path: root/www/irc/rockbox-20020519.log
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/irc/rockbox-20020519.log')
1 files changed, 515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/irc/rockbox-20020519.log b/www/irc/rockbox-20020519.log
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index 0000000000..cba7a9b230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/irc/rockbox-20020519.log
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
1**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 16 22:16:35 2002
3--> adiamas ( has joined #rockbox
4--- Topic for #rockbox is Does your box rock?
5--- Topic for #rockbox set by Bagder at Mon May 13 04:46:28
6--- You are now known as adi|home
7--> Bagder ( has joined #rockbox
8<dw|gone> Hellö ppl!
9--- dw|gone is now known as dwihno
10<Bagder> morning
11<dwihno> How are you today?
12<Bagder> pretty good
13<Bagder> loadsa mails to deal with
14<dwihno> "Free XXX"
15<dwihno> "Get bigger dick with our magic pills"
16<dwihno> "Debt consolidation"
17<Bagder> more like "how do I make this work?" kinds
18<Bagder> the spams are mostly filtered automaticly
19<dwihno> You work as a consultant?
20<Bagder> yes
21<Bagder> but the mails are mostly about my spare time hacks
22<dwihno> what kind of consultant?
23<Bagder> embedded, network, unix
24<dwihno> Oh
25<dwihno> Sounds like a fun job :)
26<Bagder> been working for Net Insight the least 2+ years
27<Bagder> oh it _is_ a great job
28<dwihno> I've been unemployed for almost a year :(
29--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
30<Bagder> ugha
31<Linus> uuh
32<dwihno> Good morning Linus-dude! :D
33<Bagder> hey Linus the rocker!
34<Linus> morning d00d!
35<Bagder> you're early
36<dwihno> Bagder: Yeah, it sucks, but I'm not giving up - I write applications almost every day
37<Linus> Yup. Have to go early today
38<Bagder> dwihno: that's probably the sane thing to do
39* Linus goes for coffee
40<dwihno> :-)
41* dwihno .equals(sane)
42<dwihno> *yawn*
43<dwihno> I hate cooking lunch in the morning
44<dwihno> <-- did some pretty nice chicken salad
45<Linus> what do you guys think we should do about the GDB enabled version of librockbox?
46<Linus> and the release version?
47<Linus> multiple targets in the makefile?
48<Linus> or multiple libraries?
49<Bagder> good q
50<Bagder> my opinion: multiple targets, the same library
51<Linus> OK. next q:
52<Linus> should thread.c malloc() the stack, or should we have static stacks for the threads?
53<Linus> not a big issue, really. Just thinking.
54<Bagder> I doubt that we'll realloc() the stack so a static is slightly better
55<Linus> ok
56<Linus> we need special compiler flags for some files, like thread.o
57<Linus> how do we do that without messing with the dependencies?
58<Bagder> that's the downside of all those wildcard things
59<dwihno> <-- loves wildcards
60<Bagder> the thread.o should have its own line in the makefile, with its own additional flags on the compile line
61<Linus> Bagder: indeed
62<Linus> What does Make do when thread.o has two targets?
63<Bagder> it yells
64<Linus> gah
65<Linus> So what do we do
66<Bagder> thread.o must be removed from the wildcard-generated list
67<dwihno> Some shell script generating the makefile's perhaps?
68<-- Tumm has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
69<Bagder> I bet there is some keyword that allows us to cut out a specific file from the SRC generated list
70<Linus> Bagder: Yeah. I guess we have to do that. It's a pity.
71<Bagder> SRC = $(filter tread.c, $(SRC))
72<Bagder> SRC = $(filter-out tread.c, $(SRC))
73<Bagder> rather
74<Bagder> btw
75<Bagder> Linus: do you know why the Recorder doesn't allow music to be played while charging the batteries?
76<dwihno> It doesn't?! :(
77<Bagder> at least I haven't been able to make it ;-)
78<dwihno> hm
79<dwihno> You probably forgot connecting it to the PC ;)
80<dwihno> Do you develop using linux or windows?
