path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020612.log
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1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020612.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020612.log
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index 0000000000..8dbb01ab74
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1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jun 11 04:10:23 2002
3--> adiamas (~adiamas@ has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Version 1.0 released!
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by ChanServ at Tue Jun 11 03:31:20
6--- You are now known as adi|home
7<Bagder> hey adia
8<Bagder> nice playlsit fix
9<adi|home> thanks :)
10* adi|home finally did something productive
11<adi|home> i figured 255 was a good size...
12<adi|home> 8shrugs*
13<Bagder> yes, its fine
14<adi|home> OH MY GOD!
15<adi|home> rockbox.. on my recorder?!!!
16* adi|home does backflips
17<Bagder> does it rock?
18<adi|home> but the text is _very_ pale
19<adi|home> dunno yet :)
20<Bagder> hehe
21<Linus> adi|home: the paleness is interesting
22<adi|home> hmm problem thought
23<Linus> did you build it yourself
24<adi|home> no..
25<adi|home> its the one from the builds off the site
26<adi|home> i don't have a cross compiler yet
27<Linus> ok
28<Linus> the LCD contrast is an issue in lcd.c
29<adi|home> and interesting.. it dont play nice with the dc plugged in.
30<Bagder> Linus: its not that pale on yours is it?
31<Linus> Bagder: no
32<Linus> adi|home: "play nice"?
33<adi|home> i plug the dc in and it reboots to recharge mode
34<adi|home> i leave it in
35<adi|home> and press on, it reboots.. pauses, and jumps back to recharge mode
36<Linus> wow!
37<adi|home> ?
38<adi|home> ned to increase logo display time
39<Linus> wow! as in "what the heck"
40<adi|home> i see it for like 1/10th a sec.. and its gone
41<adi|home> am i the only person that has had this happ
42<Linus> adi|home: we don't want to show the logo longer time than the setup needs
43<Linus> and right now it displays a little late
44<Bagder> Linus: why did you move the logo showing to after all the init?
45<adi|home> got ya.
46<Linus> Bagder: because it tries to load the logo from disk
47<Bagder> not anymore
48<Linus> i could have put it before the last two calls, and gained a millisecond
49<Bagder> you can have it after the lcd_init() now, can't you?
50<adi|home> okay.. off to bed for real :)
51<Bagder> night adi|home
52<Linus> Bagder: perhaps now, but not when i committed that change
53<Bagder> then too actually ;-)
54<Linus> oh maybe the commit mail was late
55<Bagder> my fix was ~40 minutes before yours ;)
56<Linus> :-)
57<Linus> Then move it up!
58<Bagder> yessir, will do!
59<Bagder> *done*
60* Zagor is now officially a counter-strike consultant :)
61* Bagder hands Zagor the "professional gamer" sticker
62<dwihno> Check the latest post in the mailing list
63<Zagor> yup, that's cool
64<dwihno> That URL should be placed on the rockbox site.
65<Zagor> hmm. the "hardware mods" page, maybe?
66<Bagder> yes
67<Bagder> or possibly "related projects"
68<dwihno> Have you seen such a joystick earlier?
69<Zagor> yes, he has mailed about it before
70<dwihno> mkay
71<dwihno> One of those would be cute
72<dwihno> Although pretty useless without a display
73<dwihno> stop/play/pause/volume perhaps
74<Zagor> you can't have a display without hacking the archos
75<dwihno> :/
76<dwihno> well, I guess you can't have everything
77<dwihno> the official remote from archos, does it have display?
78<Zagor> no
79<Zagor> the remote control plug only has data-in (into the archos) so there is no way to transmit data back to the remote. that's why you can't have a display
80<Zagor> brb
81<-- Zagor has quit ("Client Exiting")
82--> ironi ( has joined #rockbox
83<ironi> hi
84<ironi> Bagder: there?
85<Bagder> yah
86<ironi> im working on a small sms thingy
87<ironi> I considered using smash as server and phpsmash as client
88<ironi> is it easy to install and configure?
89--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
90<Bagder> never tried phpsmash
91<Bagder> smash itself is pretty easy
92<Bagder> the tricky part is if you want to tweak a plugin or something
93<ironi> wel the plugins you have links toon your page
94<ironi> don't say that they actually are plugins for smash
95<Bagder> smash uses plugins
96<Zagor> links to plugins?
