path: root/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua b/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
deleted file mode 100755
index 0640ec3764..0000000000
--- a/apps/plugins/lua_scripts/filebrowse.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
3 * __________ __ ___.
4 * Open \______ \ ____ ____ | | _\_ |__ _______ ___
5 * Source | _// _ \_/ ___\| |/ /| __ \ / _ \ \/ /
6 * Jukebox | | ( <_> ) \___| < | \_\ ( <_> > < <
7 * Firmware |____|_ /\____/ \___ >__|_ \|___ /\____/__/\_ \
8 * \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
9 * $Id$
10 *
11 * Copyright (C) 2017 William Wilgus
12 *
13 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
14 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
15 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
16 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
17 *
18 * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
19 * KIND, either express or implied.
20 *
21 ****************************************************************************/
23if ... == nil then rb.splash(rb.HZ * 3, "use 'require'") end
25local _lcd = require("lcd")
26local _timer = require("timer")
29--[[ returns a sorted tables of directories and (another) of files
30-- path is the starting path; norecurse == true.. only that path will be searched
31-- findfile & finddir are definable search functions
32-- if not defined all files/dirs are returned if false is passed.. none
33-- or you can provide your own function see below..
34-- f_t and d_t allow you to pass your own tables for re-use but isn't necessary
36local function get_files(path, norecurse, finddir, findfile, sort_by, f_t, d_t)
37 local quit = false
38 local sort_by_function -- forward declaration
39 local filepath_function -- forward declaration
40 local files = f_t or {}
41 local dirs = d_t or {}
43 local function f_filedir(name)
44 --default find function
45 -- example: return name:find(".mp3", 1, true) ~= nil
46 if name:len() <= 2 and (name == "." or name == "..") then
47 return false
48 end
49 return true
50 end
51 local function d_filedir(name)
52 --default discard function
53 return false
54 end
56 if finddir == nil then
57 finddir = f_filedir
58 elseif type(finddir) ~= "function" then
59 finddir = d_filedir
60 end
62 if findfile == nil then
63 findfile = f_filedir
64 elseif type(findfile) ~= "function" then
65 findfile = d_filedir
66 end
68 local function _get_files(path, cancelbtn)
69 local sep = ""
70 local filepath
71 local finfo_t
72 if string.sub(path, - 1) ~= "/" then sep = "/" end
73 for fname, isdir, finfo_t in luadir.dir(path, true) do
74 if isdir and finddir(fname) then
75 table.insert(dirs, path .. sep ..fname)
76 elseif not isdir and findfile(fname) then
77 filepath = filepath_function(path, sep, fname, finfo_t.attribute, finfo_t.size, finfo_t.time)
78 table.insert(files, filepath)
79 end
81 if rb.get_plugin_action(0) == cancelbtn then
82 return true
83 end
84 end
85 end
89 local function cmp_alphanum (op1, op2)
90 local type1= type(op1)
91 local type2 = type(op2)
93 if type1 ~= type2 then
94 return type1 < type2
95 else
96 if type1 == "string" then
97 op1 = op1:upper()
98 op2 = op2:upper()
99 return sort_by_function(op1, op2)
100 end
101 return op1 < op2
102 end
103 end
105 _lcd:splashf(1, "Searching for Files")
107 if sort_by == "name" then
108 sort_by_function = function(s1, s2) return s1 < s2 end
109 filepath_function = function(path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
110 return string.format("%s%s%s;", path, sep, fname)
111 end
112 elseif sort_by == "size" then
113 filepath_function = function(path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
114 return string.format("%s%s%s; At:%d, Sz:%d, Tm:%d", path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
115 end
116 sort_by_function = function(s1, s2)
117 local v1, v2
118 v1 = string.match(s1, "SZ:(%d+)")
119 v2 = string.match(s2, "SZ:(%d+)")
120 if v1 or v2 then
121 return tonumber(v1 or 0) < tonumber(v2 or 0)
122 end
123 return s1 < s2
124 end
125 elseif sort_by == "date" then
126 filepath_function = function(path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
127 return string.format("%s%s%s; At:%d, Sz:%d, Tm:%d", path, sep, fname, fattrib, fsize, ftime)
128 end
129 sort_by_function = function(s1, s2)
130 local v1, v2
131 v1 = string.match(s1, "TM:(%d+)")
132 v2 = string.match(s2, "TM:(%d+)")
133 if v1 or v2 then
134 return tonumber(v1 or 0) < tonumber(v2 or 0)
135 end
136 return s1 < s2
137 end
138 end
140 table.insert(dirs, path) -- root
142 for key,value in pairs(dirs) do
143 --luadir.dir may error out so we need to do the call protected
144 -- _get_files(value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
145 _, quit = pcall(_get_files, value, CANCEL_BUTTON)
147 if quit == true or norecurse then
148 break;
149 end
150 end
152 table.sort(files, cmp_alphanum)
153 table.sort(dirs, cmp_alphanum)
155 return dirs, files
156end -- get_files
159-- uses print_table and get_files to display simple file browser
160-- sort_by "date" "name" "size"
161-- descending true/false
162function file_choose(dir, title, sort_by, descending)
163 local dstr, hstr = ""
164 if not title then
165 dstr = "%d items found in %0d.%02d seconds"
166 else
167 hstr = title
168 end
170 if not sort_by then sort_by = "name" end
171 sort_by = sort_by:lower()
173 -- returns whole seconds and remainder
174 local function tick2seconds(ticks)
175 local secs = (ticks / rb.HZ)
176 local csecs = (ticks - (secs * rb.HZ))
177 return secs, csecs
178 end
180 local norecurse = true
181 local f_finddir = nil -- function to match directories; nil all, false none
182 local f_findfile = nil -- function to match files; nil all, false none
184 local p_settings = {wrap = true, hasheader = true}
186 local timer
187 local files = {}
188 local dirs = {}
189 local item = 1
190 _lcd:clear()
192 while item > 0 do
193 if not title then
194 timer = _timer()
195 end
197 dirs, files = get_files(dir, norecurse, f_finddir, f_findfile, sort_by, dirs, files)
199 local parentdir = dirs[1]
200 for i = 1, #dirs do
201 dirs[i] = "\t" .. dirs[i]
202 end
204 if not descending then
205 for i = 1, #files do
206 -- only store file name .. strip attributes from end
207 table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. string.match(files[i], "[^;]+") or "?")
208 end
209 else
210 for i = #files, 1, -1 do
211 -- only store file name .. strip attributes from end
212 table.insert(dirs, "\t" .. string.match(files[i], "[^;]+") or "?")
213 end
214 end
215 for i=1, #files do files[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
217 if not title then
218 hstr = string.format(dstr, #dirs - 1, tick2seconds(timer:stop()))
219 end
221 table.insert(dirs, 1, hstr)
223 item = print_table(dirs, #dirs, p_settings)
225 -- If item was selected follow directory or return filename
226 if item > 0 then
227 dir = string.gsub(dirs[item], "%c+","")
228 if not rb.dir_exists("/" .. dir) then
229 return dir
230 end
231 end
233 if dir == parentdir then
234 dir = dir:sub(1, dir:match(".*()/") - 1)
235 if dir == "" then dir = "/" end
236 end
237 for i=1, #dirs do dirs[i] = nil end -- empty table for reuse
239 end
240end -- file_choose