81<Bagder> there is only one ;-)
82<Bagder> Linux
83<Bagder> and Solaris too actually
84<dwihno> okay
85<dwihno> USB on solaris?
86<dwihno> Did you ever try a BSD variant?
87<Bagder> I don't need usb to develop
88<Bagder> we have simulators, remember
89<dwihno> aaah
90<dwihno> the Simulator(tm) :D
91<Bagder> yes, I've tried BSD variants
92<dwihno> so what did you think?
93<Bagder> about what?
94<Bagder> BSD?
95<dwihno> yeah
96<dwihno> and how much of a difference is there between the simulator and the real hardware?
97<Bagder> the simulators simulate the "low-level" APIs, so we can write "apps" on them
98<Bagder> the BSDs are generally fine, in some areas great, in some not so great
99<dwihno> Please go on :)
100<Linus> Bagder: Zagor does it all day (listening while charging)
101<Bagder> hm
102<Linus> I tried just now. What is your problem?
103<Linus> You have to push "on"
104<Linus> puch and hold
105<Bagder> while charging?
106<Linus> just like when you turn it on normally
107<dwihno> So what linux distributions are you guys using+
108<Linus> Red Hat
109<Linus> I wanted to install Debian, bit it kind of backfired on me
110<Bagder> ah ok
111<Bagder> I just didn't press long enough
112<dwihno> How about you Bagder?
113<Linus> He is an old red hat
114<Bagder> once upon the time redhat
115<dwihno> /\
116<Bagder> source since
117<Linus> patched as hell
118<dwihno> /\
119<dwihno> hm
120<dwihno> that's my hat ;)
121<Bagder> $ telnet localhost
122* adi|home slaps you all with the "be quiet im tring to sleep" stick
123<Bagder> Trying
124<Bagder> Connected to localhost.
125<Bagder> Escape character is '^]'.
126<Bagder> Storebror Linux What Hasn't Crashed Yet Soon Will
127<Bagder> Kernel 2.4.18 on an i686
128<Bagder> login:
129<Bagder> :-)
130<dwihno> Telnet rules
131<Bagder> you tring huh? ;-)
132<adi|home> telnet SUCKS
133<adi|home> ssh is god
134<adi|home> i have issues with plain text
135<Bagder> telnet is fine on localhost ;-)
136<adi|home> or "here, sniff my password"
137<adi|home> bah, humbug
138<adi|home> i wouldn't trade the ease of use of scp and ssh for anything
139<dwihno> ssh is good
140<dwihno> and cute
141<Linus> what do we prefer:
142<Linus> make DEBUG=1
143<Linus> or
144<Linus> make debug
145<adi|home> make debug
146<Bagder> the latter
147<Linus> ok
148<adi|home> cause its like comparing to "make CLEAN=1"
149<adi|home> :)
150<Bagder> yeah
151<Linus> not really. clean is a target, DEBUG is more like an option
152<adi|home> have we reached any sort of decision on how apps/ is going to be set up?
153<Linus> debug affects the compiler flags
154<adi|home> no, id treat debug as a target too..
155<Bagder> adi|home: hehe, not really, but I think we go for all "general" files in the root with target-specific code in subdirs, for now
156<adi|home> doing LINUX or SOLARIS .. those id accept at =1
157<adi|home> k
158* adi|home needs to get back into the swing of things
159<Bagder> but I don't know why Björn didn't move all the app code from uisimulator to apps
160<adi|home> if you want me to just switch everything over i can.. but i don' see a need to yet really
161<Bagder> there's no immediate need, no, I just thought it'd be cleaner
162<Bagder> when we wanna start building target stuff using the apps
163<Linus> Bagder: how do i change CFLAGS in a target?
164<Bagder> ehum
165<Bagder> you don't
166<Linus> Hence my question above
167<Bagder> well, in a sane makefile you have a differently named variable for that then
168<Linus> and no default rules?
