|home> and my response, and then his response.
1748* adi|home is feeling a bit peeved.
1749<dwihno> Good morning Dr. Bagder
1750<g003y> you mean the "mp3 no id3 info bug" one?
1751<Bagder> his previous responses to other mails has proved him to be a bit "trigger happy" when it comes to reacting on mail content
1752<adi|home> k...
1753<adi|home> um.. am i out off line wanting to respond with 'fuck you'
1754<adi|home> i won't..
1755<g003y> trigger happy... more like instant asshole. just add internet
1756<adi|home> but im just asking
1757<PsycoXul> hmm
1758<adi|home> I mean.. am i wrong that his email doesn't make it obvious that he is using a studio?
1759<PsycoXul> honestly i dunno what mp3 playback not working on the recorder has to do with a "No mp3 id info" message on a jukebox 6k...
1760* adi|home wonders if he is supposed to have the _entire_ archos line memorized
1761<PsycoXul> uh?
1762<g003y> ya know what... don't waste anymore cycles on him. He can't even get on this irc server
1763<PsycoXul> i think the lists getting too much crap lately
1764<adi|home> am i correct in thinking that there is no archos 6000 recorder?
1765<PsycoXul> 10 emails just with or about ones with viruses all pretty much at once
1766<adi|home> yeah.. but those were automated
1767<PsycoXul> heh
1768<Bagder> adi; yes, the 6GB recorder is named "Recorder 6"
1769<PsycoXul> is it?
1770<Bagder> I think so
1771<Bagder> hm
1772<Bagder> or perhaps not
1773<g003y> never seen on the site myself
1774<PsycoXul> well they're not called "Jukebox 6000"s i'm pretty sure
1775<PsycoXul> heh
1776<Bagder> no, that's for sure at least
1777<adi|home> so are there 2 versions?
1778<Bagder> of recorders?
1780<PsycoXul> first there was the jukebox 6000
1781<PsycoXul> the first player
1782<PsycoXul> and then later they came out with the recorder
1783<g003y> wow there is one.... never noticed before
1784<PsycoXul> which was also initialy 6G i think
1785* adi|home nods
1786<PsycoXul> and the 20G versions and the 10G versions
1787<PsycoXul> and best buy has had some 5G version of something too
1788<Bagder> there are players: 6000/5000 Jukbox, Studio 10 and 20, Recorder 6, 10 and 20.
1789* gregh is gone, sleep [l/on p/on]
1790<Bagder> there's a 5GB recorder?
1791<PsycoXul> i only know of the jukebox 5000 for 5GB
1792<PsycoXul> i dunno
1793<adi|home> might i spam the channel for a sec with my response before I send it just to him?
1794* adi|home waits for a descenting vote
1795<PsycoXul> die!
1796<PsycoXul> heh
1797<Bagder> you want my opinion? don't reply at all.
1798<adi|home> but but but... he needs a spanking
1799<PsycoXul> what for
1800<adi|home> cause i responded to offer and answer to his question
1801<adi|home> and he was a dick
1802* adi|home gets all pouty
1803<g003y> just email him this
1805<g003y> classic
1806<adi|home> lol
1807<PsycoXul> well
1808<adi|home> no no no...
1809<PsycoXul> i wonder if you even read his question
1810<PsycoXul> because honestly your answer had nothing to do with it in the least
1811<PsycoXul> :p
1812<adi|home> it does if you think about it
1813<PsycoXul> he mentioned nothing about music playback for one thing
1814<PsycoXul> he was talking about id3 info display
1815<adi|home> think abou it...
1816<adi|home> no.. he states thats the prob
1817<adi|home> if you _know_ that music won't play
1818<adi|home> why try and play an mp3?
1819<adi|home> thats what i was pointing out
1820* adi|home wonders if that made sense
1821<PsycoXul> and the other thing is he said "jukebox 6000" which is all over the place on the web page and other places as being a player and the first target and having music playback working
1822<adi|home> right, but how many emails do we get describing 'jukebox'
1823<PsycoXul> and even if music playback doesn't work, why should that stop somebody from testing id3 info display?
