path: root/apps/codecs/dumb/docs/dumb.txt
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1 files changed, 1699 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/codecs/dumb/docs/dumb.txt b/apps/codecs/dumb/docs/dumb.txt
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index 0000000000..86b2cc3374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/codecs/dumb/docs/dumb.txt
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1/* _______ ____ __ ___ ___
2 * \ _ \ \ / \ / \ \ / / ' ' '
3 * | | \ \ | | || | \/ | . .
4 * | | | | | | || ||\ /| |
5 * | | | | | | || || \/ | | ' ' '
6 * | | | | | | || || | | . .
7 * | |_/ / \ \__// || | |
8 * /_______/ynamic \____/niversal /__\ /____\usic /| . . ibliotheque
9 * / \
10 * / . \
11 * dumb.txt - DUMB library reference. / / \ \
12 * | < / \_
13 * See readme.txt for general information on | \/ /\ /
14 * DUMB and how to set it up. \_ / > /
15 * | \ / /
16 * If you are new to DUMB, see howto.txt. | ' /
17 * \__/
18 */
22*** Include Files and Libraries ***
28 Include this if you only want the core DUMB library functions. You will
29 be able to load music files and render them into memory buffers at your
30 own pace. The core library is completely portable, and as such does not
31 access hardware; you must relay the sound data to the sound card yourself.
32 A stdio file input module is available, but you must actively register it
33 if you wish to use it (see dumb_register_stdfiles()); if you do not
34 register it, it will not be linked into your executable. You must register
35 it, or a DUMBFILE module of your own, in order to load stand-alone music
36 files.
38 Optimised: -ldumb or /link dumb.lib
39 Debugging: -ldumbd or /link dumbd.lib
44 Include this if you wish to use DUMB with Allegro. This will provide you
45 with functions to play DUHs back through Allegro's audio streams and embed
46 music files in Allegro datafiles. A file input module using Allegro's
47 packfiles is provided; you have a choice between this and the stdio
48 module (or provide one of your own). You will be able to load datafiles
49 containing music files no matter which file input module you register, or
50 even if you register no file input module. However, you must register a
51 file input module in order to load stand-alone files.
53 Optimised: -laldmb -ldumb -lalleg or /link aldmb.lib alleg.lib dumb.lib
54 Debugging: -laldmd -ldumbd -lalld or /link aldmd.lib alld.lib dumbd.lib
56 aldmb or aldmd must be linked in first, so the symbols can be resolved
57 when linking in the other two libraries.
61*** Version Information ***
69 Numeric constants representing this version of DUMB. If this were version
70 1.0, DUMB_MAJOR_VERSION would be 1 and DUMB_MINOR_VERSION would be 0.
71 DUMB_REVISION_VERSION will be 0 on any significant releases, and will be
72 incremented as releases with bugfixes and minor features are made.
74 Typical usage:
77 #error This add-on requires DUMB v1.0 or higher. Please upgrade.
78 #endif
81#define DUMB_VERSION
83 A numeric constant which appears in the format MMmmrr when displayed in
84 decimal (M for major, m for minor, r for revision). This is most useful
85 for comparing version numbers; it has little other practical use.
87 Typical usage:
89 #if DUMB_VERSION < 801
90 #error This game requires DUMB v0.8.1 or higher. Please upgrade.
91 #endif
93 #if DUMB_VERSION < 10002
94 #error This game requires DUMB v1.0.2 or higher. Please upgrade.
95 #endif
100 String constant representing this version of DUMB. If this were Version
101 1.0, DUMB_VERSION_STR would be "1.0". DUMB_REVISION_VERSION will only
102 appear on the end if it is nonzero; then DUMB_VERSION_STR might be
103 "1.0.1".
106#define DUMB_NAME
108 A string identifying DUMB and its version. If this were Version 1.0,
109 DUMB_NAME might be "DUMB v1.0". This constant is suitable for use in your
110 Credits screen if you wish to acknowledge the use of DUMB there.
113#define DUMB_YEAR
114#define DUMB_MONTH
115#define DUMB_DAY
117 Numeric constants representing the year, month and day of this release of
118 DUMB. All four digits are included in the year. Please note that
119 DUMB_MONTH and DUMB_DAY were inadvertently swapped in the v0.8 release.
122#define DUMB_YEAR_STR4
123#define DUMB_YEAR_STR2
124#define DUMB_MONTH_STR2
125#define DUMB_MONTH_STR1
126#define DUMB_DAY_STR2
127#define DUMB_DAY_STR1
129 String constants representing the year, month and day of this release of
130 DUMB. DUMB_MONTH_STR2 and DUMB_DAY_STR2 include a leading zero if the
131 month or day respectively are less than ten; the STR1 variations do not.
132 DUMB_YEAR_STR2 contains only the two rightmost digits of the year, while
133 DUMB_YEAR_STR4 contains all four. I recommend using DUMB_YEAR_STR4,
134 especially so soon after the turn of the century (indeed the millennium).
135 However, it is a matter of personal preference which you use.
137 Please note that the month and day were inadvertently swapped in the v0.8
138 release.
141#define DUMB_DATE
143 A numeric constant that appears in the form yyyymmdd when displayed in
144 decimal. This is most useful for comparing release dates; it has little
145 other practical use.
147 WARNING: The month and day were inadvertently swapped in the v0.8 release.
148 Please do not compare this constant against any date in 2002. In
149 any case, DUMB_VERSION is probably more useful for this purpose.
152#define DUMB_DATE_STR
154 The date as a string. The format is "d.m.yyyy", with dots used as
155 separators, the day written first, four digits for the year, and no
156 leading zeros on the day or month. This is my preferred format. If you
157 don't like it, you can construct your own format using the other
158 constants. For example, "mm/dd/yy" could be constructed as follows:
162 Please note that the month and day were inadvertently swapped in the v0.8
163 release.
167*** Basic Sample Type ***
171typedef int sample_t;
173 DUMB works internally with 32-bit integer samples, with a 'normal range'
174 from -0x800000 to 0x7FFFFF (as of DUMB v0.9.2; previously they ranged from
175 -0x8000 to 0x7FFF). Any samples that exceed this range will eventually be
176 clipped, and could cause integer overflow in extreme cases.
180*** Library Clean-up Management ***
184int dumb_atexit(void (*proc)(void));
186 Registers a function to be called at the end of your program. You can
187 register multiple functions to be called, and the one you register last
188 will be called first. If you try to register the same function twice, the
189 second attempt will have no effect.
191 See fnptr.txt for help with function pointers.
193 You must call dumb_exit() before exiting your program for this to work
194 properly. The library itself registers functions with dumb_atexit(), so it
195 is important to call dumb_exit() even if you do not use dumb_atexit()
196 yourself.
198 This function will return zero on success. It will return zero when
199 trying to install the same function twice. If it fails through lack of
200 memory, it will return nonzero. Generally you can ignore the return code;
201 in the worst case some memory will not be freed at the end. If it is
202 crucial that your function be called (e.g. to shut down some hardware or
203 save critical data), then you should call your function manually at the
204 end of the program instead of registering it here - or use the stdlib
205 function atexit(), guaranteed under ANSI C to succeed for at least 32
206 functions.
209void dumb_exit(void);
211 You should call this before exiting your program if you have used any part
212 of DUMB in the program. Some parts of DUMB will allocate memory, and this
213 function will free it all up.
215 More specifically, this function will call any functions that have been
216 registered with dumb_atexit(). If a part of DUMB needs shutting down, the
217 shutdown procedure will have been registered in this way.
219 dumb_exit() will, of course, also call any functions you registered with
220 dumb_atexit() yourself.
222 After a call to dumb_exit(), the list of functions is erased. If you are
223 not ready to exit your program, you can start using DUMB anew as if your
224 program had just started. (Note that not everything will be reset in
225 practice - dumb_resampling_quality will retain whatever you set it to, for
226 example, though you should not assume it will.)
228 If you only need to call dumb_exit() once at the end of the program, you
229 can use the following to register dumb_exit() with stdlib.h atexit():
231 #include <stdlib.h>
233 atexit(&dumb_exit);
235 Then dumb_exit() will be called for you when your program exits. This is
236 the recommended method, since it will ensure clean-up even if your program
237 aborts. You should only call dumb_exit() manually if you need to shut DUMB
238 down prematurely, or if atexit() is unavailable for one reason or another.