169<Linus> Here we go
170<Bagder> right
171<Bagder> or rather
172<Bagder> you'd use different object files
173<Linus> oh no
174<Bagder> oh yes ;-)
175<Linus> Then we are in depoendency hell
176<Bagder> not necessarily
177<Bagder> DBGOBJS := $(SRC:%.c=debug/%.o) crt0.o
178<Bagder> or however you write that kind of stuff
179<Bagder> or perhaps not
180<Bagder> using default rules really ain't fine here
181<Linus> The seldom are
182<Bagder> and totally unnecessary since we generate the deps anyway
183<Bagder> we can just as well generate the action line too
184<Linus> I see the Makefile growing
185<Bagder> sure
186<Bagder> but it needs to do good
187<Bagder> a small bad makefile is worse than a big good one
188* adi|home pets the Makefile.. "good makefile.. you grow.. big.. strong makefile.. strong like bull"
189<-- calpefrosch|work has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
190<Bagder> more coffee
191<Linus> I would prefer writing "make DEBUG=1" instead of having a more complex makefile/dependency generation
192<Bagder> it'll work for now at least
193<dwihno> make -f Makefile.debug
194<dwihno> :-)
195<Bagder> I received a poem by mail this morning:
196<Bagder> fooled dad added cable
197<Bagder> failed decode doc called aid
198<Bagder> official bill baffled
199<Bagder> supposed to be almost Haiku, and it is...
200<Bagder> hexadecimal ;-)
201<dwihno> haha
202<Bagder> 00000000 f0 01 ed da da dd ed ca b1 e0
203<Bagder> 00000013 fa 11 ed de c0 de d0 cc a1 1e da 1d
204<Bagder> 0000002b 0f f1 c1 a1 b1 11 ba ff 1e d0
205<dwihno> Writing hexadecimal poetry goes in the top20 of the "what to do on a rainy day" list :)
206<Bagder> indeed
207--> calpefrosch|work (~calpefros@ has joined #rockbox
208<calpefrosch|work> morning
209<Bagder> morning calpe
210<Linus> morning Froggy
211* calpefrosch|work quacks
212--> StarFox ( has joined #rockbox
213* Bagder greets StarFox welcome
214<StarFox> hello Bagder
215* StarFox is trying out some new themes
216<Linus> hi starfox
217<StarFox> hello Linus
218<Bagder> StarFox: you an Archos owner?
219<StarFox> no
220<Linus> This is only for club members. :-)
221<Linus> haha
222<Bagder> hey
223<Bagder> there's no rockbox available yet anyway ;-)
224<Linus> No, but it's close now
225<dwihno> Will the LCD-off feature be in the first releases?
226<Linus> Bagder: can you check the makefile changes for me?
227<Bagder> the very first release is for the player
228<Linus> I haven't written a MAS driver for the Recorder yet
229<Bagder> Linus: yes, that makefile looks fine
230<Bagder> does it work? ;-)
231<dwihno> Ah, okay
232<Linus> Good. Zagor will probably have some wierd comments on it :-)
233<Linus> Bagder: yes it works :-)
234<Bagder> oh he will
235<Bagder> Zagor the code police will strike down ;-)
236<Bagder> we need to join the rebel forces
237* dwihno can hear the "boot sound" in his head: "R-r-r-rockbox - Open Source kickass firmware"
238<Linus> Yeah. He's a badass moddafacka Code Cop
239* Bagder is scared of the code police force
240<StarFox> brb
241<-- StarFox has quit ("Will return soon")
242<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
243--> Linus ( has joined #rockbox
244<Linus> oops
245--> Zagor_ ( has joined #rockbox
246<Bagder> hey Zagor_
247<Zagor_> hi
248--- Zagor_ is now known as Zagor
249<Linus> oh no! the police! run!
250* Bagder ducks
251<dwihno> :D
252<dwihno> GOOD MORNING ZAGOR! :D
253<dwihno> Zagor: Linus has been here all day long, did you have a sovmorgon? :)
254<Zagor> yeah
255<dwihno> :-)
256<dwihno> Zzzagor ;)
257* Bagder is gonna go and have some nice shots now!
258<dwihno> Shots?
259<dwihno> This early? :)
260<Bagder> as in needles
261<Bagder> vaccine
262--- Bagder is now known as Bagder|gone
263<dwihno> Vaccine for what?
