# Nix package repository This repository contains various package derivations for the Nix ecosystem. These packages are either: - Not in [nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs) - Lifted from a PR in nixpkgs, but not merged yet Some of the packages were written by me, others were copied from PRs and added here for easy importing. If a derivation wasn't written by myself, this will be mentioned in the Nix file. ## Usage ### As a Nix channel Add this repository to your Nix channels: ``` $ nix-channel --add https://git.sixfoisneuf.fr/nixpkgs/snapshot/nixpkgs-master.tar.gz sixfoisneuf $ nix-channel --update ``` ### As a nixpkgs overlay Add this to your `configuration.nix`: ```nix { nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import "${fetchTarball "https://git.sixfoisneuf.fr/nixpkgs/snapshot/nixpkgs-master.tar.gz"}/overlay.nix") ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ passwdqc ] } ```