242*** Sequential File Input ***
246 DUMB provides a strictly sequential file input system which uses the
247 DUMBFILE struct. "Strictly sequential" means you cannot seek backwards.
248 However, the system will keep track of how many bytes you have read,
249 enabling you to seek forwards. DUMBFILEs provide a convenient error
250 detection system, so you do not have to check the return value from every
251 function call in the way you do with the ANSI C functions.
253 Note that DUMBFILEs cannot be used for output, nor can they be used
254 portably for text files.
256 If an error occurs when reading data from a DUMBFILE, the DUMBFILE will
257 become inoperative. All subsequent activities on the DUMBFILE will return
258 error codes without attempting to read from the file. The position in the
259 file will also be forgotten. You can find out if this has happened at any
260 stage with the dumbfile_error() function. You are still required to close
261 the DUMBFILE, and the return value from dumbfile_close() will tell you if
262 an error has occurred.
264 This system allows you to input large chunks of your file, neither
265 checking every return value nor wasting time accessing a file that has
266 already experienced an error. However, before you allocate an amount of
267 memory or read in a quantity of data depending on previous input from the
268 file, you should always check that such input was valid. In particular you
269 should avoid passing zero or negative numbers to malloc(), and avoid
270 passing negative numbers to dumbfile_skip() and dumbfile_getnc().
272 DUMBFILEs can be hooked. In other words, you can specify your own
273 functions to do the work of reading from a file. While DUMB contains two
274 modules for this purpose, it does not set them up for you automatically.
275 In most cases you must register one of these modules yourself, or provide
276 your own module. See register_dumbfile_system(), dumb_register_stdfiles()
277 and dumb_register_packfiles().
280void register_dumbfile_system(DUMBFILE_SYSTEM *dfs);
282 Use this function to register a set of functions for use by the DUMBFILEs
283 (a DUMBFILE system). The DUMBFILE_SYSTEM struct contains the following
284 fields:
286 void *(*open)(const char *filename);
287 int (*skip)(void *f, long n);
288 int (*getc)(void *f);
289 long (*getnc)(char *ptr, long n, void *f);
290 void (*close)(void *f);
292 See fnptr.txt for help with function pointers such as these.
294 Your 'open' function should open the file specified and return a pointer
295 to a struct representing the open file. This pointer will be passed to
296 your other functions as 'f'. Your 'close' function should close the file
297 and free all memory pointed to by 'f'. Note that the 'close' operation
298 should never be able to fail; if you are calling a function with a return
299 value, you can generally ignore it.
301 Your 'getc' function should read one byte from the file and return its
302 value in the range 0 to 255. If an error occurs, you should return -1. Do
303 not worry about remembering that an error has occurred; DUMB will do that
304 for you.
306 'skip' is for skipping parts of the file, and should skip n bytes,
307 returning 0 on success or any other number on failure. 'getnc' should read
308 n bytes from the file, store them at 'ptr', and return the number of bytes
309 read (n on success, fewer on failure). However, these two functions are
310 optional, and you should only provide them if the operations can be done
311 more efficiently than with repeated calls to your 'getc' function. If this
312 is not the case, specify NULL for 'skip', 'getnc' or both, and DUMB will
313 use your 'getc' function to do the work.
315 Once you have written all your functions, you need to create a
316 DUMBFILE_SYSTEM struct to hold them, and pass its pointer to
317 register_dumbfile_system().
319 The DUMBFILE_SYSTEM struct must be permanent. In other words, it must be
320 either global or static, and you should not modify it later. DUMB will not
321 make its own copy.
323 You will most likely create your own struct to represent the open file,
324 but do not be tempted to specify that struct in the function prototypes
325 and pacify the compiler warnings by casting your function pointers. There
326 exist computer systems where a (void *) pointer and a (MY_STRUCT *)
327 pointer are represented differently in memory, and a cast of such a
328 pointer causes a tangible conversion to take place. If you cast the
329 function pointers, the computer cannot know when such a conversion is
330 necessary. Instead, use the following structure:
332 int myskip(void *f, long n)
333 {
334 FILE *file = f;
335 /* Do some stuff with 'file' */
336 return something;
337 }
339 If you need examples, have a look at the two existing DUMBFILE systems in
340 dumb/src/core/stdfile.c and dumb/src/allegro/packfile.c.
343DUMBFILE *dumbfile_open(const char *filename);
345 Open the specified file for input. You must pass the DUMBFILE pointer
346 whenever you wish to operate on this file. When you have finished with the
347 file, you must pass it to dumbfile_close().
349 Before you use this function, make sure you have registered a DUMBFILE
350 system. See register_dumbfile_system(), dumb_register_stdfiles() and
351 dumb_register_packfiles().
353 You must check the return value from this function. If it is NULL, the
354 file could not be opened, and you must not pass the DUMBFILE to any other
355 function. The debugging library will abort if you get this wrong; the
356 optimised library will act weird.
359DUMBFILE *dumbfile_open_ex(void *file, DUMBFILE_SYSTEM *dfs);
361 This function is provided for more specialised use. You should create a
362 DUMBFILE_SYSTEM specially for the purpose. Its 'open' field is irrelevant;
363 for neatness, set it to NULL, unless you are using this DUMBFILE_SYSTEM
364 with register_dumbfile_system() as well.
366 When you have called this function, the DUMBFILE struct it returned can be
367 used as normal. The specified DUMBFILE_SYSTEM will be used for all input,
368 with 'file' passed to your 'skip', 'getc' and 'getnc' functions as 'f'.
369 This can be used, for example, to read from an already open file.
371 Note that the position will always be initialised to 0 for this DUMBFILE.
372 This means for example that offsets in the file do not need adjusting when
373 embedding data in a larger file.
375 There are two ways to use this function. If you want 'file' to persist
376 after using a DUMBFILE returned by this function, you should make sure the
377 'close' field in the DUMBFILE is set to NULL. When the DUMBFILE is closed,
378 'file' will be left alone, and you can and should deal with it yourself
379 when the DUMBFILE has been closed.
381 Alternatively, you can provide a 'close' function to get rid of 'file' for
382 you when the DUMBFILE is closed. If you do this, you should not otherwise
383 use 'file' after a call to this function.
385 If dumbfile_open_ex() has to return NULL, owing to lack of memory, then
386 your 'close' function will be called if provided. In other words, if you
387 have provided a 'close' function, then you no longer need to worry about
388 'file' whether this function succeeds or not.
390 See dumb/src/helpers/stdfile.c and dumb/src/allegro/packfile.c for
391 examples of how to use this function. Neither provides a 'close' function,
392 so I hope my explanation here will suffice. If not, please feel free to
393 contact me so I can make the explanation clearer and help you do what you
394 want to do. Contact details are at the end of this file.
397long dumbfile_pos(DUMBFILE *f);
399 Returns the number of bytes read from the DUMBFILE (or skipped) since it
400 was opened, or -1 if an error has occurred while reading.
403int dumbfile_skip(DUMBFILE *f, long n);
405 Skips n bytes of the specified DUMBFILE. Returns zero on success.
408int dumbfile_getc(DUMBFILE *f);
410 Reads one byte from the DUMBFILE and returns it in unsigned format (from 0
411 to 255). If an error occurs, or occurred before, this function returns -1.
414int dumbfile_igetw(DUMBFILE *f);
416 Reads two bytes from the DUMBFILE and combines them into a word ranging
417 from 0 to 65535. The first byte read is the least significant byte, as
418 with Intel processors. This function returns -1 on error.
421int dumbfile_mgetw(DUMBFILE *f);
423 Reads two bytes from the DUMBFILE and combines them into a word ranging
424 from 0 to 65535. The first byte read is the most significant byte, as
425 with the Apple Macintosh. This function returns -1 on error.
428long dumbfile_igetl(DUMBFILE *f);
430 Reads four bytes from the DUMBFILE and combines them into a long integer
431 ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647. The first byte read is the least
432 significant byte, as with Intel processors. This function returns -1 on
433 error, but -1 is also a valid return value. After a call to this function,
434 you can use dumbfile_error() to find out if an error occurred.