264<Bagder|gone> I dunno ;-) I'll find out!
265<Bagder|gone> I'm going to east africa this summer
266<dwihno> Ah
267<dwihno> Then I know which vaccine you are getting
268<dwihno> Insanity neutralizer ;)
269<dwihno> Nobody sane would ever go to africa
270<dwihno> All sick mosquitos and rhinos and giraffs... That's scary stuff dude! :)
271<Linus> Uganda?
272--- Linus is now known as Linus|lunch
273--- Zagor is now known as Zagor|lunch
274--> Tumm ( has joined #rockbox
275--- Zagor|lunch is now known as Zagor
276--- Linus|lunch is now known as Linus
277--- Bagder|gone is now known as Bagder
278<Zagor> still alive, bagder? ;)
279<dwihno> We are alive
280<dwihno> (Paul van Dyk)
281<dwihno> :-)
282<Bagder> I got away pretty good ;-)
283<Bagder> not a single shot
284* dwihno gives everybody some newly baked bullar
285<Bagder> had them all already ;-)
286<Bagder> mainly just Malaria poison needed
287* Bagder thinks ispell-complete-word rocks hard
288* Bagder detects trouble
289<dwihno> find / -type trouble
290<Bagder> gaaah
291<Bagder> May 17 10:46:22 pm1 named[27762]: exiting (due to assertion failure)
292<dwihno> hm
293<dwihno> named must not be stopped!
294<Bagder> correctomente
295<dwihno> What version of named?
296<Bagder> wait, gotta fix this first
297<dwihno> mkay
298<Bagder> weirness
299<Bagder> weirdness
300<Linus> oh
301<Bagder> named starts from inetd mostly
302--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
303<dwihno> fishy
304<dwihno> ><))))8>
305<Bagder> May 17 10:46:22 pm1 named[27762]: message.c:808: REQUIRE(*rdataset == 0) failed
306* Bagder goes debugging
307<-- Linus ( has left #rockbox
308<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020513]")
309<Zagor> gah!
310* Zagor notes the http access log has grown to 460 MB since december
311<dwihno> oh my god! :/
312<dwihno> <-- tries to hide his DOS attack with some vanilla sauce
313* Zagor shops for a good log analyzer
314<dwihno> Denial of Sås
315<dwihno> We got analog
316<Zagor> is it good?
317<dwihno> then webalizer
318<dwihno> analog is extremely configurable
319<dwihno> webalizer produces nice graphs ;D
320<Zagor> i'll try analog
321<Bagder> I moved lots of files from the sim dir to the apps dir
322<Bagder> and made the x11-simulator build again, both versions
323<Zagor> nice
324<Bagder> updated the activity too with the new paths
325<dwihno> Do you have a slogan for the Rockbox project yet?
326<Bagder> "its better to rock a box than to box a rock"
327<Bagder> :-P
328<dwihno> hehe
329<dwihno> box a rock?! :)
330<dwihno> No fun
331<Zagor> we don't need no steeenkin slogan :)
332<dwihno> :~(
333<dwihno> So what can I contribute with to the project?
334<dwihno> ascii art? :)
335<Zagor> haha
336<dwihno> Seriousley
337<dwihno> I want to contribuyte
338<dwihno> I can make new games :)
339<Zagor> fire away. asteriods is still unclaimed :)
340<dwihno> hehe
341<dwihno> Tell me about the development environment and the test software you are using :)
342<Zagor> have you read the API file?
343<dwihno> I have ZERO files
344<dwihno> Except from JPEG's ;D
345<Zagor> go browse the cvs
347<Zagor> 180603 hits in /rockbox/ :)
348<Zagor> plus another 30209 in /jukebox/
349<dwihno> juckbox :)
350<dwihno> On monday I will place my order for a recorder! :D
351<Bagder> that's the spirit! ;-)
352<dwihno> Oh
353<dwihno> I just found out monday is a day off
354<Bagder> yeps
355<dwihno> Luckily I found out it now, or I would have been here on monday morning :)
357<Zagor> yay!