97<ironi> well yeah
98<ironi> freenet and so on
99<ironi> cause that is what im aiming at
100<ironi> web-based sms services
101<Zagor> yes, the links are to external programs you can call with the "shell" smash plugin
102<ironi> ok
103<ironi> so can you specify plugin to use from the client?
104<ironi> and params to the client
105<Zagor> you can specify which operator to use. the details are defined in the server config
106<ironi> ok
107<ironi> hm
108<ironi> maybe i should use linuxsms for what I am doing
109<ironi> just rebuild it a bit
110<ironi> its not very compliated thing to do
111<Zagor> that's for you to decide :) what do you want to do?
112<ironi> Zagor: a project for my fellow siemens s45/me45 users
113<ironi> im going to make a compiled wml page that they can store in the small file archive on the phone
114<ironi> in it, they will be able to enter username, password and sms number & message
115<ironi> press send and it will send it through the server
116<ironi> just trying it out for fun...
117<ironi> which gives virtually free sms through gprs
118<Zagor> i'd recommend smash for that, since it has proper queueing. you don't want to reinvent that, trust me :)
119<ironi> why not sending messages at once?
120<ironi> Zagor: becuase of the load?
121<Zagor> to save bandwith == money
122<ironi> well
123<Zagor> also many use dialup, so you want to keep down the number of calls
124<ironi> yeah money for the users, you're right
125<ironi> keep down the number of im not following
126<Zagor> most people use GSM operators' official dial-up SMS servers
127<Bagder> but ironi isn't
128<Bagder> he doesn't necessarily need queueing
129<Zagor> i know. but it's still a good idea to queue, to avoid many parallel connections to the service
130<ironi> Zagor: for bandwidth
131<ironi> Zagor: so gsm operators have a number one can call to send sms?
132<Zagor> that, and to avoid getting blocked for over-use...
133<ironi> How expensive is that anyway
134<Zagor> mostly it's priced the same as a mobile call
135<ironi> ok
136<ironi> well
137<ironi> smash.cgf not found
138<ironi> cfg
139<ironi> hm..
140<ironi> oh.
141<Zagor> smashd --config <file>
142<ironi> i see
143<ironi> great commenting in the smash.cfg :-P
144<Zagor> it's a hackers-only file ;)
145<ironi> i put config, smash binarys and plugins in /usr/local/bin/smash
146<ironi> maybe thats politically incorrect
147<ironi> =)
148<Zagor> that's fine
149<ironi> is smashd very resource demanding?
150<Bagder> no
151<ironi> there it goes, up n running
152<Zagor> the one we have running has spend 2 cpu seconds since june 1st :)
153<ironi> hehe
154<ironi> well
155<ironi> now i need to send messages to it
156<Zagor> ironi: let's go to #smash instead. ok?
157<ironi> maybe easiest to send wml page to a php page, and from the php page sent it to the server
158<Zagor> woobiedooobie. i'm browsing files with Rockbox on my recorder
159<Zagor> the screen update is horrible slow :(
160<dwihno> :/
161<Bagder> why is that you think?
162<dwihno> vsync? :)
163<Zagor> i don't know. i just know when i scroll down, you can see the screen clear and then redraw. and you don't see that with the archos firmware
164<Zagor> and the contrast is waaaay too low
165<Zagor> but WOWSERS the logo is cool! :)
166<Zagor> in fact, it seems Rockbox actually boots faster than the original firmware.
167<dwihno> :O
168<dwihno> Zagor: cool stuff
169<dwihno> Mail the ajz to me :)
171<ironi> now i wish i had a recorder
172<dwihno> *awating bootup*
173<Zagor> Linus: is lower value higher contrast, or the opposite?
174<Linus> I don't know. I guess higher numbers gives higher contrast
175<Zagor> testing
176<Linus> but it's not that easy
177<Zagor> no?
178<Linus> the contrast setting (according to the solomon data sheet) is an iterative process
179<Zagor> tetris ROCKS! :)
180<Linus> you have to continue setting the contrast until the status resister says it is done
181<Zagor> oh
182<Linus> register
183**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jun 12 00:05:58 2002