437long dumbfile_mgetl(DUMBFILE *f);
439 Reads four bytes from the DUMBFILE and combines them into a long integer
440 ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647. The first byte read is the most
441 significant byte, as with the Apple Macintosh. This function returns -1 on
442 error, but -1 is also a valid return value. After a call to this function,
443 you can use dumbfile_error() to find out if an error occurred.
446unsigned long dumbfile_cgetul(DUMBFILE *f);
448 Reads an unsigned (nonnegative) integer from the DUMBFILE. The integer is
449 stored in a condensed format where smaller numbers use less space:
451 0 to 127 1 byte
452 128 to 16383 2 bytes
453 16384 to 2097151 3 bytes
454 2097152 to 268435455 4 bytes
455 268435456 to 4294967295 5 bytes
457 This format is the same as that used for the times between notes in MIDI
458 files.
460 If an error occurs, this function returns (unsigned long)(-1), but that
461 may be a valid return value. After a call to this function, you can use
462 dumbfile_error() to find out if an error occurred.
465signed long dumbfile_cgetsl(DUMBFILE *f);
467 Reads a signed integer from the DUMBFILE. The integer is stored in a
468 condensed format where numbers closer to zero use less space:
470 -64 to 63 1 byte
471 -8192 to 8191 2 bytes
472 -1048576 to 1048575 3 bytes
473 -134217728 to 134217727 4 bytes
474 -2147483648 to 2147483647 5 bytes
476 If an error occurs, this function returns -1, but -1 is also a valid
477 return value. After a call to this function, you can use dumbfile_error()
478 to find out if an error occurred.
481long dumbfile_getnc(char *ptr, long n, DUMBFILE *f);
483 Reads n bytes from the DUMBFILE and stores them at 'ptr'. Note that the
484 pointer is to a series of chars. You may also use this function to read in
485 a series of signed chars or unsigned chars (which are both officially
486 distinct types from char), but do not use this to read ints, structs or
487 any other data type from the file. Integers must be read one at a time
488 using dumbfile_igetl(), dumbfile_cgetul(), etc. To load a struct in, you
489 must read each field separately using an appropriate function for each
490 one. For complicated data types, you can simplify this process by writing
491 a function for each struct.
493 dumbfile_getnc() returns the number of bytes successfully read, which will
494 be less than n if an error occurs, and may be as low as zero. If
495 dumbfile_getnc() returns -1, that means an error occurred on this DUMBFILE
496 earlier, before this function was called.
499int dumbfile_error(DUMBFILE *f);
501 This function returns -1 if an error has occurred with the specified
502 DUMBFILE, or 0 if all is well.
505int dumbfile_close(DUMBFILE *f);
507 This function closes the DUMBFILE, after which the pointer will be
508 invalid. dumbfile_close() returns the value that dumbfile_error() would
509 have returned, which is -1 if an error occurred while reading or 0
510 otherwise. Regardless of the return value, the file will always be closed
511 properly.
515*** stdio File Input Module ***
519void dumb_register_stdfiles(void);
521 This function registers the stdio file input module for use by DUMBFILEs.
522 FILE structs and their corresponding functions, as defined by the ANSI C
523 header stdio.h, will be used internally for all DUMBFILE input (unless
524 opened with dumbfile_open_ex()).
526 This must be called before dumbfile_open() is used, or else an alternative
527 system must be registered (see register_dumbfile_system() and
528 dumb_register_packfiles()).
531DUMBFILE *dumbfile_open_stdfile(FILE *p);
533 If you have a stdio FILE struct representing an open file, you can call
534 this if you wish to read from it using a DUMBFILE. This is useful when you
535 need to pass a DUMBFILE struct to a library function, to read an embedded
536 music file for example. When you close the DUMBFILE, you can continue
537 using the FILE struct to read what follows the embedded data.
541*** Memory File Input Module ***
545DUMBFILE *dumbfile_open_memory(const char *data, long size);
547 This function is useful if you have an image of a music file in memory.
548 You might have such an image if you use dat2s to encode a datafile
549 directly into the executable. Pass a pointer to the start of the memory,
550 and the size of the image to make sure DUMB doesn't overrun the buffer.
551 The resulting DUMBFILE will feed the contents of the image to you.
553 Note that the pointer is of type 'char *'. Files are series of chars, and
554 interpreting them directly as anything else isn't portable.
558*** DUH Management ***
562void unload_duh(DUH *duh);
564 Removes a DUH from memory. You must call this for all DUHs you load,
565 making sure they're not playing at the time.
568long duh_get_length(DUH *duh);
570 Returns the length of a DUH; 65536 represents one second. This value is
571 calculated when the DUH is created, and this function simply lifts it from
572 the struct. It may not truly correspond to the time for which the DUH will
573 generate sound. For module files, it will represent the point at which the
574 module first loops (or, in the case of some XM and MOD files, freezes).
575 Any add-ons to DUMB will provide their own code for calculating this.
577 The algorithm for calculating the length of a module file can be fooled,
578 but only by very deliberate methods. In the early days, when modules could
579 only be played by their editors and had to be exported to .wav or similar
580 in order to be used elsewhere, musicians would sometimes make the player
581 think it was looping when it wasn't in order to prevent their music from
582 being exported properly. If the length of a module seems a lot less than
583 it should be, the module is probably protected in this way.
585 Getting around this protection reliably would be extremely difficult, but
586 after considering it for a while I decided it would be better not to. The
587 musician has a right to protect his or her music in this way, and I have
588 no interest in actively breaking that protection.
590 (On the other hand, some musicians were just showing off!)
594*** IT, XM, S3M and MOD Support ***
598int dumb_it_max_to_mix;
600 Specifies the maximum number of samples DUMB will mix at any one time. The
601 default number is 64. Regardless of this value, all samples will continue
602 to be processed up to an internal maximum of 256 (roughly speaking; in
603 fact it will process one sample for each channel plus up to 192 extra
604 samples that are continuing to play owing to Impulse Tracker's New Note
605 Actions), and samples that have been cut will sound again as soon as the
606 congestion clears. Samples are given priority according to their final
607 volume after all factors affecting the volume of a sample have been
608 considered.
610 If you play two or more modules at once, this value represents the
611 maximum number of samples for each one. You will have to reduce it further
612 if your computer cannot keep up.
614 Despite the name, this variable controls XM, S3M and MOD files as well as
615 IT files.
618DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *duh_get_it_sigdata(DUH *duh);
620 This function attempts to retrieve the DUMB_IT_SIGDATA struct from a DUH.
621 This struct will exist for any IT, XM, S3M or MOD file, and you can use it
622 to obtain or override module-specific information. If 'duh' is NULL, or if
623 the DUH you pass contains something other than a music module, then this
624 function will return NULL (which can safely be passed to any other
625 function).
628DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *duh_get_it_sigrenderer(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer);
630 This function attempts to retrieve the DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER struct from a
631 DUH_SIGRENDERER. This struct will exist for any currently playing IT, XM,
632 S3M or MOD file, and you can use it to obtain or override information
633 specific to module playback. If 'sigrenderer' is NULL, or if the
634 DUH_SIGRENDERER you pass is rendering something other than a music module,
635 then this function will return NULL (which can safely be passed to any
636 other function).
639DUH_SIGRENDERER *dumb_it_start_at_order
640 (DUH *duh, int n_channels, int startorder);
642 This function, given a DUH containing an IT, XM, S3M or MOD file, will
643 start playing it at the specified order. If the DUH does not contain a
644 module, this function will fail and return NULL.
646 Note that starting at an arbitrary order may result in missing notes or
647 other playback oddities. It should be used primarily for modules that
648 contain multiple songs that start on different orders. If you wish just to
649 start some music in the middle, consider using duh_start_sigrenderer() or
650 al_start_duh() with the pos parameter set appropriately.
653void dumb_it_set_loop_callback(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer,
654 int (*callback)(void *data), void *data);
656 Installs a callback which will be called every time the module loops. You
657 can pass any data pointer you like, and it will be passed to the callback
658 for you. DUMB considers a file to loop when it reaches the end, or when a
659 'Jump to order' effect (Bxx in both IT/S3M and XM/MOD) jumps to the same
660 order or a preceding order. This can result in the loop callback being
661 called when the module isn't really looping, but this only happens if the
662 module has a very deliberate design. See duh_get_length() for further
663 musings on this subject.