358<Bagder> it seems people keep busy with useful things ;-)
359<dwihno> hahaha
360<dwihno> mongo :)
361<dwihno> baddade blodad collie
362<dwihno> fifflade labile olof
363<dwihno> haha
364<Zagor> we should separate the player and recorder code, and not have everything in apps/ root
365<Zagor> icons, bmp, tetris, screensaver etc
366<Bagder> true
367--> linuxstb ( has joined #rockbox
368<Bagder> hi daev
369<Bagder> dave
370<linuxstb> Hi - what happenning to the CVS? :-)
371<Bagder> haha
372<Bagder> we move sources into apps that are meant for target and simulator
373<Bagder> to have the uisimulator for simulator stuff only
374<linuxstb> I think that's a good thing. When do you think you will be finished?
375<Bagder> dunno, we just discussed putting the recorder-specific files in their own subdir in apps
376<linuxstb> OK, I'll hang around here and see what happens. I'm still working at the moment, but was distracted by the CVS action.
377<-- calpefrosch|work has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
378<Bagder> hehe
379<Bagder> don't expect any more work from my side today, I'm busy elsewhere atm
380--- dwihno is now known as dw|gone
381<Zagor> i'll be getting the simulator working with player keypad
382<Zagor> then I plan to test it on target tonight
383<Bagder> right on!
384<Zagor> and polish some of the remaining issues like key polling etc
385<Zagor> friday candy time
386<Bagder> lots of adding and deleting today ;-)
387<Zagor> yeah. cvs history is for wimps! :)
388<Bagder> we don't want the history, we want the future! ;-)
389<Zagor> hrmpf. the simulator doesn't work without lcd_update
390<Zagor> who do I yell at? ;)
391* Bagder hides
392<Zagor> where is sim_lcd_puts defined? it's not in any .h .c. or .s file!?!
393<Bagder> magic
394<Bagder> its in lcd-x11.c
395<Bagder> because it is #define d
396<Bagder> so the names in the file don't have sim_ prefixes
397<Zagor> where is it defined?
398<Bagder> x11/chardef.h
399<Bagder> that construction is a bit ugly
400<Bagder> but I saw no way around it
401<Bagder> sim_lcd_puts should just do lcd_update() by itself
402<Zagor> but those defines are the other way. they define lcd_puts, not sim_lcd_puts
403<Zagor> i'm confused
404<Zagor> ah, oh.. bluearch!
405<Zagor> damn, bagder. that's UUUUGLY! :-)
406<Bagder> you make it better then
407<Bagder> the problem is that it needs *both* lcd systems when simulating the player
408<Zagor> explain it to me, what problem are you solving?
409<Zagor> hmm
410<Bagder> the player simulator uses the recorder-simultor code
411<Bagder> for char output
412<Zagor> right
413<Zagor> gotta go. see you guys later
414<-- Zagor ( has left #rockbox
415<Bagder> bye
416<-- Bagder ( has left #rockbox
417--> calpefrosch|away ( has joined #rockbox
418<-- calpefrosch|away has quit (Client Quit)
419--> Zagor ( has joined #rockbox
420--> elinenbe ( has joined #rockbox
421<elinenbe> Under news on the main page there have been no updates for more than 2 weeks. Maybe it is time to place a little updat there ;)
422<Zagor> any suggestions?
423<linuxstb> I don't know any news, but is it possible to upload some more IRC logs (if they exist)?
424<elinenbe> something like "The project is prgessing nicely and we offering a $10,000 (USD) prize in the DSP programming challenge... stay tuned for more information"
425<Zagor> hehe
426<linuxstb> :-)
427<Zagor> that reminds me, i should submit a help request to sourceforge
428<linuxstb> What is on the wishlist for DSP programming?
429<linuxstb> (apart from ogg)
430<elinenbe> wma :)
431<elinenbe> just kidding
432<elinenbe> how powerful is the DSP?
433<linuxstb> I think the only sensible "wish" is uncompressed recording and playback.
434<Zagor> pure WAV is a frequent request
435<elinenbe> that is something that many people ask for.