1824<adi|home> because he didn't state he was testing the id3 display
1825<adi|home> he didn't state anything other then 'is this a bug'
1826<PsycoXul> well gee i dunno
1827<adi|home> and i was responding that if he was trying to _play_ music.. then no its not a bug
1828<PsycoXul> asking about the display of the message "No mp3 id info" seems to imply something about id3 display
1829<g003y> regardless no reason to snap like a pitbull reading usenet
1830<adi|home> " but when
1831<adi|home> I tried to play some other, real, mp3file"
1832<g003y> "he's snapping at me. He's stripped his teeth"
1833<adi|home> is he exact statemnt
1834<adi|home> thats why i asked
1835<PsycoXul> he said he selected a non-mp3 file by mistake, got a no id3 info message, then went to a mp3 file and still got the no id3 message
1836<PsycoXul> and has to reboot to get the id3 info from an mp3 file
1837<PsycoXul> it sounds like a bug to me
1838<adi|home> right...
1839<adi|home> but was it the rebooting.. or the display he was asking about...
1840<adi|home> so thats what i was pointing out
1841<PsycoXul> it sounds like he was dropping an e-mail about the bug...
1842<adi|home> and franklky.. if he doesn't know enough to read that playback isn't playing on a recorder, then he doens't know enough to figure out how to leave the display
1843<adi|home> but _which_ 'bug'
1844<PsycoXul> heh
1845<adi|home> thats my point
1846<PsycoXul> the bug of id3 info not being displayed after having selected a non-mp3 file
1847<PsycoXul> kindof a silly one i admit, but something that might be looked into :p
1848<adi|home> but if its a recorder.. then its not a 'bug
1849<Bagder> weird bug it is
1850<adi|home> if your ead the website ;)
1851<adi|home> read rather
1852<PsycoXul> sure it is
1853<PsycoXul> as i understand it the recorder shouldn't have a problem displaying id3 info
1854<PsycoXul> even if you don't get music playback
1855<g003y> what if you select a non-mp3 file? :D
1856<PsycoXul> since he didn't even mention music playback though i don't think its worth worrying about in that respect
1857<PsycoXul> and since he did say explicitly "Archos Jukebox 6000" which is also on the website as having music playback
1858<PsycoXul> if you're intent on people reading the website
1859<PsycoXul> :p
1860<g003y> hehehehehe
1861<adi|home> heheh true
1862<PsycoXul> i'd have to agree with bagder and just drop it
1863<g003y> I'd say that is your best route.
1864<adi|home> yeah.. but pimp slapping is so much more fun. :)
1865<PsycoXul> maybe but not really the purpose of the mailing list
1866<PsycoXul> which, like i said before, is starting to get too much crap already as it is
1867<adi|home> i know.. thats why i wasn't going to send to the list
1868<adi|home> to him ;)
1869<adi|home> if you read irc ;)
1870<PsycoXul> ah well have fun if you want to
1871<g003y> dang where is that old send a bitch slap site when you need it :D
1872<PsycoXul> its your choice of course :p
1873<g003y> if his is on the list long enough maybe he will get the klez virus.
1874<g003y> his == he
1875<g003y> I wonder who the heck keeps sending that damn thing to the list anyway.
1876<Bagder> someone on the list is infected
1877<adi|home> i really need to get my hands on a player
1878<Bagder> there are ~166 suspects ;-)
1879<adi|home> i blame it on the 'instant asshole'
1880<adi|home> but hey, thats just me
1881<adi|home> wow.. that many ?
1882<g003y> hahahah
1883<-- gregh has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
1884<g003y> well make it ~165 cuz it ain't me :D
1885<adi|home> 64
1886<Bagder> haha
1887<adi|home> 164
1888<g003y> I scanned for grins even
1889<Bagder> wc -l /home/majordom/lists/rockbox
1890<Bagder> 162 /home/majordom/lists/rockbox
1891<Bagder> I've suggested we lower the maximum mail size we allow to the list
1892<adi|home> i swear.. i think archos choose the AA cable so that you _had- to buy them through them.. cause i can't find them anywhere
1893<Bagder> it should stop most klezes
1894<adi|home> im all for it
1895<g003y> I got an extra AA fairly easy
1896<g003y> but that was when I first picked up the _jukebox 6000_
1897<adi|home> ive looke everywhere
1898<adi|home> best buy, compusa, radio shack
1899<g003y> ugh... those places never have them
1900<g003y> on line
1901* adi|home noticed
1902<g003y> I ordered
1903<adi|home> ahh.. okay
1904<adi|home> I just got my Atari today :)
1905<adi|home> hehe 2600 baby...