665 If your callback returns nonzero, the music will stop abruptly. Samples
666 will be cut, and the main program will be notified that the
667 DUH_SIGRENDERER has ended.
669 Alternatively, if you pass the DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER for 'data', or
670 otherwise arrange for it to be available to the callback, then you can
671 call:
673 dumb_it_sr_set_speed(sigrenderer, 0);
675 from inside the callback, and this will cause the music to freeze but
676 samples will be able to continue playing. The xm_speed_zero callback will
677 NOT be called in this case (see below for information on this callback).
678 Note also that setting the speed in this way will work equally for IT and
679 S3M files, even though a 'speed zero' effect can only exist in XM and MOD
680 files. Beware when using this method; samples might not fade at all!
682 A helper callback, dumb_it_callback_terminate(), is provided; installing
683 this will cause the music to terminate when it tries to loop for the first
684 time.
686 Pass NULL to remove the callback function; the module will then loop as
687 normal.
690void dumb_it_set_xm_speed_zero_callback(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer,
691 int (*callback)(void *data), void *data);
693 Installs a callback which is in many ways similar to the loop callback
694 (see dumb_it_set_loop_callback()). This callback will be called whenever
695 an F00 effect is encountered in a MOD or XM file, setting the speed to
696 zero. If the callback returns nonzero, the music will terminate. If not,
697 any currently playing samples will continue to play. You can pass any data
698 pointer you like to this function, and it will be passed to your callback
699 for you.
701 The helper callback, dumb_it_callback_terminate(), will also work here;
702 installing it will cause the music to terminate as soon as an F00 effect
703 is encountered.
705 Pass NULL to remove the callback function.
708void dumb_it_set_midi_callback(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer,
709 int (*callback)(void *data, int channel, unsigned char byte),
710 void *data);
712 Installs a callback function which will be called whenever MIDI data are
713 generated by an IT file. (No other module formats are capable of
714 generating MIDI data, so your callback will never be called.)
716 Zxx macros will generate MIDI data. These are most often used to set the
717 parameters for IT's low-pass resonant filters, and DUMB will handle these
718 messages by itself by default. See Impulse Tracker's documentation for
719 the MIDI messages that control filters. However, Zxx macros can be used
720 to send any kind of MIDI data.
722 If you wish to interpret MIDI messages yourself, you can use this
723 callback. Note that the only MIDI messages generated by DUMB at present
724 are from Zxx macros; there are no messages for note start, stop, or
725 anything else.
727 If you return 1 from this callback, DUMB will subsequently ignore the byte
728 of MIDI data. You can use this to prevent Zxx macros from controlling the
729 filters, useful if they were intended to do something else. Note that this
730 is NOT an effective way to disable filters, since instruments can have
731 filter envelopes and initial filter parameters. DUMB provides no means to
732 disable filters, as any IT file that uses them will sound wrong without
733 them. If you want lower processor consumption, use a different piece of
734 music.
736 A helper callback, dumb_it_callback_midi_block(), is provided for blocking
737 all MIDI messages and making Zxx macros do nothing.
739 Pass NULL to remove the callback.
742int dumb_it_callback_terminate(void *data);
744 This is a helper callback that can be installed with both
745 dumb_it_set_loop_callback() and dumb_it_set_xm_speed_zero_callback(). In
746 each case it will cause the music to terminate abruptly.
749int dumb_it_callback_midi_block(void *data, int channel, unsigned char byte);
751 This helper callback, for use with dumb_it_set_midi_callback(), will
752 absorb all MIDI messages, returning 1 to prevent DUMB from interpreting
753 them itself.
756DUH *dumb_load_it(const char *filename);
758 Loads the specified Impulse Tracker file, encapsulating it in a DUH
759 struct. Once the file is loaded, it can be treated exactly the same as any
760 other DUH in memory. If this fails it will return NULL, but you can safely
761 pass this NULL value to DUMB's other functions, so you do not need to
762 check the return value explicitly.
765DUH *dumb_read_it(DUMBFILE *f);
767 Reads an Impulse Tracker file from an already open DUMBFILE. This leaves
768 the DUMBFILE open, but the DUMBFILE may not be positioned at the end of
769 the IT data. If you are embedding an IT in another file, you are advised
770 to store the size of the IT file and make up for it at the end using
771 dumbfile_pos().
773 Otherwise, this function is identical to dumb_load_it().
775 WARNING: The behaviour of this function is undefined if you pass a
776 DUMBFILE from which data have already been read; it is likely not
777 to work. This oversight will be fixed in future releases.
780DUH *dumb_load_xm(const char *filename);
782 Loads the specified Fast Tracker II file, encapsulating it in a DUH
783 struct. Once the file is loaded, it can be treated exactly the same as any
784 other DUH in memory. If this fails it will return NULL, but you can safely
785 pass this NULL value to DUMB's other functions, so you do not need to
786 check the return value explicitly.
789DUH *dumb_read_xm(DUMBFILE *f);
791 Reads a Fast Tracker II file from an already open DUMBFILE. This leaves
792 the DUMBFILE open, but the DUMBFILE may not be positioned at the end of
793 the XM data. If you are embedding an XM in another file, you are advised
794 to store the size of the XM file and make up for it at the end using
795 dumbfile_pos().
797 Otherwise, this function is identical to dumb_load_xm().
799 WARNING: The behaviour of this function is undefined if you pass a
800 DUMBFILE from which data have already been read; it is likely not
801 to work. This oversight will be fixed in future releases.
804DUH *dumb_load_s3m(const char *filename);
806 Loads the specified Scream Tracker 3 file, encapsulating it in a DUH
807 struct. Once the file is loaded, it can be treated exactly the same as any
808 other DUH in memory. If this fails it will return NULL, but you can safely
809 pass this NULL value to DUMB's other functions, so you do not need to
810 check the return value explicitly.
813DUH *dumb_read_s3m(DUMBFILE *f);
815 Reads a Scream Tracker 3 file from an already open DUMBFILE. This leaves
816 the DUMBFILE open, but the DUMBFILE may not be positioned at the end of
817 the S3M data. If you are embedding an S3M in another file, you are advised
818 to store the size of the S3M file and make up for it at the end using
819 dumbfile_pos().
821 Otherwise, this function is identical to dumb_load_s3m().
823 WARNING: The behaviour of this function is undefined if you pass a
824 DUMBFILE from which data have already been read; it is likely not
825 to work. This oversight will be fixed in future releases.
828DUH *dumb_load_mod(const char *filename);
830 Loads the specified Amiga module file, encapsulating it in a DUH struct.
831 Once the file is loaded, it can be treated exactly the same as any other
832 DUH in memory. If this fails it will return NULL, but you can safely pass
833 this NULL value to DUMB's other functions, so you do not need to check the
834 return value explicitly.
837DUH *dumb_read_mod(DUMBFILE *f);
839 Reads an Amiga module file from an already open DUMBFILE. This leaves the
840 DUMBFILE open, but the DUMBFILE may not be positioned at the end of the
841 MOD data. If you are embedding a MOD in another file, you are advised to
842 store the size of the MOD file and make up for it at the end using
843 dumbfile_pos().
845 Otherwise, this function is identical to dumb_load_mod().
847 WARNING: The behaviour of this function is undefined if you pass a
848 DUMBFILE from which data have already been read; it is likely not
849 to work. This oversight will be fixed in future releases.
852int dumb_it_sd_get_n_orders(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd);
854 This function returns the number of orders in the module.
857int dumb_it_sd_get_initial_global_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd);
858void dumb_it_sd_set_initial_global_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd, int gv);
860 These functions obtain and set the initial global volume for the module.
861 This value ranges from 0 to 128 inclusive. The module can set the global
862 volume itself during playback, so your change may not last throughout the
863 playback.
866int dumb_it_sd_get_mixing_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd);
867void dumb_it_sd_set_mixing_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd, int mv);
869 These functions obtain and set the mixing volume for the module. This
870 value ranges from 0 to 128 inclusive, and does not change during playback.
871 IT files have the mixing volume stored in them; for other formats it is
872 set to 48 on loading.