436<elinenbe> and with the recorder -- pur wav recording
437<linuxstb> And it shouldn't be too difficult to program - if you know the hardware.
438<elinenbe> is it possible to compile the source and run something on the actual player yet?
439<Zagor> i'm working on that right now
440<Zagor> having a bit of setup problems, for some reason
441<linuxstb> Good luck - that's worth an entry in the news if you succeed.
442<elinenbe> well, if you get something working do you think you will upload the compiled firmware?
443<Zagor> sure
444<elinenbe> how far away do you think you are?
445<elinenbe> this is quite exciting.
446<Zagor> oh, not far. this is all tested code, it's just some snag
447<linuxstb> Changing the subject, I want to implement the mpeg playing API for the X11 simulator tonight...
448<Zagor> the problem is my gf is coming over in just over an hour :)
449<elinenbe> are the simulators pretty much stable right now?
450<linuxstb> ... but am not sure where to put the files.
451<elinenbe> well, priorities are priorities
452<Zagor> linuxstb: why not in the x11 lib?
453<Zagor> directory, i mean
454<elinenbe> where do you live? Sweden?
455<Zagor> yes
456<elinenbe> so, it is 8pm there?
457<linuxstb> Zagor: OK, but how should I stop it breaking the win32 simulator and the target?
458<Zagor> the irc logs are adiamas' job, btw. i'm not sure why there hasn't been any checkins of those lately
459<elinenbe> you should NOT go waste your time with Star Wars. The movie is awul
460<elinenbe> awful
461<elinenbe> I dont even know if you have it yet
462<Zagor> linuxstb: you can't keep win32 working. don't meddle with the target files yet
463<linuxstb> Zagor: are you asking me to wait before implementing it?
464<Zagor> in target, yes. add it to the simulator only right now
465<linuxstb> I thought the target and simulator shared the same code (apps/)?
466<Zagor> some of it, yes. make a local copy of you want to test. I'm working in apps right now
467<linuxstb> OK - no problem.
468<linuxstb> I'll let you get back to your Archos now. Bye.
469<Zagor> :) no problem
470<Zagor> i can't get the player lcd to work :*(
471<elinenbe> I cry with you
472<elinenbe> :`(
473--- elinenbe is now known as elinenbe|class
474<-- elinenbe|class has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020513]")
475<Zagor> ooooh, I'm browsing my archos!
476<Zagor> but only with debugf()s :)
477<Zagor> anyone alive here, feeling like testing my app?
478<Zagor> i'm starting to wonder if my lcd lives at all
479<-- linuxstb has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
480<Zagor> well, gotta go. bye all
481<-- Zagor has quit ("bye")
482--> linuxstb ( has joined #rockbox
483<-- linuxstb has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.0")
484<adi|work> anyone around?
485<PsycoXul> no
486<adi|work> okay :)(
487--> [TDM]Mr_B|away ( has joined #rockbox
488--- [TDM]Mr_B|away is now known as [TDM]Mr_B
489<-- [TDM]Mr_B has quit (Client Quit)
490<-- Tumm has quit (
491--> Tumm ( has joined #rockbox
492--> elinenbe|class ( has joined #rockbox
493--> stew ( has joined #rockbox
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495<-- elinenbe|class has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
496<-- adi|work has quit (
497<-- jb1081 has quit (
498<-- PsycoXul has quit (
499--> adi|work ( has joined #rockbox
500--> jb1081 ( has joined #rockbox
501--> PsycoXul ( has joined #rockbox
502--> elinenbe|class ( has joined #rockbox
503--- elinenbe|class is now known as elinenbe
504<-- elinenbe has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.6 [Mozilla rv:1.0.0+/20020513]")
505--> jb1081_ ( has joined #rockbox
506<-- jb1081 has quit (Remote closed the connection)
507--- jb1081_ is now known as jb1081
508--- You are now known as adi|OutWithGirlF
509<-- jb1081 has quit (
510--> jb1081 ( has joined #rockbox
511<-- jb1081 has quit ("Client Exiting")
512--- You are now known as adi|home
513--- Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
514**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 19 13:32:25 2002