1906<g003y> how many carts?
1907<adi|home> im at 20 or so
1908<g003y> nice
1909<adi|home> now i just need a converted for my tv
1910<adi|home> i don't have the vhf clips on this tv :)
1911<g003y> ratshack should have that
1912<adi|home> know what sucks...
1913<g003y> oh
1914<adi|home> it was in perfect condition
1915<adi|home> got a small chunk taken outta the edge in transit
1916<g003y> damn....
1917<adi|home> the 3 small chips were in the box when i got it..
1918<adi|home> yeah :(
1919<g003y> was that an ebay purchase?
1920<adi|home> yup
1921<adi|home> and the packing was very good
1922<adi|home> that was the sucky thing
1923<g003y> was it UPS or USPS?
1924<adi|home> USPS
1925<adi|home> priotiry insured
1926<g003y> hmmm....
1927<g003y> I think they actually take the package when they pay out on a clain
1928<g003y> clain == claim
1929<adi|home> ick
1930<adi|home> im not claiming..
1931<adi|home> im keeping this...
1932<adi|home> only a small chip
1933<g003y> if it works then don't bother
1934<g003y> get a tv card, and mod that mofo onto your pc case :D
1935<adi|home> lol
1936<g003y> you get all the joysticks?
1937<g003y> paddles
1938<g003y> ?
1939<adi|home> 2 sticks
1940<adi|home> and 4 paddles
1941<adi|home> i just need the ones with keypads
1942<g003y> I thought those were Intellivision
1943* adi|home nods
1944<adi|home> but if i remember atari made them as well
1945<adi|home> but im not positive
1946<g003y> well coleco had them too
1947<g003y> but only the rich kids had coleco :D
1948<adi|home> hehehe
1949<g003y> maybe that is a generalization, but I definitely couldn't afford one & I wasn't rich
1950<adi|home> i was crushed when i talked to my nephew.. and i showed him pics of the atari screens
1951<adi|home> he just went 'eww.. whats that?'
1952<g003y> hahahahahahahahahaha
1953<g003y> kids need that high res these days
1954<adi|home> nods
1955<adi|home> "what do you mean no blood?"
1956<g003y> "what is that dot?" "It's a tank bullet"
1957<adi|home> hehehe
1958<adi|home> i told him about pong...
1959<g003y> hah....
1960<adi|home> and died when he said 'and you called that fun? '
1961<g003y> just wait until his kids are playing games in supa-high 33330003030303x397439847984374987 sssvga organic wall tft screens
1962<g003y> when games have to be written slow on purpose cuz they can't max the hardware anymore.
1963<adi|home> LOL
1964<adi|home> Dad! Dad! can i buy the Nuerel-NetStation 3?
1965<adi|home> its only 765$!!!
1966<adi|home> On Sale!
1967<g003y> hahaha
1968<adi|home> holy christ
1969<g003y> no kidding
1970<adi|home> anyone else watching the brasil costa rica game?
1971<g003y> nope
1972* adi|home hates mentionging scores case anyone is taping it
1973<g003y> don't have cable so I've only been getting the next day tappings at work if someone brings them
1974* adi|home nods
1975>g003y< brasil has 3 goals in 30 mins
1976<adi|home> okay.. off to quake a bit
1977<g003y> hmmm... quake.
1978<g003y> reminds me... I need to finish gta3
1979--> gregh ( has joined #rockbox
1980<dwihno> and france+argentina sucks donkey-balls :)
1981* Bagder writes boring code at work... -/
1982--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
1983<Zagor> hey all. i'm taking down the web and mail server for hardware updates
1984<Bagder> affirmative
1985<Zagor> see you soon
1986<-- Zagor has quit (Client Quit)
1987--- Disconnected (22).
1988**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jun 13 04:35:39 2002