875int dumb_it_sd_get_initial_speed(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd);
876void dumb_it_sd_set_initial_speed(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd, int speed);
877int dumb_it_sd_get_initial_tempo(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd);
878void dumb_it_sd_set_initial_tempo(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd, int tempo);
880 These functions obtain and set the initial speed and tempo for the module.
881 During module playback, everything happens on a tick. If a beat is 24
882 ticks, then the tempo is measured in beats per second. The speed is then
883 the number of ticks per row. With a speed of 6, a beat is then four rows.
885 Modules can set these values during playback, so your change may not last
886 throughout the playback. MOD files have to set the speed and tempo on the
887 first row if they want anything other than the default 6/125, so your
888 change may not be noticed at all!
891int dumb_it_sd_get_initial_channel_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd, int channel);
892void dumb_it_sd_set_initial_channel_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *sd, int channel,
893 int volume);
895 These functions obtain and set the initial volume for the specified
896 channel. The channel parameter is 0-based (contrary to the display in most
897 trackers so be careful), and can range from 0 to DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS - 1,
898 i.e. from 0 to 63.
900 Modules can set their channel volumes during playback, so your changes may
901 not last throughout the playback.
904int dumb_it_sr_get_current_order(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr);
905int dumb_it_sr_get_current_row(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr);
907 These functions return the current order and row of playback. Both are
908 0-based. If the DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER is invalid, or has been terminated
909 by a callback (see dumb_it_set_loop_callback() and
910 dumb_it_set_xm_speed_zero_callback()), these functions will both return
911 -1.
914int dumb_it_sr_get_global_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr);
915void dumb_it_sr_set_global_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr, int gv);
917 These functions obtain and set the current global volume for the module.
918 This value ranges from 0 to 128 inclusive. The module can set the global
919 volume itself during playback, so your change may not last.
922int dumb_it_sr_get_tempo(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr);
923void dumb_it_sr_set_tempo(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr, int tempo);
924int dumb_it_sr_get_speed(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr);
925void dumb_it_sr_set_speed(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr, int speed);
927 These functions obtain and set the current speed and tempo of the module.
928 See the dumb_it_sd_*() equivalents of these functions for details on what
929 the speed and tempo mean.
931 Modules can set these values during playback, so your change may not last.
934int dumb_it_sr_get_channel_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr, int channel);
935void dumb_it_sr_set_channel_volume(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr, int channel,
936 int volume);
938 These functions obtain and set the current volume for the specified
939 channel. The channel parameter is 0-based (contrary to the display in most
940 trackers so be careful), and can range from 0 to DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS - 1,
941 i.e. from 0 to 63.
943 Modules can set their channel volumes during playback, so your changes may
944 not last.
947void dumb_it_sr_get_channel_state(DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *sr, int channel,
950 Returns the current playback state of the given channel. If you pass a
951 channel in the range 0 to DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS-1 (0 to 63), you will get the
952 state of the most recently played note on that physical channel, if it is
953 still playing. For MOD, S3M and XM files, that's all there is to it.
955 IT files can have more than one note playing on a single channel, courtesy
956 of New Note Actions. This function also lets you query all the notes that
957 have been forced into the background and are still playing. For this, set
958 'channel' to a value from DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS to DUMB_IT_TOTAL_CHANNELS-1.
959 DUMB_IT_TOTAL_CHANNELS is defined as follows:
964 Querying these background channels for MOD, S3M and XM files will not do
965 any harm; the function will report that these channels are inactive. For
966 all files, be sure not to query any channel numbers greater than or equal
969 You must provide a pointer to a preallocated DUMB_IT_CHANNEL_STATE struct.
970 The easiest way to do this is as follows:
973 dumb_it_sr_get_channel_state(sr, channel, &state);
975 or:
978 dumb_it_sr_get_channel_state(sr, channel, &state[channel]);
980 This struct contains the following fields:
982 int channel;
983 int sample;
984 int freq;
985 float volume;
986 unsigned char pan;
987 signed char subpan;
988 unsigned char filter_cutoff;
989 unsigned char filter_subcutoff;
990 unsigned char filter_resonance;
992 The first field to check is 'sample'; if this is 0, then the channel is
993 inactive and the other fields are undefined. Otherwise, it is the index of
994 the currently playing sample, and is 1-based.
996 The channel number is returned, 0-based. This will be the same as the
997 channel number you passed, unless you are querying a background channel in
998 which case it will represent the channel the note originated on.
1000 The freq field is the current playback frequency, taking into account all
1001 phenomena such as slides, vibrato and arpeggio.
1003 The volume field ranges from 0.0f to 1.0f. In practical terms, it will
1004 rarely reach 1.0f; if it does, the module is probably clipping a lot. This
1005 takes mixing volume into account, along with all the other volume
1006 phenomena in the IT file. The only one it doesn't take into account is the
1007 one you pass to duh_render() or duh_sigrenderer_get_samples(), or the one
1008 you passed to al_start_duh() (these are in fact the same thing).
1010 The pan field ranges from 0 to 64 for a normally panned sample, but will
1011 be 100 if the sample is playing using IT's surround mode where the right-
1012 hand channel is inverted. If you want a more accurate pan reading, use one
1013 of the following to get one:
1015 int scaled_pan = ((int)state.pan << 8) + state.subpan;
1016 float float_pan = state.pan + state.subpan / 256.0f;
1018 The first will give a scaled value ranging (strictly) from 0 to 64*256.
1019 The second will give a floating-point value whose scale corresponds to
1020 that of the pan field. These results will only be valid if surround mode
1021 is off, so you should check that pan <= 64 before using the above
1022 expressions. At the time of writing, pitch-pan separation and panning
1023 envelopes take advantage of the extra accuracy offered by subpan.
1025 Note that subpan is signed. This means applications that only look at the
1026 pan field will get an unbiased reading.
1028 The filter cut-off and resonance both range from 0 to 127. If the cut-off
1029 is 127 and the resonance is 0, then no filters are applied. These
1030 parameters only ever change from the default values for IT files.
1032 While IT allows you to set 127 different filter cut-off levels in the
1033 patterns and as a default value per instrument, it also allows you to
1034 create a filter envelope, which will result in an actual cut-off somewhere
1035 between 0 and the first-mentioned value. By the time this has been
1036 calculated, the actual cut-off may lie in between two levels on the
1037 original scale. If this is the case, filter_subcutoff will be nonzero and
1038 you can combine it with filter_cutoff. Typically you will want to use one
1039 of the following:
1041 int scaled_cutoff = ((int)state.filter_cutoff << 8) +
1042 state.filter_subcutoff;
1044 float float_cutoff = state.filter_cutoff +
1045 state.filter_subcutoff / 256.0f;
1047 The first will give you a scaled value whose maximum is 127*256. The
1048 second will give you a floating-point value whose scale corresponds to the
1049 scale used by filter_cutoff. These match the expressions given further up
1050 for pan and subpan, but in this case, filter_subcutoff is unsigned.
1052 Note that filter_subcutoff will always be zero if filter_cutoff is 127, so
1053 you need not check it if you simply wish to determine whether filters are
1054 being applied.
1058*** DUH Rendering Functions ***
1062 Use these functions to generate samples from a DUH. First you call
1063 duh_start_sigrenderer() with the DUH, the number of channels you want and
1064 the position at which you want to start. Then you use duh_render() or
1065 duh_sigrenderer_get_samples() to generate the samples. You can call these
1066 functions as many times as you like, and they will generate as many or as
1067 few samples as you require. When you have finished, call
1068 duh_end_sigrenderer().
1071DUH_SIGRENDERER *duh_start_sigrenderer
1072 (DUH *duh, int sig, int n_channels, long pos);
1074 Starts a DUH_SIGRENDERER off. This is the struct you can use to get
1075 samples from a DUH. This function does not generate any samples; you must
1076 pass the struct to duh_render() or duh_sigrenderer_get_samples() for that.
1077 When you have finished with it, you must pass it to duh_end_sigrenderer().
1078 You can use as many DUH_SIGRENDERER structs as you like at the same time.
1080 Set sig to 0 for now. Currently, n_channels can only be 1 or 2, for
1081 monaural and stereo sound respectively. The debugging library will cause
1082 your program to abort if you pass anything else. Future versions will be
1083 enhanced to support more channels as soon as someone needs them.
1085 When specifying the position, 0 represents the start of the DUH, and 65536
1086 represents one second. Unlike most other music systems, DUMB will always
1087 make sure every note is there right from the start (assuming you aren't
1088 using any broken add-ons). In other words, you can start a DUH at a point
1089 halfway through a long note, and you will still hear the long note.
1092void duh_sigrenderer_set_analyser_callback(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer,
1093 DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK callback, void *data);
1095 Installs a callback function which will be called every time the given
1096 sigrenderer is used to generate some samples. This can be used to create
1097 an oscilloscope or spectrum analyser. DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK is
1098 defined as follows:
1100 typedef void (*DUH_SIGRENDERER_ANALYSER_CALLBACK)(void *data,
1101 const sample_t *const *samples, int n_channels, long length);
1103 If the above confuses you, see fnptr.txt. As for the 'samples' parameter,
1104 the first 'const' says that the samples are read-only; the second says
1105 that each channel's sample pointer is also read-only. If you don't
1106 understand this, don't worry about it.
1108 Beware: your callback function may occasionally be called with
1109 samples == NULL. This means the main program has decided to skip through
1110 the music without generating any data (see duh_sigrenderer_get_samples()).
1111 You should handle this case elegantly, typically by returning immediately,
1112 but you may wish to make a note of the fact that the music is being
1113 skipped, for whatever reason.
1115 Beware again: if the main program ever calls duh_sigrenderer_get_samples()
1116 on a buffer that isn't all silence, this callback function will be passed
1117 the existing buffer after mixing, and thus it will include the original
1118 data. This will not be an issue if you stick to duh_render(), which always
1119 starts with a buffer filled with silence.
1121 The samples array is two-dimensional. Refer to it as follows:
1123 samples[channel_number][sample_position]
1125 where 0 <= channel_number < n_channels,
1126 and 0 <= sample_position < length.
1128 In addition you can pass any 'data' pointer you like to
1129 duh_sigrenderer_set_analyser_callback(), and this pointer will be relayed
1130 to your callback function each time.
1132 To remove the callback function, pass NULL to
1133 duh_sigrenderer_set_analyser_callback().
1136int duh_sigrenderer_get_n_channels(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer);
1138 Tells you how many channels a DUH_SIGRENDERER is set up to generate, or 0
1139 if it is invalid (perhaps owing to lack of memory). This will be 1 for
1140 monaural sound or 2 for stereo, in this release.
1143long duh_sigrenderer_get_position(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer);
1145 Tells you what position a DUH_SIGRENDERER is up to, or -1 if it is invalid
1146 (perhaps owing to lack of memory). As usual, 65536 is one second.
1149long duh_sigrenderer_get_samples(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer,
1150 float volume, float delta,
1151 long size, sample_t **samples);
1153 Generates some samples in DUMB's internal 32-bit format (see sample_t; see
1154 also duh_render()). The samples buffer is a two-dimensional array, and can
1155 be allocated with create_sample_buffer(); see
1156 duh_sigrenderer_set_analyser_callback() for details.
1157 duh_sigrenderer_get_samples() mixes sample data with what's already in the
1158 buffer, so you have to call dumb_silence() first.
1160 The volume is a float. 1.0f is the pseudo-maximum. If you pass 1.0f, any
1161 properly designed DUH will play nice and loud, but will not clip. You can
1162 pass a greater volume if you like, but be prepared for the possibility of
1163 distortion due to integer overflow. Of course you can pass smaller values
1164 to play the DUH more quietly, and this will also resolve clipping issues
1165 in badly designed DUHs.
1167 Use delta to control the speed of the output signal. If you pass 1.0f, the
1168 resultant signal will be suitable for a 65536-Hz sampling rate (which
1169 isn't a commonly used rate). The most common sampling rates are 11025 Hz,
1170 22050 Hz, 44100 Hz and 48000 Hz. You can work out the required delta value
1171 as follows:
1173 delta = 65536.0f / sampling_rate;
1175 If you then increase this value, the DUH will speed up and increase in
1176 pitch. If you decrease it, the DUH will slow down and decrease in pitch.
1178 This function will attempt to render 'size' samples. In most cases it will
1179 succeed. However, if the end of the DUH is reached, it may render fewer.
1180 The number of samples rendered will be returned. Therefore, if the return
1181 value is less than the value of 'size' passed, you know the DUH has
1182 finished. It is safe to continue calling duh_sigrenderer_get_samples() if
1183 you wish, and it will continually return 0.
1185 If the DUH_SIGRENDERER is a null pointer, this function will generate
1186 precisely 0 samples. If you pass NULL for 'samples', the function will
1187 behave exactly the same as if you provided a sample buffer, except the
1188 samples won't be stored anywhere and the function will execute very
1189 quickly. This can be used to skip ahead in the audio.
1192long duh_render(DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer,
1193 int bits, int unsign,
1194 float volume, float delta,
1195 long size, void *sptr);
1197 Generates some samples and converts them to an 8-bit or 16-bit format (see
1198 also duh_sigrenderer_get_samples()). Pass the DUH_SIGRENDERER as returned
1199 by duh_start_sigrenderer(). Pass the number of bits, which should be 8 or
1200 16. If unsign is nonzero, the samples will be unsigned (centred on 0x80 or
1201 0x8000 for 8 bits and 16 bits respectively). If unsign is zero, the
1202 samples will be signed.
1204 Allegro's audio streams always take unsigned samples. 8-bit .wav files
1205 always take unsigned samples. 16-bit .wav files always take signed
1206 samples.
1208 The volume and delta parameters work the same as for
1209 duh_sigrenderer_get_samples().
1211 This function will attempt to render 'size' samples. In most cases it will
1212 succeed. However, if the end of the DUH is reached, it may render fewer.
1213 The number of samples rendered will be returned. Therefore, if the return
1214 value is less than the value of 'size' passed, you know the DUH has
1215 finished. It is safe to continue calling duh_render() if you wish, and it
1216 will continually return 0. However, if you wish to do this, you will
1217 probably have to fill the rest of the buffer with silence, which is 0 for
1218 signed, 0x80 for 8-bit unsigned or 0x8000 for 16-bit unsigned.
1220 The samples will be placed at sptr. Use an array of chars for 8 bits or an
1221 array of shorts for 16 bits. Stereo samples will be interleaved, left
1222 first. Your array should contain at least (size * n_channels) elements of
1223 the appropriate bit resolution.
1225 From an aesthetic standpoint if nothing else, it is wise to use the C
1226 qualifiers 'signed' or 'unsigned' depending on whether the samples are
1227 signed or unsigned. This is also convenient if you wish to process the
1228 samples further yourself.
1230 If the DUH_SIGRENDERER is a null pointer, this function will generate
1231 precisely 0 samples. Unlike with duh_sigrenderer_get_samples(), you must
1232 specify a sample buffer.
1235void duh_end_sigrenderer(DUH_SIGRENDERER *dr);
1237 Terminates a DUH_SIGRENDERER. Be sure to call this when you've finished
1238 with one. You can safely pass a null pointer.
1242*** Allegro Packfile Support ***
1246void dumb_register_packfiles(void);
1248 This function registers the Allegro PACKFILE input module for use by
1249 DUMBFILEs. PACKFILE structs and their corresponding functions, as defined
1250 by Allegro's header file allegro.h, will be used internally for all
1251 DUMBFILE input (unless opened with dumbfile_open_ex()).
1253 This must be called before dumbfile_open() is used, or else an alternative
1254 system must be registered (see register_dumbfile_system() and
1255 dumb_register_stdfiles()). Note that you don't have to call this function
1256 in order to load datafiles that contain music.
1259DUMBFILE *dumbfile_open_packfile(PACKFILE *p);
1261 If you have an Allegro PACKFILE struct representing an open file, you can
1262 call this if you wish to read from it using a DUMBFILE. This is useful
1263 when you need to pass a DUMBFILE struct to a library function, to read an
1264 embedded music file for example. When you close the DUMBFILE, you can
1265 continue using the PACKFILE struct to read what follows the embedded data.
1268DUMBFILE *dumbfile_from_packfile(PACKFILE *p);
1270 This function is the same as dumbfile_open_packfile(), except it will
1271 check if p is NULL, and arrange for pack_fclose() to be called on the
1272 PACKFILE when you close the DUMBFILE. It can be seen as a function for
1273 converting a PACKFILE to a DUMBFILE, but it will only work for a PACKFILE
1274 you obtained with pack_fopen(), not pack_fopen_chunk(). If this function
1275 fails, which may happen if memory is short, then the PACKFILE will be
1276 closed immediately, so you need not worry about potential memory leaks or
1277 files being left open when this happens.
1279 The following is typical usage, and will open the compressed file foo.bin:
1281 DUMBFILE *f = dumbfile_from_packfile(pack_fopen("foo.bin",
1284 This differs from calling dumb_register_packfiles() and dumbfile_open() in
1285 that the latter will only read uncompressed files (and is thus a method
1286 suitable for reading music modules).
1290*** Allegro Datafile Registration Functions ***
1294void dumb_register_dat_it(long type);
1296 If you wish to embed an IT file in an Allegro datafile, it is recommended
1297 that you use "IT " for the type. The grabber will have a box for the type
1298 when you insert a new object. The grabber will treat the IT file as binary
1299 data, which means the datafile will contain an exact copy of the IT file
1300 on disk.
1302 You must then call dumb_register_dat_it(DUMB_DAT_IT) in your program
1303 before you load the datafile. Once you've done this, you'll be able to
1304 access the DUH using the usual datafile[n].dat notation. You do not need
1305 to call unload_duh() on this DUH; unload_datafile() will do that for you.
1307 If you are using a different type for whatever reason, you can use
1308 Allegro's DAT_ID() macro for encoding it and passing it to this function.
1309 For example:
1311 dumb_register_dat_it(DAT_ID('B','L','A','H'));
1313 Assuming you used the recommended type, the following example iterates
1314 through all the ITs in disan.dat:
1316 DATAFILE *dat;
1317 int n;
1319 dumb_register_dat_it();
1320 dat = load_datafile("disan.dat");
1322 for (n = 0; dat[n].type != DAT_END; n++) {
1323 if (dat[n].type == DUMB_DAT_IT) {
1324 DUH *duh = dat[n].dat;
1325 /* Insert code here to play 'duh' or whatever you want to do. */
1326 }
1327 }
1329 unload_datafile(dat);
1332void dumb_register_dat_xm(long type);
1334 Inserting an XM file in an Allegro datafile is the same as inserting an IT
1335 file, except that the recommended type is "XM ", the registration
1336 function is dumb_register_dat_xm(), and the macro DUMB_DAT_XM is provided
1337 for the type. The intuitive process of substituting XM for IT in the above
1338 method will work.
1341void dumb_register_dat_s3m(long type);
1343 Inserting an S3M file in an Allegro datafile is the same as inserting an
1344 IT file, except that the recommended type is "S3M ", the registration
1345 function is dumb_register_dat_s3m(), and the macro DUMB_DAT_S3M is
1346 provided for the type. The intuitive process of substituting S3M for IT in
1347 the above method will work.
1350void dumb_register_dat_mod(long type);
1352 Inserting a MOD file in an Allegro datafile is the same as inserting an IT
1353 file, except that the recommended type is "MOD ", the registration
1354 function is dumb_register_dat_mod(), and the macro DUMB_DAT_MOD is
1355 provided for the type. The intuitive process of substituting MOD for IT in
1356 the above method will work.
1360*** Sample Buffer Allocation Helpers ***
1364 Many parts of DUMB require sample buffers allocated in a special way. A
1365 pointer to one looks like this:
1367 sample_t **samples;
1369 and it can be indexed as follows:
1371 samples[channel_number][sample_position]
1373 where 0 <= channel_number < n_channels
1374 and 0 <= sample_position < length.
1376 The following helpers will allocate and deallocate such buffers for you.
1377 They will not initialise them, and DUMB always writes into these buffers
1378 by adding to what's already there, so you will generally have to call
1379 dumb_silence() too.
1382sample_t **create_sample_buffer(int n_channels, long length);
1384 This will allocate a sample buffer to hold the specified number of samples
1385 for the specified number of channels. Don't forget to check the return
1386 value!
1388 You will generally have to initialise the buffer by calling
1389 dumb_silence(); the channels will be stored consecutively in memory, so
1390 the following technique is officially supported:
1392 dumb_silence(samples[0], n_channels * length);
1394 See dumb_silence() for general information on what this function does.
1397void destroy_sample_buffer(sample_t **samples);
1399 This function does the obvious: it frees up a sample buffer when you've
1400 finished with it. It is safe to pass a null pointer to this function.
1404*** Silencing Helper ***
1408void dumb_silence(sample_t *samples, long length);
1410 This function simply stores 'length' samples' worth of silence in the
1411 array. It is typically used straight after allocating a sample buffer with
1412 create_sample_buffer().
1416*** Resampling Helpers ***
1420 Please forgive the odd section name; it has to do with DUMB's internal
1421 structure and the fact that the resampling algorithm is there not just for
1422 use in rendering module files but for use anywhere that a waveform needs
1423 resampling. Unfortunately DUMB's resampling algorithm is not ready to be
1424 documented and used yet. However, one thing can be documented, and that's
1425 the global variable controlling the resampling quality.
1427 (Ironically, even this variable has changed! See deprec.txt for
1428 information on what it used to do.)
1431int dumb_resampling_quality;
1433 Allows you to control the quality of all resampling that takes place. This
1434 may be set to any DUMB_RQ_* constant (except DUMB_RQ_N_LEVELS). Higher
1435 values will sound better, but lower values will use up less processor
1436 time. You may compare any two DUMB_RQ_* constants or values using the
1437 integer inequalities <, <=, > and >=; higher numbers represent higher-
1438 quality algorithms.
1440 #define DUMB_RQ_ALIASING
1442 | --___ 'Aliasing' has very noticeable and usually unwanted
1443 |__--- __ overtones. It will occasionally produce acceptable
1444 | ___-- results for noisy (impure) samples (or for cheap
1445 speakers!), but usually you will want to pay for
1446 the extra processor time, which isn't much, and go for linear
1447 interpolation.
1449 #define DUMB_RQ_LINEAR
1451 | __ Linear interpolation is a pretty good algorithm in most
1452 | / \ /\ cases. When resampling down a few octaves, however, you
1453 |/ \/ \__ may begin to notice unwanted high frequencies. You can
1454 reduce these by switching to cubic interpolation, but it
1455 will cost you some processor time.
1457 #define DUMB_RQ_CUBIC
1459 Cubic interpolation looks like a smooth curve to the eye, and will
1460 produce good results in most cases. At present this is the highest
1461 quality offered by DUMB, and also the default. While this may seem
1462 extravagant, GCC 3.x and an AthlonXP handle it quite well - and the
1463 general trend is for processors to get better!
1465 #define DUMB_RQ_N_LEVELS
1467 This represents the number of resampling quality levels DUMB provides.
1468 Values of dumb_resampling_quality from 0 to DUMB_RQ_N_LEVELS - 1 are
1469 valid. You can use this constant if you wish to offer the resampling
1470 quality as an option for the user.
1474*** Allegro DUH Playing Functions ***
1478 The functions in this section allow you to play back a DUH through
1479 Allegro's sound system. You must call Allegro's install_sound() function
1480 before you use them.
1483AL_DUH_PLAYER *al_start_duh(DUH *duh, int n_channels, long pos,
1484 float volume, long bufsize, int freq);
1486 Starts playing the specified DUH.
1488 An AL_DUH_PLAYER represents one instance of the DUH playing. If you wish,
1489 you can have two or more AL_DUH_PLAYERs going at the same time, for the
1490 same DUH or for different ones. Each uses one of Allegro's audio streams
1491 and hence one voice. The voice will be given priority 255 initially, so a
1492 build-up of sound effects will not cause your music streams to cut off (as
1493 long as you don't give all your sound effects priority 255!). You can
1494 change the priority of a stream with al_duh_set_priority(). See Allegro's
1495 documentation for more information on how voice priorities work.
1497 At present, n_channels can either be 1 or 2 for monaural or stereo
1498 respectively. If you use the debugging library, your program will abort if
1499 other values are passed; otherwise weird things will happen.
1501 The DUH will start playing from position 'pos'. 0 represents the start of
1502 the DUH, and 65536 represents one second. Unlike other music systems, DUMB
1503 will always make sure every note is there right from the start. In other
1504 words, you can start a DUH at a point halfway through a long note, and you
1505 will still hear the long note.
1507 The volume is a float. 1.0f is the pseudo-maximum. If you pass 1.0f, any
1508 properly designed DUH file will play nice and loud, but will not clip. You
1509 can pass a greater volume if you like, but be prepared for clipping to
1510 occur. Of course you can pass smaller values to play the DUH more quietly,
1511 and this will also resolve clipping issues in badly designed DUH files.
1513 You will need to pass the AL_DUH_PLAYER to other functions when you need
1514 to stop or pause the DUH, change its volume, or otherwise modify the way
1515 it is playing. You will also need to pass it to al_poll_duh() at regular
1516 intervals; if the sound is choppy, try calling al_poll_duh() more often.
1518 'bufsize' is the number of samples that will be rendered at once. 1024 is
1519 a suitable value for most purposes. The greater this is, the less often
1520 you will have to call al_poll_duh() - but when al_poll_duh() decides to
1521 fill the buffer, it will take longer doing so. If your game exhibits
1522 regular brief freezes, try reducing the buffer size. If the sound is
1523 choppy, however, you may have to increase it.
1525 'freq' specifies the sampling frequency at which the DUH should be
1526 rendered. At present there is no (official and portable) way of knowing
1527 the frequency at which Allegro is mixing - but if you do know that
1528 frequency, passing it here will give the highest quality sound. If you
1529 reduce it, the DUH will sound less crisp but use less processor time.
1531 When you have finished, you must pass the AL_DUH_PLAYER to al_stop_duh()
1532 to free up memory. Do not destroy the DUH beforehand.
1534 There is no real need to check the return value from this function. The
1535 other functions can be called safely with null pointers, so if there is a
1536 problem, your music will simply not play.
1539void al_stop_duh(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1541 This will stop an AL_DUH_PLAYER. You must call this when you have finished
1542 with it, before destroying the DUH. The pointer will no longer be valid on
1543 return from this function.
1546void al_pause_duh(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1548 This will pause an AL_DUH_PLAYER. Use al_resume_duh() when you want it to
1549 continue. You can safely call al_poll_duh() while the music is paused, and
1550 it will do nothing.
1553void al_resume_duh(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1555 Causes a paused AL_DUH_PLAYER to resume playing (see al_pause_duh()).
1558void al_duh_set_priority(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp, int priority);
1560 This will set the priority of the audio stream underlying an
1561 AL_DUH_PLAYER. The priority is an integer ranging from 0 to 255. When
1562 too many samples play at the same time, those with lower priorities will
1563 be cut. 128 is the usual default with Allegro, but DUMB overrides the
1564 default for all AL_DUH_PLAYER structs: they will be set up initially with
1565 priority 255, so your music won't be cut (unless you play too many other
1566 streams or samples with priority 255). See Allegro's documentation for
1567 more information on priorities.
1570void al_duh_set_volume(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp, float volume);
1572 This will set the volume of an AL_DUH_PLAYER. See al_start_duh() for
1573 details on the volume parameter.
1576int al_poll_duh(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1578 An AL_DUH_PLAYER is not interrupt-driven. That means it will not play by
1579 itself. You must keep it alive from your main program. Call this function
1580 at regular intervals. If the sound crackles, try calling it more often.
1581 (There is nothing you can do if Windows decides to play with the hard
1582 disk; that will make your sound crackle no matter what you do.)
1584 Normally this function will return zero. However, if it returns nonzero,
1585 that means the AL_DUH_PLAYER will not generate any more sound. Indeed the
1586 underlying audio stream and DUH_SIGRENDERER have been destroyed. When this
1587 happens, you can call al_stop_duh() whenever you wish - but you do not
1588 have to. Note that this function will wait two buffers' worth of samples
1589 before taking this action, allowing Allegro to mix the trailing sound
1590 before the audio stream is destroyed. This is an attempt to make sure your
1591 music does not get cut off prematurely, and it should work when using
1592 Allegro's mixer (the only option on DOS, the default on Linux as far as I
1593 know, but not the default on Windows). That said, if you immediately call
1594 Allegro's remove_sound() or exit your program, the music may get cut off.
1595 If you are using another mixer and experience problems, let me know (but I
1596 don't guarantee to be able to come up with an elegant solution, i.e. it
1597 might not get fixed).
1599 In case you were wondering, it is not safe on all platforms to call
1600 al_poll_duh() from an interrupt context (that means an Allegro timer
1601 handler). Not only is no part of DUMB locked in memory, but many parts of
1602 DUMB allocate and free their memory on a call-by-call basis! Remember that
1603 any disk access that occurs in interrupt context is likely to crash the
1604 machine; this is explained more fully in howto.txt. This limitation only
1605 applies to DOS at present, and is due to the fact that the DOS file access
1606 functions are not re-entrant.
1608 Multitasking systems are generally safe. If you are sure you don't want to
1609 target DOS, you can call al_poll_duh() from inside a timer handler, but I
1610 recommend including a construction like the following!
1612 #ifdef ALLEGRO_DOS
1613 #error calling al_poll_duh() from a timer handler will not work in DOS!
1614 #endif
1616 Furthermore, if you call al_poll_duh() from inside a timer handler, you
1617 must use a semaphore or other threading mechanism to make sure it is not
1618 executing when you call al_stop_duh(). If you don't know what a semaphore
1619 is, for Heaven's sake follow my advice and call al_poll_duh() from your
1620 main loop!
1623long al_duh_get_position(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1625 Tells you what position an AL_DUH_PLAYER is up to, or -1 if it is invalid
1626 (perhaps owing to lack of memory). As usual, 65536 is one second. Note
1627 that this is a whole number, whereas a fractional part is stored
1628 internally; the sample will not be continuous if you terminate the
1629 AL_DUH_PLAYER and then reinitiate it with the same position. Furthermore,
1630 note that Allegro will not have mixed in all the sound up to this point;
1631 if you wait for this to reach a certain position and then terminate the
1632 AL_DUH_PLAYER, the sound will cut off too early. Please contact me if you
1633 need to get around this.
1636AL_DUH_PLAYER *al_duh_encapsulate_sigrenderer
1637 (DUH_SIGRENDERER *sigrenderer, float volume, long bufsize, int freq);
1639 If you have a DUH_SIGRENDERER, and would like to start playing music from
1640 it through an Allegro audio stream, use this function. Beware that it may
1641 return NULL, in which case you will have to call duh_end_sigrenderer()
1642 yourself instead of relying on the encapsulating AL_DUH_PLAYER to do it
1643 for you.
1646DUH_SIGRENDERER *al_duh_get_sigrenderer(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1648 This returns the DUH_SIGRENDERER contained in an AL_DUH_PLAYER, useful for
1649 controlling playback, installing callbacks, etc.
1652DUH_SIGRENDERER *al_duh_decompose_to_sigrenderer(AL_DUH_PLAYER *dp);
1654 This destroys an AL_DUH_PLAYER, but preserves the DUH_SIGRENDERER it
1655 contains, and returns it to you. You can then continue rendering samples
1656 from the DUH_SIGRENDERER and do whatever you like with them.
1660*** Thread Safety ***
1664The following points should pretty much sum up the essence of DUMB's thread
1665safety. If I haven't covered the one thing you'd like to do, please don't
1666hesitate to ask about it.
1670- You may load and use multiple DUHs in separate threads.
1672- You may change dumb_resampling_quality and dumb_it_max_to_mix while another
1673 thread is generating samples.
1677- You may not generate samples from the same DUH in multiple threads, even if
1678 you are using separate DUH_RENDERERs (separate AL_DUH_PLAYERS).
1682*** Conclusion ***
1686"DUMB is the bestest music player in the world because ..."
1688Complete this sentence in fifteen words or fewer and receive a free copy of
1689DUMB! (Your Internet Service Provider may issue charges for your connection,
1690required for download of the Product. Your electricity supplier may issue
1691charges for the electricity consumed in writing the Product to a Permanent
1692Storage Device. You may have been charged for a Permanent Storage Device on
1693which to store the Product.)
1696Ben Davis
1698IRC EFnet #dumb
1699See readme.txt for details on using IRC.